
Chapter 190

"Sure you"re gonna be okay alone?" Helen questioned sounding kind of worried.

"Yes no problems, besides I"m only gonna be next door." He smiled as we made our way up to our rooms.

We bid each other goodnight before making our ways into our rooms, "So Morgana, do you want the bed? I don"t mind sleeping on the couch." I offered her.

"Nah it"s alright. I regularly sleep in the rough." She smiled walking to the shabby fireplace casting a spell creating a warm fire and went to lay on the couch.

"So what was that thing you did when we were against the Demon?" I questioned Morgana starting up a conversation.

"Ohh that would be my fungal form..." She answered.

"What"s that?" I questioned curiously.

"I allow the fungi to grow on my body letting me harness special spores," she answered.

"Ohh I saw you release almost invisible specs of pollen," I replied in recognition.

"Yes that"s my spore field, it"s deadly to people who I deem as hostile," She answered.

"Deadly?" I questioned.

"It"s a slow-acting poison if they inhale it." She answered.

"Goodnight" Daisy yelled and falling asleep almost instantly like how Paul does snoring a little as well.

"And you can also track people? I remember hearing." I questioned.

"Ahh yes that"s my fungal network... I can attach spores to individuals and track them, up to a certain range." She answered. "And I can also do this." She replied speaking into my head like how Ashley"s badge works.

"Woah... what." I asked in shock.

"Yes it can also allow us to communicate in our heads." She answered again in my mind.

"And I can reply back? Does this work?" I questioned back in my head.

"Yes I can hear you." She answered.

"That"s so cool!" I replied deep down wishing I could do similar stuff like that.

"Well I"m gonna sleep now, goodnight." Morgana replied and went silent.

"Good night." I smiled closing my eyes to dose off.


"I think that"s them." I heard a weird voice in my head.

"What do we do with the extra one?" Another manly voice spoke out letting out a small cough.

"Take her as well, if he doesn"t want her, we can still sell her." Yet another voice answered letting out a louder cough.

"Sh*t!" I thought to myself forcefully waking myself up.

"Silence her!" A man quickly yelled in a low tone forcing a hand over my mouth and two other grown men grabbed my arms, instinctively I used one of my free legs to kick one straight in the face causing a fourth to grab my legs and began binding them tightly with rope.

Gagging my mouth with a piece of cloth they spun me on front silencing my yells for help, forcing my arms behind my back. "F*ck he didn"t tell us they were at Atlantis students..." One man whispered in a panic.

"Don"t touch it! You"ll set it off." One of them ordered instantly.

"What the h.e.l.l is in the air?" One of them cursed struggling to talk a little as if he was suffocating slowly.

"Let"s get the others luckily they haven"t woke up yet." I felt all but one pinning me down.

"I"m gonna kill you!" I mumbled to him and trying to scream out at the top of my lungs.

"Listen if you don"t shut up, I"ll make you!" He whispered in seething anger before letting out a very loud cough.

"What the h.e.l.l?!" Daisy screamed thankfully waking up from her slumber followed with the sounds of cracking bones and a large loud thud hitting the floor.

"Get off her!" Morgana yelled at the top of her lungs as the force of the man pinning me down slowly began to loosen along with the sounds of him gasping for air.

"She"s b.l.o.o.d.y strong!" One of them yelled out in shock as I spun myself seeing them desperately trying to hold Daisy down.

"Frank Josh get the F*ck up." One very strong looking man yelled to two men on the floor.

"Garret get her!" One of the medium built ones ordered.

Noticing the one on the floor was coming back to his senses I threw myself at him knocking him back down and with all the force in my body bent my legs as far as I could, with my whole body I sprung my feet into the man jaw knocking him out unconscious instantly.

"Fu*king b*tch!" One of them stupidly released Daisy"s hand in a panic and began making his way to me.

"GET OFF ME!" Daisy yelled decking the man holding her other hand knocking him out in one punch.

I tried turning myself kicking towards the man coming at me with a balled fist, his teeth and eyed filled with pure rage.

"Stay down!" He yelled putting his whole body into knocking me out, I closed my eyes readying myself for the impact utterly defenceless as his body slid past my kicking legs.

"Hey a.s.s hole!" Daisy voice spoke out as I felt the man"s body rise back up pa.s.s my legs, followed with the sounds of cracking of bones and another loud thud.

"Emilia!" Daisy yelled helping me up and began trying to undo my wrist restraints.

"Morgana!" I tried to signal to Daisy to help her instead, the gag m.u.f.fling my speech, as I watched the man grasping both of Morgana"s hands slowly overpowering her.

"Sh*t" He yelled turning around seeing everyone in his group knocked out cold lying on the floor and turned around to face Morgana.

With a smile Morgana let out a large cough as millions of obvious tiny multi-coloured spores left her mouth like a dandelion in the wind straight into the man"s face. He froze for a second in absolute shock before letting out a horrific scream of pain instantly releasing her hands and began clawing at his own eyes and face frantically trying to get off the millions of spores Morgana just released onto him.

"Get it off!" He yelled staggering back falling to the floor in absolute pain.

Within seconds his hands stopped clawing at himself and began to shake uncontrollably as his whole body began to seize up and shake uncontrollably like he was having a seizure before falling still lifeless.

"What the h.e.l.l is happening?" Grace yelled, as Grace and Jay bust through the door weapons drawn ready for a fight.

"No idea.. They attacked us when we was asleep." Daisy said releasing me from my restraints.

"Where"s Helen?!" I questioned the instant my mouth was freed noticing she was missing.

"She"s outside but we need to quickly restrain them." Helen said running in pulling out rope.

"Is this one dead?" Jay asked looking at a totally unconscious man his eyes rolled back lifeless.

"Sadly no, I restrained myself but he"ll be out for hours." Morgana said creating vines form the ground to bind him tightly.

"Blood h.e.l.l your spores are crazy." I said in shock seeing her poison act and almost kill the man in under ten seconds.

"Why were they even here?" Grace asked tying one up and throwing a bundle of rope to Daisy.

"No idea... I woke up to one coughing loudly." Daisy answered.

"I woke up to them whispering something about targets, like two of us were targets and one of us was an unforeseen complication." I answered Grace.

"This must be the Vancliffs!" Jay cursed in seething anger.

"This wasn"t us.." A girl"s voice spoke out as Jennifer Vancliff entered the room making Morgana, Daisy and I gasp in shock.

"Prove it!" Helen said following her in unconvinced.

"I agree with her.. It"s seemed like they were shocked that we were Atlantis students when they saw my band." I answered them.

"What"s she doing here?!" Daisy asked stunned in shock.

"We"ll explain later we have more pressing matters, two of you have targets on your back for some reason." Jay answered.

"No we want answers!" Helen insisted in absolute anger.

"She just wanted some help.. But we need to deal with this first. Jennifer have you seen them before?" He asked her.

"Yes they are hired hands normally, I"ve seen them accept a few jobs from my family, but this wasn"t us!" She answered.

"Are you sure?!" Helen asked again her fist balling in utter rage.

"Believe me... no one in the world would ever dare get mixed up with kidnapping Atlantis students." She answered.

"We can"t trust her." Helen said still furious.

"Believe me.. The last time a guild messed with kidnapping an Atlantis students.. Their whole guild disappeared in one night, no news, no bodies, nothing." She answered in absolute seriousness.

"Besides her father knew we were Atlantis students." Jay agreed with her.

"Who the h.e.l.l would attack us then?" Helen reluctantly agreed.

"... I guess we"ll have to question them." Jay said looking at the five bodies.

"Wait.. We"re not torturing anyone if you"re implying that." I answered in absolute shock.

"Well, I doubt they will just tell us who sent them." Jay replied.

"I can talk to some of my connections." Jennifer offered.

"No use, we need to act fast.. There"s no doubt whoever sent them would flee the moment he/she has noticed they haven"t returned." Jay said.

"I was taught how to extract information from individuals." Grace nodded.

"No torturing! We don"t do things like that." I objected.

"We"ll just have to bluff then." Daisy said taking out her maul from the corner of the room. "Line them up." Daisy instructed.

One by one we lined them up against the wall arms bound behind their back and legs tied together and forced into a bent position to stop them kicking or moving. The one almost killed by Morgana we left near the fireplace after she rea.s.sured us that he won"t wake up for hours.

"So what"s the plan?" Jay asked looking at all of them.

"We bluff, we"ll make believe we killed their friend and if they don"t answer us we"ll kill them as well." Daisy answered, seeing like this is utterly unsettling like they"ve crossed a line that she cannot forgive.

"Should we call Atlantis?" I questioned.

"How can we?" Helen asked in return.

"They said that they can"t touch our bands or it sets something off." I answered her.

"Well we have it under control now, plus whoever sent them would defiantly flee if more Atlantis students arrive, and two of you will still have a target on your backs." Jay answered.

One of the men began to groan as he slowly came to consciousness, Daisy instantly held her maul ready to cave a skull in.

"What the F*ck." The man slowly opened his eyes and began to frantically fight his restraints.

"It"s useless." Grace smiled, her bindings refusing to give his body an inch to move.

"You"re gonna answer our questions or I"m gonna break one limb each time you refuse." Daisy said seething in anger to the point even I believed she was serious.

"Fred!" He instantly yelled to the unbound almost lifeless one at the fireplace.

"It"s no use Morgana killed him already." Jay informed him in a grim tone.

"Let"s start with a name." Helen said pulling up a chair taking out her Elven dagger and began to play with it as it eager to cut something.

"You don"t have the b.a.l.l.s." He ginned as if he knew we was bluffing.

"That sounds like a refusal." Grace ordered Daisy with a nod.

"Sure does." Daisy smiled nodding placing her heavy maul on the man"s shin, the sheer weight of her maul on the man"s shin sent waves of fear up his spine as he physically began to quiver as beads of sweat began to appear on his forehead.

"DO IT!" He shouted daring Daisy to do it.

Daisy looked back at me and shrugged lifting the maul above her head with both her hands readying to put her whole body into the swing. "Last chance." Grace held a hand out to stop Daisy.

"You haven"t go the b.a.l.l.s!" He yelled with a grin but did little to mask the fear in his quivering voice and body.

"You heard him." Grace shrugged withdrawing her hand, with all her body Daisy swung her maul down at the man"s shin.