As the Result of I, a Former Eighth Grader Syndrome Patient, Took Advantage of Psychology Effect, Somehow I Ended up Having to Conclude an Agreement with the School's First Beauty

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

TL’s note : 『ワンクラップの法則』seems only avalaible in j.a.pan only,so I think it’s the law that j.a.panese made. There’s no English translation so Imake it into “One clap law”

“Nice to meet you, my name is Kido Souta.Perhaps I will cause a lot of inconvenience to you, but let’s all work hardtogether.”

After write his full name onthe blackboard, he deeply bowed down towards his cla.s.smates.

Then, he closed his eyes andstarted to think.

Because there is a ‘oneclap law’, I can’t afford to fail to make the first impression… If I make a badimpression now, my school life is over.

For now, it’s not aboutexcelling in appearance or social factor. …it’s inevitably about personalityfactor.

While thinking likethat, Souta continued to bow in a few second and,

“Souta, it’s okay. You don’t need to be so serious.”

Then, I can hear the teacher’swords.

No good… Because I think toomuch, It looks like I’m frozen to the spot.


As I respond, I become a bit nervous. I slowly raise my head -and then,


That voice which is liketsukkomi

It wasn’t an interestingtsukkomi, but as not obeying to “Don’t speak” words that Minase said, atsukkomi appeared at the cla.s.sroom that was once dominated by silence. It’senough to show that the cla.s.sroom was in Caligula’s effect.

TL’s note : Caligula effect,For example : Someone told you that you mustn’t watch that film, but somehowthere is an urge for you to watch it.

After that, laughingvoices started to leak out… Thus, it become a big wave of voices which floodedthe whole cla.s.sroom.

…Except for one student.

I don’t know why she allows itnow, but this is lucky-.
 his forced smile, Souta felt relieved. Afterthat, one student stood up.

“Taniguchi Sensei, Is it fine if I ask question to Koda-kun?” (Eri)

As that student spoke, the cla.s.sroom was calm down once again.

“You can go on, Minase”(Taniguchi)

“Yes, then without delay, Koda-kun, do you have anything like speciality?” (Eri)

Minase, who receivedpermission from Taniguchi, faced toward Souta, and asked him with their eyeslocked on.

Because of her unhesitant look, I was kind of intimidated…..

“U-n, speciality is it… Right,If it’s a simple fortune telling, I can do it a bit.”

“Fortune telling is it… I,like fortune telling. If it’s okay now, Would you like to try fortune tellingabout me?” (Eri)

“N-now?” (Souta)

“Yes. Now, please do.”(Eri)

Wh-what? Wow, for saying to doit in front of all the cla.s.smates… Also since I start to talk, she didn’t lookaway from me at all.

Usually, deliberatelylocked eyes with someone who aren’t close enough with you, unless you haveexcessive self-confidence or prominent, you would think uncomfortably and thepressure makes your heart didn’t feel calm, then you would naturally look awayfrom him.

Then why, you needlessly haveto lock eye with me too…

Rather than companion, I feelshe wants to take hold of the higher position, because I think she would liketo take the initiative between us. Using that chance with locking eyes, shewill try to pry into the other’s consciousness as an existence that is hard toresist.

…Aa, I see. It is on purpose.Do you really want to take the initiative that much? Well, If you have thoughtlike that, then I have one too.

Souta, who realized Minase’s purposes, looked away from her.

“I understand. Then, pleasetell me your full name and blood type.”(Souta)

“……Can I tell mybirthday too?” (Eri)

Minase answered a bit late as she was a little surprised.

“Yes. It’s okay.”(Souta)

Well, If it’s Minase,blood type is more than enough.

“I am called Minase Eri.Minase is as Mizu (water) and Se of Seto. Eri is written as Ai(love) and Rifrom food (Ryouri). My blood type is A.”(Eri)

“Minase Eri-san, blood type A”(Souta)

While saying that, Souta took anew memo out from his bag and started to write it down.

Since writing is tootroublesome, I will just pretend. Actually, this kind of atmosphere isimportant, so I will just keep at it.

Since I’m not doing any fortune telling anyway.

“Please wait a bit. Now, I will do your fortune telling.”

While keep pretending towrite, I racks my brain.

Iyaa~If it’s Minase, it becomes exciting. Lightly using‘Barnum Effect”, Then  I also receivecooperation from cla.s.smates (info) so it will become ‘hot reading’ and ‘coldreading’.

Staring at the memo,Souta started to speak.

“Minase-san is a serious, smart person. She has an excellent academicperformance. She also has leadership, I think she has received a tremendoustrust from her cla.s.smates. Then, her specialty is in cooking. Especially, homemadesweets. Well, around those.” (Souta)

After Souta finishedspeaking, he put his memo and pen back into the bag and stood like before.

“Aren’t all things spot on!”

“Fortune telling by bloodtype, amazing!”

“Is Koda-kun really a transferstudent?”

“Perhaps Minase-san’sacquaintance?”

“Minase-san’s homemade sweetsis like G.o.d-made! I’m serious!”

“Nee! Why do you know thatmuch?”

“Fortune telling about metoo!”

“Me too me too!”

Amazing~The info providers are you all, you know? And fortunetelling by blood type, you all arbitrarily believe in it just because you’reconvinced that I’m right.

“It’s just a fortune telling.I have done it from middle school. Then, how about it, Minase-san? Are theyright?” (Souta)

Eri, who fixed her gazeattentively at Souta until before, sharpened her gaze for a moment. She gave mea fierce look, but her expressions went normal to her usualdignified-expression as she saw her eye to me.

Aa? I feel like I’m just unexpectedly being glared, well I don’t care. Becauseshe won’t say “it’s wrong” to the statement that all the students haveconvinced.

“A….it’s spot on. For your fortune telling to be this accurate, sorry for notrecognizing it.” (Eri)

Saying that, she deeplybowed her head to Souta.

Before Souta reacted to Minase’saction, the first to make a fuss were the cla.s.smates.

“Amazing, transfer student.”

“Who are you!?”

“Okay,okay, stop now. Beforewe move to gymnasium, let’s pick two names for cla.s.s representatives. It caneither follow my recommendation or your recommendation.”  (Taniguchi)

The cla.s.sroom wassilenced by Taniguchi words before an uproar sounded thorough the cla.s.sroom.

After receiving Taniguchi’sword and seeing the cla.s.smates’ restlessly figures, it’s like watching anotherperson’s attendance.

TL’s note : Perhaps it’s likewhen some actor come, then you will say like, “Oh, he comes, he comes.”

Cla.s.s representativehuh, really troublesome. Well, I am a transfer student so I won’t be chosen. It’sgreat to be a transfer student only at time like this… More importantly, When willI sit!? Then, where is my seat!?”

Souta breathe a sigh ofrelieve in his heart, but a familiar student once again stood up.

What is this déjà vu…. Ihave a bad premonition.

Eri looked at Souta fora split second. Just a moment, she showed her smile but her eye that didn’tlaugh, so that only Souta understood about it.

--Correction. It’s not a premonition, I am sure about it. She certainly woulddo something. What will I do!!!

“Taniguchi sensei, I recommendKoda-kun. For him to get used to this school, I think the best way is to becomea cla.s.s representative.” (Eri)

“That’s certainly but….This sudden, Souta will be troubled, won’t he?” (Taniguchi)

“Yes. It’s impossiblefor me to receive that big task. I don’t know any people here, and…”(Souta)

I want to give my utmost bestto reject it, but if it’s become like this, then I’ll bring you along!

“Then if it’s me…Taniguchi-sensei,Cla.s.s representatives need 2 names, doesn’t it?” (Souta)

“Aa, why?” (Taniguchi)

“Then, I also recommendMinase-san.”(Souta)

Yahooo! Serves you right!Curse will rebound on yourself, idiot!

Souta faced towards Eri,and almost instinctively shouted a joyous roar.

She understood as she lookedat his face. At that time, without anyone noticing, a small natural smilefloated on Eri’s face.

*Souta’s POV*

It’s dangerous, my expression almosttwitched. Smile, smile.

“I see. Minase, you’re okaywith it?” (Taniguchi)

“Yes, no problem” (Eri)

“Okay, everyone. Clap ifyou agree.”(Taniguchi)

They unanimously clapped theirhand in unison,  Souta and Eri was chosenas cla.s.s representatives.

“It’s early but, please go toauditorium and ask the teacher when the opening ceremony begin.” (Taniguchi)

“Yes. Then, Kido-kun. I willlead the way to auditorium." (Eri)

“Ye,yes.” (Souta)


Wait a bit! Where is my seat!? I still haven’t sit though !? At least let me put my bag firstttt!

Of course, there’s no onethere to hear Souta’s rattles.

TL : o-o d.a.m.n blue background...