
Chapter 129

"Okay children!!! Gather up!" Deputy Head yelled out to us as we left the main hall after breakfast.

"Any idea where Deputy Head Maria taking us for the field trip today?...." Grace asked everyone.
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"Sorry?..." Jay asked breaking conversation with Helen.

"I don"t really know anything, to be honest." I confessed to everyone

"Last night was great fun though!" Daisy smiled.

"Yeah it was a nice way to spend the evening." Helen replied with a giant gleeful smile.

"I wonder what other things there is to watch." Jay asked.

"Well the movie we just watched has seven other movies after that following the main character." I smiled.

"Ohhhh that"s great!!" Helen smiled.

"Are there any extremely evil people?.." I asked curiously.

"Of course there"s several.... for example the leader of the Oblivion War... It goes by many names... Star Eater or Planet Devourer or G.o.ds Bane..... There are also some that originated here.... there"s a famous wizard who goes by Lucious the Mad....." Grace answered.

"What makes him mad?.." I asked truly interested.

"Well at the height of his reign.... he decided to make over a hundred clones of himself....So when he died..... All his clones activated, and with that their sanity... being clones they have a deep seated need to kill each other..... This has sparked many wars and encounters, no one even knows how many are left or where they are and because they are all highly skilled wizards it"s extremely difficult to even defeat one or find them." Grace carried on explaining.

"Woah...." I answered in shock wondering if that the same spell Paul did on me when I arrived.

"Don"t forget Lichs..... Through history there has been stories of wizards turning to Lichdom to prolong their lives for eternity." Jay added.

"Ohhh is that a bad thing?.." I asked curious to learn more about magic.

"Yes.... Lichdom is an ancient very evil ritual....." Helen explained shuddering at the thought.

"Yeah.... only the purest of evil sorcerers could achieve Lichdom." Grace agreed.

"Hmmmm....." I began to ponder..... "Do any of you guys know anything about bringing people back from the dead?.." I questioned thinking about the visions I"ve had.

"Resurrecting someone is impossible only a diet can reverse the effects of pa.s.sing into the afterlife..." Grace answered.

"I heard Serra"s chosen could bring back recently deceased people... So maybe Serra could also..... But G.o.d"s don"t intervene when it comes to the mortal affairs." Daisy added.

"There"s also Queen Amanda Phoenix blood and Egwene the ageless, they"re quite interesting." Jay added.

"Is she a Phoenix?.." I questioned judging by her name.

"Not quite... well I think she isn"t.... But queen Amanda when she dies she burns to ashes and from those Ashes she is reborn back into a baby..... And well Egwene the Ageless no one really know... all that is known is she hasn"t aged a single bit in centuries." Jay answered.

"Yup Egwene"s immortality is truly a mystery." Grace answered.

"I see..." I replied wondering what else there is to discover.

"Please children gather around!!!" Deputy Head Maria shouted out to all of us. "Today we have a special missions so if everyone could please pick up a relief kit from the nearby 3rd years." Deputy Head Maria smiled to everyone, causing everyone to pick up a small shoulder bag.

Looking inside curiously my bag was filled with five vials that look like some sort of healing potions, a flask of water and a bundle of something in cloth. "Hmm are we going to help someone?.." I asked shuffling through everything.

"Seems so." Jay answered also curiously looking through the contents of his bag.

"Ohhh looks like we"re going to be helping people!" Daisy smiled.

"Okay children!!! We"ll be heading to the City of Catavan... to help the general public and refugees..." Deputy Head Maria shouted to everyone.

"But isn"t that one of the cities near the Mountains?..." A student shouted out.

"Yes that is true..... But the city is well guarded and they have personally requested for our help." Deputy Head Maria replied causing a stirring of quiet talking among the students.

"Is it dangerous?.... because of the recent Goblin activity?..." I asked as worried as the other students.

"Well.... from recent news it looks like the goblins only seem to be hitting small settlements and towns.... completely avoiding the large cities." Jay answered me.

"There is nothing to worry about!!! There are already higher year students there setting up several temporary teleportation way points. As well as several Cla.s.s A teams helping in the defence of the city. We even currently have Scarlet deployed with the city guard on perimeter patrol and Travis on over watch. Don"t worry most of Atlantis has been deployed to help and ensure safety of the city and students." Deputy Head Maria explained trying to rea.s.sure everyone"s safety.

"That explains why we only had Ashley train us this morning...." Jay added hearing the report.

"Interesting... They sent out two of the three S-Ranked students to safe guard the city....." Helen replied.

"Wow yeah.... it must be a very serious situation down there." Helen replied with a small frown.

Funny..... I"ve spent so many years without even giving him a thought, but now we"re in each other"s...o...b..t again..... I can"t stop thinking about him.... "Why was there no mention of Paul?..." I asked curiously.

"No idea.... maybe we can ask Scarlet if we see her...." Jay answered.

"You feeling okay?... something bothering you?.." Daisy asked looking concerned at me.

"Huh?.... yeah.... I"m okay." I faked a smile toward her.

"Okay Children we will be arriving outside the Church of Serra in the lower district, then make our way through the lower district towards the refugee camps located near the farming district." Deputy Head Maria ordered us. "Now in the unfortunate event of an attack or the sounds of guard horns please calmly make your way to your closest teleportation way point and make your way back to Atlantis promptly." Deputy Head Maria further explained, turning to another student in the distance giving her a nod she began to cast something causing a blue portal opened beside Deputy Head Maria.

Following the cla.s.s we stepped through the portal, the unnatural sensation of being stretched and contorted in all different directions in a millisecond forcing me to hold onto Daisy to centre myself.

"You"ll get used to it." She smiled patting me gently on the head making me feel instantly better.

"Hey.... Daisy you"re a sister of the Church of Serra right?.." Jay asked looking into a magnificently large pearlescent white marble church with a pristine large golden statue of a blindfolded angel holding out an open palm as if welcoming you in. Perfectly trimmed blossoming flowers filled the outer edge of the church and the base of the statue being tended to by a small young girl in a clean plain white robe.

"Ummm miss can I make a quick prayer in the church?..." Daisy shouted asking Deputy Head mistress holding one arm up high in the sky.

"Ohh yes..... You"re a follower of Serra right?..... Be quick!!! So you don"t lose us." She replied nodding to another student beside her.

"Yes M"am" The student turned around walking towards us, he wore a long navy robe covering him completely with an odd small mechanism on his gloves.

"Come on guys!" Daisy smiled pulling me towards the church quickly.

The young girl stood up as we approached with a genuine happy smile, she was very young.... no older than nine years of age. "Welcome to the Church of Ser-...." Her welcome stopped when she noticed Daisy, starring up at her in awe.

"Greetings sister." Daisy smiled kneeling down to talk to her.

"Sister Daisy!!! We.....welcome..." She stuttered.

"May we go in?.." Daisy asked politely.

"Ohhh.... Yes!!! I"m afraid the head Priestess Verena and most the sisters are out at the moment helping the general public, it"s quite worrisome there has been an increase in monster activity lately..." The young girl began explaining opening the doors leading us in.

"Ummm if you don"t mind me asking, do you have any idea why or what is attacking the city?.." Jay asked curiously.

"Sorry.... I haven"t heard much.... just that we"ve been quite busy lately." She answered Jay. "But it"s great that Atlantis has come to help!!!." She smiled.

"This really is beautiful....." I said in awe staring at the magnificent architecture resembling a traditional Christian church with a similar golden angel statue like the one outside and a large well.

"Ummmm Sister Daisy is there any way you can stay here a while?.... all the other members would love to meet you." She smiled.

"Sure!!! I"ll have to ask the Deputy Headmistress first though..." Daisy smiled.

"By any chance do you both know each other?.." Helen asked curiously.

"Ummmm not particularly..... But we are both worshipers of Serra so we are sisters." Daisy smiled.

"Yes Sister Daisy is very famous!!! She was accepted into Atlantis!! That"s never been done before." The young girl smiled in absolute excitement.

"Really?.... is that rare?..I must be so awesome to be the only one!!!" Daisy asked in shock but also clearly proud of her achievement.

"Yes!!! Most paladins study and train within the church..... So Daisy studying in Atlantis is extremely controversial." The young girl smiled.

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA?!!!!!! CONTROVERSIAL??!!!" Daisy burst out in shock." I thought I was famous in a good way!!!" She sighed.

"It probably is." I smile placing a hand on Daisy shoulder.

"Yes sister Daisy! It"s a good thing!!! You"ve inspired many!!!" The young girl answered.

"And what would your name be?..." Helen asked politely.

"I"m Lilli!" She smiled.

"Nice to meet you Lilli! I"m Helen and this is Grace, Jay, Emilia and Daisy." Helen answered her introducing us.

Daisy silently solemnly walked towards the giant golden statue knelling before it bowing her head down. "So.... What is Atlantis helping out with today?" Lilli asked us while Daisy prayed.

"We"re tasked to help with some refugee relief." Jay answered.

"Ahhhh yes.... the city has been accepting all refugees from surrounding settlements and the increase in monster activity has been quite unsettling." Lilli replied.

"Goblin attacks?.." Jay questioned.

"Not sure but some wound"s I"ve tended to aren"t caused by weapons…." Lilli answered looking extremely worried.

"That is very intriguing." Jay pondered.

"What"s on your mind Jay?..." Helen asked.

"Huh?.. Ohh nothing.... just me and my thought." Jay laughed.

I couldn"t help but stare at Daisy knelling there praying... and that golden aura she emanates when she fights......