
Chapter 105

"Hey Emilia and Miss Scarlet!" Two female voices greeted us at the stairs.

"Goodmorning!" I replied to Helen and Grace.

"Good morning!" Scarlet smiled.

"Umm..... We got a message to meet you guys at Paul"s room." They both hesitantly asked.

"Yeah Emilia said you guys wanted to train with us." Scarlet smiled.

"Yes please Miss Scarlet." They replied.

"Please Scarlet will do." she smiled.

"Wait for me!!!!" A female voice called out to us from a few levels below.

"Ohhhh its Daisy!" Grace said looking over at the voice, "Hurry up!" Grace yelled down to Daisy.

"I"m coming!!" She yelled back the sound of her armour clattering against each other as she hurried up the staircase.

"Not so loud.... some students may still be asleep." Scarlet chuckled.

"Sorry.... we are just so excited!" Grace whispered noticing she"s a lot more happier and excited then she normally is.

"It"s okay, I understand!" Scarlet whispered back.

"So Emilia? Excited to train with your friends?.." Scarlet asked.

"Yeah!..... We do everything together!" I smiled.

"It"s good to make friends and family." She smiled.

"I"m soooo sorry I"m late." Daisy apologized profusely.

"No No.... You"re not late...." Scarlet replied looking uncomfortable, "Okay let"s head to Paul"s room and start this thing!" She said with a huge smile. As everyone got together Helen, Grace and Daisy all froze in fear their eyes widened and hands began quivering uncontrollably. "... Oh my G.o.d... I"m so sorry!" Scarlet apologized profusely taking a few steps back.

"Sorry.... I totally forgot to use the coin." Daisy replied her voice still recovering.

"Yeah I"m so sorry! It was a shock and we were in a rush we totally forgot." Helena and Grace explained.

"It"s alright... it"s my fault really..." Scarlet apologized feeling extremely guilty.

"Let"s go I"ll have Ashley send some coin over." She replied leading the way.

"Do you think Jay is gonna be joining us?.." Helen asked.

"You know what I"m actually not sure..... Remember how much he disliked physical exercise." I answered.

"Hmmmm that"s true...." Helen replied.

"I"m sure he will arrive." Grace smiled.

"Yeah... I wonder if Morgana is gonna join us." I wondered.

"Yikes..... I hope not.... she still rather creepy." Grace replied following Scarlet.

"She"s okay.... I"ve met far uglier people." Scarlet added.

"What do you mean?.." I asked.

"She maybe have had a different upbringing... but I feel she has a good heart....." Scarlet explained.

"What makes you think that?.." I asked.

"Hmmmm instinct." Scarlet turned and smiled.

"So.... even though I agreed that you all can join.... once Paul gets back you"ll have to ask him if you can join him." Scarlet added.

"Does he dislike us?.." Helen asked slightly worried.

"Nah.... he"s just a weird person sometimes." Scarlet chuckled.

"Ummm what is he up to..." Helen asked cautiously.

"He"s just out doing stuff, he has some businesses and dealings that he likes to catch up on when he wants to clear his head." Scarlet smiled.

"How comes he doesn"t need to attend" Grace asked.

"Well.... Once you"ve learnt everything the School can teach you..... You either Graduate.... or Stay in the school and Help the school." Scarlet explained.

"So he does whatever he wants?....." Grace asked wanting more clarity.

"Ummmm..... So Ashley is in what he calls R&D so he technically works for the school. Paul and I do things to help Atlantis"s image." She explained.

"So what sort of things do you two do?.." Grace carried on probing...

"You know.... normal things.... Catching bad guys.... doing escort missions.... things to earn Atlantis a good name and reputation." Scarlet explained further.

"Ohh I see." Grace nodded in understanding.

"Don"t worry I"m sure you guys will be well on your way to graduating in a couple of years." Scarlet smiled.

"How do you feel about the goblin invasion?.." Grace asked.

"Sucks my hands are tied.... but I don"t get involved in politics... I"m a solider they tell me where to go, what to do... I do." She answered.

"Did you know that your name is even known in Elven kingdoms as being undefeated?.." Helen asked.

"No I didn"t.... am I famous?.." She asked chuckling.

"Yeah.... you"re extremely famous... all the greatest Elven swordsman would love to have a duel against you." Helen explained in excitement.

"Interesting..... They shouldn"t be so keen on throwing their life away." Scarlet chuckled causing us all to look at each other in shock. "I joke..... But Elven swordsmans are beautiful..... Extremely swift and graceful like art.... a beautiful dance…. it"s very entrancing to watch." Scarlet added.

"What"s your style like?.." Grace asked.

"Mines more brutish.... I finish my enemies fast without giving them a chance to fight back..." Scarlet explained giving us chills.

"Is there anyone who matches you in close combat?..." Helen asked.

"There is only two I"ve ever met... First is Paul... and the other was an elf.... what was her name...." She pondered.

"Is Paul good at Close combat?.." Grace asked.

"He"s good...... AHHH that"s her name... Thessalia Dawn something..." She said remembering the other personals name.

"No way..... Thessalia Dawnblade?!" Grace said in shock.

"Yah!!! She had a special Sunblade with two blades, her speed and elegance along with her abnormal weapon is a very dangerous combination." Scarlet explained.

"Thessalia Dawnblade Captain of the Sunelves?" Grace asked still in shock and disbelief.

"...... Ummm not sure about the Captain bit..... But I remember she called herself Dawnblade.

"Did you beat her?.." Helen asked in excitement.

"Of course I did..... She did last much longer than most opponents though." Scarlet smiled.

"So who"s the best?!!" Daisy asked.

"I"d say it"s Me, Thessalia and then Paul." Scarlet answered.

"Ahhhh so he does have a weakness.." Grace Smiled.

"Not really.... His combination of Magic and Melee makes him extremely dangerous. Imagine if he blinds and deafens you in close combat.... you"re gonna knell extremely quickly." Scarlet warned her.

"So don"t fight him gotcha" Grace chuckled.

"You"re safe.... unless you betray the school..... He would give any student of Atlantis an option to explain themselves if anything were to happen." Scarlet replied.

"Is there anything he can"t do?.." I asked.

"He"s not good with a bow..... He"s okay with a crossbow.... but hitting distant targets he"s pretty bad..." Scarlet replied chuckling.

"That"s hardly a weakness since he has spells though..." Daisy replied quickly defending him.

"You"re not wrong." Scarlet smiled to Daisy.

As we arrived on the 8th Floor Jay was already there sitting on the floor back against the wall with one leg stretched out and one leg bent reading a book silently.

"Morning Jay!" We all shouted to him.

"Morning guy" He replied closing his book and smiled at us.

"Good to see you Jay..... Everyone was a little worried you might have not shown up." Scarlet smiled.

"I was considering it... but I"m willing to give it a try before making a proper decision." He replied.

"You know you could have waited in Paul"s room?.." Scarlet asked opening the door.

"It"s okay I"m comfortable with the floor." He replied pocketing his book and stood up.

"How"s the good?..." I asked with a giant grin on my face.

"It"s so so...." He replied.

"What bit are you on?!" Helen asked excited.

"When the Boy finally meet"s the girl alone at a shop." He replied sounding uninterested.

"OHHHHH that"s a great scene!!!" Helen yelped in excitement.

"Ohhh I can"t contain myself." Jay said sarcastically, causing me to nudge him with my elbow shooting him a glare. He rolled his eyes mouthing sorry and followed up into the room Grace took a moment to look at the other two doors in the hall way before walking in.

"Right let"s get started!" Everyone make your way into the training room and do some stretches while I grab us some water..... Emilia you can show them right?.." Scarlet asked me.

"Yeah sure!" I said leading the way.

One by one we all entered the room extremely excited, Daisy instantaneously began taking off her armour setting it aside, Helen and grace following suite putting their leather garbs and weapons in a pile beside Daisy"s. Taking it off my robe folding it up and placing it aside, I began to instruct and explain everyone the stretches Scarlet and I did yesterday.

"This is gonna be such a great opportunity." Daisy yelped in pure excitement.

"You"re lucky!!! You"ve previously trained with Paul." Grace replied.

"Yeah... but... but... it"s been a while! And I want to be strong!" Daisy yelled.

"Okay okay... calm down guys..." Jay said to them.

"This is pretty awesome though." Helen added.

After our stretches Scarlet came walking in with two large barrels in her hands with Ashley close behind with a tray of jugs. Scarlet placed the barrels beside us taking a jug and filling it with water. "Use this if you need a drink or cooling off." Scarlet smiled.

"Morning everyone." Ashley smiled tossing Helen, Grace and Daisy a coin.

"Thanks." They replied activating it.

"Is Ashley gonna be joining us?!" Daisy asked smiling jolly as ever.

"Paul says I should but I"m too lazy... I"m here to help train you younglings!" He said with a smile taking a seat on the floor.

"Soooooo did you all finish the stretches?..." Scarlet asked.

"Yeah we did." I notified Scarlet.

"Okay! Time for some physical exercise!" Scarlet smiled.

Jay hung his head back sighing in disappointment as if physically destroyed by the word exercise.