Ascenders: Rising From Zero

Chapter 28

Ronke and her squad stepped out of the forest, into the dusk lights of a bright and very civilized layout. Buildings with gold and silver complimentary coatings shone with rich ecstasy, turning the atmosphere into a clouds of bright, sparkling reflections of light.

The road itself where they stood was paved at the edge with silver lining adding l.u.s.ter to the black tarred road.

Drago was rich.

Being the capital of the Drakonian Confederacy, world power of the Second Heaven, it was to be expected.

Ronke grimaced, her thoughts still on the recent happenings in the forest. It was true that they didn"t have sufficient firepower but at least, they should have had the dog.

But now, nothing.

The trio walked past drakons, grakons, and people of other species in their hustle even at dusk. A drakon walked over, s.h.i.+fting a hat continuously over the head as Ronke sighed deeply.

Just ahead of them was a Landing Pad where they would board transport to the CFR Headquarters. It was owned by Orun Travel Corporation, one of the leading transport systems in Heaven that lifted people here and there in flying saucers.

Laughing quietly, Ronke remembered tales that she had heard about the sighting of these Flying saucers at Eledumare Pet Planet, Earth.

Those earthlings had always cla.s.sified the saucers as Unidentified Flying Objects. UFOS they called it.

How naive were they? But again, she couldn"t really blame them. The Humans Of Earth were physical beings, with very limited knowledge of spirituality. Infact, it was only by the few gifted ones on earth that knowledge of irunmoles and other beings had gotten to Earth.

They were physical but those in Orun are all spirit beings depending on Agbara, the aspectual energy that held the fabric of reality. But Eledumare did gift them something.

Technological innovation, and if they kept at it, she was certain that humanity would manufacture ways by which they could easily see spirit beings and even relate with them.

But this was only a wild guess.

Never had she being to Earth to ascertain their level of innovation. Not that she didn"t have the means but never did she show interest.

"The physical should stay in the physical and the spiritual in the spiritual" was her tagline.

"Hey, sister. Greetings." A voice broke into her thoughts.

She turned towards the voice direction, frowning slightly. Who knew her in this place?

"Uh... h.e.l.lo?" She responded, unsure of what to say.

"It"s me, Abiola. The elders send their greetings too." The voice sounded from a crowd of people.

Elders? Only one place where that could come from. From her Familiar Realms.

Why would the Elders send greetings to her?

"Abiola, brother, I greet you all back. Come forth." She called.

After a while, a thin figure dreaded barechested figure walked into her vision range. He had baggy trousers that were belted with laces of material at his waist up to his stomach while a large brown squishy sack, nozzled at the top, hung from a strap across his brown body.

"It"s been long. How do you do?" He asked, splaying a hand through his dreadlocks.

"Yes, yes..." Ronke replied, excitedly.

Her brother paying her a visit? That was rare.

"Uh, What goes here?" Aeneas asked, looking cautiously at the new comer.

"It"s my Familiar brother, Abiola. He wants to tell me something, I think." Ronke replied, turning back to her team.

"HE"sS NOT danger?" Denre asked, eyeing Abiola up and down.

"No!" She turned back to Abiola, her face turning into a light frown. "Enough with the excitement, why are you here and more why did the elders send greetings?"

"Ah, you take things so serious! Is this what you learn at the dragon Land?" Abiola laughed, nervously.

"Enough! You and I both know I was sent out by the Elders from our lands for being a unique Familiar."

"Well, you really can"t blame the elders. We all have energy max of 300 but you surpa.s.sed it all. It was frightening, to be..."

"WHY are you here?" Ronke retorted harshly.

In response, the new Familiar looked about nervously as if watching out for something.

He sighed, closing his eyes.

"Well, I must speak to you in private as about that." Out of the blues, he pulled out an orb from his ring. "Soundproofing Orb. Permission?"He said, seeing Ronke worried face.

"Guys, I"ll need to speak with my brother in private. If you see anything untoward, break in and break me out." She spoke to her team mates, all the while looking Abiola in the eyes.

Abiola threw the orb down to the ground, watching it with a bored expression. The orb glittered, white light transcending its entire form as a translucent dome spread outward for about 3meters with Abiola at the Center.

"Come in." He said

Ronke entered the dome, her eyes fixated on him. "What exactly are you here for?"

Abiola scratched his head, a mask of worry on it. "Look, Ronke, lot of things have been happening at our Familiar lands."

"Like what?" She asked, genuinely concerned. It didn"t matter that her species had cast her out for being different. No, it didn"t. That was why she had always kept tabs with home development, sending most of pay package of GoldMints.

The Familiars because of their inability to comprehend aspectual laws had always been at the bottom of the tier, in terms of power and even wealth which was why, it was always their realms that were the wave"s pa.s.sage route. So over the decades, she had come to see herself as a super figure that owed her Realms some responsibility.

"Look, the wave is coming. The signs are so obvious we can"t ignore it. This time, it"s going to be bigger than we have ever seen." Abiola spoke.

"So it"s true?"


"About the demon waves... But it"s too soon for a demon wave, right?" Ronke asked, confused.

"Not really! As soon as thereis a demon that has risen to high level in power, the demonkind become agitated to wash through the realms and destroy everything in their wake under the leaders.h.i.+p of that powerful demon." Abiola scratched his head again.

"Look, we need you. The Familiar race needs you. All of you unique familiars."

"Me?" Ronke eyes widened, pointing a finger to herself.

"To survive this oncoming disaster, The Elders have come to a conclusion that we do as our Abiku relatives and go to Earth."

"What?" Ronke gasped. "That is madness. The Irunmoles would not allow out."

"No, sister." Abiola shook his head. "We are not using the Irunmole world bridge outpost. We are using the demons own."

Ronke laughed mockingly.

"You people are asking for slaughter. You are forgetting that the demons are not exactly friendly especially to people in their home territory."

"If the Abikus" did it, and for several centuries then we too can do it." Abiola said, frowning at her.

Just why exactly was she laughing?

"The Abiku race are more demon oriented. That is why they can pa.s.s through without any hara.s.sment. They are practically demons and we Familiars, we are not demons. I do not subscribe to this. No!"

"Then what do you subscribe to?" Abiola asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Tell them to stay back."

"Are you crazy?" Abiola retorted, pointing a finger to his temple. "Stay back so that our entire race can be wiped off by this next wave? Stay back so that we can enter the record of an extinct specie?"

"No! Stay back and we fight together!" Ronke cried, clenching her fists,her eyes watery with tears. "We stay back, we strong together. We stay back because that"s what we have being doing for the millenniums past. And we survived because we stayed together."

"You saying this because it"s easy for you. You can grow your soul strength into thousands." Abiola laughed bitterly.

In an instant, a depraved look appeared on his face as he beat his chest, frantically.

"Look at me, Ronke. Look at me. I have my energy at 280 and that"s because I have been training hard. Look at me, our elders are barely at Energy max of 300 talkless of the entire race."

Annoyed, he pointed a finger up to her face.

"But look at you, you can use your elemental abilities for even longer times than we. Of course, so why wouldn"t you want to stay back."

"Stop. Saying. That!" Ronke retorted, covering her face. "It"s not my fault that I am like this. It"s not my fault that I can ascend my soul Stage. I didn"t choose it. And it"s not like as if I can even yet comprehend Law energy. You people sent me away because of it so why are you using it to torture me again?" Ronke asked with a covered face as tears streamed down her cheeks.

Just then, Denre and Aeneas stepped into the bubble like dome, eyeing Abiola warily.

"Everything FINE HERE?" Denre asked, his large palm soothing Ronke"s back.