
Chapter 106

"So what" the special training you all do????." Helen asked excited for the next part.

"Push ups, Situps, squats and running.....this should build a good core exercises for everyone. After a while we"ll incorporate more exercises into it." Scarlet explained.

"So we start with push-ups?...." Daisy asked.

"Yup!!! Let"s all try and get to a close to 100 as possible." Scarlet smiled and began smashing her pushups extremely quickly.

Everyone began doing pushup, me and Jay achieving the least... and Daisy being the only one apart from Scarlet able to finish 100.

"Nicely done Daisy!! You must have done this before." Scarlet smiled.

"I try every morning!!! Every day!!!" Daisy smiled feeling accomplished.

"Nice keep it up!!!" Scarlet replied.

"Not bad the rest of you... Sis nice to see you improving, already doing more than yesterday." Scarlet smiled.

"Yeah I feel it!" I smiled.

"Yes your body is starting to absorb and metabolize Arcanum." Scaled explained.

"Is she different to us??..." Jay asked.

"..." Scarlet remained silent for a few seconds looking at me a little worried. "Umm Sis?... can I have a word?.." She asked politely issuing me to come over.

"Wa.s.sup?.." I said walking over.

Quickly turning around so our backs were towards the group, "Do they know where you"re from?...." She whispered to me.

"Ohhh yeah they know." I smiled whispering back to her.

"Okay." She replied turning us back to the group. "So..... As you all may know where Emilia is from..... Arcanum users are nonexistence and individuals who have the potential to use Arcanum is scarce... so her body doesn"t know how to use it properly yet... so she"s a little behind." Scarlet smiled.

"I see....." Jay nodded.

"So what next?.. Spell casing or Combat?!!!" Scarlet asked with a big beaming smile.

"Can we do spell casting....." Jay asked nicely.

"Sure!" Scarlet replied.

Jay suddenly looked extremely excited, "what shall are we gonna learn today?!" He asked quickly pulling out his wand.

"Hmmmmm...So firstly I need to find out what everyone specializes in." She replied.

"Text book Sorcerer here." Jay answered.

"Druid." Helen replied.

"Cleric." Daisy answered with a smile.

"Ranger." Grace replied.

"Artificer." Ashley chuckled.

"Umm... wizard?..." I answered hesitantly.

"Well this is gonna get complicated." Scarlet chuckled.

"Right.... lemme first inspect your bow please Grace." Scarlet requested.

"Okay!" Grace replied quickly retrieving her bow and handing it to Scarlet.

Scarlet looked at her bow closely carefully examining every inch of it flicking it and tapping it, "Interesting smell! Definatly a whiff of Fey origin." She said taking a whiff of the bow. "Ohhh impressive!.... The maker of this master piece is a true Master Fletcher.... a perfect blend of Wildwood, Ironwood and Duskwood.... a truly beautiful weapon." She said handing it back to Grace.

"Thank you!" Grace said accepting her bow with both hands bowing.

"Don"t let this bow leave your sight.... A bow of this calibre is extremely rare.... I can only think of one Fletcher able to produce such a masterpiece." She said with a smile.

"Does the wood blend make it special?.." Jay asked.

"Yes.... Wildwood allows the bow to heal from damage naturally and is extremely flexible, Duskwood is used to make the bow as light as a feather..... And the Ironwood to counteract the flexibility and softness of the other two woods." Scarlet answered.

"Could you look at my staff?.." Grace asked sounding extremely excited.

"Sure!" Scarlet answered smiling.

"Lemme go get it!" Helen replied quickly running for her staff and handing it to Scarlet.

"Beautiful Staff!..... Also has a whiff of Fey origins." She said inspecting the staff, "Made of Wildwood and Ironwood... but the most interesting this is this gem... it feels special radiating life essence..." She said handing it back to Helen.

"Do you know what the gem is?.." Helen asked taking back her staff.

"Hmm....No sorry I wasn"t a good listener in" Helen chuckled.

"I can take a look at it if you like.... but I"ll need to break it down." Ashley offered.

Helen cradled her staff like a baby horrified at his offer, "No thank you." She replied.

"I was only joking..." Ashley chuckled. "But it does sound extremely interesting." He added.

"So.... I need to see all of your strongest spell or attack working your way down to your weakest... I want to see where you all are at." Scarlet smiled. "Computer five Training holograms please!" Scarlet shouted, the room responded with some beeps and five human holograms appeared beside her in a line across from us.

"Right let"s begin one by one so I can properly a.n.a.lyse everything." Scarlet said walking to the side beside Ashley.

"Ummm Miss Scarlet can I get my weapon please?.." Daisy asked holding up her hand..

"Please just call me Scarlet and yes you may." Scarlet smiled.

Daisy quickly ran to retrieve her maul. "Okay Jay you first let"s see what you got! Give us your strongest spell." Scarlet smiled.

Jay nodded holding out his wand, blue flame appeared at the tip of his wand and began to glor very very quickly ama.s.sing into a large ball of fire before releasing it sending it screaming down the room towards the holograms causing a ma.s.sive huge blue explosion completely engulfing three of the holograms.

"NICE!!!!" Ashley cheered.

"Wow a blue flame very impressive." Scarlet yelled in joy clapping loudly. "Helen let"s see what you can do!!!!" Scarlet screamed in excitement.

"OKAY!!!!" Helen shouted filled with excitement canting something under her breath causing her staff and gem to glow bright lime green. With a yell she pointed her staff at the holograms causing the floor to rumble, huge earthen spike rose in random locations making a field of spikes, several skewering through all the holograms.

"NICE!!!!! Earthen spikes!!!" Scarlet yelled in joy.

"Looks like we got ourselves prime cut Rank C students here at least!" Ashley yelled.

"Pshhhh..... watch this!" Grace said already nocking an arrow, closing her eyes she lifted the bow muttering something causing the bow string to glow an ethereal green spreading slowly to the tip of the arrowhead. Releasing the arrow it left an ethereal green trail lingering in the air till the arrow struck the hologram directly in the chest. Without warning the lingering green trail coalesced into several dense green spikes flying into the hologram impaling themselves into the targets chest.

"Nice nice!!!! Strafe of arrows!" Scarlet yelled.

"Well done!" Ashley clapped.

"DAISY YOU"RE UP!!!!" Scarlet yelled extremely excited to see us all in action.

"WATCH THIS!!!!" Daisy yelled hyped at everyone"s show of strength edging her on. The tattoos, eyes and the end of her Maul glowed bright radiant yellow, the bright yellow tattoos illuminating through her clothing running all down her body. She made a quick run to the hologram and with a loud definitive scream she slammed her mail down through the head of the hologram. A great bright white lightning followed her swing striking the target releasing a large boom and smoke.

"Very impressive Smite....." Scarlet looked astonished.

"Yep..... This one is super strong." Ashley said clapping.

"Scarlet hurried back in line with the most giant grin and smile on her face.

"EMILIA!!! YOU"RE UP!!!!" Scarlet yelled with her hands around her mouth projecting her voice further and louder.

Realizing it was my turn made me feel a little depressed knowing I wasn"t going to be able to produce anything near as impressive or amazing as everyone else.

"Fulgeo-Igna!" I yelled at the top of my lungs pointing my wand at the target but nothing happened. Everyone looked at me as the room fell completely silent.

"....... You need to believe!!!!" Scarlet yelled breaking.

"YESSS!!! BELIEVE!!!!" Ashley yelled out as well.

I closed my eyes Ashly and Scarlet cheering me on echoing through my head, the thought of why I stayed here and the dreams of becoming a witch. "Fulgeo-Igna!" I yelled at the top of my lungs pointing my wand out, this time I could feel the Arcanum channeling through my body..... "It was going to work!!"

"Remember Keep your eyes open!" Paul"s whispered in my ear, instantly opening my eyes I was able to correct my aim before a beam of intense orange flame erupted from my wand like an unstoppable concentrated torrent of fire, the recoil catching me off guard forced my left foot back a step to keep my stabilised. Watching the beam incinerating through the Hologram filled me with a grand sense of accomplishment being able to put on a show comparable to everyone else.

"I did it!" I yelled in excitement turning around to hug Paul.

"YOU DID!!!" Scarlet yelled.

"Nice...." Ashley clapped, "I"m hyped to see you all in action on Fredas." Ashley clapped.

"Well done!!!" Everyone else cheered for me clapping with excitement but everything faded to the back of my head as I searched for Paul….. Searching for the source of his whisper, but he was nowhere to be seen…..