
Chapter 155

"Emilia!!! You"re safe!!!!" Daisy"s familiar voice yelled running towards me.

"Hey guys!!! You all made it back!" I smiled noticing everyone was together.

"Yeah..... We were a little worried.. Even though we knew you was safe with Paul..." They all smiled.

"How is he?... He must be pretty spent..." Jay asked.

"Umm he"s okay now..... There was a little scare but he"s okay now." I smiled.

"SEE Grace!!! He"s the best did you see how he wiped them all out!!!! Travis has nothing over him!" Daisy gushed in awe.

"Whatever... But I must admit though what he did was pretty amazing." Grace replied stubbornly.

"How did you guys hold up?.." I asked a little worried.

"Luckily Helen and Grace warned us about the moon beam before it hit..... We ran for cover but we were pretty lucky Paul"s barrier protected us to be honest." Jay explained.

"Yeh I think we were all lucky there...." I answered.

"You did well for a newbie." A voice I"ve heard before spoke out to us causing everyone to turn around taking a step back in shock. "Emilia….. Right?..." Travis asked with a large rectangular case strapped to his back.

"Ummm yeahh... how did you know?..." I asked in shock.

"Remember we met last week." He smiled with a grin causing Grace to look at me in complete shock and betrayal.

"Anyways just wanted say nicely done with the Displacement Panthers...." He smiled.

"Ohh that was you?.." I asked remembering what happened.

"Yeah..... And I used my Flak shots to clear your path....." He added.

"Ohhh thanks for saving me." I faked a smile uninterested in becoming one of his numbers.....

"No problems... you know my room... come by with dinner tomorrow, I"ll be waiting." He c.o.c.kily demanded and walked away.

"Wait what..." I replied shocked at his forwardness and the absurdity of it.

"Its common etiquette in Atlantis to buy someone a drink or dinner if they save you." She yelled out without even tuning around and joining a pair of students watching him, and began walking off into Atlantis.

"Emilia you have explaining to do!!!" Grace shouted in a whispered tone one they walked away abit.

".... Nothing happened... we just crossed paths I swear it...." I waved my hands in defence.

"Well.... well well..... Both Paul and Travis.... you minx." Jay laughed so hard at his own joke.

"Be respectful!" Helen said slapping him in the back of the head.

"Emilia!!! This is unfair!!!" You can"t have both….. You can have Travis and I"ll take Paul!!!" Daisy requested giving me an eager nod.

"Wait what?!!" Grace looked at her in shock.

"Woah guys..... Chill.... I pick no one..." I answered everyone laughing finding this whole school crush thing amusing.

"Alright guys…. You heard the Deputy Headmistress.... we need to go infirmary to get ourselves check out." Helen smiled pushing everyone to begin walking.

"How did he save you?.. What did he do.." Grace gushed in excitement eager to hear what happened.

"Nothing special.... there were these big black panthers with two or three spiked tipped tails…..... They came in pairs... and would shimmer oddly.... they attacked the refugees..... Me and him worked together to identify the real ones.... and he sniped them saving almost all of us." I explained to her..... "Then when I was trying to make it back to the city with Yuna.... there were a set of large explosive impacts blowing a hole for me to get back." I added.

"Wow..... I wish that was me..." Grace gushed excited by the thought.

"What did he mean by Flak?.." Jay asked pondering on what he said.

"In my world... that"s normally a large cannon that shoots large explosive rounds normally." I explained.

"Woah... how does he have a cannon!!!" Grace asked in shock.

"I dunno... ask him." I said totally uninterested in him.

"Pshhh... Did you not see what Paul did??!!! He made a barrier that extended through half the city!!!!..... Then opened up portals blowing away the entire Dark Elf army.... and you"re gushing over a few beast kills and some explosive shots..." Daisy pointed out like feeling the need to defend Paul.

"I must admit..... He really does live up to his reputation..." Jay agreed smiling....

"I agree..... I don"t even know what spell he used on them." Helen nodded.

"It wasn"t a spell..... He explained to me it was a combined effort of his portals and the Aspa sky ship fleet." I answered.

"Wait you mean the Grand Sky Fleet of Aspa?!" Jay gasped in absolute shock.

"You know what it is?...." I asked surprised how Jay knows and he"s not even a citizen of Aspa....

"Of course!!! ..... It"s literally fleet of hundreds of sky fleet..... And the Top five ranked commanders and the High commander pilot staggeringly large ones.... each with enough firepower to annihilate a city!!!" Jay explained in excitement.

"Yeah... Paul said he was friends with two High Admirals..... And requested fire support." I answered.

"Really??!!" he asked in shock.

"Yup.... that"s what he told me." I smiled.

"Wow....." He gushed lost in imagination.

"I wonder how many students we lost..." Helen pondered noticing the sheer amount of injured students slowly entering into the infirmary.

"I think the Deputy Headmistress said we had a lot of wounded.... but sadly one fatality...." I answered.

".... Wow that"s quite the miracle he performed... only one fatality…." Helen nodded.

"You know what.... let"s just head back to the dorms..... I can regain abit of healing with abit of rest." Daisy suggested seeing the crowd.

"Yeah.... to be honest I think we"ll just be taking up precious beds and s.p.a.ce if we did end up going." Jay agreed.

"Yeah.... I can cast a ritual to heal us... no problems." Helen agreed with a smile.

"By the way..... did you see Scarlet?... we caught a glimpse of her on the way back to Atlantis." Helen asked me.

"Yeah I did....." I smiled.

"What was she doing?.." Helen questioned.

"Apparently..... They tried to ambush her with a decent number... she effortlessly dealt with them... then proceeded to take on ten Juggernauts....." I informed them.

"Wait.... what...." She asked in disbelief.

"I mean…. You guys seen and heard of her exploits?.... I"m not surprised to be honest." Jay nodded in agreement.

"By the way what are they?.." I asked hoping to learn more about them.

"Well you know the small golems we have in the school...." She asked me.

"Yeah... the ones the size of us?.." I questioned.

"Yeah well... Juggernauts are the Dwarves answer to big threats.... each one are as tall as a normal building armed with two giant fists able to demolish buildings in one punch..... And interchangeable weaponry spamming to small arms fire to large explosives...." Grace described it to us.

"They are also notoriously resistant to all forms of damage..... Because they are forged with Mithril and enchanted with runes." Helen added.

"Just how strong is Paul and Scarlet?..." I wondered in amazement.

"There is a reason why.... that despite Atlantis being considered the weaker of the all the Inst.i.tutes.... and have the least fire power.... that none of the schools dare to even start conflict in Arcadian Borders." Jay explained.

"But how can two people stop an Army?..." I asked in disbelief....

"Don"t know myself…. but maybe we can ask next time we see them." Jay smiled.

"Hmmmm so I need to buy Jay and Yuna a drink of dinner huh?.." I ponder....

"Don"t forget Travis as well.." Jay chuckled.

"Forget him..." I disregarded his comment instantly antic.i.p.ating what he was gonna say.

"Well how about I pay for it?... and you give it to him?" Grace asked.

"Nope.... don"t want him getting the wrong idea." I instantly shot down her request.

"Pleaseeeeeeee..... I"ll make it up to you!!" She begged.

".... Fine..... But only if you add a note saying it from you..." I demanded after thinking about it for a few seconds….. Unable to resist her begging.

"Yes of course!!!" she literally jumped with joy and quickly ran to Helen.

"HELEN!!! What drinks do you think he would like.....???!!!" she instantly began to plan...

"..... Elven wine???...???...." She suggested but sounded more like a question then an answer.

"Jay!!! What wines do you humans like???..!!!!" She asked him demanding an answer.

"I dunno..... I was never into alcohol." He laughed at the situation.....