
Chapter 139

"Ohh my G.o.d, Paul?!" I answered recognizing his voice….. like a beacon of hope I felt like there was finally a light at the end of the tunnel.

"Yeah!.... where are you?.... you and your friends weren"t with the returning group..." He asked sounding extremely worried.

"I don"t have time to explain!!! We need your help!" I said in a panicked tone

"What"s going on?.." He panicked hearing my voice.

"There"s people here they need help...." I begged him.

"Quickly explain to me the situation." He instantly replied.

"There"s lots of injured refugee"s here.... They won"t make it to the city." I explained.

"Okay.... I"m coming... This is very important.... I need you to or make an empty s.p.a.ce around a meter in diameter and send me a signal." He urgently replied sounding more and more panicked.

"Okay okay...." Instantly replied scanning the surrounding area... "I see one... I"m running to it now." I relayed to him.

"Just stay calm.... I"m here with you." He replied speaking softly trying to rea.s.sure me.

"Okay!!! I"m here..... I"m sending the signal now!" I told him speaking as quickly as I could.

"Stay there!!! I"m coming!!! And cover your ears." He replied as if in a rush.

I waited for a what felt like an eternity staring towards the city eagerly waiting for him, suddenly in the distance a small bolt of lightning flashed, then instantly another a little closer, then another and another in quick succession till one finally stuck the floor nearby, the lightning flash forcing me to shield my eyes.

"Emila what are you doing so far out!" Paul"s void yelled out to me.

"Paul!!!" I shouted back opening my eyes to see Paul in his usual clothing with a set of heavily armoured guards.

"Are you okay?.." He asked me grasping my face gently looking into my eyes.

"Yes I"m okay....." I smiled trying to hold back my tears of joy.

"Okay..... Let"s go." He said grabbing my hand.

"We need to save everyone..." I quietly requested.

"......" He paused in silence for a few seconds, "Okay okay..... Tell me what"s going on." He requested.

"We were attack by these panthers... and I stayed to help who I could... but they won"t make it." I explained.

"Make it?.." he questioned.

"Yes there"s over a hundred of Dark Elves approaching." I informed him the guards quickly stepped into action surrounding us weapons drawn, but one girl with long black hair wearing normal clothing with red leather finger less gloves stood still listening.

"Jesus that must be a b.l.o.o.d.y full invasion....." He muttered appearing to think, "f.u.c.king I did not bring the right people with me....." He cursed himself.

"Emilia we have no time to lose!!!!..... Once you get back to the city you need to find the Deputy Head mistress.... tell her it"s a full scale invasion, they need evacuate the front of the city back to the middle district and you need to find Jila.... and tell her to pair with Emergency teleporter six in a large empty area in the middle district.... Six remember!! It"s very important." He quickly explained to me looking extremely stressed and worried, "Yuna!!!" He turned around to speak to the girl.

"Yes sir!" She saluted him.

"Take Emilia and get to the Deputy Head Mistress.... I don"t know how long you have..... I"ll try and hold off the main invasion force as long as I can." He explained to her.

"But sir.... I need to protect you..." She insisted.

"I"ll be okay... The guards here will be sufficient enough." He explained.

"I don"t want to leave you.." I instinctively replied hearing he"s going to remain behind.

"We don"t have time to argue..... You need to leave now!" He ordered.

"I"m not going..." I replied firmly.

"You need to go!!! It"s not safe here..... And I don"t know how long I can hold my barrier... Remember Six!!!.... everyone"s lives here depends on the teleporter pairing." He explained looking into my eyes completely serious.

I nodded firmly reluctantly agreeing... "Come back alive okay?" I requested sincerely.

"I"ll try..." he smiled happy I changed my mind.

"Promise?.." I asked.

".... I promise...." He smiled.

"Okay....." I smiled back.

"Let"s go!!" Yuna waited for me.

"Yuna where you see the last body draw the 7th rune on the floor and release a flare for me." He ordered Yuna.

"Yes sir!" Yuna responded and began running towards the city.

"Be fast and remember what you must do!!!" He smiled at me placing a hand on my shoulder causing an immense amount of Arcanum surged into my body.

"Okay!" I nodded firmly and turned to Yuna surprisingly extremely quickly... my body extremely fast.....

"Okay you guards I need each of you to head in these direct...." His orders faded as I ran after Yuna leaving Paul Behind.

"Is this the haste spell?....." I thought to myself barely catching up to Yuna. "What"s going to happen?.." I tried to ask Yuna as I reached her.

"I don"t know myself.... But it"s going to be big if he wants to evacuate the lower city." She explained.

"Run ahead and finish his plan.... I"ve gotta draw the runes and the flare a little ahead." She pointed out ahead of her.

"Stay safe." I smiled nodding to her.

"You too..." She smiled and slowed down to complete her mission.

Within a few seconds I can see behind me a bright red light shoot up into the sky behind me, and within a few seconds a second slightly dimmer yellow light appeared. Looking back for a second, approximately where Yuna set the flare now laid a huge yellow cube almost exactly the same as the one seen on the first day I arrived.

Within second Yuna was running side by side with me.... "Okay.... so I"ll run on ahead..... We"re gonna need to clear a path for you..... I will be setting off an Amber Flares, Amber flares are for students that require emergency a.s.sistance..... Once we clear a path.... you need to make it through and finish your mission." She instructed me.

"Okay." I nodded.

The silhouette of the city quickly came into view along with what seemed to me many humanoid figures. "c.r.a.p... Wait here." Yuna instructed.

"What"s wrong?.." I asked a little concerned coming to a stop.

"They seemed to have increased their numbers...." She pondered, "Now would be a b.l.o.o.d.y great time to have a caster right about now...." She cursed.

"Are all those Dark Elves?.." I asked absolutely shocked.

"Yes.... and no doubt if I set off a Flare we would quickly get over whelmed before back up arrives... and I"m not a caster so we can"t just jump into the city....." She whispered hiding behind some bushes.

"Is Ashley here?.." I whispered hiding beside Yuna.

"I don"t think so...." She answered.

"d.a.m.n......." I cursed looking back at Paul...... His barrier seems under siege.... flashing in random intervals and an occasional big bright white beam beaming down on it. "We need to hurry..... It looks like Paul is in bad shape..." I notified her.

"I know.... I know..... d.a.m.nit" she cursed thinking what on earth we can do.... "f.u.c.k.... okay this is what we"ll do.... I"ll set off the amber flare.... once that happens..... stay behind me I"ll do my best to protect you at all costs... and once I give you the signal I"ll throw you to the city once the reinforcement members clears a small opening..." she instructed.

"What about you?..." I questioned worried.....

"Don"t worry about me...." She smiled.

"You"re gonna survive right?..." I questioned extremely worried.

"Don"t worry I"m not ready to die yet..... And once reinforcements reach me it should be okay..... but your mission is paramount….." She answered.

"There must be another way!!! There"s no way you can hold of an army..." I argued...

"You need to think about everyone in the city.... and Believe in Paul"s plan...." she smiled.

"Okay....." I nodded bravely.

"You"ve a good heart. Welcome to Atlantis." She nudged me smiling.

"Are you ready?..." She asked with a smile.

"Yes....." I nodded.

"Okay....." she replied closing her eyes.