Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 411-412

Publishedat 18th of March 2018 08:21:21 PM
Chapter 411-412

Chapter 411 - You Think I"m A Fortune Teller?

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In actuality, the officers on duty had overheard the conversation, but misunderstood its context . They thought that Lin Yi was Lingshan"s boyfriend- who else would dare talk to her like that without suffering her consequences?

"Lin Yi, I"ve got something serious to talk to you about!" Lingshan said through gritted teeth as she pulled open the pa.s.senger door, getting in the car with Lin Yi .

In the previous cases, regardless of whether Lin Yi just stumbled around with luck, or if he"d looked for clues meticulously, had been solved exclusively by Lin Yi . Upon b.u.mping into Lin Yi again, Lingshan decided she"d use him one more time, see if he could help solve the case, especially with how the b.a.s.t.a.r.d was being .

"Oh, what"s up?" Lin Yi rolled his eyes- this woman was begging for his help right after scolding him, what the h.e.l.l was up with her brain structure? "If it"s something serious then don"t throw it at me, I"m short on time . "

" . . . . . . " Lingshan"s beautiful eyes were wide open as she stared at Lin Yi . What did that even mean? Was she only allowed to come to him with unimportant stuff?

"I"ll give you a minute, talk . " Lin Yi parked the car in the hospital"s parking lot . Someone came over to collect the parking fee when Lin Yi pointed at Lingshan . "This is our Captain Song, we"re here on a case…"

The collector was aware of what had happened near the hospital . She took one look at Lingshan and her police uniform, placed a free parking tag on Lin Yi"s winds.h.i.+eld, and left .

Lin Yi wasn"t short on a couple kuai"s parking fee, but the thing was that this old lady collected an extra five kuai from him last time, telling him that he"d parked for two hours when he only did for one! She even kept pointing at the tag in front of the car and showing Lin Yi the time, as if she couldn"t be wrong .

Lin Yi knew that the b.i.t.c.h must"ve written down an earlier time when tagging his car for the parking fee, but he didn"t bother arguing over that with her, and left after paying up .

(b.i.t.c.h and b.a.s.t.a.r.d aren"t used vulgarly or offensively, just a little bit derogatorily . )

But school"s lunch break lasted only one hour- how was it possible that he"d parked for two? Now that Lingshan was here Lin Yi decided to use her to scare off that old woman .

Lingshan didn"t know the context here- she looked at Lin Yi a little disdainfully, a.s.suming that he"d used her to save up on that five kuai"s parking ticket . "There"s been a lot of instances of beggars, the homeless, and the disabled getting their kidney cut out and abandoned in front of the hospital . Do you about that?"

"Think I heard it in the news…" Lin Yi seemed to remember the radio mention that in the car this morning, but didn"t pay attention to it as always if the incident didn"t concern him .

"What do you think? Do you know who the culprit is?" Lingshan asked .

Lin Yi looked at Lingshan oddly . "I don"t think you should be asking me this question…"

"Oh?" Lingshan paused .

"You think I"m a fortune teller? You think I can mess around with some crystals and know everything? You should go ask G.o.d that kinda stuff . " Lin Yi shrugged . "Alright, I don"t wanna waste any more time talking to you, I"m going . "

"Wait!" Lingshan grabbed Lin Yi"s arm . "Then how"d you catch those bank robbers last time?"

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"I explained to you how I did it that day, didn"t I!" Lin Yi was getting impatient, but understood that this Lingshan wouldn"t just let him leave unless he provided an explanation . He decided to get it over with . "You want me to help you locate the culprit, fine, but you need to give me something to work on, an area to search! I"ll only be able to help when you"ve confirmed the search range! I"m not a G.o.d, okay?"

Lingshan thought about it, realizing that Lin Yi was right . If he knew about everything then he"d be a G.o.dly fortune teller!

"I"ll come back to you after I get some clues!" Lingshan let Lin Yi go unwillingly .

"Alright . " Lin Yi nodded and got out the car, heading into the hospital .

Lingshan walked inside with Lin Yi as well- she still needed to go check on Bojia"s condition, ask the doctor if there was any hope of him waking up .

The police officers standing guard in front of Bojia"s room stood up and greeted Lingshan respectfully as she walked over . "Captain Song!"

Lingshan waved a hand . "Is the doctor here?"

"The doctor"s in the office, will you follow me, please?" One of the officers said .  

Lingshan nodded and followed the officer into the doctor"s office . He gave an introduction to Lingshan . "This is the main doctor in charge of healing Liu Bojia, Doctor Yang . "

"Nice to meet you, Doctor Yang . I"m Song Lingshan . " Lingshan politely offered her hand and shook it with the doctor . "Doctor Yang, what"s Liu Bojia"s condition? Will he be able to wake up?"

"I"ve done the best I could, but it"s still ineffective…" Doctor Yang smiled apologetically . "Captain Song, there"s nothing else I could do for him other than maintain his life…"

"In other words, we can"t get him out of the hospital?" Lingshan looked at Doctor Yang, disappointed . "Will there be hope if we transfer him to a different hospital?"

"Our Songshan"s First People"s Hospital is the best in Songshan already… If we transfer him it"ll have to be a non-local hospital, but I"m afraid the patient"s body wouldn"t be able to handle that journey…" The doctor said with a shake of his head .

"So there"s no hope at all?" Lingshan sighed . If that Bojia could"ve just told her the details earlier, they might"ve gotten their hands on the mastermind already, and that psycho killer wouldn"t have attacked him in the first place…

"It"s not that there"s no hope…" Doctor Yang said after some hesitation . "If you know Professor Guan Xuemin of the Songshan"s School of Medicine, he could give it a try using acupuncture… But Professor Guan doesn"t offer his services easily…"

"Professor Guan!" Lingshan, naturally, was aware of the name . This was an Eastern Doctor highly renowned in Songshan, known as Miracle Doctor Guan- Yang Huaijun had a pretty good personal relations.h.i.+p with him, and had been receiving treatment from him all the time!

Lingshan wouldn"t be too sure if it were someone else, but if she had Huaijun"s help she was convinced that she"d be able to get Professor Guan to treat Bojia .

She relaxed at the thought . "Thank you, Doctor Yang- I know what to do . "

"Haha, don"t mention it . I"m just helping where I can . " The doctor nodded with a smile .

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Lingshan exited Doctor Yang"s office and dialed Huaijun up .

"In a pinch again, Song?" Huaijun answered with a smile . He"d been in a good mood recently, getting promoted and, most importantly, healthier as the internal injuries stopped acting up as often . It used to happen every day, but it"d been half a month now and nothing had happened yet!

This was just the first stage of the cure, too- with results this prominent Huaijun could only imagine what sort of miraculous effects there"d be after Lin Yi told him he"d change the medicine and give him acupuncture a month later .

"Yang Bro…" Lingshan felt embarra.s.sed as Huaijun hit the mark . "It"s true that I have something to ask of you…"

"Tell me . What"s wrong?" Huaijun had always treated Lingshan as his sister- he"d always been looking after her .

"You know about Liu Bojia"s situation, right?" Lingshan said . "I asked the doctor about it today, and he said they couldn"t do anything else to help him… But he did recommend someone and said it was worth a try . "

Chapter 412 - Just Go To Lin Yi

"Who"s that?" Huaijun asked .

"Professor Guan Xuemin, the professor who"s always been treating you, big bro Yang…" Lingshan would always refer to Huaijun as big bro Yang when they were alone- it sounded more intimate .

"Oh? Elder Guan?" Huaijun blinked . "If you"re looking for him you"re going out of your way . Just go to Lin Yi for this . "

"Lin Yi?" Lingshan blinked . "What for?"

"If you want Elder Guan"s help, he"ll still recommend you to Lin Yi . " Huaijun smiled .

Lingshan was very much confused after ending the phone call- why did Huaijun always direct her to Lin Yi? Was Lin Yi so good that he could do every single thing in every field? She"d asked him to help locate the culprit earlier, but he said he didn"t know- how come he"d be able to help when it involved Liu Bojia?

But if Huaijun was the one saying this then it had to be a logical route . Lingshan didn"t really trust Lin Yi, but the trust she had towards Huaijun was utter .

At that thought, she made a phone call to Lin Yi…

Lin Yi opened Tangju"s door and stepped in to see the father and daughter discussing something- Tang Yin blushed and shut her lip instantly as Lin Yi walked in . "Uh . . . Why didn"t you knock?"

Tangju, on the other hand, had a wide smile on his face . "Yi, you"ve come! Here, have a seat . Yin, why don"t you slice some apples for your friend here?"

"No need, thanks . " Lin Yi said with a wave of his hand . "Lunch break is short- I"ll just take a look at your injuries and go back with Tang Yin . "

"Alright, how can I cooperate?" Tangju said happily . He heard from his daughter about the miraculous scene she"d seen yesterday, so even he himself was both satisfied with and terrified of Lin Yi, unsure if he"d still want to be with his daughter anymore .

"It"s alright, just lie down on your side there, Uncle Tang . " Lin Yi walked over with a smile and pulled a box of needles out of his pocket . It was the needles he"d used for acupuncture on Zhenhu, needles that he now had on him all the time after that day .

"Alright . " Tangju complied and laid on his side .

Lin Yi stabbed a needle into Tanghu"s waist very casually, giving Tang Yin a fright- she calmed down and relaxed after seeing her father seemingly unaffected .

"Do you feel anything?" Lin Yi asked .

"No…" Tangju shook his head slightly .

Lin Yi frowned . He started turning the needle in his hand and asked again . "What about now?"

"No…" Tangju shook his head again .

Lin Yi"s expression stiffened . Tangju couldn"t see it, but Tang Yin did- she couldn"t help but feel anxious, keeping her mouth shut so she wouldn"t ruin her father"s hopeful and happy mood .

"What about here?" Lin Yi chose a different location for the needle .

"A little… A little bit, feels numb…" Tangju started feeling something at that point . "It"s like my waist is itching…"

"Ah… Not bad, it"s still good . " Lin Yi smiled .

"Really? That"s great, that"s wonderful news!" Tangju exclaimed happily after hearing the words . Her daughter had told him a lot of amazing stories about Lin Yi before he came over- he was utterly impressed now that he"d seen Lin Yi"s miraculous acupuncture firsthand .

"Uncle Tang, I"ll be honest- your left leg"s fine, but there"s a bit of a problem with you right one . " Lin Yi said candidly . This wasn"t something he"d need to hide, and Tangju would realize it himself when walking a couple days later .

"Ah? One leg… Does that mean he"ll limp?" Tang Yin didn"t manage to hold herself back from the shock, but realized afterward that it was an inappropriate thing to say . Saying that in front of her father"s face would definitely sadden him…

"Oh? I get one leg? That"s not bad, it"s so much better than just lying in bed like this! I"d be able to do things and help my wife!" Tangju was being quite optimistic, reclaiming his previous joy after a moment"s pause . As far as he was concerned, he"d be grateful as long as he got stronger as he was now . Why would he ask for so much and aim so high, after all .

"I"m glad you think that way, Uncle Tang . " Lin Yi had thought that he"d have to give Uncle Tang consolation, but his unexpected optimism saved him that effort . "But don"t give up yet, Uncle Tang- I"ll perform acupuncture on you after you"ve fully recovered, and I"ll bring the medicine from my old home, too . You"ll get to throw your crutches away in no time after that . "

"Really??" Tangju"s eyes were wide open as he looked at Lin Yi . He had helplessly accepted his fate, but Lin Yi was telling him there was still hope! "There"s still a way?"

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"Your situation"s similar with Fen"s, Uncle Tang- of course there"s a way . " Lin Yi smiled . "So please, don"t feel burdened or anything, it"s just a little problem with the nerves, that"s all . "

"Great, great!" Tangju was bursting with joy at the unexpected surprise- Lin Yi had given him hope for a cure just when he was feeling helpless .

"Thanks……" Tang Yin curled her lips- she had so much grat.i.tude she had wanted to put into words, but "thanks" was all that came out…

"Ah, I"m just helping out . " Lin Yi smiled as his phone rang . He apologized with a gesture and took his phone out- all of a sudden he didn"t want to answer it anymore .

It was Song Lingshan! What did that miss want again, did she have another favor to ask?

"Who"s calling? Why aren"t you picking up?" Tang Yin asked a little suspiciously .

"A braindead miss . " Lin Yi said before declining the call .

"Braindead miss?" Tang Yin blinked, not knowing who Lin Yi was talking about .

"Song Lingshan . You"ve met her- I helped her rescue a hostage last time . " Lin Yi said .

"Oh, officer Song . She should have something important if she"s calling you, right? Why won"t you pick up?" Tang Yin said, remembering the girl . "What if you need her help in the future?"

Tang Yin had struggled for far too long at the bottom of the social pyramid- to her, having more friends was always beneficial, especially when said friend was a high-ranking cop . There"d be so many things she could get help with!

"Her help? I"d be lucky if she would stop needing my help…" Lin Yi"s phone interrupted him- it was Lingshan calling again . Helpless, he answered the call . "h.e.l.lo? Miss braindead? Will you give it a rest, what do you want?"

Lin Yi was trying to have a conversation with Tang Yin but this person just kept on interrupting! It annoyed him, and Lin Yi wondered why she couldn"t learn to call at more appropriate times .

"Who"re you…" Lingshan wanted to say "who"re you calling Miss braindead", but managed to hold it in . She needed Lin Yi"s help, and had naturally prepared for a scolding . "Fine, Miss braindead has a favor to ask!"

Lingshan was itching with frustration at Lin Yi- she wanted to eat him up!

But she understood that Lin Yi was a person who didn"t like things the hard way- if she"d insisted on being tough all the time Lin Yi might even hang up on her .

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