Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 355 - Looking For A Chance

Chapter 355 - Looking For A Chance

"Later, after we eat. I"m pretty hungry right now!" Lin Yi waved his hand dismissively.

"Sure, sure! Let"s eat first!" Jianwen thought that Lin Yi really was hungry- he"d just came back from school, after all.

The speed at which Lin Yi ate, however, drove Jianwen crazy! He"d wanted to film him eating and make a joke out of it, but the guy looked so graceful despite how much food he was putting into his mouth! 

Jianwen decided to give up on the recording- he was just wasting s.p.a.ce that could be used for Lin Yi"s little adventure with the s.e.x workers here.

Lin Yi took a sip of his red wine after filling his stomach up. He wiped at his mouth with a napkin. "Not bad, this Starlight Hotel sure has good cooks!"

"Of course!" Taizao said gleefully. "It wouldn"t have made a frequent spot for us Songshan Young Masters if it weren"t so good."

"So, bro, now that we"ve filled ourselves isn"t it time for some activity around here?" Jianwen smiled at Lin Yi, hoping that he wouldn"t just turn and leave after the meal. They haven"t even gotten anything out of the kid yet!

"Oh, sure. But wait though, I gotta go to the bathroom." Lin Yi turned to walk out the room- his phone was vibrating, probably from Mengyao or Yushu calling. He didn"t want to pick it up in front of these guys.

"There"s a bathroom in here!" Taizao pointed to a door in the private room.

"I"m not used to sitting toilets." Lin Yi smiled. "My stomach isn"t feeling so well."

"Hah, okay then, hurry up!" Taizao smiled understandingly after the explanation- it was normal for some people to prefer squatting toilets over sitting ones, especially if they were used to it.

Jianwen took the opportunity to discuss the next step with Taizao- they were planning on recording Lin Yi"s entire activity with the s.e.x worker and send it to Pengzhan. Lin Yi would be done for regardless of if he were Mengyao"s boyfriend or not in the first place.

Lin Yi made his way to the washroom in quick steps and picked the phone up- it was from Yushu, as expected.

"s.h.i.+eld Bro, I have a question for you on Mengyao"s behalf!" Yushu said seriously. "Did you get with a s.e.x worker yet?"

"Haha, not yet." Lin Yi laughed. "Just finished eating."

"Yao Yao said that you"re not allowed to! She says that you can"t come back if you do." Yushu"s words were followed by Mengyao"s voice. "I never said that! Shu, what"re you talking about!!"

"Hehe, did you punish those two yet, s.h.i.+eld Bro?" Yushu asked.

"Not yet, still figuring out how I should do it." Lin Yi couldn"t just beat the two up, after all- there had to be a valid reason. He couldn"t just get into trouble with these two just because of Yushu"s whim, too, especially when they were clearly one level higher than Pinliang and Ruoming. There were better ways to go about it.

"Alright, but remember to punish them!" Yushu said. "I"m hanging up then. Remember!"

Lin Yi put the phone in his pocket and walked to the bathroom, wondering what he should do when he heard a familiar name coming from the private room beside him!

"How are these two, Cihua Bro? They"re the best girls at the hotel, top tier! I spent a lot of money to get them!" An a.s.s-kissing voice sounded from inside the room- it was humble voice, but it was loud, obviously coming from a man full of himself.

"Hm, not bad!" A man"s laughter sounded- Lin Yi remembered that sound from his night with Cihua a while ago.

Lin Yi stopped in his tracks- it sure was a coincidence that Cihua was eating here as well tonight. He wondered how he was feeling after getting his two golden cla.s.s masters killed, but it looked like he was still in a good enough mood to be playing around with top tier Starlight girls?

"Twins, I see! What"re your names?" Cihua"s perverted voice was full of enthusiasm.

"I"m Snow, and she"s Rose……" The braver twin said softly.

(pinyin of their names: Xuexue (snow snow) and Huahua (flower flower))

"Hmmm… Snow and Rose! Beautiful!" Cihua laughed loudly. "Here, pour me some wine!"

A smile formed on Lin Yi"s lips. He quickly went back to his room after deciding on a plan.

Jianwen and Taizao, on the other hand, have decided that they were getting Lin Yi a girl one way or the other, even if he didn"t want to! It"d be a waste of all their efforts otherwise.

They decided to get Lin Yi drunk if he were being insistent- they"d then force a girl on him. There was no escape for the lad tonight.

Lin Yi pushed open the doors and walked in to a pa.s.sionate Jianwen waving his hands at him. "Little bro Lin! Come, I"ve told the manager to get us some hotties!"

"That"s great!" LIn Yi put on a delighted look and smiled enthusiastically. "I"m definitely in the mood after food like that."

"Good, good!" Jianwen was pretty delighted himself- everything was going as planned! "This hotel has high quality girls, so don"t you worry about a thing!"

"Yeah, I"ve heard about that before. But you know, An Bro- I have pretty high standards… I won"t just do with any girl!" Lin Yi shook his head. "You know how I"m always interacting with school beauty level girls, don"t you?"

"I understand, I understand. Don"t you worry, we"ll get you the best there is!" Jianwen was quite pleased that Lin Yi was being so aggressive about the whole thing- he could get Lin Yi the best girls there were as long as he wanted them himself.

"Great!" Lin Yi smiled and sat down with an excited face.

Taizao had left the room to make the preparations long ago- a thirty year old man came walking in with five beautiful ladies behind him a while later.

"I wasn"t expecting you to bring them in yourself, Mister Yang! It"s a huge honor for me!" Jianwen smiled.

Mister Yang was the hotel"s manager, directly under the hotel"s boss. He was pretty much the shot-caller around here.

Others may not know about An Jianwen and Su Taizao, but not him- these two were big shots in Songshan a couple years ago, characters that even the boss himself had to respect, let along a manager!

"It"s my honor to have you at our Starlight Hotel, Master An!" Mister Yang said with a smile.

Chapter 356 - Someone In Mind

"Master An, what do you think? Are they to your tastes?" Mister Yand smiled as he displayed the girls.

"Haha, little brother Lin is the guest here today. Bro, what do you think?" Jianwen nodded to Lin Yi, giving him the first pick.

"Oh. Can I pick two?" Lin Yi asked after taking a look.

"Of course!" Taizao nodded, delighted. He"d get him all the girls if he wanted to! The messier it got the more impact when it reached Pengzhan"s eyes!

"That"s great!" Lin Yi smiled. "But, to be honest… These girls here aren"t really good enough for me…"

Lin Yi"s words put a frown on Jianwen and Taizao- wasn"t he being too picky? These five may not be national beauties or Miss Universes or anything, but they were still very pretty girls who went under meticulous makeup and dressing up! 

And Lin Yi was saying that they weren"t enough?

Was his standards simply too high, or was he doing this on purpose?

Yet Jianwen had no choice but to have the manager give them a differente list of girls. Jianwen put on a p.i.s.sed look and turned to Mister Yang. "What"s with this, Mister Yang? Are you just gonna give us girls like that because I haven"t been coming here for a couple years?"

"No, of course not……" Mister Yang sweated. "I"ll have them changed right away!"

Truthfully, these five weren"t actually top tier girls at the hotel… He a.s.sumed that they were pretty enough after Taizao told him to get some pretty ones for his guest!

He wasn"t expecting for that guest to be such a picky one- p.i.s.sing Master An off was never a good thing.

That look on Mister Yang"s face told Jianwen that those five weren"t the best he had- he was holding back. Jianwen couldn"t help but look at Taizao accusingly. Why was this guy so unreliable?

That Lin Yi was someone who hung out with Chu Mengyao and Chen Yushu all the time, there was no way he"d even look at normal girls with just makeup! He had much higher standards than the average person, that was for sure.

"My bad, bro! I wasn"t expecting for Mister Yang to be so incompetent." Jianwen decided to pin the blame on the manager- he couldn"t really blame Taizao for this.

"It"s alright! Let"s just see what else he"s got/" Lin Yi shook his head, amused. He wouldn"t think the girls were pretty enough even if Jianwen got him G.o.ddesses.

A while later, Mister Yang walked in with three new girls, clearly on a different level from the last five.

"Master An, Master Lin- are they to your liking now?" The manager was completely confident this time around- he"d brought in the best girls the hotel had to offer! He could only a.s.sume that this Master Lin had no taste if he still found them unsatisfactory.

"Ooh, lemme see…" Lin Yi raised his head calmly and sized the girls up- he had to admit, these were top tier beauties. He sighed. Why had they chosen this path in life?

But Lin Yi was no messiah or hero- everyone had their reasons, he couldn"t just b.u.t.t into everyone"s business to understand them better. He pretended to take a very close look, to the point where the manager a.s.sumed that one, two, or even all three of the girls would stay when Lin Yi spoke up all of a sudden. "Man, this still won"t do. Mister Yang- you"re not being honest with us, are you?"

"Ah?" Mister Yang blinked, a little displeased. "Not being honest? What"s wrong, Master Lin? Are they not to your liking?"

Even Jianwen and Taizao started suspecting that Lin Yi was being picky on purpose- was this his way of putting them off, perhaps? Maybe he never wanted a girl in the first place?

But they kept that to themselves- what if Lin Yi really was just particularly picky?

"Bro, are they really not good enough for you?" Taizao stressed that question a little- after all, even he felt something looking at these three.

"Ah… Ahem. Fine, I"ll come clean. Mister Yang! I heard that you have two star girls here, a pair of twins… Snow and Rose, I remember?" Lin Yi put on an unhappy look. "I"ve heard of them for quite a while now- you"re not gonna tell me they"re just rumors, are you?"

Lin Yi"s words froze the manager, Jianwen, and Taizao all in their tracks. 

The manager was surprised because Lin Yi had someone in mind from the start already- he wasn"t just being picky! Perhaps he"d tried to hide it because it was embarra.s.sing, hinting at him through indirect methods…

Jianwen and Taizao, on the other hand, didn"t know who the stars were anymore- they haven"t visited this place for years! Lin Yi putting those two names on the table surprised them as well. So Lin Yi was an expert!

What made them happier was the fact that Lin Yi wasn"t messing with them at all- he had his targets already! He might"ve been embarra.s.sed about being honest, but now that the names were out it was a pretty simple issue.

"Mister Yang- are Snow and Rose the stars here?" Jianwen looked at Mister Yang impartially. He was a little irritated at this point- even if he hadn"t frequented the place for years he was still one of the four Songshan Young Masters! This manager was being too much, especially when he"d asked him to get the real girls out! Who did he think An Jianwen was??

A chill ran down the manager"s spine after seeing Jianwen"s displeasure- it was a misunderstanding! "Master An, please calm down… Snow and Rose are our star girls here, yes, but they"re currently with another customer… He"s paid heavy money for them…"

"Money? Hmph! I"ll give a heavier amount, so get me those girls! Money? I have tons of money, alright?" Jianwen was starting to panic- especially when Lin Yi had his targets, too! This wouldn"t work at all.

"That… That"s a bit against the rules, Master An……." The manager sighed internally- the Songshan Young Masters weren"t what they were in Songshan anymore… They still had background and family influence, but Snow and Rose were with an existence not inferior to them at all… He couldn"t just go pull them away from him!

"An Bro, it"s fine- you don"t have to pressure Mister Yang like that. Why don"t we do this next time?" Lin Yi started putting on his good-guy act.

That only made Jianwen feel even more shamed- He was a Songshan Young Master!!! Could he not even get himself a star girl he wanted???