
Chapter 165

"Are both the t.i.tan ships coming closer?" I questioned as the large sky ship seemed to be getter bigger.

"Seems like it... maybe that"s how they going to board Atlantis." Daisy answered.

"Hmm lowering the shield would be very dangerous but I guess they don"t want the risk of using waypoints either." Ashley replied.

Both of the t.i.tans had a weird shape to them.. Both had what I expect to be a command deck above the main body of the ship, each with two notable large thrusters on the rear of the ship. The only major difference between the two was one had a noticeable opening into the ship flanked with two weirdly long protruding sections of a ship resembling the barrels of a gun. Whereas the other t.i.tan was missing the opening into the ship and both the protruding sections were fused into one long big spike or barrel.

As both t.i.tans neared turning their portside to face us groups of students began appearing out the top of their command decks all dressed in the same uniforms but some in different colours, I guess to represent rank.

A bridge began extending out from their command deck making a very long bridge towards Atlantis. "Ohh this must be it." Daisy smiled.

They waited patiently as two groups of Faculty members began making their way towards the bridges one lead by the Deputy Headmistress with Travis following closely behind, the other lead by Headmaster Bran with Scarlet pushing Paul.

As the bridge landed on the grounds of Atlantis several students armed with hand guns and weaponry sprinted to the other side and began to scan the surrounding area and gave the rest of the students on the command deck a signal, causing a small group of them dressed in similar uniform but different colours to walk down the bridge.

"The one in the white uniform with blue hair is High Admiral Yurika and the little young one in white with grey hair is High Admiral Ruri." Ashley pointed out.

"But they grey haired one is so young." I questioned.

"She"s young but don"t let her age fool you, she"s smarter than most adults and a brilliant tactician, if you ever get to meet her she"s surprisingly mature for her age." Ashley answered.

"They seem friendly." Helen said watching them intently.

"Yeah they are good people. Some other of the Admirals though not so much." Ashley laughed.

"The others are different?" I questioned.

"Yes.. Let"s just say the Grand Admiral is a bitter old veteran.. And the other three Admirals are abit more untrusting." Ashley answered.

"I wonder what they are discussing about." I asked overlooking their conversation.

"Everything seems to be fine High Admiral Yurika seems to be extremely concerned that he"s currently wheelchair bound." Grace replied.

"So... what plans do you have for the rest of the day?" I asked Ashley.

"Hmmm..... You know same as every day lab stuff, designing, perfecting and testing things." He answered.

"So you don"t go to any at all?" Daisy questioned.

"Nope.. I spend all my time in my lab or helping others." He answered with a smile.

"Ohh.... Think we have a visitor." Daisy pointed out as High Admiral Ruri was walking towards us with a contingent of guards with her.

"Ahh d.a.m.n...." I heard Ashley cursed under his breathe.

"What do we do?!" I panicked asking him quickly.

"Just stand up and look orderly." Ashley answered standing up making us all stand up positioning ourselves behind him.

"Proffessor Ashley.." High Admiral Ruri greeted him with a nod sounding very official and serious. She really did look extremely young no older then twelve or fifteen.

"High Admiral." He nodded in return just as stern and serious for the first time ever seeing him without a carefree demeanour.

"Just Ruri would be fine.. Anyways Aspa would like your a.s.sistance on something." She notified him causing a man next to her lean down to whisper something to her. "Your concerns are noted and dismissed." She replied to him.

"Sorry for the interruption Professor Ashley but I would like you to look over some calculation and schematics for me." She asked in a very calm but still serious tone.

"I"m sorry.. But my schedule is a little b-" He tried to refuse her ask for help.

"I already spoke to your Deputy Headmistress she said that your schedule would be cleared and your tasks pa.s.sed to other students." She interrupted him before he could finish his sentence. Causing Ashley to pause in silence.

"I had plans with my friends.." He panicky replied looking back at us, causing us all to straighten up even more standing to attention.

"Ashley, you know I"d hate to pull rank but your Deputy Headmistress did say you"d be happy to help." She replied to him.

"Well, I guess I will be helping then." He sighed causing her very stern look to smile ever so slightly that even I doubted if it was a smile or not. "Just have the paper work sent to me and I"ll review everything." He instructed her.

"Due to the delicate nature of it, I can"t allow it to leave my quarters." She answered.

"Really?.. What a coincidence." Ashley sighed.

"Follow me.." She instructed him.

"Wait hold on I need my stuff." Ashley instinctively replied.

"Nothing to worry about, you"ll be completely safe." She smiled, "Ohh and bring your friends.. I"m sure they would love a tour, especially since you"re doing me a favour." She added.

"I knew I should have gone off site." He sighed. "Okay well let"s go then guys." He said gesturing us to follow them back to the ship.

"No way!!.. We"re actually gonna be allowed on!" Jay whispered in shock.

"I guess so?" Helen replied still at lost on what pa.s.sed just now.

"Ohh and if you don"t mind handing in your weapons to my guards before we enter the ship.. For security reasons." She instructed without even turning to face us.

"That"s unacceptable my friends would be completely defenceless on your ship." Ashley objected.

"Your friends will be in safe hands, I"ll have my top officer"s watch over them." She answered.

"Still unacceptable, I don"t know who they are. I can"t trust them." Ashley argued.

"Only security personnel are allowed to have weapons on board during peace times.. And I"m afraid your friends holding a weapon will be seen as hostile to my crew." She answered.

"Is it okay with you guys?" Ashely asked looking at us for an answer.

"I guess it"s fine.." We all answered handing our weapons to the guards with her. The one Daisy handed her maul to struggle to maintain his posture and pace while holding it.

"Don"t lose them.. If I get any reports that they were tampered with or missing I"ll hold you all responsible and court martial you all." She warned her personal guard.

"Yes Admiral!" They all answered in unison.

"Is that a new arm? It"s changed slightly since we"ve last met." She questioned sounding a little less formal.

"Only a few minor upgrades." He answered. "Did you really come all this way to just ask for help?" Ashley questioned her motives.

"Of course not.. As a token of thanks your Headmaster graciously offered to recharge our ships with the World Tree.." She answered.

"Ahh that explains why you both made trip here I guess." He answered.

"That along with the company and change of scenery is nice." She answered a part of me knowing that she must be smiling from ear to ear. "So tell me Ashley what have you been working on lately?" She questioned.

"Nothing I can divulge sadly." He answered her.

"What a shame.. Your brilliance would be more suited in Aspa." She replied to him.

"My brilliance? I"m afraid I"m not that person anymore." Ashley answered her.

High Admiral Ruri stopped the instant she heard him say that, "Ashley.. You can"t hold yourself accountable for your creations. Your inventions are blessings to the world, breaking new grounds and pathing the way to the future.. Just remember that." She said in complete sincerity and began walking again.

"What"s she talking about?" I whispered to the others.

"No idea..." Jay answered.