
Chapter 163

"So Ashley did you make your own arm?.." Helen said looking at it as we waited together looking towards the north side of Atlantis sitting on surprisingly soft and natural smelling gra.s.s.

"Yes I did." He smiled.

"How far does it go?.." She questioned.

"It"s about half way up my bicep.... but it forms around my shoulder" He answered showing us where his arm ended with his other hand.

"Have you ever thought of getting it healed?" She questioned.

"Hmmmm at times but this arm is kinda better anyways.." He answrrrrrrrrrrrrrrered.

"So you can heal limbs?" I questioned feeling curious how far healing magic can go.

"Arch Druids can heal lost limbs.." Helen answered.

"With enough healing magic.. I can fix severed limbs if the other part is still there." Daisy added.

"Is there anything that can"t be healed by magic?" I questioned.

"Yes there are a few diseases that can"t be healed by magic.. one in paticular is devesating where the use of magic would actually accellerate the process shorteneing the patients life." Daisy answered.

"Wow so magic isn"t the answer to everything." I replied.

"By the way where did Morgana go?" Grace questioned noticing she didn"t agree to come see the arrival of the sky fleet with us.

"Shes on a mission." Ashley answered.

"Mission?" We all questioned.

"Yes.. I suspect there"s a group of students planning something, I don"t quite know their motives yet but Morgana being a natural loner has its benefits." Ashely explained.

"What? How? Why?" we all questioned.

"So far we have no idea why or what they are doing, neither can I link their group to the attack on the school.." He answered, "I initially suspected their target was Paul or Scarlet as a Demon Lord was summoned onto them.. But they dispatched it with ease, so that doesn"t make any sense. So my next target possible target must have been a student"s.. Taking advantage of the commotion.. But there has been no reports of missing students.. So I"m at a lost." Ashley explained in a hushed tone. "All I know for sure.. Is that they must be pretty dangerous to have met a Demon lord and being knowledgably of the school system enough to change the simulations and erase their logs on the system.." Ashley carried on explaining.

"So what has morgana discovered so far?" I questioned.

"So far she"s identified five or so individuals that seem to be moving around Atlantis late at night when most students would be sleeping." He answered.

"Where have they been visiting?" I questioned.

"That"s also something puzzling they have never visited or seen going into any important buildings or departments in the school." Ashley answered.

"Don"t worry Ashley we"ll get on it." Daisy answered with a giant smile.

"Just do recon for now.. We don"t want to spook them." Ashely warned.

"Have there been any incidents before?" I questioned.

"A few but they don"t see connected.. Some attempts of sabotage and rivalries between student groups but nothing on this level." He answered.

"So it"s got to be linked to this year"s lot of students." I concluded.

"That"s what I suspect.. Something happened this year that has made them go into action.. Be it a target.. or more of their numbers arriving." Ashley answered.

"What races are the identified students?" Helen asked.

"So far all seem to be human.. But there"s only a handful of non-humans in Atlantis." Ashely answered.

"We"ll keep an eye out, don"t worry you can trust us." Grace said to Ashley sounding very serious.

"I know that"s why I had to ask you all for help.. Since you guys are also first years and well haven"t made a name for yourselves, well except for Emilia." Ashley chuckled.

"Wait what?" I questioned in shock.

"Well you see although Paul being quite friendly to all students of Atlantis he hasn"t really showed any favouritism to anyone in particular except Scarlet, Emilia and Calista." Ashley laughed.

"Really....." I sighed instantly recognising the school drama love triangle.

"Don"t think anything of it.. Just rumours and childish thoughts." Jay chuckled with Ashley, from the corner of my eye I could see Daisy fuming secretly.

"OHHH I see something!!" Grace yelled out pointing into the distant light blue sky.

"Ohh yeah something is coming towards us." Helen agreed causing the rest of us to look into the blank blue sky seeing nothing.

Eventually a small black dot appeared in the distance glowing bigger and bigger by each pa.s.sing second. "Ohh that"s the frigate." Ashley pointed point a smile of pure excitement creeping onto his face.

As the frigate neared its wing span was tiny making me question how on earth it even flies. As it neared it released a dense green cloud into the air before making a smooth turn along the north side of Atlantis showing us the side of the Frigate. Its wings were in fact tiny almost non-existent making me question why there were wings on there anyways. It was armed with two set of turrets on each side on the front of the frigate. It was powered by some sort of thruster technology similar to jets from home. It looked very modern but also a bit rustic in design, very clunky looking not very aerodynamic in design.

"Ohh its coming!" Ashley squealed in excitement as the frigate flew away making another pa.s.s along Atlantis releasing fireworks causing all the students around us to cheer in excitement. After its pa.s.s it began flying away from Atlantis ejecting a large looking purple glowing canister resembling a gas canister that levitated into the air, still traveling along the side of Atlantis it released a second canister with a grey glow and flew away gaining distance from the canisters.

"Here it comes!" Ashely said in excitement, in one defining moment both the canisters opened shooting a bright purple and grey beam into the sky. An indescribable sound echoed through the air as hundreds of lights beamed towards the beams. Like magic or some sort of sci-fi warp technology as each light materialised into ships hovering in the sky in different design, size and shape all arranged in a circular formation with the centre empty.

A much larger light appeared screaming towards us, as what Paul and Ashley hyped up so much appeared in front of us.. Two truly huge similarly designed sky ships defy all laws of physics arrived in front of Atlantis. The sheer size was awe inspiring easily dwarfing over the first set of ships that arrived, my mouth hang open in shocks staring at the sight before me. The size easily rivalled a small city, armed to the teeth with devastatingly large looking turrets, one of the having a really obvious huge central opening.

Everyone stared in awe as the t.i.tan cla.s.s ships truly resembled their name, "Magnificent isn"t it?" Jay asked in complete awe.

"How can something so big even fly?" Jay uttered in shock.

The whole sky fleet let out huge bellowing multi coloured smoke letting us know of their arrival. Quickly followed with the release of a huge firework display lighting up the bright morning sky with all different flashes of colour. Paul wasn"t joking the sight was breath taking, the inspiring sight of the might of Aspa the humongous fleet of magically floating air ships in front of us. Specially the two t.i.tan ship impossibly large in size and weight just how on earth does this thing move or even fly?..