
Chapter 112

"Good luck sis you got this!" Scarlet whispered with a smile giving me a tap on the arm with a smile and began walking back to the edge of the arena with Ashley.

"GO! EMILIA!!!" Everyone yelled trying to encourage me, as the hologram looking like a perfect replica mannequin of Calista stepping in.

Watching it walk in reminds me of the times she"s bullied me, belittling me and just being disrespectful. My hands balled into fists shaking uncontrollably my blood itself boiling like lava, it would satisfy me so hard just to beat her putting her in her place!

"Emilia..... When you"re ready." Ashley smiled.

I began with casting Arcane armour on myself making me glow with a faint blue hue to make me tougher. The hologram responded by pulling out its wand and began casting something causing a strange air current encircling her swirling around her body like a miniature tornado.

"Ready!" I yelled as a countdown appeared between us.

"Icio-Igna!" I yelled the moment the number hit zero I blasted it with a firebolt testing what that swirling current around her does. My firebolt went shooting out of my wand directly at it. Unfazed the hologram didn"t even dodge it as my firebolt got caught in the current and was sent off course missing the hologram only slightly.

The hologram countered with a flick of its wand sending an air wave "d.a.m.n... that"s fast...." I could hear Helen say as a thin wave of air screamed towards, trying to dodge to the right it was way too fast striking me directly on the shoulder sending me to the ground, blue sparks... erupted from the impact my arcane armour absorbing the brunt of the hit.

"No time to think!!! Keep moving!" Scarlet yelled as the hologram kept up its a.s.sault sending more spells at me.

Without thinking I quickly rolled to the right narrowingly avoiding the air projectile hitting the floor kicking up dust and dirt. Quickly looking down my body I aimed another firebolt off centre hoping that the air current around her will curve it back to the target.

"f.u.c.k..." mumbled as the firebolt marginally missed again.... The hologram flicked its wand again making me roll over marginally missing my again.

"Admo-Tumul" I quickly said in a panic point at the ground in front of me and diving behind it as a small patch of ground began to rumble and rise into a small box creating cover for me. I can hear dull thuds as the hologram kept pelting my cover with spells, my cover physically cracking and rumbling with every hit..

"Stay calm and think.... what spell can I use here?..." I thought to myself... trying to stay calm in the situation. "Ohhhh I got it!!! I hope this works!!"..... "Orbis-Igna!" I yelled peeking around the corner pointing my wand at the hologram, a large orb of fire manifested next to the hologram the flame being whipped up by the wind, "Seriously??!!! It didn"t work?....." I said as I ducked back into cover as it tried to counter with another spell aimed directly at my head.

"Nice!!!" Scarlet yelled.

"It worked?..." I questioned myself peeking back at the hologram as it looked like the sucked up flame made itself encased in a torrent of fire. "So it looks like Aoe spells work better then singular projectile spell..." I thought to myself thinking what spell I should use next. "You"re such a genius!!!! I"ll use Tremor!".... Peeking around pointing my wand at the torrent of flame, "Tremo-Humus." I said with a giant smile forcing the ground beneath the hologram to shake violently causing the hologram to lose balance and tumble on the floor.

"Nice!!!" Everyone yelled getting me pumped up and filled with confidence.

"I might actually win this!" peeking around the cover again seeing if she"s moved from my orb, suddenly the sound of her tornado shield dissipated..... And she was nowhere to be seen.

"What the h.e.l.l...!" I shouted in shock, as the slightest sound of a spell was released behind me.

"Ahhh s.h.i.t..." as I felt a familiar sensation again being thrown through the air my whole body sparking with blue Arcanum my Arcane armour reducing or absorbing the brunt of the damage.

"Okay... that hurt...." I mumbled trying to get up, barely catching the sight of Air blades screaming towards me. I closed my eyes defeated every part of my body aching in pain, bracing for the impact knowing there"s no way for me to dodge them in time.

As I waited for the spells to hit me, "Don"t give up... it"s your dream" Paul"s voice spoke out of the darkness, two figures manifested in view sitting at a coffee shop. It was a scene of my past when Paul persuaded me to follow my dream and study law despite everyone believing I couldn"t do it and standing by me every step of the way.

Opening my eyes I can still see the three air projectiles still flying towards me noticeably slower, to my surprise I felt my hand moving trying to roll over. "So this is what it feels like to be as fast as Paul and Scarlet....." barely managing to avoid the projectiles from hitting me as loud thud sounds erupted beside me.

Quickly making another earthen mound for cover I can see from the corner of my eyes the Hologram barely being able to keep up with my movements. "b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l... I might just actually win!" Hearing the faint mumbling I quickly popped out shooting a firebolt at the hologram seemingly interrupting it"s attempt to cast a spell.

I smelt blood as I noticed it getting hit directly and stumbling back, moving my flame orb towards the hologram and running out of cover positioning myself so the hologram is between me and the orb, "Fulgeo-Igna" is yelled launching my strongest spell at the hologram. Maintaining aim I blasted the hologram straight into the flame orb burning it from both sides, to my surprise the hologram dissipated into lights.

"By the light of Serra.....She did it!!!" Daisy yelled.

"Well.... d.a.m.n.. That"s unexpected." Jay said in disbelief.

"WELL DONE!!!" Scarlet yelled in happiness.

"Wow... impressive." Ashley clapped as shocked as Jay was.

"Wow...." Grace said in awe.

"I knew you could do it!" Helen shouted in excitement.

I stood there triumphant but unsure how to feel, "does this make me a real wizard now?...." it all felt so different to how I expected, it felt easy and natural not very difficult at all.... Even though winning my match it felt unsettling and odd, as if I didn"t know myself anymore...

"Are you okay?.." Ashley whispered noticing my lack of enthusiasm in my victory and checking up on me.

"Yeah... this is just all so weird and new..." I replied to him not knowing how i should feel.

"Don"t worry.... you did well..." He smiled leading me to the others.

"Okay everyone what a thrilling duel!" He smiled to everyone.

"Yes.. As you can see... Emilia was able to defeat an opponent far more superior then her in strength by using her brain!" Scarlet added.

"Yes... her use of Mold Earth to create cover for herself in a generally flat arena was a brilliant use of the spell." Ashley carried on to explaining with a smile.

"Yeah..... You"re duel with another sorcerer was very interesting..... I"ve never really thought of using spells the same way you did.." Jay whispered to me.

"Thanks." I replied with a smile.

"Also.... the use of a lasting Damage spell like Flame Sphere was also a good pick... Lasting spells and effects are crucial for extended and long fights..... Her use of tremor to stop or make it difficult for the hologram to move out of the orbs range and to get line of sight of her was an excellent tactical manoeuvre.... a perfect display of how to duel a target that is far superior then you" Ashley explained.

"Nicely done!" Daisy said giving me a rea.s.suring hug.

"Thanks." I smiled but I still couldn"t shake this odd feeling I have.....