Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 175-176

Publishedat 18th of March 2018 08:24:00 PM
Chapter 175-176

Chapter 175 - Lin Yi"s Search

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"Your sis-in-law . . ? Are you- who? Who"s your brother? The captain"s sister?" Lingshan didn"t know what was even going on at this point .

"I call Yang Huaijun "Jun Bro" . " Lin Yi said with a smile .

"You call him "Jun Bro"……" Lingshan blinked as she realized what Lin Yi was talking about- so he called Huaijun "Jun Bro" because he was his brother? Didn"t that make him Huaijun"s younger brother?

Lingshan"s face reddened . "What"s wrong with you! I"ll kick you out!!"

It had been a long time since anyone had teased and messed with her like that- Lin Yi was the first, and it wasn"t the first time he"d done it to her! Lingshan couldn"t believe what she was putting up with, did G.o.d send this man down just for the sake of messing with her?

"Look, Miss Song, I"m just saying- this thing about Jun Bro and me isn"t something I can just tell anyone about . Those are the only two options if you wanna know . Focus on driving if you don"t like that!" Lin Yi was joking, but it was one way to stop her from probing . He couldn"t guarantee that he wouldn"t let anything slip out by accident, after all, and it"d be better if they put the topic behind them .

"Alright, stop with your excuses! Don"t tell me anything if you don"t want to!" Lingshan said with a hmph as she continued driving, closing in on the forest . She stopped the car at the foot of the mountain .

The police had blocked off the entrance at the foot, and some of the officers on duty made their way to Song Lingshan"s car upon seeing it .

Lingshan got out of the car with Lin Yi as she greeted the officers .

"Captain Song!" A police officer greeted after a salute .

"What"s the situation up there? Did anything happen?" Lingshan asked .

"No . " The officer replied, shaking his head . "No one"s come up or down the mountain!"

"Alright, I"ll go up there for a look . " Lingshan said, not too positive that she"d be discovering anything new .

"Are you going up yourself, Captain?" The officer said as he glanced curiously at Lin Yi… Could this perhaps be the legendary boyfriend he"d heard about? The one Lingshan had been so excited to service at the hospital?

Hmm… The officer sized Lin Yi up before nodding to himself- the young man was a nice-looking boyfriend, but… what was the captain planning on doing with him alone in the mountain? There were still criminals up there, it wasn"t a place for a date!

"I"m going up with Lin Yi . " Lingshan said as she pointed at Lin Yi .

I knew it! The officer made sure to remember the boyfriend"s name- it was pretty much certain at this point . Yet one question lingered: what exactly were those two planning to do up there?

"Then… Please be careful, captain . Do you need some men to follow you up there?" The officer said, still worried for Lingshan . She was still a woman, after all, vice-captain or not .

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"No need for that . " Lingshan said, rejecting the suggestion . Lin Yi said that just the two of them were enough already, after all… It"d pretty much be losing to him if Lingshan brought men up with them at this point .

The officer recognized the captain"s insistence, and stepped aside as he watched the couple make their way up the mountain .

"Your teammates seem to care a lot about you . " Lin Yi said, surprised . "You"ve a pretty good reputation in the police force, huh?"

"What do you think?" Lingshan said, rolling her eyes . "After all, I"m the number one female fighter in free-combat, in the whole state!"

With that, Lingshan puffed her chest up with pride- it was evidently an honor she thought highly of .

"Yeah . You"re number one in something else too . " Lin Yi commented with a grin as he looked at Lingshan"s puffed up b.r.e.a.s.t.s .

"Wh?! Lin Yi, are you out of your mind?!!" Lingshan said, clearly understanding what Lin Yi was talking about with that lecherous gaze and dirty smile on his face .

"You may be the best female fighter, but that doesn"t guarantee that you"ll be able to take down men . " Lin Yi said, shaking his head . "At least, I don"t think you"re a match for Yang Huaijun . "

"So what? I"m not on the same level as the captain, yes, but handling you… it"ll be so one-sided it"ll look like I"m playing with you!" Lingshan said with a disdainful glance at LIn Yi . "You can look down me all you want, but you"ll have to be stronger than me first . "

"Ah……" Lin Yi shrugged at the words . "Let"s test that out sometime . "

"Sure, I"ll make sure you admit it when I beat you . " Lingshan said as she curled her lips, naturally not thinking much of Lin Yi"s combat capabilities .

Lin Yi then started to look around when they got up the mountain, darting his eyes around as he walked about . Lingshan, on the other hand, wondered what the h.e.l.l the guy was even doing! She had been following him the first couple times he walked around, but Lin Yi kept doing the same thing!

The guy didn"t look coordinated one bit- it looked like he was just moving around with no purpose whatsoever, and Lingshan simply couldn"t take it anymore . Lin Yi was even back-treading the paths he"d walked on before- could he be messing with her again?

"What exactly are you doing? Are you even looking for the suspects, why"re you walking around like that?" Lingshan said, suddenly stopping in her tracks .

"I am . " Lin Yi frowned slightly . "Don"t interrupt if you don"t get what I"m doing, alright? If you want me to help then shut up and follow . If not, I"ll leave . "

"You…… . Alright, fine! Do it your way, I won"t interrupt!!" Lingshan said, quite p.i.s.sed off at Lin Yi . It was just a question, what was he doing, scolding her like that? Hmph, fine! Lingshan decided that she"d see if Lin Yi walking around would actually lead to the suspects… If not, she"ll show him what she was made of, since the guy suggested a duel and everything earlier .

Lin Yi, on the other hand, wasn"t interested in what Lingshan was thinking about- he was focusing on the changes taking place in the jade, even if he had no guarantee that it"d warn him when he neared the suspects .

After all, the enemies he located with the jade in the warzones had much deeper malice towards him, wis.h.i.+ng that they"d get the chance to kill Lin Yi off . These suspects, on the other hand, didn"t have quite the same level of beef with him .

Lingshan held her frustrations down as she followed Lin Yi, who as far as she was concerned, was still walking around aimlessly . She decided that she"d let all that frustration out in one blow if Lin Yi admitted to not finding anything .

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Lingshan was even starting to wonder why the captain recommended a guy like him to her in the first place! Lingshan wasn"t as capable as Huaijun in this aspect of police work, but she had proper recon knowledge and methods under her belt!

She"d been a special ops instructor for so long, after all! She may have only specialized in hand-to-hand combat, but she had adequate recon knowledge as well! Lin Yi seemed to be walking around in a random pattern, completely different from anything she knew about reconnaissance! It looked like he was waiting for a miracle to take place!

She was in the middle of her thoughts when she noticed Lin Yi walking towards a cliff, a dead end . "Hey, what"re you doing? That"s the edge, it"s a dead end!"

Lin Yi only quickened his steps, no intention of replying whatsoever .

Chapter 176 - Just Like That

"Hey!! What are you doing?!" Lingshan was starting to panic- Lin Yi was reaching the edge already, clearly not planning on stopping! "It"s fine if you can"t find them- don"t do anything stupid!!"

It wasn"t Lingshan"s fault for a.s.suming that of Lin Yi- after all, the guy was moments away from falling off the cliff . It was obvious suicide; there simply wasn"t another explanation for the speed he was walking at!

Was the guy afraid that she"d mess with him if he told her he couldn"t find anyone?? She did act pretty cross with him… was he planning on ending things here and now?!

Lingshan didn"t think it was in Lin Yi"s character to commit suicide just like that, judging from his calm att.i.tude regarding almost everything- there was no way he"d be afraid of her, from what she"d seen of the guy! Yet the reality and gravity of the situation was right in front of her, and Lingshan had to do something .

Without replying, Lin Yi got to the edge of the cliff before coming to a halt .

"Fuu…… . " Lingshan sighed in relief as she caught up to Lin Yi . "What are you planning? Are you trying to scare me?"

Lin Yi only stood there quietly, eyes shut .

"Hey……" Lingshan raised her eyebrows . "You"re not angry at me, are you? You"re a man, aren"t you, don"t be mad at something like this, okay?"

"They"re down there . " Lin Yi said, opening his eyes and hitting the soil on the edge with his shoe, much to Lingshan"s worry .  Dude, careful!

"What"re you saying?" Lingshan asked, not understanding Lin Yi"s words .

"The suspects- they"re down there . " Lin Yi said .

"Ugh……" Lingshan"s face darkened at the statement . "You"re not trying to tell me that the suspects are at the bottom of the cliff, are you? They fell to their deaths . . ?"

"They"re alive . " Lin Yi said, shaking his head . The jade didn"t respond to dead people .

"Alive?" Lingshan paused, not expecting that- she had thought that Lin Yi was throwing some random reason at her, planning to tell her that the suspects they were looking for had fallen to their deaths .

"They"re right under my feet, not at the bottom of the cliff . " Lin Yi said, stomping his foot again as he explained . "It"s a different thing- this means there"s a cave at the bottom of this cliff . "

"Cave?" Lingshan blinked as she tried to take the claim in- there was a cave inside the cliff?

"It"s a guess . " Lin Yi said . "You can send someone to check it . "

Lin Yi could very well climb down the cliff bare-handed, but had no intention of doing so- after all, he"d completed his task of locating the suspects for Lingshan . He"d rather keep his capabilities a secret .

After all, climbing down a cliff without equipment like that was a feat expected of people at the special ops level- even trained professionals had a difficult time scaling unmapped terrain like this .

Lin Yi performing what was believed to be a difficult feat would only attract the suspicion of special ops Song Lingshan .

"You sure?" Lingshan couldn"t just take Lin Yi"s word for it- after all, the guy really just walked around randomly before stopping at the edge of a cliff, telling her that the suspects were hiding themselves in a cave inside the cliff…

It was only natural to doubt the claim- anyone would find it hard to believe .

"I"m sure… probably . " Lin Yi nodded, thinking that the jade had yet to make any errors . He was still receiving strong signals from the jade, after all .

It seemed that people who had been hostile towards him were recorded in the jade regardless of the degree of malice they had .

"Wait for me then- I"ll go down for a look . " Lingshan said after looking down the cliff, rubbing her hands as she prepared to descend it . She still found it hard to believe that the suspects were right under them .

"I don"t think you should . " Lin Yi advised . He wasn"t underestimating Lingshan, but it didn"t seem very safe at all for her to deal with four to five armed criminals on her own . "They have guns . "

"Fine, I"ll believe you just this once!" Lingshan said, giving up on the idea . She wanted to see if Lin Yi was telling the truth as soon as possible, but it wasn"t worth the risk- what if the suspects really were down there?

"Of course you should- why should I even be here if you don"t?" Although, Lin Yi understood the cause for Lingshan"s doubts- it"d probably sound like a miracle to even Huaijun if he heard that Lin Yi had found the hideaway on his first try .

"I"ll contact the chopper- they"ll bring some men over . " Lingshan said as she pulled her phone out . They"d used helicopters for the search before, but they couldn"t go too far down because of the trees, only circling the area and giving up when nothing showed up .

It was also true that they hadn"t sent a chopper to check for a cave in the cliff before- Lingshan decided to use her trust in the captain with Lin Yi, since the guy sounded so confident and all .

"So can I go now?" Lin Yi asked, thinking that there wasn"t much else he could do now that the suspects have been located .

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"No!!" Lingshan rejected instantly . "Wait until the suspects are caught!"

"I still have cla.s.s . " Lin Yi said .

"I"ll drive you to cla.s.s!" Lingshan insisted .

"Okay then . " Lin Yi said as he seated himself on the ground for a better view of Lingshan, running his eyes up her figure . "What a view! Absolutely stunning!"

Lingshan a.s.sumed that Lin Yi was describing the scenery from the cliff, but something seemed off, prompting her to follow Lin Yi"s gaze…

Her face reddened as she realized what the guy was talking about- she really wanted to just kick Lin Yi off the cliff at this point! "Where are you looking at?"

"A part of your body"s sticking up so much it"s blocking my view . Of the sky . " Lin Yi said innocently .

"Yeah, keep looking, I"ll poke your eyes out to clean my shoes with . " Lingshan threatened as she turned her body away from Lin Yi"s eyes .

"You"re threatening me- I"m gonna call the police . " Lin Yi said nonchalantly as he relaxed and laid himself on the ground .

"Big sis here is the police . Why don"t you tell me your concerns?" Lingshan said with a glare .

"It"s nothing, then . " Lin Yi said .

" . . . . . . " There wasn"t much Lingshan could do, other than glare at the guy .

It wasn"t long before the chopper arrived, and Lingshan"s phone rang . She told them of the enemy"s location and sent them to investigate the cliff .

Lingshan wasn"t expecting much, but her phone rang again- the suspects were all there, save for the dead members Baldy and Ma Laoliu .

Lingshan was speechless- there really were people in there?

Wasn"t Lin Yi trying to bulls.h.i.+t his way out of things? It didn"t seem likely anymore, but… How was the guy so sure, and how did he even know about the cave in the first place?

She"d been following him around the whole time, so how come he"d known about it and she hadn"t? Could anyone tell her what was even happening anymore?

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