Ascenders: Rising From Zero

Chapter 39

Bayo yelped for joy!

In the few weeks he had lived in this world or this Orun, he had come to understand the thing that was about companions.h.i.+p and friends.h.i.+p. The thing was just that, friends and true family never left you.

And if by any chance they did, Fate often had a way of bringing you both together. It was the percept that had governed his life at the pack. The reason why he had loved the dogs so dearly.

Seeing Jaspar now was no different.

"Hey, unlucky special creature, I"ve missed you." Jaspar beamed, looking closely all over Bayo"s form.

Bayo smiled internally. Usually, he"d have being so excited but then again, he had to remind himself that this Jaspar was a pervert so he had to be really really careful before Jaspar had his b.u.t.t for business.

"I"d better move away." Bayo said mentally as he snuggled away from Jaspar"s observatory hug

Looking at Jaspar now, he felt safe. Aside from the looming fear that Jaspar might have his b.u.t.t for examination...

Ahem, Bayo...


With that thought he cleared his mind, observing the nature drakon in turn. He had a coat sort of on with his usual trousers and...

a tint of sadness lurking in the corner of his smiling eyes. Bayo frowned.

"I see you have grown. Your muscles are rippling. And oh, I finally took some English Which means if you write English out for me, I"ll understand it immed..." He was interrupted by Bayo who was using a paw to trace the tear lines left that trickled down his eyes earlier. Although, the tears were dried now but the path they carved was left behind.

Jaspar was sad.

"oh. That. Never Mind. I"m a man now." Jaspar muttered, swiping off his paw.

"Yasmin, can I talk? Any energies that I can convert?" He asked, eager to know what happened to Jaspar. Prior to that, he had searched around for where he could carve out words but the entire ground was paved and lined with platinum and silver.

"Non existent. All bonus energy have being consumed except for the bonus activation of the Law of Love."

That was something! "Can I use it?"

"Unfortunately, even I can not inter relate with the Law. I"m sorry." Yasmin muttered silently.

"Sucks..." Bayo muttered.

Taking his focus from his mind, he walked further abit, drawing closer to the ma.s.sacre. Already bodies of the grotesque beings were evaporating by some form he didn"t quite understand.

Was that what actually happened during soul decline? That the unfortunate person evaporated after a while? He s.h.i.+vered, wis.h.i.+ng he could cradle his arms around his body. Behind him was Jaspar following closely and chattering excitedly.

Howver, the drakon pauses seeing that the Latent Stealth Dog eyes were trained on the Emere who appeared to be having some discourse with the Drakon Masters.

"Oh, that!" Jaspar started. "That is Asoju Temi, amba.s.sador of The Irunmole Society. Rumors have it that he was cast down from the fifth heavens on account of a wrong, punished with serving under the Irunmoles. That aside, he stil is very powerful, owing to his racial bonus of being an Emere. Which is their ability to readily tap into Creation Essence, the purest form of Agbara." Jaspar said.

"Racial bonus?" Oh right! He hadn"t scanned the guy yet. With a mental command and a face"paw", Bayo sighed.

Jaspar frowned slightly, seeing the act before shrugging.

"If you are wondering what happened here, That Emere in little time ended the lives of over a thousand demons in Drago. Yes, I think they are over a thousand, maybe." He shrugged again while Bayo s.h.i.+vered in fear.

Ended the lives of over a thousand d-demon... those things were demons? Chilly!

But wasn"t it a good thing that demons were being destroyed? Atleast where he came from, his religious backgrounds had ousted demons and isolated and stigmatized people a.s.sociated with them.

The typical African behavior. Or, Nigerian?



Specie: Emere

Soul Stage: Beta Cla.s.s

Energy: 8,865 453/12,000,000

Ability: Charm Speak

Law: Law of Storm

Offspring of the Orisha, they begin their soul growth at Elite, maximizing their natural growth at Omega Cla.s.s. Extremely powerful with a physique with high resistance to attacks of all kind, Emeres top it all by their Charm Speak ability, making them very persuasive and unable to be refused.



"I only acted in self defense. And I should be thanked too. I cleared off a Sentient Dragon attack on Drago." Asoju Temi said, countering the muderous gaze the DrakonMasters were giving him.

"And now, Drago is purged" He said, turning about with extended hands, a look of glory all over him.

The drakon Masters were speechless. Truly, Lord Meados has sacked the demons off his lands, following the order of The Irunmole Society in their effort to checkmate the demon Ascenders thingy, which meant that the Asoju was already off their hook.

After all, he acted in self defense and wiped out demons who had already been sacked, a responsibility that was no longer in Drago"s hands.

Still, that would require a lot of intelligent maneuvering to settle the seething demon heads in their respective realms.

Asoju Temi froze as his pupil-less eyes fell upon a dog and a drakon over at the corner of the street. His eyes glowed abit as he looked straight, biting his lower lips.

"This demon scent is coming from there?" He whispered, leaving the Drakon Masters at loss of what to say.



He slammed a foot down and tore through the air, appearing in front of the Drakon and the Dog.

"Latent Stealth Dog. Ground Cla.s.s with a soul genie with soul traces of Trixius. A demon Ascender." The Emere whispered as he leaned forward, looking down at the dog.

The dog whimpered, taking slow back steps under the watchful stern eyes of Asoju Temi.

"Hey man, back off! You"re scaring my pet." Jaspar baring his fang like teeth as he positioned himself between the dog and the Emere.

"Yes, go Jaspar!" Bayo cheered mentally as his body trembled.

Just in a second, he had a.n.a.lyzed everything about him.


"Move away from the Latent Stealth Dog." Asoju Temi"s voice deepened as he snapped his right hand fingers.

"You mean, my Ironspike Tailed Dog pet? No way!" Jaspar retorted.

The aura of the Asoju Temi flared as the air condensed, applying intense gravitational pressure on them.

"That, that is NOT an Ironspike Tailed Dog. It is an Ascender, one of which The Irunmole Society have given a hunt to kill Order.If you would not move, then I wouldn"t be held responsible for collateral damage." Asoju Temi smirked as he leaned further forward, almost as if he were standing horizontally in the air while a coc.o.o.n of fierce winds with flas.h.i.+ng lightning bustled at his fists.

"Oh NO! YOU WONT!" Dakota spoke, his eyes burning furiously with black flames as he shadowed the form of the Emere.

"You make one further move against my SON and I, Dakot, Drakon Master of the Confederacy will have your body skewered and sent as offering to the very Orishas who cast you down." Dakota bellowed as Drakon Guards began closing on in them.

Asoju Temi grimaced, biting his lower lips as he rubbed his finely curved set of jaws with a hand. The Drakon Master had hit a sore point.

He was cast down from the Fifth Heaven, a memory he chose to forget, a blemish on his being.

Frowning Slightly, he turned his head to look at Dakota without moving while fighting himself on the ground.

"You dare remind o-of that?" His voice was laced with lurking danger.

Dakota stepped forward, almost squaring shoulders with him. "You dare threaten my son?" His eyes narrowed as he cast a look at the Emere.

The two stared each other until the sounds of hurried movement tore their focus. They looked towards the source only to see a fleeing Dog, running with its heart in its mouth for its life.

"See... That creature is a demon Ascender. It has sentience which is why it could cut chase." Asoju Temi blurted out, furiously pointing at the pinpoint figure of the dog in the distance.

"What do you say? You scared the beast and now you call it an Ascender?" Dakota fired as Oberius materialized beside him.

"You test my intelligence, Dakota. Creation Essence: Fugitive Mark." Temi flexed his fingers, weaving the shape of a octagon. A corresponding symbol flared into life before vanis.h.i.+ng away.

"Okay, guys. We all should take a breather. It"s late at dusk already." Oberius loud voice cut in, bringing life to the still environment as people back moving.

"Agreed! On the morrow, I am filing against you." Dakota eyed Temi. He bent down towards Jaspar, looking him in the eyes. "When did you start having a pet?" He whispered.

"Thank You." Jaspar replied, looking away.