
Chapter 57

Wess nodded again.

"Everything that"s happened in the last two weeks?" Ullmann"s demeanour changed from affable to coldly furious in a moment. "Where did this Wiel and his friend go?"

"I don"t know."

"What did he look like?"

"He looked like ..." and Ullmann realised Wess was actually scared of him "...he looked like a man who"d been travelling for a couple of days. Dusty. Battered. A hat he had a wide-brimmed hat."

"Tall or short? Dark haired or blond or bald? Old or young? Thin or broad?"

"I can"t remember."

Ullmann leant over the desk. "Try, Master Wess. Try very hard."

One of the other clerks came to his rescue. "Taller than you, Master, shorter than Master Wess, short blond hair starting to go at the temples, a few lines around his eyes and mouth, thin under his long riding coat. Definitely a Bavarian accent."

"Thank you. At least someone pays attention." He straightened up. "In case I need to spell it out, don"t tell our business to everyone who asks: they"re going to find out eventually for certain, but let"s not make it easy for them."

He fixed Wess with a stare that made the older man shrink down into his seat. Then he was gone, door banging firmly behind him. He left the Town Hall fuming. His face felt hot and dry, and his heart beat hard and fast in his chest. Stupid, naive Wess, giving away all their secrets at once.

And stupid, naive Ullmann, for thinking that Bavaria slow, backward land of farmers and mad kings wouldn"t get into the spying game before Carinthia. He"d shown himself to less competent than Felix believed, and he wasn"t about to compound the error. He was a quick learner everybody said so and he didn"t need a teacher to tell him what he"d done wrong.

First things first. He ran to the bridge, and to the Jewish guards on duty.

"Master Ullmann," said the man with the sergeant"s coat.

"Two Bavarian spies have entered town. Don"t let anyone pa.s.s until we"ve caught them."

"No one?" The sergeant leant on his spear. "People aren"t going to like that."

"When the Bavarians overrun us, they"ll like it a lot less. And don"t say why you"re stopping them. The less warning these b.a.s.t.a.r.ds get, the better."

"As you wish, Master Ullmann. We"ll wait for your orders." He touched his hand to his helmet. "Orders coming only from you, of course."

"Right then." He turned on his heel, and spotted two children walking by, a younger boy and an older girl. "You two. Here."

They looked at each other, and stopped. Were they biddable? Ullmann wondered. Could they take a message? He could have done so at their age, he decided, so he trotted across to them, crouched down and tipped out the contents of his purse into the palm of his hand. Flipping two shilling pieces between his fingers, he held them out. The boy went to take them, but Ullmann held them higher and gave them to the girl.

"Can you run? Both of you?"

They nodded.

"I need one of you to run to the East Gate and the other to the West Gate. Tell the guards this: "Master Ullmann says close the gates in the prince"s name." Master Ullmann, got that?"

They both nodded again.

"It"s important you do this right. Your prince is depending on you." He started to pour the rest of his coins back into his purse. "Go! Run!"

The boy started towards the East Gate. The girl caught him and whirled him around. "No. West Gate"s closer. Meet you back here." She hitched up her skirts and started down towards the quay. The boy hesitated for a moment, then hared off in the opposite direction.

With a bit of luck, thought Ullmann, the Bavarians were now trapped. All he had to do was find them before the already disgruntled and idle townsfolk decided they didn"t want to be trapped along with them. He needed more help, and quickly.

There weren"t so many militia that he could take them from their posts. And his spies would be still up at the fortress, getting ready.

The library ushers. He ran again, through the narrow streets, making himself thin as he hurtled through gaps that were only briefly present, and all the time looking out for a man with a broad-brimmed hat who looked like he"d been on the road for a while.

Library Square, in comparison with the rest of town, was stupidly busy, crammed with craftsmen and piles of sand and stone and wood. There were the ushers, though, under the portico: a group of six of them, and more importantly, he knew them, and they knew him.

"Lads," he called when he was close enough. "To me."

"Well, look here," one of them replied, "if it isn"t Master Ullmann. Want your old job back, Max?"

He skidded to a halt on the gritty stone steps. "Leave it, Manfred. Less banter, more doing. There are two Bavarian spies in town, and they mustn"t get away."

"Bavarian what? You"re pulling our legs, right?" The usher nudged one of his colleagues with his elbow.

"I think he"s serious," said his friend with wonder. "Where do we start?"

"G.o.ds, I don"t know. I"ve never done this before." Ullmann thought furiously. "Start up by the castle and work our way down to the bridge. They can"t leave, I"ve made certain of that."

"Are they armed?"

"I don"t know. I don"t know anything about them except that one of them is a bit taller than me, has short blond hair, is older, and is wearing a big hat." He puffed out his breath. "Goes by the name of Wiel. It"s not much to go on, but we have to try."

The ushers shrugged and muttered until Manfred rolled his eyes. "Come on, then. It"s not like we"re even busy here. You owe us all a jar two jars of beer. Each."

"Done," said Ullmann. "If we find them, I"ll buy you enough drink to drown in."

They descended the library steps and headed up Wien Alley. "Did they come on horses?" asked Manfred.


"Horst? Check Stable Street, will you?"

The seven of them filled the alley: they looked like they were out mob-handed, and their robes resembled a uniform of sorts. Ullmann couldn"t tell whether that counted in his favour or against it. They turned left into Gothis" Alley, while Horst took the wide right-turn and started to peer in each livery yard and shout questions at the stable boys.

No one, but no one, was wearing a hat like the Bavarian. The main square was thinly populated, with just a few hungry people sitting around waiting for something to happen that might have some coin in it for them. Ullmann scanned each face in turn, while the ushers spread out.

He heard a faint shout behind him, then a sudden clatter of hooves. Without turning around, he threw himself to one side, pressing his face to the wall of a tall town house.

A horse burst into the square, a mountain of brown flanks and flashing white feathers. The rider on its back looked around wildly, his head twisting and turning as he sought an escape route.

His gaze took in Ullmann. They knew each other"s purpose in that instant; a professional understanding, no more, no less. It wasn"t the man with the hat, but most likely his companion. Why else would he be running?

"Stop that man," bellowed Ullmann, and he reached down for his sword. The ushers, frozen for an instant, came alive and converged on the Bavarian.

The rider didn"t seem to have a weapon, but he had a horse, which was more than sufficient. It was going to take a brave man to stand in the way.

The horse darted forward, and the ushers scattered out of the way, Manfred making a darting lunge for the bridle. His fingers caught the leather strap, and his feet left the ground.

The horse"s head came down, and it stumbled. Manfred was bowled over and lost his grip, ending up on the cobbles right in front of the sparking hooves.

Ullmann leapt, sword forgotten. He managed to connect with the rider"s boot, and pulled hard. It was enough to slow the rider for a moment, and Manfred rolled out of the way just in time.

The horse started to pick up speed again, and Ullmann"s feet were dragged out from underneath him. The Bavarian leant down to beat him away, but started to slide from the saddle himself. He desisted and crouched low, a.s.suming that he"d shake the Carinthian free shortly.

Ullmann was caught in a dilemma. If he let go, he"d crack his skull on the ground. If he didn"t, his legs would sooner or later tangle with the horse"s, and he"d be trampled.

He had to do something different, something unexpected. They were halfway around the rapidly emptying square. The ushers were chasing, but didn"t look likely to catch up.

It was up to him, then. He started to reach for his knife, but the jolting was too great. Pulling himself close, he sank his teeth through the man"s breeks into the flesh below.

There was satisfying shriek of pain and a less welcome clubbing blow to the side of his face. The rider was losing control, and the horse was slowing. Ullmann bit harder, shaking his head like a fighting dog. He was. .h.i.t again, and again, but then he managed to find his feet and jump clear.

He staggered back, the taste of the man"s blood on his tongue. He reached for his sword, determined to draw it, just as the rider, now furious, wheeled the foaming horse around directly at Ullmann.

A broom-handle struck the Bavarian, square in the kidneys. He arched his back, and the horse reared. Ullmann caught sight of a woman through the milling hooves, brush end in hand, stepping clear and readying herself for another strike. His sword cleared his scabbard, and the ushers were right behind him, yelling and roaring.

The terrified horse rose higher on its hind legs, and the rider pitched off backwards with a wail.

"Get the horse," said Ullmann, and he darted around it to the stunned man lying spread-eagled on the square. The woman was red-faced with exertion as she set about the Bavarian with her broom, hitting him over and over.

"Enough, Mistress, enough." He pointed his sword at the man"s chest. "Do you surrender to a prince"s man?"

He was in no position to answer one way or another, which was for the best, because neither of them were in any shape for a fight. Ullmann held his sword point-down and crouched over, blowing like bellows. He felt a hand on his back.

"Max?" said Horst. "You mad b.a.s.t.a.r.d."

"I thought I could see the Valkyries for a moment there." Ullmann blinked away the pain and the sweat, and looked up. "Thank you, Mistress."

When she gave him a crooked smile, his spine straightened just a little. "You"re a bit young to be a prince"s man."

"Older than the prince," he said. "Manfred, get some cord and tie this f.u.c.ker up before he comes around."

Ullmann tried to stand up. Everything felt uncertain and insubstantial. When he came down he"d be in so much pain.

"Horst? What did you say to him?"

Horst held onto the horse"s reins and attempted to settle it down. "I didn"t get chance to say anything. He d.a.m.n near ran me down from the off."

"We need to find the other one, and quickly." Ullmann got to his feet, and saw the state of his boots. The soles had separated from the uppers, and were flapping every time he moved. "But not wearing these, it seems."

He turned again to the woman with the broom-handle.

"Mistress, that was timely. Saved my neck and no mistake."

She leant on her broom the same way he leant on his sword. "So what is he? And who are you?"

"He"s a Bavarian spy, suspected anyway, and I"m Master Max Ullmann, at your service."

"So, not a horse thief: either of you." She twirled the broom around in her hands. "That"s good. Since when did Bavaria see the need to spy on us?"

Shortly before we decided to spy on Bavaria, he thought, but didn"t say. "I"d be neglecting my duties if I told you more, Mistress."

She came back with that ready smile. "A shame, Master Ullmann, because I"d like to be told more."

Manfred returned with some braided cord, and the ushers gathered around the stirring man. They turned him over and, despite his weak attempts at resistance, they bound his hands and tied a loose loop around his neck so that one jerk would have him throttled.

"What do we do with him? Take him to the fortress?"

Ullmann frowned. "I don"t even know if it has a prison. It"s a castle, so I suppose it must. Yes, two of you take him. Oswald, you"re a big lad: go with Manfred. The rest of us will dig his friend out from the rock he"s hiding under."

He handed Manfred his sword, and nodded at their prisoner. "Check him for knives in all the obvious places, and when you"ve done that, check him again. Come on, lads. We"ve got more to do."

"As have I, Master Ullmann." The woman put her broom over her shoulder. "At the Odenwald house. That one just there on the corner of Gold Alley. You will remember that, won"t you?"

He made certain she was talking to him. "So when would the mistress like to be remembered?"

"You"re obviously a busy man with lots of important duties. I can wait."

"And who will I call on, when I have time?"

"Aelinn, Master Ullmann." She walked back across the square, and he watched her go while he absent-mindedly rubbed the blood from his lips.

"Max. Max?" Horst"s elbow dug deep into his ribs. "Haven"t we got something else to do? There"ll be time to chase women later."

"Horst, a little bit of respect, please." He wiped his hand on his breeks. "If Wiel heard any of that scrum, he"d have gone to ground. We"ll look in the beer cellars around the Old Market, and then down Sigmund"s. We need to keep him moving, and flush him out."

Looking down, Horst said: "You need new boots, Max, before we go anywhere."

"You"re not wrong. Manfred? Hold up. Get his boots off. He ruined a perfectly decent pair: let"s see if his fit me."

They did, more or less. He"d need a thicker pair of socks, but he could find some later.

"Right then, lads. Let"s look lively."

They ran on towards the Old Market, pa.s.sing the house on the corner of Gold Alley as they went.

No sign of Aelinn outside. Ullmann"s gaze wandered from the door to the windows to see if she was looking back at him, but they went by too quickly, and the house receded behind them.
