Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 496 - Confrontation

Chapter 496 - Confrontation

"Of course, that"s not a problem. Just come to Songshan anytime you can, Elder Wu," Xuemin said, not refusing him.

But he"d never take the initiative to personally go treat him at their house!

All the most powerful houses and billionaires understood Xuemin"s stubbornness in that regard. He was okay with treating you and never dwelled on the price, but he never left his own home to treat his patients. The only way was to see him in Songshan.

This was also because Xuemin still had to prepare his lessons for the university. As far as he was concerned, he was a professor, and it was his calling to educate. Giving his students a lecture was the priority.

"Alright, I"ll go pay you a visit sometime later!" Elder Wu nodded with a smile.

"Grandpa, this is the man! He"s the one I told you about. Not only did he go for Sun Jingyi, he even pretended to be some miracle doctor! He"s a con artist, and I got slapped by Aunt because of him!" Chentian said after realizing it was Lin Yi sitting beside Xuemin. Rage and humiliation rushed to his head as he lost all reason, pointing at Lin Yi and yelling at him on impulse.

Chentian had been too pampered in the Wu household, and they all had high expectations for him, raising him to be the third generation inheritor!

He was a man in the golden cla.s.s at only a little more than twenty years old. It was an astounding feat, an extreme rarity in this world. At least, for the Wus it was.

And so the Wu Family gave Chentian everything, resulting in a bratty att.i.tude and small-mindedness. He wouldn"t let anything that wronged him pa.s.s. Seeing Lin Yi made him act without even thinking things through.

Xuemin"s face darkened very quickly. To him, Lin Yi was a teacher and also a friend. At the least, he was like a senior elder brother if they were in a sect! It was only natural he"d be unhappy at people bad mouthing Lin Yi. He gave Gonggao a look and spoke evenly, "Well, we"ll be leaving then, Elder Wu!"

Gonggao"s expression froze. He wasn"t expecting Xuemin to stand up for Lin Yi. This was quite troubling for him.

He wasn"t a man who"d take the right stand over taking his grandson"s side; he was notorious for it. His grandson was someone with exceptional talent, someone very precious to him who he pampered with anything he wanted. No one was allowed to do anything to him! Naturally, he"d stand up for this grandson if anything happened to him, regardless of whose fault it was or the person he had to deal with.

But Xuemin was one of the only people he didn"t dare cross. With him here, he couldn"t really go and cause Lin Yi trouble. He gave Lin Yi a brief look and burned his face into memory, thinking of some way to get back at him.

Gonggao didn"t say anything, but someone else exploded before he could.

"Who"re you calling a con artist? You"re the con artist! You"re nothing!!" Xiaoxiao said after witnessing this person insult Lin Yi out of nowhere. Who did he think she was? She was trying to act as if she was Lin Yi"s admirer! This man"s words were degrading Lin Yi, and if Lin Yi were a con artist, that would mean she"d fallen for a liar and criminal! The man was insulting her!

So Xiaoxiao, naturally, wouldn"t have that. She glared at Chentian, and the only thing stopping her from sending her foot into his face was the amount of people around them.

After all, Xiaoxiao was a girl who beat people up for breakfast.

Chentian raged when he heard someone speaking up for LIn Yi. He was about to say something when he saw it was a pretty, delicate girl. He couldn"t really yell at her. "Don"t b.u.t.t in, this has nothing to do with you!"

"The young one has no manners, and so does the old one, I see?" Xiaoxiao pursed her lips. "Yo, old man, aren"t you gonna educate your grandson? Where are his manners?"

"You little—! What did you say?!" Gonggao"s face heated as he looked at Xiaoxiao, his hands curling into fists. He was the head of the Iron Fist Wu Family, and letting this sort of disrespect pa.s.s was simply unimaginable. It"d be absolutely humiliating to himself and the entire house!

"Wh-What are you going to do, you old man!" Xiaoxiao said, shocked. She didn"t know any martial arts, but there was a prominent killing intent coming off of him.

"Mystic cla.s.s early phase!" Lin Yi"s heart skipped a beat. Gonggao was the same as Chentian. Both were physical pract.i.tioners, not spiritual. As a result, he couldn"t sense the energy within them unless they released it themselves. He was only able to a.s.sess their level of strength when that happened.

He wasn"t expecting the old man to be so strong. Lin Yi subconsciously moved his body, a wry smile on his face.

Regardless of anything else, Xiaoxiao was speaking up for him. It didn"t matter what her intentions were. Lin Yi couldn"t just leave her to her fate like this. It"d be quite wrong for him to do so.

So Lin Yi was prepared to take a hit for Xiaoxiao if Gonggao attacked. He was a mystic cla.s.s opponent, but Lin Yi had golden cla.s.s late phase strength, along with his Art of Dragon Mastery training. He could very much take a strike from a mystic cla.s.s early phase, and while there was no guarantee he"d win, he could confidently hold his own against him.

But Lin Yi"s preparation was unnecessary. Right as he stepped forward, a middle-aged man quickly moved between Xiaoxiao and Gonggao, his eyes on the old man. "Elder Wu, are you going to raise your fist against a little girl?"

Gonggao froze briefly, his expression changing completely. This was Feng Tianlong, a face he"d always recognize. He took a deep breath, understanding that there was nothing he could do today. Punis.h.i.+ng Xiaoxiao was completely off limits.

What gave Gonggao pause wasn"t Tianlong"s golden cla.s.s mid phase strength. For a mystic cla.s.s master, golden cla.s.s fighters weren"t a threat at all. What he was wary of wasn"t Tianlong"s background either. It was a highly formidable group, the mystery investigation department. Their authority was nothing short of stunning. But that was in when it was in the eyes of a normal person. Someone like Gonggao might not want to make enemies with a group like that, but by no means was he afraid of them!

What really terrified Gonggao was that person who"d disappeared from the scene more than ten years ago, Tianlong"s former captain! That man was once part of the mystery investigation group as well and had brought Tianlong on missions. Their bond was a strong one.

If it were someone other than Tianlong, Gonggao might not have held back, but Tianlong was someone he had to pay some respect to. He had no other choice.

After all, it didn"t matter if he was mystic cla.s.s or earth cla.s.s. That man would crush him with one move either way.

He didn"t know just how great that man"s strength is, but he knew one thing for sure. p.i.s.sing him off would be the end of the Wu Family, and it"d end in but one day too.

"Phew," Gonggao breathed out, an embarra.s.sed smile on his face. "Captain Feng! I"d never raise my hand against your daughter, of course not. It was a joke!"

"It"d better be." Tianlong nodded, sighing in relief before he took Xiaoxiao"s hand. "Stay put next time!"

Chapter 497 - He"s Your Boyfriend?

His focus on a phone call could very well have cost Tianlong his daughter. That short moment was enough for Xiaoxiao to cause trouble.

"Okay." Xiaoxiao wasn"t so stupid as to not understand the situation. The old man would"ve attacked her if it weren"t for her father!

But the old man was evidently wary of her father. Not aware of the details, she simply a.s.sumed that he was afraid of Tianlong. It made her a little happy.

"Professor Guan, it"s been a while. I"ve been thinking of paying you a visit these past few days!" Tianlong said happily when he saw Xuemin standing there. He"d been planning to visit him and ask about the Pill of Life Extension and Toxin Cleansing too.

Tianlong and Xuemin knew each other, but even Xuemin had nothing to offer after going through Xiaoxaio"s medical history. He felt especially helpless when he"d heard that the legendary Lin Dongfang couldn"t do anything for the girl.

But that didn"t mean that things would be the same as a couple of years ago. As long as a sliver of hope existed, Tianlong would latch on to it.

"Li"l Feng! It"s been so long!" Xuemin smiled. "I"m always free, just give me a call!"

Xuemin was clearly quite friendly with Tianlong, which displeased Gonggao quite a bit. He gave a harrumph before leaving, pulling Chentian with him.

"Alright, you must be busy, Professor. I"ll take my leave!" Tianlong had just received a phone call. Something had come up, and he had to go back to deal with it. He"d have to pay Xuemin that visit some other day.

"Alright." Xuemin nodded.

Tianlong was about to leave with Xiaoxiao when he saw Lin Yi out of the corner of his eye, his face instantly changing.

"Ah." Lin Yi smiled wryly. So Tianlong saw him after all. He was pretty stunned himself when he saw Tianlong, actually. He didn"t expect him to be Xiaoxiao"s dad. He tried his best to hide at the back because of that, but to no avail. He made a slight gesture with his hand, telling Tianlong not to cause a commotion.

Tianlong was an understanding man. He pretended not to see anything when he saw that Lin Yi wanted his ident.i.ty hidden.

With that, he left with Xiaoxiao.

After he calmed down, Tianlong realized how funny his earlier tension was. There was no need to panic. He didn"t miss Lin Yi"s quick movement before he intervened, but he didn"t think much of it, a.s.suming that it was just an accident. The thought that Lin Yi was about to take a hit for Xiaoxiao didn"t cross his mind at all.

Now that he knew who exactly that person was, however, he understood that his motive was to protect Xiaoxiao. With his protection, Xiaoxiao would be perfectly fine!

After all, he was aware of Lin Yi"s strength. He wasn"t on Gonggao"s level, but he was quite capable of fending him off for a while.

"You know them, Xiaoxiao?" Tianlong asked as he thought about it. He didn"t understand why Xiaoxiao would know Lin Yi. They looked pretty close too.

"Yeah, Lin Yi sits next to me in cla.s.s." Xiaoxiao nodded, finding it a little odd. Why was her dad paying so much attention to her life all of a sudden?

"What?!" Tianlong"s eyes shot wide open as he stared at Xiaoxiao. "You"re saying… he"s one of your cla.s.smates? He even sits next to you?"

"Yeah, why?" Xiaoxiao looked at her dad puzzled. What was he freaking out for?

"I-It"s nothing!" Tianlong shook his head. Lin Yi might not be part of the mystery investigation department, but they"d been on a couple missions together. But what was Lin Yi doing in a place like school? Knowing his background, it was an extremely odd thing he"d just learned.

Not only was he a twelfth grader now, he was even sitting next to his daughter in cla.s.s. Wasn"t that too much of a coincidence?

But he couldn"t really let Xiaoxiao know too much about Lin Yi. He could only hide his suspicions. He didn"t quite understand just who Lin Yi was in the first place either. He"d been a.s.signed to those missions by his superiors.

"Xiaoxiao, Dad has an emergency to take care of, so you get back to the hotel first. I might not be able to come back tonight, I have stuff to do tomorrow too," Tianlong said a little awkwardly. He"d promised to go out with his daughter for a couple of days.

"It"s alright, I"ll be fine. I"ll go to the auction with my friend tomorrow!" Xiaoxiao said, not angry at all as she waved her hand softly.

Tianlong paused a little at his daughter"s att.i.tude. Remembering how she spoke up for Lin Yi, a thought came to mind. Did his daughter have a crush on Lin Yi? Was she starting to like boys now, and was that boy Lin Yi?

The thought gave Tianlong a fright! He wasn"t the type of parent to discourage his children from getting into early relations.h.i.+ps, especially because of his daughter"s special circ.u.mstances. He actually wanted her to quickly get herself a boyfriend, maybe get him a grandson or granddaughter. He wouldn"t have to be alone if something really did happen to his daughter then!

And if this boy was Lin Yi… then Tianlong would only be even more supportive. After all, he"d witnessed Lin Yi"s excellence firsthand! Tianlong wouldn"t say no to a different person, but wouldn"t it be better if her partner was someone he was satisfied with and approved of?

He didn"t want his daughter to be running around on her own, but if she really was going to be with Lin Yi tomorrow, she"d be more than safe. There was nothing to worry about.

"You"re talking about Lin Yi, right?" Tianlong said as they reached the parking lot. He asked the question as he opened the car door.

"Yeah," Xiaoxiao said, suddenly embarra.s.sed. There was something in her father"s  tone! But that little embarra.s.sment was it. She wasn"t afraid or anything. She wouldn"t care even if she actually ended up with Lin Yi, let alone just messing around with him! She"d gotten used to causing trouble since she was a kid anyway, regardless of whether it made her father angry.

"Xiaoxiao, is he your boyfriend?" Tianlong said all of a sudden as he drove.

"Ah?!" Xiaoxiao didn"t expect such a direct question. It made her pause a little before she stuttered. "Th-That"s not it!"

"No?" Tianlong asked again. "You seemed rather protective back there."

"Ugh. We"re cla.s.smates, okay? Of course I have to be protective!" Xiaoxiao said weakly. She wasn"t afraid of anything, but even she got shy at the topic of boys.

"Hah. Xiaoxiao, Dad"s fine with you getting a boyfriend. If there"s someone you like, just bring him home for me to see." Tianlong smiled, not asking any more questions and making his stance clear after seeing his daughter turn shy.

Chapter Notes:

Here"s SPSF"s Synopsis: 

Yang Ming is an underachiever in high school. He skips cla.s.s to shoot pool, cheats on his exams and gets into fights. A twist and turn of fate and luck and he obtains some high-tech contact lenses that give him superpowers and dramatically change his life.

As his journey unfolds, he battles against society"s big guns and attempts to bring justice into an unjust world. Along the way, he has many interesting and romantic encounters with the ladies who are charmed by his character.

How will he use his superpowers?

Will he be able to overcome evil and bring justice to the world?

Who will he choose to be with in the end?