
Chapter 19: Manager Su (Three) 

Chapter 19: Manager Su (Three) 

He was extremely cognizant of what his standing was like as the head of a small enterprise in front of a cultivator. The other possibly didn"t mind it, but he cared otherwise. He had to play the goody-two-shoes.*

He shouted immediately and bowed to the ground: "This matter was clouded by my avarice. The Cao Clan is willing to part with ten spirit stones and an additional three million to ask of Mr. Xu to pardon our Cao Clan this once!"

Xu Yangyi"s eyes s.h.i.+mmered.

He didn"t care much for money, however, he absolutely didn"t expect the other would surprisingly be in possession of spirit stones!

"From where?"

"It… was our shareholder… I discovered long ago that something was amiss with him… He was quite fond of gathering these stones. Afterwards… Afterwards, Manager Su told me that they"re called spirit stones. I also collected them, however, it is extremely difficult for me to gather them. In seven years, I only gathered ten pieces…" He looked nervously at Xu Yangyi: "I"d like Mr. Xu to please kindly accept this offering…"

Cao Mosheng didn"t dare to say a word now.

Spirit stones… shareholder… these things seemed to have opened a brand new door to him. Presently, he looked at Xu Yangyi"s gaze. For a while now, it didn"t hold the least bit shred of contempt, rather they were blazing with fire!

This was… an item from the legends…

Surprisingly, such an item truly existed in the world!

Moreover… it was right before him!

Xu Yangyi didn"t speak; his purpose in searching for the toad wasn"t only for his past grievance. It was more importantly…

For the toad"s long-term supply. Where had its supply of materials come from for the whole several years the Coalescence Ma.n.u.script was in production?

This was what he needed, cultivation materials. No one was ever in short of them! Especially during the End of Days!

Daring to conspire against and moreover kill me. How much of these driveling justifications could be explained?

His silence in the eyes of Cao Yun only relayed a single piece of information. That he was dissatisfied. 

"Five million!" Cao Yun grit his teeth: "Mr. Xu, the Cao Clan isn"t a big company. In Sanshui City it is still considered pretty good, but in the scope of the entire Nanton Province, it isn"t considered anything! Five million… is the greatest amount of capital I can transfer as the sitting chair! Anymore… and there won"t be anything that I can do!"

"Ten million!" At this time, a staunch voice rang out. Cao Mosheng grit his teeth and fixed his eyes on Xu Yangyi unwaveringly: "Master! Accept me as your disciple! I will immediately sell off all of my inheritance shares! Altogether, it"s ten million!"

The present scene went quiet in a flash.

Cao Yun"s initial reaction was the angry trembling of his teeth, but the second time around, he went wild with joy!

"A 100 million!" His voice was hoa.r.s.e, but his words could slice through steel: "Mr. Xu! As long as you are willing to accept my good-for-nothing grandson! My shares! I do not need them, as well!"

"I am willing to sacrifice all that I am. I can pool together a 100 million!"

The thoughts of the two were polar opposites, yet at this moment, they had completely charged after this opportunity together.

Cao Mosheng was a fas.h.i.+onable young master. Novels, movies, anime, and comic books, these were the things that he loved. As a hot-blooded youth, how could he possibly not turn his gaze towards the stars? To not be envious?

Although Cao Yun and Cao Mosheng weren"t of the same era, he understood… If the Cao Clan could produce a cultivator… there would be no place they wouldn"t be able to go in the Heavens and Earth!

He didn"t need his coffin money if he could supply the other an opportunity to rise!

Before, he had been scared and worried, but now, his most base of instincts as a businessman to purse benefit had immediately steeled his resolutions!

"Brother Xu!" However, his determination was less than Cao Mosheng"s. The other had already taken a step forward and half-kneeled, cupping his fist in respect with exceptional sincerity: "Please accept me as your disciple!"

Xu Yangyi looked on at the scene before him fairly surprised. He waved his hand, and the cup of coffee flew back from where it came once again. He said seriously: "I still cannot accept a disciple."

"If by chance we meet again and I am able to take on a disciple, I shall consider it."

Cao Yun opened his mouth, but dared not to say anything else.

Sanshui"s Cao Clan still lacked the prestige to discuss conditions with a cultivator. The other had already said he would consider it. If he wanted him to leave behind a contact method or so on...

Perhaps the matter today was something money could not resolve.

"Deliver the spirit stones and money to the hospital. Tomorrow." Xu Yangyi nodded: "I will not look into this matter. However, if we meet once again in a similar matter, seek your own fortune."

"Yes!" The stone within Cao Yun"s heart was finally released in its entirety. He took a long, relaxing breath and immediately answered.

"Alright. Everybody has settled the discussion." Manager Su stood up, not particular on any etiquette and opened the door for the Cao Clan grandfather-grandson duo: "You two, I won"t remain at your villa. However, Little Brother, I leave with you a single word of advice. Of today"s matter, if you speak even half a word, and even if Mr. Xu isn"t of mind to look into it, I"m afraid the name of the Cao Clan won"t exist any longer in China." 

Cao Mosheng trembled from head to toe and promptly nodded: "I know!"

He glanced at Xu Yangyi"s face, clam as usual, with a incomparable reluctance to party ways. Gritting his teeth, he turned his head and then walked away.

"Grandfather!" Upon getting into the private car, he said straightaway: "I"ve decided; I will pay respects to him as my master!"

Cao Yun sighed deeply: "Mosheng… you know why I made you pipe down, right?"

Cao Mosheng nodded deeply: "I"m sorry…"

"How could it be that I don"t want to let you become his disciple?" Cao Yun shook his head: "You don"t know…Right now, you"re only curious. If you"re truly interested, you can get in touch with Manager Su… however, to be taken in as a disciple… You shouldn"t cling on too much to such a thing… Their world is completely different from ours…"

He looked outside the window at the nighttime scenery somewhat bound in a trance: "Sometimes… when you open a door, you discover that the world you believed to understood was but a mere superficial understanding…"

"To this day… I don"t even know what the h.e.l.l that shareholder that absconded was…"

No one knew of their conversation. Xu Yangyi was none the wiser, as well. But at this very moment, the instant the door closed, a warm, delicate body was already pressed against his own.

"Brother Xu…" Rosy lips gently blew at the side of his ear, and on his stomach, a hand as white as a night queen flower faintly stoked his fire: "You should"ve guessed… what I, Su Lianyue, wanted to do… in inviting you to to come tonight… right?"

Her hand wasn"t impulsive nor was it slow, yet trace by trace, strand by strand, she used the tip of her finger to gently scratch, seemingly carelessly, the pectoral muscles beneath Xu Yangyi"s clothes. As she arrived at his abdominals, she softly pressed against them, carrying a sweet smile and her breath, fragrant like orchids, blew on them tantalizingly: "The strength of your lower back must be quite good…"  

A hand climbed up her neck, one that was thickly jointed; a man"s hand. Slender fingers caressed her sharp snow-white jaw, softly stroking it.

They were both adults. That which was conveyed was rather clear. There was no need to speak further.

There weren"t any herbivores here.

Su Lianyue laughed faintly, not shy in the slightest. Her hand danced across the hem of his T-s.h.i.+rt neither slowly or swiftly, and she pressed down mischievously on a certain subtle location. Like an arc of electricity, she softly traced the outline. Several seconds later, she slightly laughed: "It"s really big."

"Satisfied?" Xu Yangyi laughed rottenly and propped his thumb against the other"s lower jaw. Her head was like a white swan perking it"s head back, drawing a graceful curve. In the next second, he felt a hand dig into his trousers like a snake, pressed against a certain organ and fondling it closely.

Supple and smooth, soft and slender, carrying a bit of an alluring aroma, she was nothing like him at all.

Su Lianyue smiling still as before, gently closing her eyes as if she was waiting on something. However, what awaited her wasn"t what she was looking forward to, since at the moment she closed her eyes, the other"s thumb was like a sword, stiffly pressed against her lower jaw with a great strength, making her yelp out lowly in pain.

Simultaneously, her wildly spasming hand was pressed down by the other at the place it originally should"ve been. She pursed her ruby lips, clawing in retaliation, yet he simply remained unmoved. 

"However, I am dissatisfied." 

Her body trembled and as she opened her eyes, she saw Xu Yangyi"s incomparably cool eyes that were without an absolute trace of l.u.s.t.

"You"re down payment is too great. I am unable to accept it."

"It is a matter of mutual consent. I am not paying the bill by any means… If you think you can use your body to make me answer, sweetie..."

Xu Yangyi nibbled on her earlobe, his lower body forcefully pushed against hand, feeling her supple satin-jade hand cup his arousal and said softly: "You wish for much."

Su Lianyue"s eye had long ago become a clear and bright stretch. In the same manner, she was without the slightest bit of l.u.s.t. Perhaps in this moment, there wasn"t the least bit relation between her facial expression and the concept of composure. 

"Then may I take my hand out?"

You may free yourself in a moment." Like so, Xu Yangyi half-leaned against the sofa, the corner of his mouth turning upwards: "Really, in my twenty-one years, only my hand has been there."

"I really don"t see how. You"ve got the roguish potential." Su Lianyue laughed coldly and took her hand out without the least bit of hesitation. She didn"t wipe it all and rather set it down atop her jade thigh, gently caressing it. 

The silence brought with it an ambiguous lull.

"I was a student five years before you." It was a long time until she spoke: "Heavens Law accepts several thousand people every time, but only several hundred graduate. Where do you think the others go?"

Xu Yangyi shook his head. Cultivation was the struggle that every being sought to overcome. The law of the jungle couldn"t be more obvious. He hadn"t been of the mood to care where others went.

Su Lianyue lit a cigarette, looking at the faint flickering of the cigarette b.u.t.t and suddenly laughed: "There is only a sole way to draw essence into the body and of the 80% of people that are eliminated, I… am among that 80%." 

"Of these people… there are nearly a million cultivators in the world of cultivation and places that employ these people every where. Mr. Xu… I truly envy you… truly. You might"ve possibly still not met people like myself, failed cultivators, but you will meet them later… We envy genuine cultivators like yourself quite a bit… It"s obvious we"re standing right in front of the door and are only a step away, but to draw essence into the body is a distant step. It is yet like the gap between the Heavens and Earth."

"I digress…" Silent for another minute, Su Liang Yue seemed to steel her resolve. She stood up and extinguished the b.u.t.t of the cigarette with her fingers.

She looked at Xu Yangyi, looked at him deeply for several seconds and appeared to harden her resolution. Her hand trembled to a slight extent and grabbed onto the b.u.t.ton of his clothes.

"You must know, I"m not a prost.i.tute."

"Mhm." Xu Yangyi nodded. Currently, the acuity of his five senses surpa.s.sed imagination. It outstripped those of the same stage by a far margin. Thus, although he had sensed Su Lianyue"s actions were unrestrained moments ago, they were… somewhat shaky.

A shakiness that revealed she often didn"t do such things.

Moreover, he hadn"t smelled the scent of another man on her body. This was the only reason he let the other touch his root of life.

He had never played the herbivore.

"Clip…" A b.u.t.ton sprung off, a seamlessly-fastened b.u.t.ton that revealed a great expanse of her alabaster flesh, like that of ivory jade illuminated under moonlight.**

* 那就是裤腰带上别脑袋在玩了 - I had a tough time getting this down. Literally, it"s "bringing the waistband but not at the head in fun" From what I gathered this is the best way to demonstrate its meaning, especially given the context: "Someone you want to look good for shows up and you want to look good. Thus, you raise your waistband as high as you can to look like you"re being respectful, etc. Supposed to be very exaggerated

**羊脂白玉 - not actually ivory jade. This is apparently a very high grade white jade known as sheep fat"s jade. Sounds weird to say this in english to describe a woman. Not very s.e.xy.