
Chapter 143

Helen squawked flying over a set of buildings causing us all to snap into action. "Lead the way!" Yuna ordered causing Grace to begin rushing ahead of us.

"Be on your guard it could be anything." Yuna ordered us as we ran through the alleyway between a set of houses the two of them easily vaulting over some fences and through some gardens.

"Ohhh lemme help.." Jay said giving me a boost helping me over the fence, "Go on ahead we"ll catch up." Daisy smiled also helping Jay over the fence.

Nodding I tried catching up following the direction we was heading until I arrived at a main road. "Over here!!" Yuna yelled waving to get my attention standing next to a group of guards with two different dressed individuals I a.s.sume are students of Atlantis and Grace standing near them with Helen on her arm.

Quickly running to meet them, "So this is the girl that has a message for me?.." The female student dressed in a large long robe much like myself but coloured plain white lined with black. Her voice sounded extremely peaceful despite of the situation.

"Yes commander Jila..." Yuna answered.

"Okay.... Let"s hear it" Commander Jila smiled towards me.

"Ummmm..... Paul said we need you to find an empty area in the inner district... and use emergency teleporter six..." I notified her trying to speak to her as quickly and clearly as possible.

Her expression changed from calm to serious and quickly turned to the young blond male student beside her dressed a white suit, "You know what to do...." She ordered him.

"Yes commander!" He nodded extremely seriously and with his gloved hand began drawing runes on the ground.

"And how many are in your party?.." She asked politely with a smile.

"Ummm....there six of us in total..... Including Yuna." I notified her.

"Very well..... We"ll wait for them to catch up before we leave." She smiled looking into the distance for Daisy and Jay to catch up.

"Umm h.e.l.lo..." Jay and Daisy said slightly unsure how to greet her.

"Commander Jila.." Yuna coughed.

"Ummm sorry Commander Jila." They quickly corrected themselves.

"Don"t worry... it"s just a t.i.tle....." Jila laughed covering her mouth maintaining her composure. "And where"s your last member?..." She politely asked.

"Ohh sorry for the confusion commander the last member is the Hawk that led us here." Yuna notified her.

"Ohhhh a shapeshifter?.." She asked surprised causing Helen to squawk perched on Grace"s arm. "Very well.... let"s get going.... Christopher... carry on my work here." She issued the order.

"Yes commander." The blonde student nodded.

"Ummm.... he also told us to evacuate everyone to the inner district civilians and guards and students..." I politely instructed her.

"Christiopher..... How many temporary waypoints do we have positioned near the walls?.." She asked.

"Umm right now just the one...." He answered her.

"Okay tell everyone to setup more near the walls for extraction and pair them with extras in the inner district." She ordered.

"Yes commander....." Christopher replied pulling out a wand and closed his eyes. "The orders have been issued." He replied after a few seconds of silence.

"Okay everyone.... if you may please step into the centre of the runes... one by one.... Christopher has had a long day." She smiled looking at the guards first.

"Thank you commander." They saluted her and one by one stepped into the centre and with a quick blue flash vanished from sight leaving a small mist.

"Okay your party now." She smiled looking towards us. "And Yuna... what are you to do now...?.. Since your mission is complete." She asked.

"I"d like to see it to the end.... if you don"t mind.... Commander." Yuna answered.

"Very well let"s go." She smiled standing aside to let us go.

Helen quickly shifted back to normal.... her clothes and accessories and weapon somehow un-melding itself from her back to normal and followed after Grace into the runes.

"So tell me am I transporting just Paul himself?.." She asked me politely as Jay and Daisy walked past me giving me a smile walking into the runs and vanishing.

"Umm no.... he"s currently out there trying to save injured refugees." I explained to her.

"Ohh that"s why he wanted me help personally....." She said sounding a little discouraged or saddened. "Very well... after you." She smiled as Yuna went through the runes.

"Yes commander..." I smiled taking a deep breath and walking into the runes.

"I really hate that feeling..." I cursed the familiar nausea that follows every d.a.m.n time I use means of instant travel.

"Don"t worry it takes some getting used to." Yuna smiled helping me out the runes.

Commander Jila followed quickly behind me. "So how many people are we moving?.... how big of an area we need?.." Jila asked leading the way the guards still following closely behind her.

"At best I guess no more than one hundred." I answered her trying not to puke.

"Hmmmm feeling sick?... reminded me to tell Christopher to work on his stability." She chuckled leading the way.

"Commander do you know any suitable locations?.." Yuna asked politely.

"I do have one in mind. It"s not too far from here." She smiled.

"Woah the middle district looks so different." Jay said looking around.

"Yeah... the conditions are much better than the outer district.... nice buildings more s.p.a.ce.... and extremely clean." I answered.

"Kinda cool to be in the rich district." Daisy smiled looking around looking extremely happy.

"Yeah.... I"ve only ever seen the inner districts from behind a fence....." Jay gushed in awe.

"Once we arrive in the park.... I need you all to draw these runes similar to the other ones we used earlier but in a large open area... no trees or large rocks that could kill anyone who lands here." She pa.s.sed a note to all the guards.

"Yes commander." they all nodded.

"Do you think everyone is gonna be okay?..." Helen whispered.

"I believe so... as long as Paul makes it back... I"m sure everything will be fine." I answered.

"What"s the situation like out there?..." Jila asked as we neared a small park in the city.

"There"s countless number of Dark Elves out in the darkness..... He said it must have been a full scale invasion." I notified her.

"Really?.... what on earth made a Dark Elf settlement uproot themselves and attempt to attack a city on the surface?.....I wonder what plans he has to repel a full scale attack....." She pondered walking into a large empty area crossing her legs sitting on the gra.s.s and proceeded to close her eyes.

"Let me know when you all are ready." She ordered as the guards began drawing the runes on the floor with a wand in the distance.

"Commander we are all set." The Guards one by one notified her taking a few steps back.

"Okay every one shield your eyes.... it"s gonna be a big flash." Jila notified us pulling out a wand.

A thunderous boom echoed through the park along with a flash bright enough to shine through my eye lids as the smell of bodies sweat and blood filled the air.

"Paul!!!" I yelled at the top of my voice opening my eyes to the sight of all the injured refugees and someone on his knees with two guards flanking him their weapons drawn ready to fight.

"You did it!" Yuna smiled edging me to meet him.

"Guards.... please notify the medical division we need a.s.sistance as soon as possible please..." Jila ordered as I made my way carefully to Paul.

"Paul!!! You"re okay!!! I hugged him tightly on the verge of tears unable to contain my happiness.