
Chapter 121

Chapter 121
Chapter 121 – Purpose (2)

Odin ran first, and I followed.

“Divine Protection of the Wind!”

When Divine Protection of the Wind was triggered, every time I landed, the wind blew out of my feet and my body flashed.

I jumped up and followed Odin.



The zombies found us and rushed to the ground.

“I’ll break in front of you at once.”



Odin rushed aggressively toward the zombies.

A large zombie once swooped and the head of a zombie flew away.

Just as Odin was beaten by his shoulders, he pushed the zombies all over.



A dozen zombies flocked to Odin and fell behind him.

Synthetic Muscle Suit pushes it to 20 times stronger strength.

Odin kept kneeling at the body of the zombie with his sword.

The zombie, swollen with the amplified force, flew back. Another zombie is entangled with three or more horses and falls like a domino.

So Odin started to punch the road with his power, and I shot the zombies that were flying on both sides with a pistol.

Taian – Taan –

A bullet pierces a line through the head of a dozen or so zombies. It was thanks to the power of Master Ammo compensation skill.


I was a G.o.d in the power of the greatly enhanced pistol and fired on all sides.

A zombie swarms in every direction, and everywhere you hit it hit you.

Cha Ji-hye treated only the zombies that came close to calmly approaching from the rear. Of course, the ability to cut the neck off the Twin Blades was not uncommon.

In a flash, we broke through the line of zombies.

“If you go too fast, he might run away … … . Let’s just arrange the zombies here. ”

In Odin’s proposal we nodded and approached.

John Omento was Marie’s part anyway. Her Mission was something she had to deal with.

We spent a lot of time killing the zombies.

Was John Omento aware?

New zombies began to flock in many directions.

But I was not afraid of zombies.

We continued to slaughter the zombies.

But there were hundreds of zombies gathered from all sides, so I could see no end.

‘Do you want to handle it all together?’

There was a way to do ma.s.s genocide with little power.

“The safe!”

– Wan!

Kasa appeared and shook his tail violently.

“Put on fire.”


Kasa lighted the tree.

“Fire burns everywhere to surround the zombies!”


Kasa flew away.

Dark smoke began to bloom in every direction.

The fire on the tree moved to the side tree and exponentially increased in size.

“It will be a forest fire, but we will avoid it.”

“I will.”

We ran through the zombies.

How long have you been running.

Roaring flames blocked our front.

-Cash! Open the way!


As Kasa exerted his strength, the wall of fire split on both sides and made its way. We pa.s.sed through it.

We escaped from the flames and watched the mountains burn.

The wildfire burning in a huge circle was burning hundreds of zombies in it.


We kept moving around in the mountains and killed the ones who discovered zombies.

How much time has pa.s.sed?

Suddenly my Comm Device oscillated.

I checked and it was a communication from Mari.


– Hey, hey, Hyun-Ho.

“Yes, what about John Omento?”

– He killed it.


-Huh. Exam D

oor came out. I have to go right now.

“Yes, then we’ll finish it up and I’ll follow.”

-Huh! Go back, Hyun-Ho.

The call was disconnected.

Marie immediately showed the Exam Door as soon as she cleared the mission.

It was a mission to kill the Senior Black Magician over 5th Circle, and as soon as John Omento was killed, the mission was terminated.

Nana Odin, on the other hand, had a choice.

I am a Mission that deals more than one Corrupt Examinee. That is, you can kill more than that, so the mission does not end.

Odin is the same.

He is a mission to investigate the Black Magician herd attacking the Brown Mountains. We have achieved a clear enough condition now, but we can investigate more.

“What’s left is Mission of Cha Ji-hye. Let’s settle right now. ”

Odin took his ID card out of his arms and pushed it to Cha Ji-hye.

Odin bites his fingers and drops blood on his ID card.

“Follow me.”

Cha Ji-hye also took blood and was buried in his ID card.

“I Count Wolfenbrooke Odin gives Cristina Cha the t.i.tle of Baronet.”

‘Cristina Cha’ was a new ident.i.ty made by Danish authorities to Cha Ji-hye, who was deported in Korea.

Soon after her name was stamped on her identification card, the character of Baronet was marked with Arena.


Then Exam Door appeared.

“I also cleared the mission.”

Cha Ji-hye’s mission to get his knight recognized by his lord was cleared.

“Can we pa.s.s through Exam Door?”

I was curious and asked.

That Exam Door was a pa.s.sage for Cha Ji-hye.

I wondered what would happen if the other Examinee pa.s.sed.

“It does not matter. If you do not have Examinee, you can pa.s.s the mission. Let’s go together. ”


Once they gave me the Synthetic Muscle Suit and Comm Device. This is because the electronic device is broken when I pa.s.s the Exam Door unless it is my s.p.a.ce Bag.

Marie would probably have kept them nearby.

Cha Ji-hye opened Exam Door and went in first. Odin and I pa.s.sed after.

I was surrounded by a crowd of bright lights, and all my eyes looked white.

A world of empty white and earth. I can see the white horizon unfurled endlessly.

And I was surprised to see Cha Ji-hye next to me.


“Kim Hyun-Ho.”

Cha Ji-hye beat me up without surprise.

“How is it here? Is it because you pa.s.sed the same Exam Door? “

“There is no Mr. Odin.”

“Oh, yes.”

“I guess we are probably a team.”

It was then.


An angel-shaped baby angel flipping from the sky.

“Well, you finally achieved your goal! You wanted to act together in the arena and be recognized as a team. “

“I did not realize it would be so soon.”

“I also thought it would be better for you to be a team. Thank you especially for the convenience. “

“Thank you.”

“It’s all right.”

It is also unlucky child.

I’d like to fix that ridiculous tone somehow. If I were my son, I would have slapped my a.s.s.

“Do you have a son who is like me?”

I giggled as the baby angel read my thoughts.


I was stuck with weakness and I just decided to shut my mouth.

“Board Retrieval.”

Cha Ji-hye summoned the slate to see if we could take our chatter.

So I summoned the slab to confirm the mission results.

– Name (Name): Kim Hyun-Ho

-Cla.s.s (Cla.s.s): 33

-Karma (Mix): +31,000

-Mission (Mission): Take a break until the next mission.

– Time limit: 100 days

The moment I doubted my eyes.

Cla.s.s skipped the eleven steps from 21 to 33.

17,900Karma had a total of 31,000Karma.

“What is this?”

“What’s the matter? Is it snowing? “

“… … “

You went too far, did not you?

Corrupt Examinee Was it such a great achievement to kill six people?

Karma was so scared that the cla.s.s would jump from 21 to 33.

“Cla.s.s is an indicator of Examinee’s competence. It’s been a while since I finished my 6th break.

“Oh, is that applied?”


I acquired Karma by killing 2 Corrupt Examinee in China. I also bought Karma with money.

It is understandable if applied to the strong part.

“Let’s go, if you know.”

The baby angel summoned the Exam Door and followed the fly as if he was a whiff.

Cha Ji-hye opened the Exam Door and went out. I also followed up with a lot of excitement.

So the seventh consecutive mission was over.


I returned to the Nordic Exam Group headquarters and I was reunited with everyone.

“Did you get a lot of Karma?”

In my question, Odin nodded with a satisfactory face.

“Thanks to. ‘6th Seal Archbishops’ to get a high score to find out whether it was effective. “

“I also!”

Marie jerked and stuck his back on my back.

“It is the same.”

Cha Ji-hye simply replied.

We had a good meal in a long time and discussed the next Mission trend.

“I will probably be going to Count Wolfenbrooke in the next Mission. I can not keep the family and the land long. “

Common sense was a reasonable guess.

Even so, Count Wolfenbrooke was a little confused about the war.

At that time, the ruler, Odin, would have been a mess for a long time.

“Having examined the Black Magician Organization in this Mission, the next Mission will be a widespread acknowledgment of the findings. That’s natural in the context. “

In the opinion of Cha Ji-hye, Odin admired.

“Right. It’s a good mission for me with status and reputation. If I am widely publicized, it will be transmitted throughout the continent. “

Odin was a great lord and had a high reputation throughout the continent.

When he mentions the existence and purpose of the Black Magician Organization, it will spread throughout the continent.

All the nations were trying to alert the Black Magician.

That alone would place a great constraint on the organization’s behavior. They can not walk publicly.

“I have killed Corrupt Examinee in this Mission, so maybe I will fight with Corrupt Examinees and other pirates in the next Mission?”

“Right. At Deport’s harbor they were dressed like pirates. “

“The pirates say that the surge has come to power, I guess it’s because of Corrupt Examinee’s joining in China.”

At the end of Cha Ji-hye, I nodded.

“I think I will fight pirates at the next mission.”

“Be careful. If you are mistaken, Lee Chang-wee may be a.s.sociated with. Six people were dead, so the Chinese side would be pretty angry too. “

Well, I can not help it.

Since you tried to kidnap me, you’re already crossing a river that can not go back to China.

But now I was confident to fight Lee Chang-wee.

I have a means of facing.

One is the Sniper Rifle AW50F, which has proven its power with Ammo compensation.

The other one was 31,000 Karma.

If this is Karma, I can put my Main Skill Spirit Summoning to Superior!

Superior Spirit Summoning!

That’s the level Derrick showed!