
Chapter 153

"So do you know what"s wrong with Paul??...." I asked curiously...

"You mean why he was in such a bad condition?....." She questioned.

"Yeah....." I hesitantly replied my mind began rolling through the worse possible outcome over and over again.

"From wait I saw..... He overextended himself too much..... I"m sure all he needs is a bit of rest." She smiled.

"If he needs rest.... shouldn"t he be here??..." I questioned.

"This ward is only for minor injuries..... For more critical conditioned students they are moved to a critical condition ward..." She answered.

"Is there something special with the wards??..." I inquired.

"Yes.... the infirmary wards naturally help in the healing process using the world trees energy... the critical condition ward is closer to the tree... allows patients to recover faster from procedures." She explained..... "How about you take a small rest.... and I"ll go see if there"s an update on his condition okay??....." She smiled placing a hand on mine.

"Okay..." I nodded.

"I won"t be long....." She replied straightening her clothes and headed out the way we entered. "Ohh.... Emilia... you have a special guest...." She looked back at me and smiled opening both doors.

I cried in joy instantly recognising Paul getting wheeled in on a wheelchair by another student with that stupid smile on his face. "You"re alive!!" I yelled running to him and dropping to my knees before him... "I"m so sorry!!" I sobbed into his legs.

"Hey..... Are you okay?...." She said lifting my head.

"I... I... I... thought you died!!!" I sobbed uncontrollably.

"Silly girl...." he said patting me on my head.

"Is there something wrong with your legs?..." I asked still crying.

"Nah..... just need some rest and recovery time." He smiled without an ounce of worry in him.

"I was so worried for you!!!" I carried on sobbing.

"I"m sorry for making you worry with a smile on his face.

"Umm Paul may I ask a question?.." Alice asked politely.

"Sure..." He accepted her request.

"What did you do and how did you survive?.." She questioned sounding thoroughly intrigued.

"You mean what I did to the Dark Elf army?..." He asked in a saddened tone.

"Yes.... if you don"t mind me asking."

"Luckily for us.... Emilia called me to help some refugees.... that allowed me to see the true extent of their forces...... High Priestesses and priestesses a battalion of Female warriors and a near endless supply of male fighters as far as I could see.... So I needed help from some friends..." He explained to her. "So as you can see Emilia.... you and your friends were the ones that actually saved the city and many students of Atlantis." Pauls lifted my head and smiled.

"But you almost died...." I disagreed with him.

"Yes how did you survive exhausting yourself so much?.." Alice questioned.

"Ahhh ..... Kind of sucks to be honest..... I lost a really expensive artifact sadly" he sighed scratching his head..... "It"s a special amulet that upon the wearer"s death... their soul is contained in the crystal instead of moving on to the afterlife.... From there Doctor Macros knew what to do." He smiled.

"What did it feel like?...." I asked hearing the story still blaming myself that he actually did die.....

"It was like going to sleep.... and waking up again..." He explained.

"Why was you so stupid?!!" I shouted at him.

"It was a calculated decision... I had the artifact... and Atlantis and the city guards would have easily be overwhelmed....." He tried to explain.

"YOU should have done something else!!!! Something that wouldn"t result in giving up your life!!" I shouted at him pounding his leg.

"Ey ey ey chill out…. Stop hitting a cripple..." he chuckled holding my hands, "I"m okay... and I tried to save as many lives as I could...." he smiled.

"Are you gonna be like this forever?..." I asked him calming down a little.

"Ahhhhh.... Hmmmm maybe in a week I"ll be back to full strength." He smiled.

"A week???!" I looked at him in shock.

"Well..... At least now we can spend more time together.... we have alot of catching up to do." He smiled with a cheeky grin.

"You"re a stupid idiot.." I said standing up and kicking him.

"Well Paul... It looks like you"re doing fine." Alice smiled.

"Thanks for taking care of her Alice." Paul smiled causing her to look at him in shock, "Shocked that I know your name huh?" He chuckled.

"A little...." She laughed.

"Someone as talented as yourself.... I was surprised when I heard you joined the Medical Division.." He smiled.

"I felt my talents were better used for healing...." She smiled.

"You"ll become a great doctor and healer." He smiled giving her a nod.

"Thank you.... Paul...." She smiled and took the other student away.

"Let"s get going...." Paul said and began to pushing the wheels to move himself.

"Let me..." I said grabbing the handles to push him.

"Thanks...." he replied but I can tell that he was smiling.

"Was there really nothing else you could do?.." I asked again now I calmed down a little.

"Hmmm.... Maybe if I had more time.... but under the circ.u.mstances I feel this was the best way." He answered earnestly.

"Don"t throw away your life so easily..." I pleaded with him.

"....... We only just met again after 6 or 7 years.... you know I won"t throw away such an opportunity...." he laughed.

"You"re such an idiot.." I replied slapping his head.

"Owww!!! Injured person here!!" He reminded me.

"Did you really... die?...." I asked him honestly.

"You could say I did...... Barriers aren"t an impenetrable force as you might have initially thought...... them require alot of concentration..... And is extremely strenuous to the caster.... especially when under siege..." He explained to me.

"And since you was forced to use two... that"s why you was spent?..." I asked nodding in understanding.

"Yeah... Especially when I had to make such large ones and taking such heavy strikes from their moon beams.." He explained further.

"So what was the thing that you shot through your portals?.." I asked curiously.

"Ahhhh.... that was thanks to the a.s.sistance of two good friends of mine... Two high admirals in the Grand Sky Fleet of Aspa... Maybe one day I can bring you aboard one... it"s truly breath taking." He answered.

"Grand Sky Fleet?..." I questioned wondering if it"s really what the name suggests.

"Yup... they both captain a t.i.tan cla.s.s vessel... truly a sight...... Aspa"s Sky Fleet consists of hundreds of Sky Ships.... the Grand Admiral and the five High Admirals each pilot a t.i.tan Cla.s.s vessel who each alone carry enough firepower to level a large city." Paul explained.

"And you asked for the a.s.sistance of two of those t.i.tans?.." I questioned.

"Yeah..... Luckily they owe me... a favour or two.... plus.... they are pretty nice girls…." He smiled.

"What made the Dark Elves invade the city?..." I questioned.

"I"m in the dark as much as you are to be honest..... Hopefully there"s some survivors for questioning..... But I don"t think there has ever been a time where a Dark Elf has tried to take a surface city to be honest." He wondered.

"Is scarlet okay?..." I questioned worried for her.

"I"m sure she is..... She"s probably busy handling another threat." He answered.

"What other threat could there have been?..." I asked.

"Well it"s odd that they didn"t use any siege creatures.... I would have expected them to use them to breach city walls.... Maybe she"s busy stopping them." He suggested.

"How comes Ashley wasn"t there?..." I asked.

"Ashley is better when given time to prepare and aware of the whole situation... besides I don"t have any say on which students and departments get deployed." He shrugged.

"Paul did you use the runes on your arms?..." I questioned feeling worried for him.

"Yes sadly..." He answered.

"Honestly what are they?..." I questioned.

"Hmmm how to best explain them..... They are like batteries.... I can expend them to give me a giant boost of power... I can only safely release one with little to no detrimental effects..... Releasing two is extremely taxing on me..... And anything more than three would most likely result in me signing away my life..." He explained.

"Then why the h.e.l.l do you have SIX??!! You stupid idiot." I yelled at him in anger.

"My previous mentor drew six on me....... I dunno why....." He answered.

"Is it something you need more training on?..." I questioned.

"I would say so... But I"m very reluctant to try.... because you know.... the chance of death..." He quietly answered.... "It"s also pretty hard to train with it as it also puts me out of action for days...." He answered.

"So you can"t do much for a week?.." I asked.

"Yeah.... I should regain the use of my legs in a few days.... but I"ll still be pretty weak ...." He answered.