Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 323-324

Publishedat 18th of March 2018 08:21:57 PM
Chapter 323-324

Chapter 323 - Arriving At The Small City

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Lin Yi strolled around on the streets aimlessly- it"d be fine if he remembered the way back .

He stopped at an ATM and took out a couple thousand euros before continuing his stroll .

Car repair factory… Lin Yi frowned- the northern district was a lot bigger than he"d antic.i.p.ated . There were a ton of establishments like nightclubs and KTVs around… It seemed that there were more of them the closer one got to the HQ .

Lin Yi didn"t think that these were all proper establishments- he saw a couple of girls trying to seduce him in quite s.l.u.tty clothing .

He didn"t know if that sort of business was legal here, but he didn"t care . He sighed and made a huge decision .

He walked up and stopped a man with a blue baseball cap- he had a scar on his face .

The guy was obviously bad news, and that baseball cap proved it . Although, he was evidently not part of the upper echelon of the mafia, since he had no bodyguards and loitered around on the streets alone .

"Kid, you know who I am? You wanna die?" The scarface didn"t think someone would have the guts to stop him like that- he was speaking in the local tongue .

"Hey, bro, chill……" Lin Yi pretended to look around carefully before whispering . "I"m from overseas- I heard that the Bluewater mafia have cheap cars for sale, I"m thinking of buying one to play with, you got a channel for me, brother? Don"t worry, there"s benefits included!"

"Oh? You wanna buy a car?" The scarface sized Lin Yi up- Lin Yi was obviously not from around here, and from his age and the way he was dressed he didn"t look like a spy either . He wasn"t raising his voice anymore .

The Bluewater mafia did have a large stockpile of stolen cars- it was one of their income sources, these cars . They"d change the engine number and the licence plate before s.h.i.+pping them off to a lawless place for sale .

As a lower echelon Bluewater member, one received commission if they brought tourists with them to buy stolen cars, drugs, or to the casino . It was basically these underlings" main income .

The scarface was now interested in Lin Yi"s business . "What car are you looking for? What price range?"

He didn"t ask what Lin Yi was buying the car for- there was no point to that . It was something of a trade secret- the buyer wouldn"t ask where the car was from, and the seller wouldn"t ask what the car was for .

After all, it was a one time business, a one time transaction .

"Anything, as long as it"s cheap . " Lin Yi wouldn"t act tough for no reason and buy an expensive stolen car- this was something he"d throw away after using it . It was Uncle Fu"s credit card he was using here, and he didn"t want to cause trouble . Who knew if this person before him was the greedy type that"d get ideas when he saw how much money Lin Yi had on him?

He wasn"t afraid of him, but his priority here was to get Xie Jinbiao back to China . These Waterblues had nothing to do with him .

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The scarface wasn"t disappointed at that price range, since the more luxurious cars had been s.h.i.+pped off to other countries already . There weren"t many good cars left .

It was nice enough for someone like him to get this sort of business every month, after all . "They"re all cheap, there"s ones for a couple hundred euros and ones for a couple thousand euros . We take USD too . "

"I"ll take a look then . " Lin Yi said .

"Follow me!" The scarface nodded, leading the way .

Lin Yi kept a reasonable distance as he followed behind him- they"ve been walking for about ten minutes when they reached the door to the car factory .

A tint of a smile formed on Lin Yi"s lips- his gamble had been spot on . The stolen cars were all stocked in the car repair factory by the mafia, and this one should be their headquarters .

"York, who"s that?" A sentry with a blue hat asked upon seeing the duo .

"A buyer!" York greeted him with a smile before walking in, Lin Yi behind him .

None of them found Lin Yi to be a threat in the middle of Waterblue territory- they let him in without even searching him .

Lin Yi shook his head internally- the security was too relaxed here .  

Although, the Waterblue were absolute tyrants in Blue Town- they could wipe out any conflict in another place without difficulty, let alone settle an attack in their own territory .

York led Lin Yi to a big yard at the back- there were almost a hundred cars parked chaotically in there, some of them familiar models and some of them not . They all looked a bit aged .

"Here we are . Go try whichever one you like, it"s fine . " York"s att.i.tude was pretty good- he was getting paid a high commission for this business if it worked out, after all . He"d have a nice allowance to use this month .

"This one, then!" Lin Yi pointed at a low-key Santana Sedan .

"That one, huh . How"s five hundred euros sound?" York said after taking a look .

"That"s a bit expensive . I"m a sincere buyer here . " Lin Yi shook his head .

"It"s not- it"s a solid price . It"s ten years old, but it"s a really good drive still . " York said .

"How bout four hundred?" Lin Yi said after looking at the car"s model- it looked old, a "90s car? Ten years… More like eighteen years .

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"A bit higher? Four fifty?" York tested . Lin Yi"s haggling was pretty reasonable- that was more or less the standard price, and Lin Yi did seem to be quite genuine .

"Let"s just do four hundred- the car"s gotta be older than ten years . I"m just buying it for a quick drive, might even throw it away a few days later . " Lin Yi said .

"Alright then, four hundred it is!" York nodded, satisfied . "Pay up and I"ll hand you the car!"

"I still need to stay in the city for a few days… There won"t be any problems with this car, right?" Lin Yi asked .

Chapter 324 - Cool Girl

"There won"t be . Here, write my phone number down- give me a call if anyone messes with you…" York paused and took his hat off for Lin Yi . "Here, take my cap- the cops in this city won"t mess with us Bluewater . "

"Oh, thanks!" Lin Yi put the cap on . "Is it fine if I say I"m Boss York"s lackey if any one causes me trouble?"

"Of course, of course!" York was delighted at that "boss" t.i.tle Lin Yi was referring him to with . "Use that name as much as you want- I have my connections here in Bluetown . "

Lin Yi nodded and handed four hundred euros to York- he only had a couple thousand with him, and York wasn"t too interested . He led Lin Yi to the car right after that .

The keys were in the cars, since they weren"t afraid of anyone stealing from Bluewater property .

Lin Yi drove the car out of the factory- things were easier now that he had this cap .  

He hadn"t driven far when he spotted a pretty girl hitchhiking at the roadside- she waved to Lin Yi when he neared .

Naturally, Lin Yi had no interest in hooking up- there"d been plenty of girls trying to hit on him in this northern district… 

He"d only paid attention to this particular girl because she was an Asian- it gave him a sense of familiarity, seeing someone from his race in this foreign land .

The cool girl had a pair of huge on, dressed in hot black . She stood out, and Lin Yi felt that he"d seen her before, though the did obstruct a big part of her face .

He wouldn"t have stopped the car for just the Asian face- he"d stopped because the face seemed familiar .

"What"s up?" Lin Yi"s baseball cap and black didn"t make his face any more visible than the girl"s .

"Can I get a quick hitchhike, handsome?" The cool girl squeezed out a smile .

"Hitchhike? I don"t even know where I"m going, how am I supposed to give you a hitchhike?" Lin Yi was sizing the girl up as he spoke- he felt like he"d seen her before .

He must"ve met too many people these couple years- it was normal for him to find a face familiar every now and then .

"That"s perfect then, if you don"t- drive me to Kanha Hotel please . " The cool girl said as she got on the co-driver seat .

"Ah……" Lin Yi smiled . "I don"t know where that is either . "

"Hm?" The girl paused . "Aren"t you a Bluewater? How come you don"t know where Kanha is?"

"I just joined, is that a problem?" Lin Yi shrugged .

"Oh… Not at all . I"ll point you the way . " The girl sounded slightly disappointed, but her voice remained cold .

Lin Yi started the car and drove on, the corner of his eye still glancing at the cool girl . "You a tourist?"

Lin Yi felt that that wasn"t possible right after he asked the question- would a tourist be brave enough to stop a stranger"s car for a hitchhike, especially when she knew what the Waterblue was? Did she have a deathwish?

He started getting interested in who this cool girl was . Had he met her before? He might be able to recall if she took her off .

"Self sponsored tourist . " Lin Yi wasn"t expecting than answer .

"A self sponsored tourist who knows about the Bluewater mafia?" Lin Yi asked . The girl was clearly lying .

"Because I"m interested in that kinda thing, okay- I look up to the strong . " The cool girl was trying to make her smile more flirty, but it looked more like a cold smile on that face of hers .

" . . . . . . " Lin Yi was speechless- what sort of lying was this? "Look up to the strong, huh? So you"re saying you"ve been waiting for a Bluewater member"s car to hitchhike in their territory?"

"Yeah, see how that worked out?" The cool girl smiled . "Come on, tell me about your Bluewater!"

"Sorry, I told you I just joined- wrong guy to ask . " Lin Yi was getting more and more curious- what was this girl here to do? She couldn"t even lie properly .

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"Then you should know who the Bluewater boss is, right? Is it Charlandon? I"ve heard that it"s him!" The girl asked .

"I guess . " Lin Yi had looked up the Bluewater mafia online before- that seemed to be the right name .

"Then do you know who he is?" The girl continued her questioning . "Is he in that car repair factory? Or in the blue castle?"

"In the factory, I guess…" Lin Yi answered casually- it was something he"d heard from the taxi driver .

"I see . Then do you guys get to meet him, usually? Does he work inside an office?" The cool girl continued .

"That, I don"t know . " Lin Yi wasn"t really a Bluewater member- how was he supposed to know so much?

"How come you don"t know anything!" The cool girl was a bit p.i.s.sed . "Then can you bring me to meet him?"

"What do you wanna meet him for?" Lin Yi didn"t know what this girl"s deal was, but he frowned after finis.h.i.+ng that question, spotting a black SUV tailing him from afar .

He was busy talking with this girl, and didn"t even know where the hotel was supposed to be, and yet… the SUV had been tailing him the whole time . It was an impossible coincidence .

Was it the Bluewater mafia? Lin Yi frowned as he recalled his actions- he hadn"t done anything suspicious, and hadn"t told anyone about his purpose here… He didn"t even have that much cash on him, so why were the Bluewater following him?

What made it odder was the fact that the SUV had started tailing him after he"d exited the factory, since he"d make sure to check for any tailers after leaving…

So they were following this girl? Lin Yi found that possibility to be the most feasible one . They must"ve started tailing him after the girl got in his car .

Just who was this girl??

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