Ascenders: Rising From Zero

Chapter 46




Water trickled down into the little pool of water in the bluish and foggy landscape. In it, stood a school boy donning black shoes, blue trousers, white s.h.i.+rt and a blue and white striped tie with a crew cut hairstyle looking in confusion.

Just a little ahead of him was a figure, masculine in blue suit, kneeling on one knee.

"Don"t worry about what happened. Your conscious mind blacked out. This is your unconscious mind that I had been able to wake." The figure spoke, straining in breath.

Every person had a mind that was divided into two. The conscious part did the daily biological machinations and whatnot while the unconscious mind usually came alive to process deeper understanding of what was observed by the conscious mind.

For example, one could think about something deeply and end up dreaming about it. In such instances, the unconscious mind is at work and as always, this mind would do only processing and replaying of information rather than controlling the body and the likes.

This was what was observed when sleepwalkers went about doing things in their sleep because they had already been programmed by their unconscious mind earlier.

"Heh." Yasmin huffed in Breathing. For a minute or two, his form wavered, morphing into the form of a wizened and seasoned expert in padded robes and a flowing cape.

"Bayo, Bayo,Bayo... I didn"t think that the Ascender Contingency plan would begin with someone like you. However, I am not disappointed." The voice sounded stiff, yet rejuvenating and somewhat merry.

"I see raw talent in you, son. Even though those silly G.o.ds are interfering with it but it will all work out according to my design." The figure smiled sinisterly before fading off to reveal a panting Yasmin.


Huff... Huff...

"Y-you... you..." Yasmin huffed. "Twice you have repelled me. So, now, I would enlighten you so that by my enlightenment, you may acquire strength enough for me to take over. Do not gloat for without me, you are nothing." Yasmin huffed out.

Bayo frowned, seeking understanding with his lifeless eyes. "Hnh..."

"There are 21 Ascenders, all of which are accounted for in the Ascender Induction that you missed. We are Number one, The First Born and the unity of all the Ascenders. Which is why, I must be in the driver seat. Each number has its meaning and through the meaning of the number may that Ascender find true perfection." Yasmin drew in a deep breath.

"Number 2 is the division, perfection in division. Number 3 is wholeness and so the numbers go.

But I ask you, can you uphold the responsibility that comes with first?

Don"t choose neutral for by whatever actions you make, your life is fixed. And to raise the unity or destroy it lies in your hands.

Which is why, I bid my time." Yasmin smiled, huffing still.

Just then, color flooded Bayo"s eyes, adding vibrance to his personage.

"Teh..." Bayo groaned, looking at the kneeling Yasmin.

"Ah! You are awake already." Yasmin noted.

"Yes, why am I still in my soul s.p.a.ce? Is this your doing? I mean, I should be awake in my new form already." Yasmin shook his head slowly to his question.

"After the energy meltdown, I converted the excess energy into growth energy to facilitate the growth of the new form into adulthood. This will take some time, at most hours and in this state., you will be rendered immobile and unconscious. To the outside world, you would be sleeping and growing but in here, you are only enduring your Soul Adaptation period.

And because of the emergency evolution, I cannot determine the time estimate for this soul adaptation." Yasmin said, looking deep into his eyes.

"That"s okay by me! Even though it feels like so much a time. What about you? Are you synchronizing with the new form already?" Bayo asked, stretching.

"My sync process will kickstart as soon as the soul has finished its adaptation process during which I will be inaccessible." Yasmin strained.

"Why are you like that?" Bayo frowned.

"Tch..." Yasmin hissed silently as he looked away, brooding.

"Oh... This is because I didn"t let you take over. Whatever! Yasmin, Status!" Bayo replied in a carefree voice.

Just then, a slide opened up before his eyes, containing bio data about his new form.

He observed it thoughtfully, smacking a finger over his lips periodically. The events of the last hours had been tasking.


First the loud voice, second the...

Wait... those Vampires...

Infact, he didn"t want to remember any of it. Rather he kept on admiring the new stats infront of him with the suppressed thoughts of danger lurking about.

Casting a glance at Yasmin, he marveled.

Some minutes back, he had combined all the existing bloodline he could lay his hand on to create a new evolution of the Spirit Alph Wolf and the p.r.i.c.kled Bane Winged Wolf. He had chosen the former but Yasmin only needed to step up to convert the bloodline into something even more greater.

And Yasmin was but a piece of the original but yet so tactical that he had even created an ability by manipulating the law of gluttony.

Even though he had no prior knowledge, he knew somehow that that was no small feat.

To create an ability from a law meant he didn"t need to learn the principles of the law before using the ability...

And Yasmin was just a piece of the original soul. Just imagine what would happen then, if Trixius himself were to be in town.

That man, he was true genius.

Speaking of which, didn"t he see Trixius earlier on? He did, right?

That Trixius was genius unrivaled.

With more time, he would later organize a team to understand the precepts of the Ascender Creation.

"Trixius eh."

"A team, heh?" A new voice spoke, beaming of strength and might. Startled, Bayo swirled around only to see a seemingly young being wearing a sort of white robes padded at the shoulders at the joints.

"Who are you?" Bayo asked, looking around for a non present Yasmin.

"I"m Trixius. I thought if I appeared in this form, you"d be able to converse freely with... Ah... Law of love eh? Osun has met you already. Hmm... Don"t trust the G.o.ds, never do." Trixius frowned, folding his arms across his chest as his ocean blue eyes pierced into Bayo"s soul.

"T-Trixius? How? I thought you were one powerful being like that... you don"t seem like that." Bayo asked, sensing nothing powerful about the person before him.



"I had to split part of my soul into 21 parts, remember? Besides, The Control Array holding my cell wouldn"t allow much of me out. Infact, I can only appear before you because a remnant of my soul is here, that is, Yasmin the First. And this form is just before I discovered the truths."

"Control array?"

"It"s a kind of soul genie that is attached to constructs, for defence and sometimes to imprison a being within. The G.o.ds sealed me up in one after they failed to destroy me." Trixius"s face darkened. "That"s why you can"t trust them. Not even the G.o.ddess of Love. They are all the same. The real evil that must be vanquished."


"Wait..." Trixius raised a hand up. "You have a fugitive mark already? A mark of first degree, by an Emere. Ha! You actually have been busy and attention seeking, right?" He smiled.

At that, Bayo frowned, sensing the asterisk beside its soul that was ebbing off faint traces of energy.

"It"s a hunting mark. Means no sentient being can kill unless by permission by the caster of the technique. And it sends info about your current location continuously to the Emere. I don"t think, with your current poor stats, that you can survive this without giving control to Yasmin." He stated.

"No! I don"t care if you are Trixius or not but no way am I giving my soul to anyone. I got this second life and I will live it according to my design and not yours or Yasmin"s." Bayo flared, pointing a finger at Trixius who towered above him despite the fact it was only his youth form at a height of 7 feet.

"Hahah... the defiance!" Trixius doubled over in laughter. "I"m sorry but there"s nothing you can do. Whether you choose to do something or nothing, you will ascend the path I laid for you, according to my dictates."

"You obviously haven"t met me. I want nothing on this whole Ascender s.h.i.+t. I just want to live not be your endgame army."

"I wouldn"t be Trixius if I didn"t plan for every eventuality. You see when you posses great power, you must make room for spontaneous incidents to happen in such a way that, in the end, it plays to your game. You think I didn"t consider that some of my Ascenders would want to rebel? I did. I plan for every Eventuality, Son." Trixius grinned devilishly.

"Now, without giving Yasmin control, how would you escape the mark? Already people are on to you and the farther you go, the faster the mark fades off from your soul. So, talk!" Yasmin asked but Bayo gritted his teeth, eyeing him.

"I said, TALK!" A burst of gloomy aura exploded, forcing Bayo to his knees in one instant as a line cracked across Trixius"s face.

Almost his will, Bayo found his mouth opening, bowing to the intense pressure he was under.

This Trixius...

" escape further. I would use my Metalplated Eagle to fly away." Bayo strained.

"Ha! Did you know that the Metalplated Eagle is my Creation? I tweaked several bloodlines and gave it Affinity to Law of War."

"Really?" Bayo found himself genuinely interested.

"Of course. I wouldn"t be the patron of you Ascenders if I didn"t know one or two about evolutions and bloodlines. Ha!" Trixius gave a short sharp laugh before frowning.

"But no! Flying as a bird in the open skies make you an easy target. And creatures with mixed bloodlines happen to have very tasty meat. The exact reason why Ironspike Tailed Dog is a delicacy in Drago. You know the World Wat Of Earth? You"d be flying and then... poof... boooom. Bird soup." He laughed.

"Then, I"ll fly low."

"Eagles are not natural low fliers. Besides anyone with a stick and a good aim can hit you clean. Sweet bird soup." Trixius grinned.

"Horned Hind Bear..."

"Too much attention into yourself. Bear pepper soup." Trixius laughed again as Bayo growled lowly.

He was talking against his wish but yet this guy...

"Then what? If you are so knowledgeable, tell me how?" Bayo spluttered Out, frustrated.

"Nope!" Trixius shook his head slowly, enjoying the show. "Why would help especially when you are my First Born? That"s like parental cheating... Even though I mastered Envy but I don"t like it when it"s between my children.

Besides there are some things you must learn in your own. One of the reasons why Yasmin the First never a.s.sist you in trouble."

"Yasmin did. When I was fighting the Spirit Wolf. Told me to stop running. And why do you keep referring him as Yasmin the First?"

Another line cracked open on Trixius ear stretching across to his nose.

"He did? Well, that"s because he saw prospects in you. And he"s not the only Yasmin out there. When I split my soul, I gave thought to gender. For every male, the soul remnant will tKe on male features and be called Yasmin while the females..."

"Wait... so there is Yasmin the Second Out there too?" Bayo"s eyes widened.

"Yes. Now you must know why Yasmin has being frantic in taking over. He can"t afford to lag behind when he is The First.He is the Unity and by extension, you are. And because of this, you will keep finding yourself in places of authority and respects. No matter what you do to avoid it, people will always look up to you. You have a very prospective future ahead and I hope you can manage all of it. "Trixius scratched his chin.

"Ah... must go... your friend is here to see you." Trixius flicked a finger at him as dizziness set in again.


What friend?

Bayo thought as the scene s.h.i.+fted, a feeling of being contained with a body settling on him. He could feel a soft proddingby his side and the snores from his nose against his paws and a faint voice.

That voice...

Was that Jaspar?

"Bayo, Wake Up." The voice boomed, clearing the sleep away in one instant.