Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 159-160

Publishedat 18th of March 2018 08:24:04 PM
Chapter 159-160

Chapter 159 - Confused Miss

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"Ugh……" Yushu took some time to think about it- it seemed to make sense . She also confirmed her suspicions of Mengyao getting jealous for s.h.i.+eld Bro; why would she even think up something like this to get back at him, if that weren"t the case?

But would it even work on Lin Yi?

It wasn"t long before the waiter returned with a pretty boy, the type with smooth skin and beautiful hair . As far as the waiter could tell, these two girls weren"t into the tough, manly type, probably preferring the korean drama model boys instead .

"Excuse me, ladies- will this be satisfactory?" The waiter said, keeping his voice down .

" . . . . . . " Mengyao wasn"t sure what to say- how was a guy of this level even supposed to have any effect on Lin Yi? He wasn"t even as good looking as Lin Yi, too! What was with this place, bringing out an escort with a face like that, weren"t they ashamed of themselves? It was no surprise then that the aunty from earlier preferred Lin Yi over the male companions they had to offer .

"If it suits your tastes, then here"s the price range……" The waiter said as he showed Mengyao a menu .

"I get it, I get it, alright?" Mengyao said, troubled . She pointed a finger at the pretty boy . "You, sit over there……"

She then glanced at Lin Yi, who was playing with his gla.s.s of red wine as if nothing was happening .

The pretty boy, on the other hand, was overjoyed as he looked at Mengyao and Yushu sitting in front of him . These were top-tier beauties!! He believed today to be an especially lucky day, and was filled to the brim with excitement .

"You two must still be in school, I"m guessing?" The pretty boy decided to initiate a conversation, thinking that Mengyao was too shy to start herself .

"Shut up, will it kill you to sit there with your mouth closed?" Mengyao was quite displeased at Lin Yi"s att.i.tude- was he not at all concerned that she"d gotten herself an escort?

Where were his reactions… . ?

Mengyao was confused…… It was true that she was the Miss, and Lin Yi was but her follower, responsible only for taking care of her and her studies with the additional bodyguard/s.h.i.+eld detail… He didn"t have any right to meddle with her private life, and she had no right to do so to his……

So why was she did she care so much about what his thoughts were in the first place? What was she even trying to achieve, calling a gigolo over to her table? To p.i.s.s Lin Yi off?

Why would she want to do that? Who was he to her, and who was she to him? Would he be p.i.s.sed, or even annoyed in the slightest because of this thing she was doing?

Was she out of her mind? Why did she do something this r.e.t.a.r.ded in the first place?

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Even if she went into bed with this pretty boy, would Lin Yi even do anything about it, other than maintaining a distance while watching over them? Mengyao was growing more and more frustrated as the thoughts plagued her head……

She was an idiot- so much of an idiot that it was laughable . p.i.s.s Lin Yi off? What for??

The pretty boy was troubled as well due to Mengyao"s hesitation- he thought that he"d hit the jackpot tonight, that he was so blessed to be able to bring these two beauties home… He"d even pay instead of receiving payment for women of this caliber- they were absolute gems!!

He hadn"t even gotten into the first step of his fantasies when Mengyao"s sharp snap startled him with a jump, forcing him to just sit there quietly .

He wanted to bring these two girls to a room that instant, but he wasn"t allowed to do that- after all, he was still just an escort in name, a mere pretty boy for them to talk with .

The other wolves in the bar had only hearts pained with regret- they"d have approached them from the start if they had known the girls were after thrills!

Meanwhile, Lin Yi watched as Mengyao and Yushu got themselves the escort, not sure what the h.e.l.l they were thinking… Couldn"t they have asked for him if they wanted that stuff? It"d be nice to earn some extra buck, too, especially after seeing how easy it was to get a thousand from just bulls.h.i.+ting with Jingyi for a bit, even getting himself a super thick wallet! It was certainly a profession br.i.m.m.i.n.g with potential .

In a private room behind the bar counter was a man, quiet and silent as he observed the area around both Mengyao and Lin Yi"s tables .

"Chu Mengyao asked for that gigolo?" The man asked in disbelief as he looked at the bar manager Su Jiaonang .

"Yes, Cihua Bro!" Su Jiaonang said with a careful nod .

"Never expected the Miss to be interested in that kind of thing . So that"s why she got herself a full time bodyguard……" This man was Li Cihua, famous throughout Songshan, a character who walked both roads of order and crime…

But the most observant of people understood his true nature as a mere spokesperson, a representative… The true superpower was the person who supported him from the shadows . After all, Cihua had no background to speak of, and was even someone who"d served a prison sentence before… It was an extremely difficult task to prosper in Songshan with an ident.i.ty like that .

He"d have had police monitoring all the stuff he did if it weren"t for the person backing him up .

"The Miss doesn"t seem to like the pretty boy very much?" Cihua said faintly as he observed Mengyao"s dismissive att.i.tude towards the pretty boy . "You see that other guy at the other table? That"s Miss Chu"s bodyguard, a lot better-looking than the pretty boy with her . "

"Should I get them another one?" Jiaonang asked carefully .

"No need- they"re probably just after something different for a change……" Cihua said as some dirty thoughts crossed his mind . It seemed that this Miss Chu was quite the h.o.r.n.y girl, feeding a man at home and bringing him out with her when she was outside for stuff like this… What a tragic life that man must lead .

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What was his name again? Hm… Lin Yi, right? Looks like I"ll have to talk to him a bit, don"t want him f.u.c.king my s.h.i.+t up……

"What do we do now, Cihua Bro?" Jiaonang said, not very sure of Cihua"s current intents . He didn"t know much about what was going on, deciding that he"d simply follow orders instead .

"Go cause some trouble for Miss Chu, we"ll test how good that Lin Yi is . I"ll make an entrance afterwards . " Cihua said after some thought .

"Alright . " Jiaonang said, evidently quite familiar with that side of the business . He nodded to Cihua before taking his leave .

Mengyao, on the other hand, was cursing at herself for being such an idiot . Did she have a loose wire in her head or something, ordering herself a gigolo, of all things?! Her father would"ve been very, very disappointed if he ever found out…… Uncle Fu, her cla.s.smates…… It was so shameful!!

The frustration simply got to her head when Lin Yi was having so much fun with that woman, and she only went with the flow when the waiter mentioned the service… There was nothing but regret on her mind right now .

Mengyao recovered from the confusion, and regained her composure as she thought about the situation logically- why would she be this mad over a follower, going as far as to p.i.s.s him off for her own benefit? Could Shu possibly be right about…… her falling in love with Lin Yi?

N-No way, right? No way .

The guy was such an a.s.shole, and a playboy on top of that! She"d be blind before ever coming close to liking a person like that……

But what if she weren"t blind? It was something that had yet to cross her mind .

Chapter 160 -  Person I"ve Been Waiting For

"May I have the honor of buying you beautiful ladies a drink?"

Mengyao was busy being troubled when a voice sounded next to her . She turned to see a very exquisite man looking at her .

A man had to be perfect to be called exquisite, flawless, and that didn"t just mean smooth skin and pretty hair . This person had a good figure, nice proportions, and a handsome face- this was a man who gave of a "clean", fresh feel, a man of high taste .

A casual suit, with the b.u.t.tons naturally unb.u.t.toned… It was a handsome, a refres.h.i.+ng presence…

This type of man would be what was known as a "lady killer", but Mengyao had no interest in him whatsoever . She was busy trying to figure her emotions out when another dude popped up, to add onto the gigolo in front of her causing her tons of problems! She turned to point at the pretty boy . "Can"t you see we"ve a man sitting here already?"

Mengyao wanted the two to fight each other, but the pretty boy simply stood up and left without a single word after one look at the exquisite man, as if terrified of him .

"Ah……" Mengyao was speechless- what kind of man was that? Where were his guts? Why did he even sign up for gigolo work in the first place?

"Haha . . He"s freed the spot up, miss . " The exquisite man said with a faint smile before seating himself in the pretty boy"s spot . He raised the red wine in his hand . "A toast?"

Mengyao was no idiot- the pretty boy"s reaction towards this man made it clear that this was no ordinary person .

She turned to Yushu only to see her looking back- they had the same thought in mind: this wasn"t someone they should be involving themselves with . It was their first time in a bar, and they didn"t want to be causing any trouble that"d make its way to Chu Pengzhan"s ears- they didn"t want a scolding from him .

"I"m sorry- we"re driving . " Mengyao said coldly, hoping he"d get the hint and leave .

"Ah? I couldn"t tell . " The exquisite man replied, as if he couldn"t care less about Mengyao"s displeasure . "That man earlier- he"s an escort here, is he not?"

Mengyao only hmphed to herself, frustrated at Yushu"s silence- this girl, always going crazy at her back home and never uttering a word when they encountered real danger outside!

"I"m guessing you ladies are thrill-seekers?" The exquisite man said, losing the gentlemanly facade he had on earlier . "Let"s get to the point- you two want to buy thrill, so why not come with me? I"m sure I"ll be a satisfactory service . "

"What did you say?" Mengyao blushed- what was this guy yapping about, she was still a freaking virgin!! Thrill-seekers, my a.s.s! She faced the other way, thinking that it was a huge mistake to have come to the bar in the first place . . . .

"Drop the act already…" The exquisite man said as he reached his hand towards Mengyao"s shoulder .

Mengyao was starting to panic at that point, hastily getting away from the hand as Yushu watched with equal panic . She turned her head in Lin Yi"s direction .  Eh? Where is he?

The exquisite man"s hand was stopped in midair with a smack .

"Yeah . . Drop the act . Who sent you? Why don"t you call him out?" Lin Yi said coldly, his hand gripping the man"s arm solidly .

The exquisite man looked exquisite, but he was far from a mere pretty boy- quite the contrary, he was a powerful character indeed, an elite among Cihua"s men, a murderer with blood on his hands . It was an aura Lin Yi sensed clearly, something that"d go over a regular person"s head .

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It was also why he stopped the man right after he reached his hand out- who knew what he was planning on doing to Mengyao?

The exquisite man froze- he"d always kept Lin Yi in his sight from the corner of his eye the whole time he spoke to Mengyao, and the guy showed no signs of intervening at all . . . It was why he reached his hand out without much concern, but he"d never expected Lin Yi to appear behind him the next instant, his arm in his grasp…

The man was a master himself, on a caliber high enough to truly appreciate the speed Lin Yi had displayed… The simple fact that Lin Yi had gotten behind him without him noticing was terrifying enough to send a bead of sweat down his forehead .

This man was fast, and it was the exquisite man"s only description of Lin Yi . He himself was at the early phase of the golden stage, and just that made him far more powerful than a regular person, putting him on the same level as regular special ops… Yet this person with his hand on his arm- the man knew well that Lin Yi was above his own level .

Lin Yi should be in the middle phase of the golden stage, if his guess was accurate . Naturally, this was but a mere conjecture on the exquisite man"s part .

It didn"t look like it, but Lin Yi had his awareness and alert heightened since the very start .

He"d noticed a black Buick tailing them after they"d gotten out of the vill it was high-level tailing, but it was far from good enough to escape Lin Yi"s eyes . Skill of that caliber was considerably adequate in urban areas, but it"d get them nowhere in the battlefields with just that cla.s.s of ability .

Naturally, Lin Yi couldn"t be bothered to deal with the Buick before it attempted anything .

It seemed that the Buick had been waiting at the corner of the street, understandable because of the twenty four hour security cameras the villa was equipped with .

The Buick had only went a full circle around the bar after Yushu parked in front of the Solid Cloud, before leaving without pause .

It was something that added to Lin Yi"s suspicions- considering their goal of tailing Mengyao, these people would"ve at least stopped near the bar for spying, even if they hadn"t planned on entering the bar itself .

Yet they did no such thing, and Lin Yi wasn"t about to think that they just tailed someone out of boredom only to leave halfway . There had to be accomplices in the bar, meaning there was no need for the Buick to continue tailing anymore .

It made it too coincidental- they had people in the exact bar Mengyao and Yushu had chosen!

It was why Lin Yi was on alert the whole time, certain that the enemy wouldn"t let a chance this perfect slip out of their hands .

The exquisite man"s behavior proved all his suspicions, as expected- this was the person he"d been waiting for: the enemy .

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