
Chapter 54: Emperor Armament (Two) 

Chapter 54: Emperor Armament (Two) 

Vermillion Snow couldn"t flee. This was because Xu Yangyi"s hand had firmly seized onto her"s! Xu Yangyi didn"t speak, only using his faintly reddened gaze to look at Vermillion Snow"s panic-stricken expression that covered her face. He didn"t know why he had done such, but it stemmed from instinct.

Within his body, golden light radiated all around, and an unprecedentedly powerful qi filled each one of his muscles to the brim! Every one of his bones! He dared not to believe this was his own body. He also knew this was absolutely not his own cultivation!

But… then who was its?

He was only aware the he was very strong! The current him was terribly strong! Strong… to the degree he could stand on equal footing with Vermillion Snow!

"No… Let go of me, Junior!!!" Vermillion Snow didn"t know what to think, completely lacking her prior leisurely sauntering composure and releasing a screech! Following, her hand immediately sprouted white fur! Layers upon layers of fur spread forth in transformation! She was undergoing her demonization again without the slightest hesitation!

Rays of white qi flickered, and afterwards, golden brilliance radiated from all over Xu Yangyi"s body. Like a G.o.d overlooking the human realm, he lightly seized Vermillion Snow"s finger.

"Swooos.h.!.+" Layer upon layers of snow-white silver tails swiftly emerged from Vermillion Snow"s body. In a twinkling, a tremendous fox appeared once more! This time, it was devoid of grace or unhurried calm. There was only a voice that flooded the Unrivaled Beneath the Heavens Arena!


An over 200-meter-long silver nine-tailed fox with her right claw at her foremost had been grasped in the hand of a youth covered in blood, as to the extent that the youth was only pulling on a few of her hairs. However, she alarmingly discovered she was unable to wrest herself free!

She was a half-step Core Formation demon and he was at the initial stage of Qi Condensation, yet she… was still unable to throw him off!

"Accept your death!" Vermillion Snow"s killing intent had thoroughly erupted, and her nine tails and mouth spread open at the same time. A purple origin crystal like thunderfire suddenly flew out!

It was only the size of a soccer ball, and in comparison to Vermillion Snow"s demon form, it could be that it wasn"t possible for it be even smaller. However, the surface of was covered with blood vessel-like veins, streaks of rus.h.i.+ng thunder, and wisps of clamoring purple clouds, certifying that it contained a might that could overturn the heavens!

This was an origin crystal. An origin crystal born from a half-step Core Formation demon. In the case Vermillion Snow reached Core Formation, the blood vessel-esque veins on the surface would disappear in their entirety and become a true demon core. 

She was merely a step away in distance from the true realm of Core Formation. Otherwise, she wouldn"t have dared brave the ma.s.sive peril of was.h.i.+ng the Heavens Law branch with blood. She couldn"t NOT break out. The present Xu Yangyi gave her a sense of extreme danger! Confronted with such an "organism", her first instinct was to attack!

This was because this attack was in order to escape!

It was an Emperor Armament… An Emperor Armament! Her heart screeched, how could such an item lost for countless of years possibly be in Xu Yangyi"s hands?!

Escape… Escape was her first reaction! Even though over a century had pa.s.sed, she vividly remembered how she who was already at Foundation Establishment was laid to waste under the hands of that d.a.m.ned eunuch and had to flee miserably! This current Xu Yangyi appeared to be even more powerful than that eunuch!

"What powerful strength…" Xu Yangyi didn"t look at the flying half-completed origin crystal at all, but rather he surveyed his person. There was not a single trace of a flaw over his entire body, and rays of golden light erupted from his pores and his seven apertures. Half of a palm-sized chest revolved in his qi sea. He himself didn"t dare to believe it; what realm was this even? Making a fist, the wind around his figure immediately tightened as it rustled. 

"Thou only has three breaths." 

"Who are you?" He immediately asked as a voice suddenly appeared in his brain. No one responded, but Xu Yangyi wasn"t in the current mood to listen to the other"s explanation.

Three breaths… Three seconds?

The will to battle within his heart erupted like a volcano!

Several thousands of human lives...

The lives of eight Foundation Establishment cultivators...

"Time to settle the debt… wh.o.r.e…" There was no reason to speak. He would kill without mercy!

The first  second!

"Solution Ninety… Life Sacrification! Solution Eighty-Three… Starfire. Solution Seventy… Water-Moon Void!"*

"Alert! Alert!" At the same time in the level above amidst the savage desolation, motes of information frantically flickered all over Heavens Law. Without a shred of emotion, the voice echoed unceasingly: "Detecting energy that surpa.s.sess world"s tolerability levels… Detecting energy that surpa.s.sess world"s tolerability levels… Initializing scanning…"

"Initial-stage Core Formation… Middle-stage Core Formation… Late-stage Core Formation… Great Circle of Core Formation… Alert! Alert! Incapable of continuing data retrieval! Has transcended branch avatar"s scope of power! World-transcending energy grade!"

"Request whether or not to activate slaughter weapon? Request whether or not activate slaughter weapon?"

"No…" At the same time, several complex voices spoke out in unison and echoed out within a room, close yet worlds apart. Subsequently, information beams suddenly flashed all over Heavens Law"s avatar. Afterwards, it shut its eyes.

"Record all visual." A voice rang out: "Include this matter on secrets surpa.s.sing S-rank. Pertaining the Emperor Armament, we must not grow complacent by even a hair!"

"Shut off all channels. Within ten minutes, This Dao Master shall personally take to the scene."

In the Unrivaled Beneath the Heavens Arena, a mirage as fast as lightning drew out a long afterimage behind it with a speed impossible to see clearly with the naked eye. In a flash, it appeared on top of a fox head!

Life Sacrification amplified all skills. Starfire, as he remembered it, was the swiftest body lightening solution. Water-Moon Void was a solution in the middle ranks that he had always wanted to use, but was simply incapable of utilising!

Everyone knew the Hundred Solutions was an elementary-rank arcane effort; who would spend so much thought to study it? Even Xu Yangyi only remembered several tens of the solutions. Life Sacrification was worthy of use, however, the cost was too great.

At this instant, Life Sacrification seemed unable to put his spiritual force to use! However, the speed that s.h.i.+fted at nearly a wink caused Xu Yangyi"s gaze to flicker. Nevertheless, he didn"t stop.

The present landscape was no longer the joyous and harmonious scenery that had taken place an hour prior. Ruined limbs, blood, and corpses… were everywhere! This was an asura ground. The gazes of several thousand lives and eight Foundation Establishment seniors landed on him. With this fist, he exhausted his full strength!

"Boom!" A heavy sound rang out, and Vermillion Snow was forcibly smashed down into a gigantic crater by the crown of her head! However… things didn"t end there!

The Water-Moon Void was a solution that erupted with layers upon layers of spiritual force. After the first punch descended, Xu Yangyi"s fist raised upwards, and in the middle of the sky, echoed out with a series of heavy booms!

"Crack!!!" The Baihui Vessel was located in the crown of the head and a heavy blow to it would incur fatal consequences! Vermillion Snow raised her tremendous head and screeched miserably! This was the first time she had been met with blood, and moreover, the blood spilled from her seven apertures!

"Junior!!!" In the midst of her throat-splitting screech, her voice transformed into ripples visible to the naked eye! The waves scattered in all direction! Followed by a rumbling, the floor of the Unrivaled Beneath the Heavens Arena, the audience stands, all collapsed one by one!

But just as she raised her head upwards, looking at Xu Yangyi with a fury that split her eyes apart, Vermillion Snow"s pupils suddenly needled! This was because… in the sky, the four characters of unrivaled beneath the heavens ceased to be!

It was not a true non-existence, but rather the countless golden rays and red clouds stirred! Glimmers of golden outlined the image of a man! It was a bizarre leopard-headed man riding atop a strange beast with the body of a horse and the head of a boar. His face was nebulous, yet it could be plainly felt at a glance that it was vacant. With a bamboo slip grasped in one hand and a fist formed in the other, he slowly advanced to hammer her down!

"Buzz!" At this second, the hair all over her body, as if there was a ma.s.sive airplane propeller on top of her head, was completely sent billowing through the air! Such was the extent that it even blinded her eyes! 

"Crunch!" Without warning, her four claws forcefully trampled into the ground, splitting apart the floor! Giant spider web cracks appeared! Her sharp fox eyes turned into slivers as they were blown downwards by the tremendous wind pressure.

She caught sight of a fist. It wasn"t fast, yet she was incapable of evading it at all!

"How… How is this possible!" She screeched towards the heavens: "It was "erased"! My intention to "dodge" was "erased"! What the h.e.l.l is this monster!"


Before her voice had even fallen, the golden fist had already hammer down on her head neither slowly nor swiftly!

"Crack! Crack! Crack!" The sound of teeth breaking filled the air, and all of her teeth, because the top of her head and jaw had both been struck with a heavy blow, shattered completely!

Blood freely torrented out from her seven apertures! Already, a clearly visible depression had been left on her head! This strike had sent her seeing stars, and her feet stood unsteadily! Her tremendous body fell on the ground with a rumble, and the sand on the ground scattered into the air!

Second number two!

Xu Yangyi didn"t give his opponent an opportunity to rest, and his second strikes came like lightning! It was an ordinary blow, however, the strange silhouette twisting in untold golden rays appeared behind him again!

"This, it"s…" At this waning moment, Vermillion Snow recalled an ancient legend. A leopard-headed man sitting atop a boar-headed horse… nonetheless, it was too late. A fist twisting with endless golden lights rumbled above her origin crystal mercilessly! This blow was directed towards her origin crystal.

You want to produce a core? Then, I"ll shatter your origin crystal to pieces!

"Crack!!!!" A blood-curdling scream that seemed like the collapse of dead wood rang out! Just as Vermillion Snow"s ma.s.sive body over 200 meters long fell to the ground, blood came jetting out of her mouth! Her heart was trembling!

The origin crystal and a demon"s cultivation were intimately related. In this twinkling, Vermillion Snow only felt that her body was like an iron leaf, set down and frantically pounded with a gigantic hammer! However, her heart was without an iota of struggle. Since she had recalled who the void image behind Xu Yangyi"s back was, her desire to continue battle died out!

What a joke… This was… a legend! A legend known to all in China!

"Yiiiiip!" The female fox howled mournfully upon receiving this heavy blow, yet she didn"t attack, and instead, her tremendous body keenly turned tail, madly escaping towards the entrance! She had to escape! This was frightening, too frightening!

This legend was actually true! In her life spanning over two centuries, this was the first time she had seen it!

Flee! She had to flee! Staying here would only lead to a path of death!

In the thick of her escape, her body swiftly shrunk, finally transforming into a young girl wearing a qipao with terror smeared across her face. However, her hands, feet, and hair were all made in black smoke. Within the lingering black smoke, she made a mad dash towards the entrance!

The third second!

In the sky, only a golden afterimage could be seen! In the next second, Xu Yangyi was already standing before her, looking at the fright-stricken face of the young girl.



"A while ago, it was you that wanted to kill me." Xu Yangyi felt his fist sink into Vermillion Snow"s tender abdomen, not giving the other an opportunity to finish speaking at all. Her expression was terrified, and her stunning visage"s l.u.s.trous cascade of black hair almost hung down on his shoulder. His expression was ice-cold without a sliver of hesitation due to her beauty. 

With a heavy thud, Vermillion Snow"s entire being was struck to the ground. On her back, there was a distinct bulge that had been dug in by the deep insertion of a fist. Her mouth opened wide and her eyes saucered. She was incapable of believing in what had transpired in any measure.

This insignificant Qi Condensation insect… This dreg of a Qi Condensation cultivator… This trash that had casually grinded her to death! Despite everything… she had actually been beaten into such a state by him in three seconds!

In this instant, her facial features twisted, her whole face alternating between demon and human unceasingly. Sometimes she had fox ears and other times she had human ears. Occasionally, her pupils would be slitted, and at others, they would be black. Her skin that was snow white flickered in between fur and skin without pause in less than a span of a second! Her hair fluctuated from black to white, and in one moment, it would be nine white sections, and in the next, she would have full head of hair like ebony silk!

Both her hands trembled madly, suddenly extending to foot-long fingernails. In the next second, the nails would recede once again! Her origin crystal trembled; her demonic base had suffered damage… In her heart, her spirit fled away!

A fist had almost brought her back to her true form!

* Water-Moon Void - is directly translated as water moon no s.p.a.ce between (very close) I thought void was a fitting way to describe this. Mean to represent the closeness of the moon and water