
Chapter 168

"Thank you for beign so hospitable." We all thanked Jun for the tour.

"No problems, Atlantis are good friends." He smiled.

"Will we be seeing you for dinner?" We asked him.

"Sadly.. I"ll need to stay on board, just in case something happens to Captain Ruri." He answered.

"Really?.. But nothing is going to happen." We tried to explain to him.

"We know.. But its protocol." He nodded.

"So of the other two schools. Which ones do you have most problems with?" I questioned curiously as we began making our way back to the mess hall.

"They both are as bad as each other.. Their students in particular are pretty strong in their own way.. And it doesn"t help that they are both located beside us." He answered.

"I thought they"d be too frightened of your t.i.tans.. Even I"m scared of them." I replied.

"They know we have a code, plus we can"t be seen open inly using our fleet on the other inst.i.tutes or we"d face the judgment of Xoria." He answered.

"It"s hard to imagine Aspa being afraid of anything having what.. Six t.i.tan Cla.s.s ships?" I replied.

"You don"t know the strength of Xoria?" He questioned.

"Not at all.." I explained to him.

"Well.. Xoria recruits all if not nearly all the S-Ranked students that graduate and decide not to stay in their respective inst.i.tutes. Not only that their General is the most feared induvial." He answered.

"Wait someone stronger then Paul?" I questioned in shock as everyone only ever talks about Paul.

"By far.... their Lord Commander, G.o.d Touched Gilgamesh.. A Demi-G.o.d and the Chosen Champion of over ten G.o.ds.... then next in line you have Lieutenant Commander Artura Pendragon the daughter of the Legendary King Arthur and owner of two legendary swords Excaliber the legendary sword King Arthur used to cleanse Britain of Dragon and Fang of Bahamut. They also have an unknown unseen in their ranks who without mercy will take out any target he or she"s been given." Officer Jun explained to me.

"Wait why Scarlet is and Paul so famous then?" I questioned.

"It"s because they do more in the public eye. Gilgamesh and Xoria hasn"t really done much outside Xoria.. but they still want the public to see that we are all in a united front" Jun answered.

"So Gilgamesh is a Demi G.o.d... meaning he"s half human half G.o.d?" I questioned wondering if it had the same meaning here.

"Yes His father was human and his mother is a G.o.dess apparently." Jun answered.

"And a Chosen champion of several G.o.ds...." I asked looking at Daisy.

"I dunno." Daisy shrugged "I"ve never heard of him and Serra hasn"t said anything about him either." She replied to me.

"Same here, I"ve never heard of him either." Jay agreed.

"Odd we haven"t read anything on him as well." Helena and Grace agreed.

"Me too.. I"ve only heard of him through Captain Ruri.. And I"ve only seen him the few times spectating the Tournament." Jun agreed.

"And Artura was it?... Daughter of King Arthur?" I questioned extremely curious of the folk tale.

"Yes the rightful heir to the Kingdom of Britain if it still stood." Jun answered.

"Wait what happened to it!" I asked in shock since I live in London back at home.

"It was obliterated in the oblivion war.. Literally vaporised in an instant, the only survivor was a young princess Artura along with her armour an unknown sword at the time now called Fang of bahamut and Excaliber. No one knows how on earth she survived specially somehow landing on our" Jun replied.

"Wow.." I listened in awe wondering what other similarities this world has to ours.

"So any of you lot like to see some friendly sparring?" Jun asked us with a cheeky smile.

"OHHH me me!!" Daisy and grace answered in excitement.

"Ohh finally got something the quiet one might enjoy." Jun smiled to Daisy.

"You look too refined to enjoy fights." I said to him a little surprised.

He laughed a little hearing my question, "I don"t know why myself.. It"s like a guilty pleasure and a ways to get rid of some unwanted" He answered opening the door to the mess hall again.

"" Helen questioned laughing a little.

"Ahh yeah.. Instead of betting gold.. We bet on deck and jobs. Sadly I"ve ama.s.sed a few from some bad bets" He sighed causing us all to laugh.

"That bad huh?" I questioned.

"Pretty bad... I"ve accrued over a months of" He laughed.

"Sounds like there"s cheating going on." Grace laughed.

"Yeah I just take too much risk, but it"s not all bad.. on the plus side I do get to spend time with crewmen I normally wouldn"t have." He smiled, "Right it should be behind this door." He said opening a large bulk door, the moment the door opened slightly the sound of roars and screams flooded out the opening.

"Wow this is more popular than I thought, I always thought crewmen of a sky fleet would be more.. Refined." Jay said noticing the large room filled with people and a bar.

"Well this is what I expected to be honest." I shouted as the room literally resembled those sort of underground fight rings I would see in TV or Films.

We walked to a slightly filled table, "Sorry guys we"re gonna need this table.. VIP guests." Officer Jun requested the group.

"Okay.. Officer Jun." They saluted and left the table for us.

"I"ll get drinks." He offered leaving us at the table.

"Ohh let"s go see the action!" Daisy squealed in excitement pulling grace into the crowd.

"So guys are we visiting Jay"s home town tomorrow?" I asked remembering our plans.

"That would be great." Jay smiled.

"I thought you"d want to spend more time with Paul." Helen nudged me a little.

"Ohh that is true..." I said feeling a little torn.

"It"s okay we can postpone it." Jay smiled.

"No no... We"ll defiantly visit your family, we agreed ages ago." I smiled.

"Ohh where did the other two disappear off to?" Jun questioned returning with drinks.

"They went to see the match." I smiled.

"Wait a second you"re all of age right." He asked quickly covering two of the with his hands.

"Haha I"m 23 sadly." I admitted to everyone.

"Really? You look very young for your age." he smiled lifting his hand off the gla.s.s.

"Why thank you." I smiled appreciating the compliment.

"Grace and I are 20." Helen notified us.

"What?... I"m the youngest I"m only 19." Jay answered.

"I really doubt that... I feel Daisy is pretty young." Helen replied.

"Yeah either that or just clueless about the outside world." Jay chuckled.

"I think it"s just her upbringing." I suggested.

"Ohh?.. What sort of upbringing did she have?.. I know her kind are normally travellers." Jun asked.

"Ohh she was born into a cult?.. The name eludes me.. But she was eventually rescued by Paul and was then adopted by the church of Serra." Helen briefly described her back story.

"Woah.... that"s pretty insane..." Jun looked at us in shock.

"Yeah.... when we first heard it we were all blown away as well." I chuckled.

"So how about you Jun?.." We questioned.

"What about me?" he questioned with a sly grin.

"Age and upbringing?" I questioned.

"Okay I"m 27 life was pretty normal my parents were chief engineers in the engineering and power department of Aspa, my parent"s status got me into Aspa. Aced all my tests and combat simulation so now I"m here." He smiled.

Daisy and Grace came back with giant smiles on their faces as if they thoroughly enjoyed the fight. "Ohh drink!" Daisy yelled in glee grabbing the gla.s.s and downing it before anyone could stop her.

"Wait.." Jun"s futile attempt to stop her, reaching out for her drink was quickly quashed by the speed in which Daisy downed her drink.

"Huh?" She questioned her face filed with a sly grin.

"Just wanted to make sure you"re of age." He retracted his hand in defeat.

"Ohh.. Umm.. 16." She confessed looking slightly guilty.

"Ohh boy." Jun face palmed himself.

"That funnily explains quite a lot." Jay chuckled.

"No more drinks for you!" Jun said taking the gla.s.s away from her.

"Sorry." Daisy tried to apologise.

"Your sorry would be more believable if you didn"t still have a giant grin painted on your face." Jun replied to her with a slight smile.

"It was a good brew.." Daisy complimented.

"You"ve drank before?" I questioned in shock.

"My parents and aunt and uncle are tavern owners.. of course I found ways to sneak a little here and there." She smiled.

"She"s not wrong." Jay shrugged causing me to slap his arm.

"What was that for?" He looked at me laughing.

"Daisy underage drinking is serious! You shouldn"t do it." I warned her.

"I"m sorry..." she apologised looking guilty.

"Ease up.. We"ve all been there when we were younger." Jay chuckled.

"Don"t listen to him Daisy.. You"re still a little young just wait a few years okay." I asked her.

"Okay!" She smiled giving me abet of relief but a part of me feels she"d do the same over and over again.

"Hey Officer Jun!! Come to gain a few more" A Student in a black uniform came over. "Ohh the VIP guests Captain warned us about?" He questioned noticing us.

"Yup Students of Atlantis." Jun smiled.

"Ohhh... I"m Part of Security Yasu Hiraoka, Enjoying the tour so far I hope." He said with a big smile.

"It"s great!" We all replied.

"So officer Jun.. want to get rid of your extra" Yasu tried to coerce Jun into some betting.

"Nah I"m good thanks." he smiled.

"Come on officer... where"s the fun in that?" Yasu tried to persuade him.

"I"ll do it!" Daisy offered.

"Sorry little girl but you don"t have anything to offer." Yasu replied looking oddly confused.

"No I meant I want a fight." Daisy smiled.

"Umm.." He hesitantly uttered looking at Jun for permission.

"Are you sure?..." Jun said looking at Daisy a little worried.

"Yup!!" Daisy replied with a giant smile of glee.

"Okay... set a match for her.. Nothing too crazy we don"t want Captain Ruri and crucify us." Jun instructed.

"Nope your strongest opponent please." Daisy insisted making Yasu look at Jun again nervously.

"Are you sure?.." He asked Daisy.

"Yes please!!" Daisy smiled nodding happily.

"Well you heard the girl.." Jun looked at Yasu a little worried but gave him permission with a nod.

"Okay I"ll see if she"s free." Yasu answered and walked away after giving us all a salute.

"Are you sure?.. her record is like 14-0." Jun asked again.

"Sure I"m up for some fun." Daisy nodded smiling causing Jun to look to the rest of us.

"She is very strong." Jay addressed his worry.

"Yup.. Don"t let her age and slim frame fool you." Grace agreed.

"Really?.." He replied looking at Daisy carefully and held out his arm placing his elbow on the table.

"Ohh an arm wrestle?" She said looking at him, agreeing she placed her elbow on the table gripping his palm.

"3,2,1" Jun counted down then holding his breath and grunting trying to move Daisy"s arm.

"No chance." Daisy smiled waiting a few seconds to gauge his strength not even giving him a millimetre, with one effortless motion the slowly pushed his arm down to the table showing little to no resistance despite Jun"s bests efforts.

"Okay.. I"ll give it to you, despite your slim stature you are incredibly strong." He smiled.

"So what"s the rules?.." She asked Jun.

"So you"re out if you drop to the floor three times or if you can get up after a five second count. No weapons just fists and kicks.. No abilities or spells of any source." He explained the rules to Daisy.

"Okay." Daisy smiled.

Yasu returned quickly walking towards us, "So I"ve got her lined up, you"re up in five minutes, and umm Jun you"ll need to get her out of her armour." He insisted.

"Ohh true true, I"ll get her a change of clothes." he nodded quickly standing up.

"Come I"ll take you to the female locker room and a change of clothes." He said to Daisy issuing her to follow him.

"Okay!" Daisy smiled following him with some pep in her step.

"So what"s the fights like?" I asked Grace.

"They"re okay they go easy on each other I guess to avoid any nasty injuries." Grace answered.

"That"s a relief at least Daisy shouldn"t get too hurt." I replied worried for her a little.

"There"s nothing to worry about, you"ve seen her in training she"s very durable and very strong." Jay reminded me.

Daisy arrived back in a basic Plain black T-shirt and red shorts with bandages wrapped around her hands and feet. "Looking ready for a fight." Jay smiled welcoming her back.

"What are the wrapped hands and feet for?" She questioned looking at them.

"It"s to stop you muscles and bones from warping when hitting someone so you don"t injure yourself." Grace explained.

"Ohhh..." Daisy nodded still looking a little confused.

"Right let"s get you in the ring." Jun said leading the way into the crowd.

Following Jun we made our way through the crowd to the ring edge. "You got this Daisy!" We all tried to encourage her.

"Piece of cake." Daisy smiled with no worries and stepped into the ring making the whole crowd woo in excitement.

"Any bets?" Jun said looking at us.

"We can"t bet gold can we?" Helen asked.

"Nah.. Sadly." Jun answered.

"How about you who are you going to bet on?" Grace asked.

"Sadly... gonna have to bet on Aspa here pride has got the better of me." He smiled as a human girl walked into the ring looking devastatingly toned and muscular like a real fighter. The whole crowd roared in excitement as the two stood in the ring staring at each other.

"Can I make the bet for you? I"ve never done it before." Helen humbly asked Jun.

"Sure it"s that guy over there." Jun said pointing at a gentleman and handing Helen a fist full of papers.

"GO DAISY!!" I yelled in excitement but a little worry still lingered in my heat, her opponent looked like an absolute killing machine.

Yasu Stepped into the ring, "TODAY!! WE HAVE A SPECIAL FIGHTER!!! DAISY A STUDENT OF ATLANTIS!!!" Yasu introduced Daisy making everyone boo in rivalry. "AND SHE DARED TO STEP ON OUR SHIP AND CHALLENGE OUR BEST FIGHTER MIZUKI THE DESTORYERRRRRRR!" Yasu introduced the Aspa fighter making everyone roar in cheer. "THREE.. TWO.. ONE.. FIGHT!!!!" Yasu yelled taking a step back.

For the first time ever Daisy didn"t glow golden walking towards her, Mizuki smiled with a grin and began walking into Daisy with speed and purpose. Mizuki threw a standard three hit combo trying two straight jabs that Daisy effortlessly dodged and weaved, then followed with an obvious right hook Daisy ducked under landing her own right hook straight into her jaw knocking her out cold instantly in one devestating blow. Everyone fell completely silent expecting more of a fight.

"What the h.e.l.l..." Jun uttered in shock.

"Told you she"s strong." Jay look onwards as shocked as everyone else.

Daisy quickly turned Mizuki over and glowed golden to heal her. "I"m sorry...!" Daisy said as Mizuki slowly regained consciousness.

"Blood h.e.l.l... what happened?" Mizuki asked noticing she lost.

"Sorry I went a little overboard." Daisy smiled helping her up.

Yasu walked into the ring absolutely shocked like everyone else. "A round of applause for Daisy!" He said causing everyone to slowly clap for Daisy.

"That was awesome!!" We all yelled out to her as she slowly walked to us.

"Your welcome!" Helen said handing Jun the betting paper with a giant smile.

"Wait so you bet on Daisy for me?" He asked looking a the piece of paper.

"Yup you won some amazing odds." Helen smiled.

"Wow..... I won"t need to do for half a year!" He smiled giving Helen a hug which surprised her.

"Did you have full faith that Daisy would win?" He questioned.

"No doubt.... Firstly she was trained by Paul at a young age and secondly we"ve been training alot lately." She smiled.

"Wait Paul the Black Dragon Slayer?" He looked at her in awe.

"Yup! And I"ve been diligently training every day since!" She smiled.