Ascenders: Rising From Zero

Chapter 50

Over time, we have sought for a new way, the new order to things. We have come together from different heavens, a people aggrieved by oppression, a people with sole resolve of redefining what should be as right.

But we failed.

When we saw the new light in Trixius, we failed to embrace it. Instead we hid, afraid of the change he proposed, totally not ready for what must be. A folly we committed so wholeheartedly.

Now that we seek the new light, he is gone from us, extinguished like a whiff of flame in the wind. The preacher of new light is vanished before we can grasp him to behold his divinity.

He was our own G.o.d, a G.o.d we woefully failed by hiding away in fear. Whereas, Trixius had comforted us. Gave us reasons to live and push on in this evil contaminated heavens. He showed us how to rise above the limitations imposed upon us by the higher powers. That if we had it in mind to succeed, then no one ever, be it G.o.d or Demon would find themselves in our paths for confrontations.

And now, what then lies for us? A future of finding the next New Light? Most definitely! But suppose the New Light is to be revealed to us, I doubt highly that any of us would stall. Which is even why, I write this with great joy, seeing that Trixius himself has sought to return, a plan he painstakingly and thoughtfully etched out by the splitting of his soul.

We Await Trixius, yes him, the G.o.d of Reorder and New beginnings. And so we wait, yearning for the reward of our faith, a seat by his side for all of eternity.

Long Live Trixius the great. Long live the genius G.o.d! Long live the plan of Ascender that you have so lovingly brought unto us.


Culled From: A Timely Perspective, Written by Scribe Icahod, from the tower of The Sect of New Light



Two Minutes Earlier.

Laurena paused, pulling her hands from the Drakon guard leading her to the shed. The day was hot, really hot and enough for anyone to need a shade but however, the unsettling Salamander didn"t appear to her like something to be ignored.

"What?" The Drakon asked, hands folded. "You still think that scared Salamander is worth the trouble?"

Laurena squinted at the Salamander as it tore past. "Wait, it has a fugitive mark. An Emere mark type."

"Well, we both know Asoju Temi. Always putting fugitive marks on various beasts that amuses him as a way of bearing the hurt of being cast down. This is just a coincidence, one we should not be bothered with, at least till the Wolf comes.


"You see?"

"Wait, it has Pathseeker Orb necklace."

"These breed of Salamanders are scavengers. It must have found that in a dumpsite." The Drakon replied, rubbing the back hairs slowly.

"Scavenger... But that doesn"t explain how it was able to pick the destination to Amnor despite it not being sentient, plus why is it coming here at the same time we are expecting the wolf?"

"Oh, that makes sense. But you can"t be sure. it might just be you all worked up."

"Fine! I"ll go after it myself." Laurena growled, walking away from the female Drakon.


Two Minutes Later.


The spear thrust deep in the earth, as the feet of Laurena sounded softly against the ground.

"Oh, I know what you are, Ascender. A smart one at that!" Laurena said with menacing eyes as she stared the 3feet curled Salamander gazing at her with reptilian intelligence.

She stepped forward and the Salamander uncurled itself, still and watching. The Irunmole seemed startled at the patience the creature displayed but unknown to her, on Bayo"s part, his heart was racing.

"You know you really are smart but dumb. Being able to change form so as to avoid detection. It"s cla.s.sic. Sadly, you had to meet me at the post." Laurena said, hands at her waist as she stared down the Salamander. Around the duo were few and almost empty shops, kiosks and shopping complexes as their owners rushed away from the site. Other than that, the place was eerily still, and quiet. "Agbara Ogun; Spear casting" Laurena chanted with two finger guns to her nose.

The air around her fingers churned and blurred as a fluid but solid substance began appearing in her hands.

In a short time, the substance had hardened into two black and dangerously sharp lances in her two hands.

"Agbara Ogun: Impact Detonation. Unify." She said, pulling herself into a hurling position as a red glow coated the Spears.


The Salamander"s head jerked up, looking at the sailing projectile coming at him.


"s.h.i.+t. s.h.i.+t. s.h.i.+t. s.h.i.+t. s.h.i.+t. s.h.i.+t. Yasmin, that"s two Spears at me. And she"s forming others. Help me." Bayo panicked nervously as he tensed his body.

The first spear sailed in a little curve straight for his head.

"I can help you, provided...

"Okay, that"s it, Yasmin. Zip it. Calm down, Bayo. Think like a gamer, okay." He tried to cheer himself as he calculated the inching of the spear.

"Now, Rapid Position Manoeuvre." He ordered as he threw his weight backwards, evading the spear by a hairsbreadth as it stuck into the ground.

"Phew! That was clo..."


The Lance exploded, accompanied by a fierce Sonic boom that rocked his entire body as he got defeaned, leaving him trembling furiously as he somersaulted.


Bayo"s body hit soft earth as his vision dimmed.

"Tch... So much for calculating." Yasmin commented.

"Hey, Fuc..." The word hung in Bayo"s mind as another explosion rammed into hum, turning him round and round in a parallel fling.

"Aaah... G.o.d..." Bayo groaned, his whole body suddenly feeling like lead weight. A soft giggle floated to his ears from his huntress as he forced himself to turn over from lying on his back.

"Honestly, you amaze me. First you weave many intricate plans to arrive here. Then, now, you can"t even hold out against me?" Laurena muttered, walking closer, the two lances in her hand glowing hot.

"Yasmin Scan"


Name: Laurena

Specie: Irunmole

Soul Status: Omni Cla.s.s(Late)

Law: Law of War

Principles: Fervor(35%), Metal(33%),Piercing(1...


Bayo dived to the left of the a stone as a spear pierced into his former position. Within a second, he thrust his body forward into the air, painstakingly as the spear detonated in a loud bang.

But he could take it. Already in the air, the explosion rocked against his body, giving him further momentum that pushed him far into the air horizontally.

A spear splintered the stone he had used earlier, exploding into a shower of Sparks and miniature Sonic boom. At this, Bayo braced himself as the Sonic boom rocked his body again, the horrible sensation of his bones being sc.r.a.ped against metal surging through his body while giving him further momentum.

"If you can"t beat them, you hit the road. It"s worth it." Bayo agonizingly mused. Every inch of him ached and throbbed, his head heavy and eyes attempting to close any minute now.

"Just a little more" Bayo made for the underneath of a kiosk, das.h.i.+ng with all his might. If he could make it just in time, he could have some seconds rest and if he was lucky, claw into the kiosk from underneath and find another way to bail.

However, the Irunmole, Laurena was thinking faster than he was. With a swift movement of her palms, she weaved a symbol into the air. "Law of War; Bar Containment."

For a second, the symbol she wove shone with light and vanis.h.i.+ng the next second as Laurena flicked a finger at it.


The sound of metal grating against rock exploded into the air, stunning Bayo just as he was about to make a final leapt to the kiosk.

Shaking himself out of the daze, he adjusted to the continuous sound to cast a glance at the Irunmole and then to the rising dust around him in a square like form.

"Wait, what did she say? Bar Containment?" Bayo"s mental eyes popped as his instincts screamed, Jump. Without second thoughts, he crouched his weight and then fire up like a spring into the air.

As he shot up, Iron bars rose up from the dust in the same square format as the dust earlier and clicked shut at the roof with a bang and a slice.

"GAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH... My tail." Bayo grunted, fresh waves of pain coursing through his body.

"Yasmin, help!" Bayo grunted, hugging himself with a feral look on his face, beside the evolution table

The scenery had changed as Bayo focused his thoughts mentally.

"I cannot be of service t..."

"Dont you dare. You are a soul genie. MY SOUL GENIE and you are SUBJECT TO MEET." Bayo flung a finger at the blue suited Yasmin.

"You cannot even think of a step to save yourself without me. Let"s be factual, you cannot survive in here. You are a mistake, Bayo, Give Up." Yasmin taunted.

"Give up?" Bayo thumped his chest, staring down Yasmin.

"I never wanted any of this in the..."

"You need to focus or you will die. She cast a technique, Trailing Iron Spikes. Once you are back to focus, do the first thing that comes to your mind, Run!"

"Cant I counter it?" Bayo asked, looking expressionless now.

"You are too weak to counter it."

"Fine. You better think of what I can do to stop this woman for good. G.o.d, my b.u.t.t hurts. Because if you don"t... And I die, You die. Poof, End of the road for both of us." Bayo stated, leaving a speechless Yasmin in his subconscious.

It was true. If he died, Yasmin was gone too, so he had better put in all the help he could.

As Bayo"s focus settled on his environs, his body was already acting on impulse.

Running as Iron Spikes spurted after him, in a straight line that changed course every time he did.

"The Fire Breathing Salamander ability has attained complete kinetic energy acc.u.mulation and can be used. Do you wish to ...." Yasmin was cut short.

"Yes, yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes..." Bayo chanted, swirling around to curve his weight as he surprisingly began running back, into the Irunmole hunting him.

Laurena swallowed, watching the Salamander rush at her, the triangular markings on it"s back glowing with raw kinetic energy that would be transformed in no time into full blast of red hot flames.

She had studied the Law of War but focused majorly on the Attack principles. As she believed that the best form of defence was attack.

But right now, her beliefs were on shaky ground as she watched the Salamander open wide it"s reptilian mouth, smoke escaping to form a fog around it as the harbinger of her would be death closed in.

"Noooooo...." Laurena yelled, raising hands to s.h.i.+eld herself from the outpouring heat and the oncoming flames. But it didn"t matter.

Her hands melted,burning and burning, her face...

"No..." She screamed, her entire body roasting as she was set ablaze.

"Brace yourseld., Bayo. And make sure to absorb whatever you can get. " Yasmin stated coolly.

"What do you mean?"

Just then, the charred body of Laurena exploded into a s.h.i.+mmer of white light, an intense outpouring of raw energy escaping into the environment.

At this, Bayo didn"t need any tutorial to know what next. "Law of Gluttony, I need you." He called, pulling upon the hungry churning law within him to absorb all the energy he could get.

"First law of thermodynamics, Energy can neither be created nor destroyed but is..."

"...transformed from one place to another." A new voice in his head completed the law making him jump in fright.

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