
Chapter 111

"Sure I"ll go!" Jay said getting up and nonchalantly strode into the arena.

"Sure!!" Ashley smiled issuing for the fencer hologram to come over.

"So am I allowed to do some precombat spells?..." He asked.

"Sure... you"ll normally allowed to prepare spells precombat and during the countdown." Ashley replied.

Jay pulled out his wand and began casting, causing him to go blurry his form constantly shifting like he was vibrating extremely quickly. With another spell three copies of himself appeared beside him mimicking each and every action holding his wand and mumbling another spell. Suddenly ten large fiery blue rocks swirled around him orbiting him likes planets.

"Woah what is that???!!" I asked in shock.

"Nice!!! You ready Jay???!!!" Ashley shouted.

"Yeah yeah....." Jay replied unenthusiastically.

"Right, computer begin countdown!!!!" Ashley yelled and again the hovering numbers appeared and began to count down.

"Go Jay!!!!" we all yelled cheering him on but he remained focused on his opponent.

As the countdown hit zero, Jay instantaneously shot of one of his first blue rock directly at the Hologram while shooting off a blue fire bolt with his wand while stepping backwards. As expected like the other holograms it jumped back from the first spell but was slammed directly by the fire bolt.

"Nice prediction!!!." Ashley yelled.

"That was cool!!!" I yelled with a giant smile watching Jay closely eager to learn from him.

"Wow...." Helen said staring in awe.

"Nice use maintaining range!" Scarlet yelled watching Jay keeping distant firing off his fiery boulders and fire bolts perfectly predicting it"s attempt to dodge, as it tried to close distance in an indirect path.

"Ohhh he seems to be the best out of the bunch at the moment." Ashley commented with a smile.

"He does seem to know how to fight...." Scarlet replied.

"Awesome!!!" Helen yelled as Jay pointed his wand at the target making the ground suddenly erupt as a large earthen hand appeared grabbing the hologram restraining it in place. Now lifted off the ground totally restrained Jay followed up but pelting it with the remaining four fiery boulders and a devastating blue scorch ray burning through the holograms chest and through the earthen hand.

The hologram went limp and dissipated into the air marking the end of the duel. We all erupted in cheer and applaud. Jay ending his duel extremely quickly without even breaking a sweat.

"Well done... I personally thought you might have struggled but you seem very adept in fighting." Ashley clapped.

"Have you been in some fights before?.." Scarlet asked curiously...

"Only some.... but to be honest it all the advice you gave Grace and Daisy earlier really helped me out." He admitted.

"Well excellent!...I"m glad you"re taking our advice seriously." Ashley replied with a smile.

"Of course I would! Scarlet the Undefeated and Ashley S-Ranked equivalent." Jay compliments smiling.

"Well..... Since we didn"t see the fencer in action..... We"ll try and best explain the strengths and weaknesses of fencer." Ashley smiled look to Scarlet to join in.

" Fencers are among the strongest of melee fighters... they fight with extreme agility and elegance..... Never engage them in hand to combat their ability to parry and riposte makes them extremely deadly..... Unlike barbarians who prefer large heavy swings to bypa.s.s defences with brute force, fencers have very precise quick attacks aiming for vital spots and openings in Armour plates." Scarlet explained.

"And as you saw in the duel.... their main weakness is ranged attacks.... unlike Barbarians that can take a battering... Fencers are more fragile, relying in their speed, agility and swordsmanship to stop them taking damage." Ashley explained, "As you can see.... Jay excellently showed how to defeat a fencer with ranged combat..... Maintaining range, keep on the offensive and restrain them or make it difficult for them to approach." Ashley added.

"Thank you! I have good Teachers!" Jay smiled accepting the compliments.

"Did you have a previous teacher before Atlantis?.." Scarlet asked.

"Yes how could you tell?.." Jay replied in shock that she somehow knew.

"You know spells typically taught to second year students." Scarlet smiled.

"Yes I did... he was an old Travelling Wizard." Jay replied.

"Impressive teacher you have." Scarlet smiled.

"Yeah.... but he had to leave for some reason.....sadly..." Jay replied.

"So how comes Jay has blue flames?..." I asked.

"Blue flame users are a rare trait in individuals.. It means they have a naturally strong affinity to fire based spells and attacks.... The blue flame burns hotter than a red flame." Scarlet explained.

"Is it something you become?... or born with it?...." I asked.

"From what I know.. It"s something you"ll have to be born with.... even Paul or Headmaster Bran can"t produce Blue flames." Ashley answered.

"Does that mean his fire spells are stronger then Paul"s?..." Helen asked excited hearing about blue flames.

"Not quite.... if they bother were to use the same spell on each other.... Paul will defiantly win because he"s more experienced and a stronger caster.... but if they were on the same level... then defiantly the blue flame will trump a red flame." Scarlet answered.

"Ohhh okay...." I replied in understanding making sure I remember everything being taught.

"So who"s up next?.." Ashley asked looking at me and Helen.

"Umm I"ll go." I said hesitantly holding up my hand.

"Sure! Step right up Emilia." Ashley smiled.

Giving myself a quick check trying to unnerve myself I began making my way into the arena. "You"re gonna do great." Ashley smiled walking out the arena past me.

"You ready Emilia?.." Ashley asked me as I entered the centre of the arena.

"Not really.." I admitted.

"hmmmmmmm......... never been in a duel before?.." He asked.

"Not really been in a fight ever... to be honest" I replied nervously my hands physically shaking from my nerves.

"Hmmm think this is gonna be a good idea?.." Scarlet asked Ashley.

"Hmm..... Do you want us to give you a slightly easier opponent?.." Ashley asked.

A part of me really wanted to take the easy route, maybe if I work my way up it"d be easier...... but then I won"t find out what I"m up against. "Keep it as it is." I replied confidently.

"Are you sure?.." Ashley asked.

"Yes I"m sure!" I answered again looking at Ashley, even Scarlet looked a little worried for me. Making me feel even more dreadful and nervous.

"One second Ashley let me talk to Emilia quickly." Scarlet asked.

"Sure." He replied.

Scarlet quickly made her way to me, "Okay.... are you sure you want to do this?... there"s no shame in backing down." She whispered.

"Yes is do.... i need to face me fears." I answered confidently.

"Okay..... I know your nervous... and your opponent is gonna be very strong... but whatever you do have confidence and try your hardest!..... Remember you"re an innate caster.... your confidence and resolve is crucial to cast spells..... Look past your fear, look past your nerves, control yourself, regardless of the outcome and how hopeless it might feel.... the moment you lose the will to fight it will be the end of the fight." She explained.

"Do you think I stand a chance?.." I whispered.

"Nothing is certain...." She smiled at me, "You got this!" She smiled but it felt like she was lying.