Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 387-388

Publishedat 18th of March 2018 08:21:35 PM
Chapter 387-388

Chapter 387 - Then Why"d You Look?!

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"You! Come here!" Lin Yi made a gesture to General Wei Wu, not knowing if it"d understand him- the gesture usually only worked with properly trained hounds .

But General Wei Wu seemed like a smart dog having received professional training, too- it came waddling over responding to the gesture .

As afraid of Lin Yi Wei Wu was, it didn"t dare show that on the outside, only acting as if it were happy and everything . As far as he was concerned, Lin Yi looked like he could very well butcher him for his meat without so much as a warning!

Lin Yi brought Wei Wu to the yard area . Without so much as saying anything, he placed the map Yushu drew in front of it, pointed at it, and showed the dog a cold smile on his face .

A s.h.i.+ver went down Wei Wu"s spine, sending all of its hairs straight- the feeling of Lin Yi"s impending butchering intensified by the second!

But Wei Wu didn"t dare to run- it knew for certain that Lin Yi would have absolutely no trouble at all capturing it the moment it took off! It"d only yield it an even more severe end .

And so, Wei Wu gathered his courage to look at the map Lin Yi was showing it- it looked familiar, and Wei Wu had a general idea what this man was trying to convey .

Honestly, Lin Yi found the dog to have a pretty high IQ- seeing that Wei Wu had understood his intentions Lin Yi sat down and messed around with the Luoyang shovel .

Wei Wu, on the other hand, was sweating all over, terrified that the slightest displeasure would make Lin Yi break its skull with the shovel- it promptly got up and started looking around in the yard . Naturally, Wei Wu made sure to maintain a pace that wouldn"t suggest an escape, so as to prevent Lin Yi from misunderstanding its intentions .

Wei Wu"s movements were a huge surprise to Lin Yi; this was quite a dog! It even understood what he was doing with his threats and everything . Maybe it had come from a different world .

It hadn"t been a moment before Wei Wu stopped to claw at the dirt, issuing a bark to Lin Yi .

Lin Yi nodded- he was thinking of testing his luck with the dog, but wasn"t expecting for Wei Wu to be so reliable and fast .

He used the Luoyang shovel in his hands and started digging- it wasn"t long before he heard a "ding", to his surprise . He didn"t think it"d be this easy to locate .

Satisfied, Lin Yi nodded to Wei Wu, telling it that it was free to go before he dug out the treasure chest .  

It was covered with spots of rust . Lin Yi could tell that it was a really good metal chest, but the years it"d been buried had rusted it so much that the entire structure had changed . There was also a small lock that"d been rusted and broken already, completely useless .

When had this been buried? Mengyao and Yushu were the ones who buried it, right . . ? Lin Yi thought that the possibility was really high considering that treasure map Yushu gave him .

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Speechless, he opened the chest .

Naturally, Lin Yi wouldn"t have done so if there"d been a lock on it, but now that the lock had broken down Lin Yi merely went with the flow and flipped it open .

Inside the treasure chest was an oil paper bag . The chest"s exterior might"ve rusted along with having its lock corroded, the interior had been made really well, equipped with a waterproof layer, cus.h.i.+ons and all- all those years only made the interior a little damp, leaving the bag completely untouched .

The treasure chest couldn"t have come cheap, but it wasn"t anything expensive enough to concern the two Misses anyway .

Lin Yi took the oil paper bag out and opened it to find more tightly packed layers- there were plastic wraps underneath the oil paper as well .

He went through all the wrapping and came to two sachets, to his surprise- so this was the supposed treasure?

He was about to open one of the sachets when a sudden shriek sounded from behind him, scaring him into almost flinging the sachet out .

He turned back to see Mengyao running at him with a towel around her that fluttered in the wind, periodically exposing her long, smooth, thighs… Lin Yi couldn"t see the beauties very well, but gulped at the sight regardless .

Mengyao"s body was tall and well proportioned- it wasn"t as busty as Yushu"s, but it was a rare one indeed . Lin Yi didn"t want to be peeking at his Miss, but now that it was presented to him it wouldn"t hurt if he looked .

Mengyao sensed where Lin Yi"s gaze was aimed at, blus.h.i.+ng as she s.n.a.t.c.hed the sachet away from Lin Yi before gritting at him . "Shameless!"

With that, she turned around and quickly headed back to the villa, making sure she didn"t run this time, taking quick but small steps instead .

Lin Yi only gave a bitter smile- great, he"d made a bad impression on the Miss . Although, in all honesty, it was the girl who was running and exposing her thighs for him, it wasn"t like he"d walked up to her for a peek or anything .

Feeling down, Lin Yi walked back into the villa to see an empty living room- Mengyao and Yushu had gone upstairs already . Lin Yi didn"t know what to say . He"d been trying to be a nice guy and everything but he was treated like he"d done something bad! Digging treasure for them only to get rewarded with getting called shameless… Lin Yi contemplated that peeking sure was hard .

Mengyao and Yushu came walking down awhile later, having donned their solemn and proper pajamas without any c.h.i.n.ks for Lin Yi to peer through .

But Lin Yi couldn"t help but feel so wronged- Mengyao even wore shorts sometimes, didn"t that expose more skin than that little towel incident? As stimulating as he found the blurry image of thighs with a towel moving in front of it, there hadn"t been any substantial visuals for him to appreciate at all!

One look at that judge"s face Mengyao was putting on prompted Lin Yi to quickly seat himself on the sofa, getting ready to watch the TV as if he had nothing to do with whatever was going on .

"Ahem!" Mengyao was only more irritated at this guy"s lack of awareness for the sin he"d committed! She cleared her throat and kept her glaring eyes on Lin Yi .

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"Ah, it"s the Miss . What"s wrong?" Lin Yi acted as if he"d just noticed Mengyao walk down the stairs, raising his head as he carefully turned to Mengyao .

It was his own fault for seeing her more reserved body parts, so it couldn"t be helped .

"Careful, s.h.i.+eld Bro, Yao Yao"s gonna scold you!" Yushu blinked at Lin Yi .

That one sentence from Yushu dissipated the originally serious atmosphere, much to Mengyao"s frustration . She felt that this girl was most likely in love with Lin Yi, that was why she always helped him out of these situations!

But putting that aside, Lin Yi really was quite shameless . Warnings had to be issued once in a while!

And so, as if Yushu never said anything, Mengyao intensified the seriousness in her glare . "Lin Yi, do you know what you should do, as a follower?"

"Ugh… I know… I shouldn"t look at stuff I"m not supposed to…" Lin Yi nodded .

"Then why"d you look?!" Mengyao hmphed- this guy had to have done it on purpose! He looked even when he knew not to!

Chapter 388 - Wishes of the Past

"But… I didn"t mean to… It wasn"t my fault…" Lin Yi felt pretty wronged- why was this on him??

"Accident? Who are you trying to trick!" Mengyao"s eyes were wide open . "There was a lock on the chest, you had to unlock it to look inside!"

"Wha?!" Lin Yi"s eyes went wide open as well as he turned to Mengyao . "Chest? You"re talking about the chest?"

"What do you think, what could I possibly be talking about if not he chest?" Mengyao wasn"t pleased at Lin Yi"s act at all .

"I thought… You were talking about me seeing your thighs…" Lin Yi sweated .

"Thighs?" Mengyao blushed . "Don"t change the subject! That was just an accident, I"m talking about why you broke the lock to the chest! Didn"t you know how immoral it is to look at someone"s privacy??"

Mengyao would"ve thought that someone had broken the lock if she weren"t dealing with Lin Yi- she knew exactly how easy it was for Lin Yi to break a small lock like that, especially considering how he"d pulled open the gate near the villa"s storage when Yushu got stuck last time .

Lin Yi, on the other hand, was rejoicing- he breathed out in relief, thankful that it didn"t look like Mengyao planned on tackling the subject . The lock she was talking about, however, wasn"t something he"d put on his mind at all . "I wasn"t the one who broke that lock, it corroded and broke because of how long it"d been buried… The chest could be opened directly…"

"For real?" Mengyao wasn"t expecting that explanation .

"Yeah… You can go check if you don"t believe me . " Lin Yi smiled bitterly .

"Ah?!" Mengyao started panicking after Lin Yi explained himself, since there was no reason for him to lie, especially when this was something that could be verified by just walking outside .

Yushu ran out the villa before Mengyao could say anything, returning back with a broken lock a moment later . "Yao Yao, look! The lock really is corroded, s.h.i.+eld Bro didn"t do anything! See? I told you s.h.i.+eld Bro"s not that kind of guy!"

"Shu! Whose side are you on?!" Mengyao wasn"t too pleased with what Yushu was saying . "Couldn"t you have hidden that away? That"s evidence you could"ve gotten rid of!"

"Oh . So should I throw it away now?" Yushu asked weakly .

Mengyao realized that Lin Yi was still watching them after she said the words out of her panic and frustration- she couldn"t help but blush in embarra.s.sment . "I wasn"t serious! Come on, let"s go upstairs!"

"Oh… Okay…" Yushu nodded, giving Lin Yi a smile before running up with Mengyao .

Lin Yi was confused- was that really the end of the scolding? Had the Miss finished with him? Lin Yi sure wasn"t expecting to get off this easily, what a surprise indeed .

"Shu, you embarra.s.sed me so much! You dummy! Tell me, are you helping Lin Yi on purpose!" Mengyao was quite furious- how did things turn out this way, now it was her who wronged him! She lost everything she had to scold Lin Yi with just when she was about to!

"No… I mean, I was just telling the truth…" Yushu said innocently . "Yao Yao, did you want me to lie? Didn"t you always teach me that only bad girls lied when we were younger…"

" . . . . . . " Mengyao waved a hand helplessly at Yushu"s change of subject . "Forget it . Let"s go upstairs!"

"Okay, I wanna see what kind of wish I wrote down when I was a kid! I don"t even remember anymore . " Yushu danced around excitedly as she quickly made her way upstairs…

"Which one of these sachets is yours again?" Mengyao didn"t know which of the sachets belonged to whom anymore- it"d been too many years . They wouldn"t have forgotten where they"d buried the whole treasure chest otherwise .

"I don"t know . Let"s just open one each- it"s been so long anyway, we can see what each other"s wishes were . " Yushu said .

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"Okay then…" Mengyao nodded after some hesitation, even though she wasn"t really keen on letting Yushu learn about this secret of hers- she couldn"t be trusted at all! Who knew if she"d just run up to announce it to Lin Yi right after? That"d be so humiliating .

But after thinking about it, Mengyao thought that it didn"t matter anymore- she didn"t even remember the wish she"d written down, and even if Lin Yi found out about it, it was still a childhood dream . It"d been so long anyway .

And so, both Yushu and Mengyao picked one sachet up each . They were st.i.tched shut, quite delicately, now that they thought about it .

Their current mood, however, didn"t allow for a luxurious opening of the sachets- the impatient Yushu decided that she"d just charge in with a pair of scissors, slicing the delicate st.i.tching and exposing the sachet"s contents .

"Hehe, I got it first! Let"s see who this one belongs to…" Yushu spread open the wish note with a smile on her face . The paper was slightly yellowed already, and the writing was old, but the words were still clearly imprinted . "My wish is to live together with Shu and stay happy forever…"

Evidently, the wish belonged to Mengyao, who was very surprised herself as Yushu read out the note . She didn"t think she"d been this close with Shu since they were kids?

"Yao Yao… I"m so touched……" Yushu usually messed around all of the time, but the contents of that wish note reddened her eyes- she couldn"t help herself as the tears edged .

"Hah, so you finally know how nice I am to you?" Mengyao took the pair of scissors and opened her sachet, which was now obviously Yushu"s . "My wish is to get married to Yao Yao and spend my life with her forever… Wh?!"

Mengyao"s eyes were wide open after going through the note- Yushu wanted to marry her?! Could there be something wrong with her s.e.xual orientation? Was she a lesbian?

"Uh . . ?" Yushu was taken aback as well- she wasn"t expecting for a wish this powerful . "Yao Yao, were we an item back then? Why are our wishes so similar?"

"They"re not similar at all!" Mengyao said speechlessly . "How are they similar, they"re miles apart! If we"re talking about being an item then that"s you, not me! I wrote to live with you, like how sisters can live together! Look at what you wrote, you said you wanted to marry me! What"s with that??"

"Ah?! No way!" Yushu found it quite logical now that she thought about it- did she have something weird with her s.e.xual orientation back then? She didn"t remember… Did she not like boys? But it felt like she did… She"d felt something in her heart every time s.h.i.+eld Bro did stuff to her, after all, like when he kissed her and touched her . . .

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