Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 49-50

Publishedat 18th of March 2018 08:24:47 PM
Chapter 49-50

Chapter 49 - Come Again Tomorrow

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Guan Xin was already blus.h.i.+ng a bright red from touching Lin Yi- she couldn"t help but lower her head as she continued working on the bandages . She didn"t want her expression to be seen, and her head s.h.i.+ed away even more, going further and further down on instinct, when… . . .

"Ah!" Guan Xin"s head jerked back upon touching- she sprung up on her feet in surprise, her face lowered in absolute embarra.s.sment .

Lin Yi felt helpless as he looked at Guan Xin"s face .  Why"d you have to touch it… What happened, happened, however, and it was all Lin Yi could do to offer her an awkward apology . "Uh, sorry… I tried to control myself……"

Guan Xin only felt bad from the apology- she knew fully well that Lin Yi was decent enough to suppress himself, only reacting biologically after her hand had touched it by accident . In all honesty, the blame should"ve been on her!

"It"s not your fault… I shouldn"t be paying attention to this kind of thing in the first place, as a professional nurse and all… it was actually my thoughts that got a bit indecent…" Guan Xin explained immediately . She was approaching the issue with a nice att.i.tude, but any other guy, and she"d probably have slapped him in the face already . Lin Yi was different- he was her savior, who"d sacrificed himself for her . That fact alone brought guilt upon her heart, and in turn, her current kindness and open-mindedness regarding the accidental skins.h.i.+p .

"He"s… . down now…" Lin Yi mentioned awkwardly as he pointed down a little self-mockingly . "We"re good to continue……"

"Yeah…" Guan Xin nodded, throwing aside her awkwardness as she tended to Lin Yi"s wound .

The bandage was stuck to part of the wound, and Lin Yi had to grit his teeth as Guan Xin tore it off .

"The wound"s healing really fast- I can"t believe your surgery was yesterday!!" Guan Xin commented, shocked at what she was seeing .

"Yeah, my skin"s always been really healthy . " Lin Yi explained with a lie- he couldn"t just tell her about the Art of Dragon Mastery .

Guan Xin finished the bandaging and completed the treatment, but it was clear from their faces that the two were still a little embarra.s.sed at the whole thing .

Guan Xin was the first to speak, smiling generously . "Come for a checkup three days later- you can just come to my office directly . "

"Yeah, thanks . . . . " Lin Yi nodded in response, exiting the room and darting away from the surgical department hurriedly, not resting until he reached the hospital"s entrance . It was a humiliating day .

Li Fu was waiting for Lin Yi the whole time in the car- Lin Yi had requested to go in alone . He was able to walk perfectly fine anyways, and he"d troubled the guy enough .

"All done?" Li Fu asked, pus.h.i.+ng open the door upon seeing Lin Yi"s approach .

"Yeah . " Lin Yi nodded . "Still need to come for a checkup tomorrow, but the nurse said to first see how the wound"s closing up . Coming the day after tomorrow works too . "

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Guan Xin had a day off tomorrow, and was thinking of receiving Lin Yi the day after that when she considered changes that might take place in the wound . She then told Lin Yi to choose the time depending on the wound"s condition, with that in mind .

Lin Yi recalled the awkwardness from the clinic room a while back- he really wasn"t ready for a second round of a session that embarra.s.sing . Looking without touching really didn"t do it for him .

"I"ve made contact with the chairman, and informed him of yesterday"s events . " Li Fu said as he started the car up .

"What did Mister Chu say?" Lin Yi asked .

"Mister Chu"s returning as soon as possible- he"ll address the matter after he"s back in Songshan . " Li Fu continued . "Although, the chairman"s mentioned that he has a general idea of who the mastermind might be . "

"Oh?" Lin Yi was a bit startled- the chairman was quite intelligent, figuring out who the mastermind was in such short a time period .

Traffic had wound down, and the roads grew a lot smoother than before . It didn"t take long before Li Fu reached the school, dropping Lin Yi off and departing with a wave of his hand .

Lin Yi pulled the backpack up his shoulders as he stepped through the gates . The field was empty, with only a couple of students playing basketball when it was supposed to be cla.s.s time . Clearly cla.s.s-skipping delinquents .

A basketball suddenly flew in Lin Yi"s direction, landing near him with a bounce .

"Yo, kid! Throw the ball here!" A long-haired student in a black s.h.i.+rt called out .

Lin Yi was late for cla.s.s already, and he didn"t have the time to be chasing after a basketball . it didn"t even land at his feet- the ball stopped quite some distance away .

"f.u.c.king h.e.l.l, you little b.a.s.t.a.r.d! Can"t you hear me talking to you?!" Zou Ruoming was very displeased- there was no one who"d dared to go against him, not in this school!

Lin Yi didn"t know his parents, but he didn"t take well to an insult like that .

He turned around slowly and looked at Zou Ruoming . He pointed at him, and then at himself, as if he were asking: "are you talking to me?"

"Yes, you! Are you f.u.c.king deaf? I"m gonna count to three . Throw the ball back by then and I"ll let this go . I"ll f.u.c.king ruin your school life if you don"t . " Ruoming barked with no concerns at all- Lin Yi was clearly a poor student from the way he was dressed .

Lin Yi didn"t say anything, only walking to where the ball was . He crouched down and picked it up .

Ruoming"s lackeys only cheered in response, sending a wave of delight was.h.i.+ng over him . This was what his school life as a Big Four was all about- oppressing others, pus.h.i.+ng them beneath his feet and stepping on them .

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"That"s Ming Bro for you- kid doesn"t even say anything, a couple words and he goes ball-picking for the guy who just yelled at him!"

"Hmph, poor-a.s.s student . " Ruoming said gleefully . "There isn"t anyone who"d dare go against me in this school . "

Lin Yi stood up, turning to Ruoming with ball in hand . Ruoming, on the other hand, lifted his hands up, gesturing for Lin Yi to throw the ball his way .

His lips edged up slightly as Lin Yi looked at the guy"s face . With a violent movement, Lin Yi sent the basketball shooting in Ruoming"s direction .

Naturally, Ruoming was yet to realize the incoming danger, his face still wearing a pleased expression as he prepared to receive the ball .

The ball smacked into Ruoming"s hands, and his lackeys started cheering . "d.a.m.n, Ming Bro!!"

Ruoming was celebrating as well, proud that he"d caught a ball from so far a distance . He was just about to speak when something felt off- the ball wasn"t stopping even after he"d caught it! It felt more "lead" ball than basketball!

Chapter 50 - Basketball Murder Case

"G-GAH-!!!" Zuo Ruoming yelled- his wrists dislocated themselves from the impact, and the basketball shot off from his destroyed wrists and into his face .

Ruoming couldn"t even call out in shock as blood gushed out his nostrils, forming an arch of rainbow red as he was blasted off his feet .

He lost consciousness instantly, and Ruoming"s lackeys stared in utter shock- basketball? It was a f.u.c.king cannonball!

They then lifted their gazes to Lin Yi, who had just finished patting the dust off his hands, making his way to cla.s.s as if nothing happened .

Lin Yi didn"t so much as glance back at the casualty .  a.s.shole .  I"ll let you go with a light warning this time- I"ll put you in a coma if you pull something like this again .

"That kid hit Ming Bro- we can"t let him get away!" One of the lackey"s spoke up after the silence, waking the others from their shock . They were just about to start walking at Lin Yi when he turned around impatiently .

Lin Yi looked at the group in its entirety, his eyes dead cold . He smiled before continuing on into the school building .

The gaze froze them in their tracks- it was a glorious dream to avenge Ming Bro, but Lin Yi had just demonstrated the monstrosity of his strength… Ming Bro"s hands were deformed at this point, his face smeared with blood .

Everyone was still trying to comprehend how a basketball could cause damage to this degree- no one was stupid enough to take on someone who put out their boss in one move; they were nowhere as strong as Ruoming in the first place!

The group lowered their heads, and the lackey who called Lin Yi out kept his mouth shut . Defeated, they picked Ruoming up and headed for the school hospital .

Zhong Pinliang was absent during study hall that morning- he"d been busy calling a Heibao Bro, who worked for his father . The guy was quite a big shot in Songshan"s streets, managing his boss" Glory Years nightclub .

Heibao Bro was not very interested in f.u.c.king Lin Yi up- the kid was a student, and there was no reason for a man like him to go after him . It"d be overkill . Sending his lackeys would be more than enough, after all .

Heibao also treated the whole incident with a bit of disdain- Zhong Pinliang and his group couldn"t even deal with a student themselves . It was disgraceful, but Heibao kept silent about it .

There was no point in giving his boss" son a reason to hate him- that"d just be plain idiocy . The kid would one day inherit the business, and he might very well be working for him in the future .

Yet Heibao wasn"t pleased about having to handle a matter this trivial- it was a little humiliating .

Zhong Pinliang"s nagging got to him, however, emphasizing how strong the transfer student was . Heibao could only sigh, agreeing to bring a couple of his men over for a look .

Pinliang was pleased- he"d finally gotten Heibao Bro to help him . The guy was famous for how strong he was, and everyone knew about that time where he destroyed a boxing champion who decided to thrash the nightclub on a drunken impulse . Pinliang couldn"t help but admire him .

As a result, Pinliang had the most absolute of confidence that there was nothing Lin Yi could in face of Heibao Bro . He"d sworn never to stop until he got Lin Yi to kneel down and address him as Liang Bro .

Yet Lin Yi was nowhere to be seen! Was the kid so scared that he decided not to come?

Then what"d he call Heibao Bro for? With a wave of his hand, Zhong Pinliang left the cla.s.sroom with Zhang Naipao and Gao Xiaofu following behind him- there was no reason for him to stay with Lin Yi absent .

"Liang Bro, you think Lin Yi got scared for f.u.c.king with us yesterday?" Xiaofu a.n.a.lysed .

"There"s that possibility . " Zhong Pinliang said with a frown- this was what he had feared most!

"Seriously? He can"t run forever, unless he"s planning on not attending this school anymore… But he"d just transferred in yesterday!" Naipao was feeling pretty helpless himself- Was Lin Yi really going to quit school after just one day?

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"f.u.c.k, this is bad . Heibao Bro"s pretty busy- he still needs to manage my dad"s businesses! I"m f.u.c.ked if my dad finds out about me pulling him out, for a school fight, no less!!" Pinliang said, getting worried at the development .

"Yeah… though if your dad"s willing to let you take the gangster life, and a.s.sign Heibao Bro as your bodyguard, you"ll be even more of a big shot than Zou Ruoming- he just has like one gangster brother . " Gao Xiaobo commented .

"Yeah right . My dad wants me to get in a good college!" Pinliang sighed . "It"s gonna be really annoying if Lin Yi decides to skip the whole day- this opportunity won"t come so easily the second time around!"

"Kang Xiaobo"s here though, should we let Heibao Bro f.u.c.k him up?" Naipao suggested, still salty about getting kicked by Xiaobo yesterday .

"You f.u.c.king idiot, we don"t need f.u.c.king Heibao Bro to deal with Kang Xiaobo! Just us three is more than enough to kick his a.s.s open!!" Xiaofu said as he rolled his eyes at Naipao . "Can"t you think of any better ideas?"

"Why don"t you think of an idea then?" Naipao replied, irritated .

"Stop it you two, shut up!" Pinliang snapped, very impatient . He searched for somewhere to sit, and pulled out a cigarette .

Naipao wasted no time in lighting Pinliang"s cigarette up, smiling awkwardly as he did it .

"Wasn"t Zou Ruoming playing basketball with his friends? Liang Bro, maybe we can join them for a bit?" Xiaofu suggested, pointing at the students playing basketball on the field .

"Not interested . " Pinliang said after one look at Zou Ruoming"s group . He shook his head . "If Lin Yi still doesn"t come, I"ll have to ask Heibao Bro to come some other day, dammit . "

"Liang Bro! Liang Bro! Look!!!" Naipao started screaming all of a sudden .

"f.u.c.king- what are you yelling for?" Pinliang jumped in surprise, very p.i.s.sed off as he glared at Naipao .

"No, Liang Bro, no, Lin Yi…" Naipao was stuttering at that point .

"What the f.u.c.k are you on about, Liang Bro? Lin Yi? f.u.c.k, I"d rather f.u.c.king die than change my name to Lin Yi!!" Pinliang cursed as he frowned at Naipao, very dissatisfied .

"Liang Bro, I"m telling you that Lin Yi"s here! He"s here!" Naipao said with a burst, finally getting the words out .

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