
Chapter 101

(For the sake of brevity I"m gonna time skip to dinner).

"Do you guys think we should stay on our table or mingle a little??.." Jay asked taking a seat.

"Lets just stay in our house table... don"t wanna cause any unnecessary attention." Grave insisted.

"Fine by me.... more time to eat food." Jay replied.

"You guys wanna visit the library???There"s some stuff I wanna try and read up on." I asked the group.

"Hmmm yeah we can do that after.... what sort of things you wanna read up on?..." Jay asked.

"Ohhh just some stuff on creature...." I answers him lying through my teeth.

"Bbooks on that shouldn"t be too hard to find." Jay smiled.

"I"ll pa.s.s.... I"ll probably do some extra training and then join you guys after." Daisy replied.

"Yeah I"ll join you Daisy." Grace answered.

"Hmmm I"ll join you guys at the library.... I wouldn"t mind borrowing a few story books." Helen smiled.

"How about you Ben..??..." I asked.

"I promised my friends that we"ll always spend the night together as friends since we are in different houses and" Ben answered.

"Ohhh okay....." I replied.

"Hey friends!!!" Morgana greeted us taking a seat with us.

"Hey Morgana, good day??...." Jay asked.

"It was boring..... I don"t understand why mother sent me here.....but Ohhh well..." She replied and began putting food on her plate.

"Same here.... I can"t wait for the end of the week though. I"d like to take a short visit home." Jay said.

"Ohhh by the way... I overheard Calista talking about you guys." Morgana informed us.

"What did she say about us??..." I asked.

"Something about how she"s gonna defeat you guys and make a mockery of you...." Morgana answered.

"I hate her so much." I replied my blood boiling with rage.

"From want I can tell she seems to be a pretty strong spellcaster.....and oddly enough she prefer to use wind type spells." Morgana answered.

"Great.... even you think she"s pretty strong...." I sighed.

"Yeah she seemed especially excited to duel you." Morgana added making feel dreadful regardless I had more important things to think about.

Quickly finishing my food I wanted to head to the library before everyone else. "Hey guys shall I meet you lot at the library???..." I asked.

"Sure the main library is on the third floor... you can"t miss it." Jay replied.

"You"re eating fast today...." Daisy noticed.

"Ummm yeah.... I"m a book worm...." I smiled to her.

"... Books don"t have worms..." She replied.

"Why would a worm be in a book..... It would just get flattened..."Jay asked.

"Sometimes Emilia.... the stuff you say are strange....." Morgana chuckled.

"Okay what I meant was I love to read." I answered them.

"Ohhh ... still don"t get the worm thong though...." they all replied.

"Don"t worry about it..... I"ll see you all later..." I said my goodbyes to every.

"See you in the library." Jay yelled as I hurried away.

Quickly making my way to the library walking up to the third floor jay wasn"t lying there was a large set of wooden double doors looking extremely worn through time, with golden door handles in the shape of hoops and golden studs around the outer edge of the door.

a.s.suming this leads to the library, I pushed the doors open they creaked slowly revealing a dimly lit room filled with hundreds upon hundreds of shelves, the sweet familiar scent of books and pages.

Walking in, the library was vast... by far bigger than any I have ever seen, the entire library was lit with strange hovering lights dotted everywhere like fireflies but much larger and not too bright. Students walking in and out shelves looking for books as well as innumerable tables for students to read at.

"Can I help you?.." A feminine voice called out.

"Huh?..." I turned around looking for the source of the voice.

"Can I help you?.." A tall female black haired student wearing large circular asked me.

"Ohhhh yes... how does the library work?.." I asked walking towards her.

"Ohh freshman?.." She asked.

"Yeah....." I replied noticing a Dragon tattoo on her wrist that seems fitting....

"Okay.... shall I take you on a tour?.." she asked with a smile.

"Sure that would be great!" I smiled.

"Follow me then, by the way I"m Natasha." She smiled holding her hand out.

"Emilia." I smiled shaking her hand.

"Okay.... so this is the Grand Library of Atlantis, this library is the only library with and extensive collection of book on over 50 planes of existence. We had a vast collection of almost anything you need Monster Manuals, Environmental books, Artificing, History, Wildlife, Herbs and plants, Races and cultures, History and cities, so on and so on whatever you need just ask." She smiled. "Most shelves have their categories labelled at the end here." She added showing me a gold panel with History etched into it. "This section is mainly for Information..." She explained. "Over there is the section for stories both real and made up." She said pointing to a section of the Library which had the most traffic. "And over there is the section of Students own self-made material...." she pointed at a small area with little to no traffic.

"Most books you can loan out... A maximum loan length is two weeks, If not returned by then the book with magically be returned by itself." She smiled still walking around the library. "This section is off limits.... you"re only allowed to enter this section if a teacher has given you permission to enter and books from that section aren"t allowed to leave the library." She notified me to a corner behind a set of bars with no students inside.

"What is it?.." I asked curiously.

"Those books are forbidden texts... I never been in there before but I a.s.sume.. Necromancy..... Ancient texts and stuff." She guessed.

"Ohh I see..." I replied.

"Soo what sort of books were you looking for?.." She asked me. "I a.s.sume that"s why you came here." She smiled.

"Ummm.... I was hoping to read a book on Planes of existence...." I asked.

"Ohhh follow me." she said walking back from where we came stopping at a shelf.

"So.... are you looking for a particular plane of existence... or something more general." she asked.

"Ummm..... I"d like a general one please..." I requested.

"Okay sure..." she walked to a nearby shelf and walked in deeper.

"Soo.... we have Planes of existence a general book.... that"s good as a starter... then we have Good neutral and bad planes of existence..... Then we have lawful, neutral and chaotic planes..... Then we have each plane specifically." She guided through the shelves pointing them out as we pa.s.sed them.

"Ohh what"s a good one to start with." I asked.

"Then this one." She said walking back picking out a medium sized rather thick book for me. "This should be a good start." She said with a smiled.

"The Complete guide to the Planes of Existence." I said reading the plain brown cover.

"Yes so..... This sections and the few shelves over.... are the planes of existence that deals with other planes like heavens and" She explained.

"Do you have one on Consecratus??" I asked curiously.

"Hmmm that one is very popular... but we can take a look." She said and began walking out and across to some more shelves. "So this section are still cla.s.sified as planes of existence but they deal with planes similar to ours but different in some way..... For example how Consecratus is the same as here but they have no magic there." She explained walking deeper in. "Consecratus should be hmmmm...." She began looking for a book in very full book shelves. "Ohh you"re lucky..... They are usually always unavailable especially since Paul started partic.i.p.ating more in school Activities." She said taking it out with a smile handing me a small brown leather book with Consecratus written on the cover.

"Ohhh this is great thank you." I said accepting it excited to see how this world views home.

"Anything else I can help with?...." She asked with a smile.

"Ummmm is there a book on... hmmmm..." I began trying to remember my vision. "Inferno contracts?.." I asked.

"Hmmmm" she began to ponder. "I"m sorry I don"t know what an Inferno contract is.... but we do have book on fire elementals..." She suggested.

"Ohhh Ohhh a book on demons and devils.." I asked, her suggestion reminded me that I met a devil or demon in the vision.

"Ohh sure we have a few book on those.... they are very brief though....." she said taking me to another section of library.

"Hmmm..... Ahhh here they are." She said taking out two books from different shelves handing me two tiny books that were roughly the size of a Pocket dictionary. "So this one is on Devils and this one is on Demons." She explained.

"There"s a difference?.." I asked.

"Yes... Devils are beings of Lawful Evil.... they do evil to punish the sinful.... Demons are Chaotic Evil... they do evil for the sake of it because they feel like it and it"s in their nature." She explained.

"Ohhhh interesting." I replied.

"Careful though.... you don"t want to read too deep... there could be some messed up stuff in there... but that"s why they are probably so small." She added. "Actually I"ll get a introductory book on the Nine that would be bit better as a starting point." She suggested putting the two books back and taking a larger one out.

"Sure, Thank you." I smiled thanking her.

"So... do you want me to send them to your room?.. Or do you want read them or take them with you?" she asked.

"You can do that?.." I asked in shock.

"Yup.... it"s just to make it more convenient for you." She smiled.

"Could you send it to my room?.." I asked.

"Sure follow me...." She said taking me to a nearby counter with a large old worn tome in the centre.

"Righto... Name please." She asked.

"Emilia Patel." I answered causing to book to open on its own flipping through its own pages before stopping landing on a page with a small still picture of me and some other details and my Dorm room.

"Okay.... I"ll have them sent to you room." she smiled placing them on the table beside the tome. Pulling out her wand, she said something I didn"t understand causing a small blue ring to encircle the stack of books and with a small puff of smoke they vanished in front of my eyes.

"Wow..." I instinctively responded seeing her use magic so conveniently like that.

"Never seen a sending spell before?.." She asked looking at me weirdly.

"Yeah... I was really sheltered..." I explained to her.

"Ohhh okay..." She smiled.

"So is there anything else I can help you with?.." she asked.

"No... You"ve helped me enough already, thank you." I smiled.

"No problems." She smiled and began to go about her own business.

"Ohhh if it"s not too much trouble.. If some first year student named.. Helen, Jay or Morgana comes could you tell them I"m at the story section?.." I requested.

"Of course." She smiled and waved goodbye disappearing deeper into the library.