As the Result of I, a Former Eighth Grader Syndrome Patient, Took Advantage of Psychology Effect, Somehow I Ended up Having to Conclude an Agreement with the School's First Beauty

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

In a closed room or in the other namevacant cla.s.sroom, there were two figures of boy and girl facing each other.

..... d.a.m.n, I have been done in. What abig mistake from the first day.

While he, who was full of complaints in his inner heart,somehow managed to suppress the urge to crouch down and hold his head, hewatched out for her pretending to be quiet movement.

“Then, will you conclude an agreement”

She whom he doesn’t even know, said it with sound like arolling bell that bashed down the s.p.a.ce which was covered by silence.

“….. agreement? “

After he heard her words, he sent her adoubt-like glance and revealed a distrust in his voice.

…..Aa, enough! Why it has become tothis!?

“Yes. An agreement to mutually sharesecrets. For short, SHKK (SougoHimitsuKyouyuuKyoutei)

She said the details as she wore dignifiedexpression.

He screamed in his inner heart as he sawsuch a girl.

As I said, how did it become tothisssssssssssss!?



The beginning of new life. Admission to Highschool.

That morning of entrance ceremony in when he would took a stepcloser the adulthood, he went mad in his room

“Dieeee! I dieeeee! No, rather thanthat, kill meeee! Someone please kill meeeee! “

The thing that the mad Souta’s hand holdis a crumpled article collection of middle school’s graduation that he just gotyesterday.

The page that he read just now openedonce again.

After he quietly closed it and thoughtfor a moment, he went mad. This infinite loop thought  has already continued for 30 minutes.

“Embarra.s.sing, embarra.s.sing, embarra.s.sing!Embara.s.singggg!”

On that page, something like this was written.

‘I will become a ruler of the world who manipulates people! Year 3 Cla.s.s 2  Koda Souta

I know the art to manipulate people. From my point ofview, you’re all as good as marionette. Highly ridiculous! I am the person whowill rule the world by manipulating people to marionette—The person called theLegend Marionette Ruler.

That kind of thing was earnestly written and spelled.

“Uaaa!!What theh.e.l.l is Legend Marionette Ruler!? In the first place, doesn’t Legend Marionettemake no sense too much!? It’s too embara.s.singggg!”

While scratching his head, Souta writhedin agony on top of his bed.

“Wait Souta !What fuss you make thismorning!?If you don’t quickly eat your breakfast, you will get late for the entranceceremony! Here, be faster.”

 “I don’t want already! I don’t want to go toschool! I don’t want to go to school-!

“Don’t talk such a foolish thing, hurryup and get ready! “

“…… Yes”

Unable to endure the pressure from his mother, Seita slowlycrawled out from his bed.

Thus, the day of entrance ceremony opened the curtain of the beginning ofSeita’s new life


Eight grader syndrome disease.

Middle school period. I was certainly having thatdisease.

The development was around the time seventh grade wasover. I was in a bookstore near my house without having any purpose. That time,While I was aimlessly browsing through various books, there was a book’s t.i.tlethat caught my eyes.

‘150 way of psychology technique to manipulate people asdesired’, on the book’s band, it was written ‘Forbidden for evil use! If youknow your opponent’s heart, you can manipulate him as you desired!’

I was not especially interested, but somehow I picked it upand started reading it.

--And then I realized, I finishedreading the author’s afterword, and ascertain that there is no next page.

I even surprised myself. But, I am more surprised when Isaw my watch.

Because from the time I started readingit, about two hours already pa.s.sed.

At the same time I saw my watch, I justrealized the shopkeeper look at me with annoyance.

If I read it for 2 hours, I suppose itwill bring an extreme annoyance to the store side.

I want to put the book I hold in my hand back on the shelf but since I didn’thave any extensive nerves, as it is, I headed towards the cash desk.

“Hahaha. You have read it for a fairlylong time, huh. How many times Oji-san has warned you?”

“Ee!? Really?”

“Aa. But as you was too concentrated, you maybe alsoentirely didn’t realize it. It will be 1050 yen.”

With bitter smile, The cashier smoothlyhand out the slip and put the book in the bag.

“Sorry. I didn’t realize it.”

“After a long time, I haven’t seen acustomer this absorbed in reading. Is this book really that interesting? Here’syour 50 yen change.”

“Yes. I won"t do it again.”

“Then, that’s good.”

When I went out from the bookstore as I received the casher’sword, the neighborhood has become dark already.

“A... by the way, I am late for 1 hour “

As I said it, I started to dash to myhome with full speed. In the midst of it, as I was afraid of the punishment forbreaking the time limit, I really want to read the book quickly. The moment Irealized it, the things that surprises me the most today was that my heart wasracing to read the book again.

Thus, meeting this book was the start ofme becoming a chuunibyou.


While he was reminiscing those things, hehas arrived at the front of Ousaki Kouhou school’s gate which starting fromtoday, he will go for 3 years.

Ousaki Kouhou, it was a good schoolname, but it was just an ordinary junior and senior school which stands on topof small hills.

From the gate to the entrance, there were a row of cherryblossom trees in full bloom. If you want to talk about the resolutecharacteristic of this school, it must be this tunnel of Cherry Blossom trees.

In the middle of many freshman walking in the sakura tunnel,Souta took out his case from his bag, and put on his showysquare-shaped lens with inversed silver nylol frame.

This that has been put on wasn’t for fashion. At the first place, Fake gla.s.seswasn’t a known thing for others, this were a thing that made afterSouta pleaded to the employee of the shop, “Please make a fake gla.s.seswhich the others won’t find out that it’s a fake.”


Halo effect.  Soutawas using this for this psychological effect.

An easy explanation about halo effect, acool man and a beauty girl – For example, Let’s say there was a girl withwell-formed face and glossy long straight black hair.

What kind of personality is the character of that girl, eachone of you please imagine it.


Have you finished imagining it?

Then, from my conclusion.

Don’t mostly people think that thegirl’s personality inclined to the good one?

Why they thought like that? Because theymisunderstand the essence thanks to the cognitive bias in her outer appearance

Next, Let’s take an example for boys.

Let’s say there is a cool boy (ikemen) with buzz-cut and muscularbody with light brown skin as if sunburned.

What kind of personality does the boy may have?

Won’t you think he has a cheerful,refreshing personality, and likely to be good at sports ?

But, the reality maybe isn"t like that.

The light brown skin actually is hisreal skin color and the buzz-cut was because it was just troublesome to changeit. The face and the stature was good because of parentage.

Then, he maybe has a crooked mind andmean personality.

Do you understand it? 

This is the Halo effect’s bias thatcame from one’s mind because of the outward appearance.

Seita use this psychology effect, worethat to manipulate someone’s impression about him.

In short, I will show them a serious and diligent personality.