
Chapter 137

I dunno if it just me or everyone else but approaching the guards at the gate was extremely nerve-racking their official Armour.... their swords.... their weaponry... brought all this rule breaking into a whole new reality... We joined the queue slowly making our way out the city gates.

"Sister." The guards bowed their heads as they saw Daisy leading us, leaving a clear path for us to walk past without question.

"That was a lot easier than I expected." Jay whispered after making some distance from the city guard pulling down his hood.

Daisy let out a huge sigh of relief....."Thank Serra."

"Well let"s get to work... We don"t know how much time we have but it"s still daytime." Grace reminded us.

"You"re right... Jay you"re with me.... Grace you go with Emilia and Daisy…." Helen ordered.

"Okay... We got the left side you got the right... and work your way down." Grace agreed.

"If anything happens shoot a spell into the sky so we know where you are and we"ll head to you right away." Jay added.

Quickly we began working our way through the refugee tents... trying to persuade as many as we could to pick up their things and head into the city as quickly as possible. Some refused to believe us putting more belief and trust on the city that didn"t care for them..... The rest heeding our warning and picking up their belongings quickly and began making their way to the city gates.

Barely even making past the tenth tent.... An eerie feeling enveloped my body.... "Do you feel that guys?..." I asked curiously looking into the bright sky.

"This feeling... It"s not good....." Daisy replied also looking into the sky.

"We need to go back...." Grace stuttered also feeling this strange presence.

Is this what they call the calm before the storm?....... Everything was silent... strangely tranquil... "Emilia we need to get back!" Grace said grabbing my arm shaking me back to reality, her expression has never been so serious since we"ve met.... her eyes and voice filled with worry and fear.

"Not yet!!! I need to reach the Fox Family!!!" I replied back to her.

"I"ll go with Emilia... we"ll get the Fox family!!! Grace you look for the other two and let them know!!! Shoot a fire bolt into the sky every so often so we can rendezvous with you." She order and without warning or waiting dragged me to the Fox Families tent, Grace gave one firm nod before running towards the direction of Helen and Jay.

"Emilia!!! We have no time to waste!!" Daisy said beginning to run.

"What is that feeling?!!!" I asked running after her.

"I don"t know but every bone in my body is telling me that something bad is going to happen." She answered without even looking back.

"I think it"s that tent!" I yelled pointing at the tent I recognize we visited earlier.

Quickly we bust our way into the tent causing the Fox family to jump in shock. "Quickly we need to go!" Daisy ordered them.

"Wait wait wait... what"s going on??!!" The mum questioned in shock.

"We don"t have time we need to go NOW!" Daisy ordered picking up one of the fox girls.

"Okay okay... lemme grab some things!!" She replied.

"Quickly we need to leave right now!" Daisy ordered her in a panic.

"Okay okay...." The mum answered grabbing what she can and began to leave.

"Let me....." I said grabbing her things and putting it into my pouch.

The mum quickly grabbed Keiko and gave us a nod. "Whatever happens you need to make it into the city okay?... Fight your way through if you must!" I informed her.

Leaving the tent Daisy and Aimaki began running to the city gates, but a part of me couldn"t just leave all the other refugees to die..... But what can I do?... as thousands of stupid and ridiculous plans began whizzing through my head.

"EMILIA!!! WE NEED TO G O!!!" Daisy yelled out to me.


She starred at me as if to argue..."MAKE SURE YOU COME BACK IN ONE PIECE!!!" She shouted giving me a firm nod and began running back to the city.

Taking a deep breath and calming my nerves I quickly began running back to the far end of the camp still unsure what I can even possibly do to even warn so many people at one time. "EVERYONE PLEASE MAKE YOUR WAY TO THE CITY!!! WE"RE UNDER ATTACK!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs trying to reach whoever I could.

Some families came out their tents to check on the commotion, "Please!!! Run to the city it"s not safe here.... And warn everyone you can!!" I tried to communicate to them barley being able to catch my breath.

"Okay okay!!! They nodded and began making the way into the city spreading the word, but that wasn"t enough everyone at the end of the camp are still unaware.

"f.u.c.k" I cursed and carried on running trying to warn everyone, never before have I felt such fear... This feeling filling my bones with dread like my life would end soon. I could feel it... this is it.... the moment of dread...... Four gigantic pitch black beams shot up from the floor into the sky letting out a strange sound causing everyone to walk out their tents witnessing the spectacle.

The sounds of drums and howling of voices began to echo throughout the surrounding area.... as the bright sunlit sky began to darken.... "Was this their plan all along? Attacking during the day when we least expect it?..." I thought to myself...

The entire refugee camp began to scream in panic... "QUICKLY TO THE CITY!!!" I screamed at the top of my voice holding my wand out into the sky and began launching off firebolts into the sky trying to incite everyone to run to the city.

"RUN RUN!!!!" I screamed to everyone..... As everything became a mad panic for survival.

A nearby old man collapsed in the chaos being ignored by everyone running pa.s.s or over him..... "What could have possibly changed in me that made me pick to help the old man I never knew over running from my life... Like I"m some sort of hero willing to sacrifice myself to help those in need......"

"Sir it"s okay!!! Quickly make it back to the city please...." I shouted to him through all the commotion helping him up.

It was hopeless... after helping up the old man there were just more and more people who needed help..... How can I possibly save everyone?..... Accepting the truth I turned around and began to run for my life like everyone else... In the distance I can see a blue firebolt launched into the sky and a Beam of yellow light nearby that must have been Daisy.... but they were so far away...... For the first time since I"ve arrived I was alone.... No one here to help me.... I must rely on myself.