Because Janitor-san Is Not a Hero

Chapter 32

Chapter 32
Chapter 32 – Request ⑤

MTL: uniquegasuki
Editor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)

Iraida silently watches Kurando from the sidelines.
Whenever she recalls the words he spoke, Iraida couldn’t help but wryly smile.
Not many people are suited for hunter work, she thought.

At the general store, Kurando purchases an ink bottle and several dozen notebook-sized leaf paper. He then created a hand-made notebook by puncturing a hole through the paper and pa.s.sing a string through the hole.
The general store was selling leaf paper, parchment, tough paper, and a thin white cloth-like paper that had gathered dust. Everything except for the leaf paper was expensive.
Thinking back, the request copies and even the magic formula that Kurando had received from Baron Potapenko (ポタペンコ男爵) were all written on leaf paper.
Leaf paper is manufactured and sold only in one size. This paper is able to be ma.s.s produced from the leaves of magical gra.s.s. It can last up to 2 years before it begins to fall apart.
While leaf paper could be manufactured to last longer, it is not because the cost would outweigh the price. In such cases, it was better to use high-quality paper from the start.

The quill and nib he brought are similar to those used at the a.s.sociation. Previously, Kurando had been using a thin brush he crafted out of an Aromeri’s (三剣角鹿, アロメリ, three-horned deer) tail. (T/N: finally, enough information to figure out what Aromeri is)
After the tip on his ball-point pen broke, in order to be able to continue writing notes in the magic textbook, Kurando had to make a brush.
On the mountain to make ink, he boiled down branches, bone, and soot with water to blend a suitable residue. The result was something similar to a deteriorated version of Indian ink.
Kurando had decided to buy ink because he was carrying none.
Although there weren’t many items, for being on the frontier, there is abundant of stock. Thankfully, the general store happened to be selling the same type of paper that is used at the a.s.sociation.
Nevertheless, the a.s.soication would probably sell anyone some as long as they had the money.
Despite being on the pricey side, the customers happily bought the ink and paper. Perhaps, for being on the frontier, the goods are more or less sold at a discount.

Kurando is quietly gazing at the Toukorusuka (霧群椋鳥, トゥコルスカ, mist starling) that are in the large tree.
Quite a bit of time has pa.s.sed since he had returned from the general store.
He doesn’t seem to be using the notebook or brush.

Morning has pa.s.sed and evening is currently approaching.
Kurando suddenly opens his mouth.
「Would it be alright for me to shake the tree as long as I don’t harm the bird or the tree?」 (Kurando)
Iraida yawns.
「Ah, as long as you don’t harm or kill them, they shouldn’t abnormally start breeding.」 (Iraida)
「Is that so?」 (Kurando)
After asking, Kurando looks back at the tree.
/>The next day and then the day after, Kurando continued to observe the Toukorusuka (mist starling).
Iraida is keeping him company.
However, she is holding a bottle of alcohol in her hand.
After observing the Toukorusuka (mist starling), Kurando would walk around the village, or walk around outside the village.
The 2nd day. The 3rd day. When the Toukorusuka(s) are sleeping in the tree, Kurando would shake the tree while shouting in a loud voice.
Some time later, rumors about Kurando’s eccentric behavior began to circulate around the village. (T/N: guy is crazy, who would’ve guess, cough, cough)

The 4th day, early morning.
「It could work.」
Kurando mumbles something to himself.
While waiting at their campsite, from a distance Iraida sees Kurando near the tree. She is surprised that he hasn’t given up.
「Should I continue to keep you company; is there really any hope of success?」 (Iraida)
Kurando grins. From his notebook, he shows her a picture of his plan.

Iraida thought Kurando’s explanation was well done.
「You…… you’re quite good at drawing pictures.」 (Iraida)
He makes a bashful expression.
「Well…… it’s a hobby mine.」 (Kurando)
「Ahahahaha, what an unusual hunter you are. By far, you’re the most interesting fellow I have met during mine time with the a.s.sociation. Kukuku, Ahahaha.」 (Iraida)
She seems to be a little drunk.
「Tsk, are those the words of a drunk?」 (Kurando)
「This amount of alcohol isn’t enough to dull my senses. Well…… when do we start?」 (Iraida)
Iraida broadly grins as she said this.

While Iraida when to inform the surrounding residents about what they were planning to do, Kurando when to fetch the net that he had borrowed from the a.s.sociation.
Iraida simply explains to the villagers that the birds will no longer be a problem.
Bringing the big net to the outskirts of the village was quite a laborist task, but Kurando safely carries out his work.
Their plan will be put into operation at midnight when the Toukorusuka(s) are asleep.

There was never a time when the Toukorusuka left the village.
To be more accurate, the flock of Toukorusuka won’t leave the village. The watering hole serves as their feeding ground and the place where they roost.
Kurando used spirit magic to check if there are any stray Toukorusuka wandering around, but there were none.
The day ends, and the birds return to the tree to sleep.
If Kurando were to have abode by the rules of the village or the rules of the a.s.sociation; if he were to have followed the common sense of this country/ land, then the request would’ve been impossible.
However, Kurando is from modern day j.a.pan.

Having returned after completing her task, Iraida turns towards Kurando and smiles.
No problems had arisen; their plan is good to go.

The sky has grown dark.
There is no moonlight shining in the night sky.

A high pitch sound loud enough to rupture a person’s eardrum rings out.

It is followed by a blinding explosion.

The net

net is quickly spread above the tree.

Before anyone noticed it, a donut made of water circled the tree and then became frozen.

Shadows rushed out of the tree.

Kurando and Iraida had made their move.
After the flash, the birds had been collected by the net and are hanging around the tree’s trunk. The current state of affair is now being confirmed.
The Toukorusuka were made to faint and fall from the tree’s branches. With the help of wind spirits, the net was then lowered and wrapped. This was all done without using powers that would have killed the small birds.
It is over, the Toukorusuka were frozen to death, water now drips from their corpses.
The residents came to see what had happened.
However, the local residents show doubtful expressions.
The beautiful Iraida had requested them to come here today to prove to them that the small birds were no longer be a nuance. As a result of the request having a low reward and low priority, it had been neglected for a long period of time. This was all due to the village chief’s incompetent.
Kurando and Iraida display their caught so that all could see it.
There was no trouble at all.
「What going on?」 (Yakofu)
The branch chief pushes his way pa.s.sed the villagers. With him is an old man with a long beard.
They came to inquire about the loud explosion.
Kurando and Iraida didn’t notice the branch chief’s voice.
With his eyebrows furrowed, the branch chief rushes over and grabs Kurando’s shoulders.
「You’re in the way, get out of the way.」 (Kurando)
Kurando is busy and has no time to spare.
Kurando’s strong arm brushes away the branch chief. This time, the branch chief tries contacting Iraida.
「Did you need something?」 (Iraida)
She doesn’t push him aside like Kurando did, but Iraida appears annoyed.
「Can’t you tell? Look at the time.」 (Yakofu)
Iraida also appears fatigue.
The branch chief had no choice but to put up with their ill-humored expressions.

The sun had risen by the time Kurando and Iraida were finished gathering up the beaks.
Before removing the net, Kurando shook the tree a few times and used shadow magic to check for stragglers.

One bird tries to fly away.
And then another.

The branch chief grins, while the elderly man turned pale.

A humming sound is heard and then a Toukorusuka falls to the ground.
Another sound is heard; the second bird falls down to the ground.

Iraida had shot her arrow, while Kurando had thrown his boomerang.
Kurando felt glad that he had a boomerang.

「How about giving me an explanation? Why did you use 2nd cla.s.s magic?」 (Yakofu)
Kurando and Iraida look at another, Iraida speaks up.
「Where do you see the use of 2nd cla.s.s magic?」 (Iraida)
The branch chief’s eyes narrow.
「Where else could that light and sound possible come from? It had to have been from at least a 2nd cla.s.s, possible 1st cla.s.s magic. As there

As there are many witnesses, you have no excuses.」 (Yakofu)
「Where, I don’t see any use of 2nd or 1st cla.s.s magic?」 (Iraida)
「Where, over by the tree…… how can this be?」 (Yakofu)
The morning sun illuminates the tree.
A pile of Toukorusuka corpses can be seen near the large tree. Although the circ.u.mference of the tree seems to be wet, the tree doesn’t have a single wound.
There is no trace of destructive 2nd cla.s.s magic or large scale 1st cla.s.s magic having been used.
「I don’t see anything out of the ordinary. The tree doesn’t seem to be damaged. There is only evidence of 3rd cla.s.s magic having been used.」 (Iraida)
「That why I’m telling you to give me an explanation.」 (Yakofu)
The branch chief is shouting.
Iraida shrugs her shoulder and looks toward Kurando.
Kurando laughs and grins before giving a response.
「――it’s a secret.」 (Kurando)
He doesn’t want to reveal the information for free and he especially doesn’t want to tell the branch chief.
The branch chief’s face turns bright red; he tries to say something but there is no target to vent his anger upon. Having lost sight of his purpose, the branch chief leaves the area. On the bearded old’s face is a broad smile. A while later, the old man followed after the branch chief.

Presently, the villagers are able to drink without worry. No matter how many days pa.s.s by, the Toukorusuka will no longer cause a racket. That is the current circ.u.mstance for the villagers.
Alone, Kurando raised his victory cry.
His shouts of joy continue to grow ever so louder.

The method he used was simple.
To a person from modern day j.a.pan, it would be known as a stun grenade made from a spirit magic combo.
The explosive sound was caused by wind spirits, while the flash was caused by light spirits.
Iraida’s job was to manage the net by using the wind spirits, while Kurando handled all of the other roles.
His job was cause the explosion, make the flash, make the ring of water, freeze the water, and scout the tree using dark spirit magic. After they finished, Kurando’s maryoku was on the verge of drying up.
Why was it that no one else tried this method?
Iraida gave him several reasons.

First off, all the methods that involve capturing the Toukorusuka all-at-once have one thing in common.

They must use spirit magic in a certain manner. The thing is, no Ruterera (ルテレラ, 10th star) would use magic is such a way because the magic they use is meant to kill magical beast; it isn’t meant to not harm the magical beast. There is no middle ground, hunters use magic for its high killing power as it is common place to use it that way.

Another reason, how many people possesses the ability to use the 3rd cla.s.s branch magic explosion & flash, which are said to be a waste of maryoku. Not many would’veNot many would’ve been able to utilize all of the magic that Kurando had used all at the same time. For a hunter knowing so many types of magic is simply not cost-effective.

「Are you planning to eat them?」 (Iraida)
He conversates with Iraida as he plucks the Toukorusuka’s feathers.
「Is it any good?」 (Kurando)
「It tastes bad if the blood isn’t drained. It’s best to just leave it (throw it away).」 (Iraida)
「Well, I’ll just try a bit of it then.」 (Kurando)
The plucked feathers are put into a bag.
「You know, it is still evening, it’s not too late to go drinking.」 (Iraida)
「Drinking again?」 (Kurando)
「Why not, tag along with me?」 (Iraida)
As she said this, Iraida had placed her hand on her hip.
「As your leader (mentor), since this is our first request together, it’s my treat―― come on, let’s go drink some delicious alcohol?」 (Iraida)
Before the villagers had left, several of them, insisted Kurando and Iraida join the after party.
Mostly likely, they are at the tavern.
Kurando sighs. While he continued to pluck the birds, he appeared to be slight glad.

By the time he had collected enough Toukorusuka’s feathers, to create a feather pillow, Kurando appeared rather tired.
It was quite the laborist work. He was too exhausted to gather enough of them to make a large pillow, though.
While he gathered the feathers, Kurando had checked to see if there were any survivors.
There were none.

To complete the request, the Toukorusuka’s beaks need to be turned in at the a.s.sociation.
Kurando felt refreshed upon seeing the twitching face of the arrogant staff member. He had the urge to mock the staff member.
520 beaks, 520 Rodo. (52,000 yen)

Kurando heads straight for the tavern after turning in the request. There are merely a few taverns in the village.
Iraida happened to be at the noises tavern.
He was able to find the tavern right away.
「Hey, you came.」 (Iraida)
There is an empty bottle in front of Iraida. She appears to be drunk.
Around them, the villages are having a grand party; they don’t seem to be holding back.
After taking a sit across from her, Kurando handed over half the request’s reward to Iraida. During all of this, he never took his eyes off her.
「Huh? The leader (mentor) should only receive 10% of the reward.」 (Iraida)
「I insist, I couldn’t have done it without you. Please take it.」 (Kurando)
「Hmm~, what a pain. Alright, I’ll use it to pay for the drinks today, now drink up.」 (Iraida)
She a cup of Vuogira (ヴォギラ) over to Kurando.
In contempt, Kurando places his share of the tab on the table.
「Hmph…… oh well, let’s make a toast.」 (Iraida)
Iraida raises her bottle of Vuogira up into the air.
Mimicking her, Kurando taps his cup against her bottle.
They drink.
Iraida placed her bottle on the table and then muttered something.

「For you a leader (mentor) is unnecessary.」 (Iraida)