Because Janitor-san Is Not a Hero

Chapter 34

Chapter 34
Chapter 34 – Hero ②

MTL: uniquegasuki
Editor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)

The village is about several hours away from Kurando’s home in the mountain.
By the time he had reached his destination, it was morning; it took him the rest of the day to return to the top of the mountain. Upon his arrive, Kurando saw Akari and Yukishiro waiting idly by outside in front of the cave.
Akari looks to Kurando with an expression that seems to ask, “What happened?”. With its tail slowly swaying about, Yukishiro seemed to be bothered about Kurando’s early return.
On Kurando’s face is a fed-up expression.
「Ah…… there is a chance that that Ichihara person is coming to the village.」 (Kurando)
Akari’s eyes widen.
「It would be a pain to run into him so I left. I don’t know the details, but I meet Erica・Kiritani of 『Penanto Obudoon (暁の翼, ペナントオブドーン)』.」 (Kurando)
After talking about Hayato, Kurando seemed very troubled.
But suddenly, Kurando didn’t seem as concerned after he began to caress Yukishiro’s back. His expression became pleasant. (T/N: animal therapy)
Akari felt envious of Kurando and Yukishiro’s relationship. While unaware of the pleasure it had given Kurando, Yukishiro it merely rolls on the ground as he pets it.

The two people and one animal return to the cave.
Although it is warm like the beginning of spring outside, it is chilly inside the cave.
「Why do you think they came here?」 (Kurando)
As they sit around the fireplace, Kurando listens to Akari.
Akari furrows her eyebrows as she thought about it for a little while.
「……they could be after me. Although, I don’t know if their intention is good or bad.」 (Akari)
「What do you mean?」 (Kurando)
「Maybe they heard about my situation and came to help, or perhaps, they came to capture me? I wonder which is it? If I had to say, 8:2 (8 to 2) it is the former probability. Chances are, when Makushiimu-san (マクシーム) reached the temple, rumor had circulated and Hayato-san (ハヤト) heard about my situation.」 (Akari)
Because they were former cla.s.smates, Akari declared that there is a 20% chance that Hayato and company could be her enemy.
「A cla.s.smate will come to help you, that is a rather confident a.s.sumption to make.」 (Kurando)
Kurando says this in a condescending manner.
「Please stop it, you’re mistaken. That person may be selfish, but he has his own way of caring. Certainly, I’m grateful to him. I believe that Hayato-san would’ve done the same for me just as he had for Erica. But, I wanted to be independent so I followed-up on Makushiimu’s invitation instead.」 (Akari)
「Ehh. Well, the easiest way to determine if he is an enemy or not is to check with your 『Radar Map (不安定な地図と索敵, レーダーマップ)』. You can’t hide here on the mountain forever now.」 (Kurando)
「No, even if Hayato happens to be an enemy that doesn’t mean the 『Radar Map』 will response.」 (Akari)
Kurando thought Akari’s actions to be suspicious.
「Are you saying, 『 divine blessings』 don’t affect fellow 『heroes』?」 (Kurando)
「Wait……doesn’t that mean the scythe of truth is insignificant?」 (Kurando)
I believe so, but if I had to say for sure, my answer would be, no. There was an incident when one of the heroes was greatly injured and then saved by the healing ability of a fellow hero. If I were to use that as an example, my conclusion would

be that, for a hero’s blessing to effect a fellow hero, the recipient needs to accept it before it can be received. I feel blessings works in the same manner as life spirit magic as they need permission beforehand.
In the case of the 『scythe of fact (事実の大鎌, ファクトサイズ)』, without the divine blessing, it is merely an ordinary iron scythe. Whether one lies or tells the truth, it won’t change the fact that the scythe doesn’t have anymore or any less killing power than a simple sword or spear.」 (Akari)
「Is it good or bad, I can’t tell the difference?」 (Kurando)
「It’s not that simple. The scythe can put up a physical barrier; however, the 『scythe of fact’s』 perfect barrier is fairly meaningless. Well, the barrier is sort of used to put the other party 『on trail』, it cannot be used for combat.」 (Akari)
Kurando shows an expression that implies he is thinking about something.
「……will blessings work on me?」 (Kurando)
The problem is Kurando has lost his hero ability, it is unknown how 『divine blessing』 effect him.
Akari shakes her head no.
「Probably not. Jani…… Kurando-san, my ability has never recognized you as an enemy, because I truly never thought of you as a threat. From my observation, the thing is, and when I go hunting with Iruniiku (イルニーク), my ability never reacted. Well, I won’t go as far to say that I don’t know how my marking function works.」 (Akari)
「Don’t mistaken my name. Whenever I hear the word, Janitor, I can’t help but recall that guy.」 (Kurando)
「S-sorry.」 (Akari)
Kurando hates being referred to as janitor. Anyhow, there probably isn’t anyone who knows the Janitor’s full name. (T/N: no one would want to be can janitor)
「But even so, are you, my enemy?」 (Kurando)

Akari’s field of vision shakes.
Kurando jumped over the fireplace and pushes Akari down.
「Eh」 (Akari)
She could not comprehend the situation; while being surprised and perplexed, Akari lets out a yep. Kurando closed the cave’s entrance.
He tears off the b.u.t.tons on her shirt, revealing her brless chest; Kurando then placed his hand on top her small breast.
「N-no」 (Akari)
Akari flails her arms as how a woman would and she hits Kurando directly in the face.
However, Kurando is unfazed by her resistances; he unfastened the belt around her waist and inserts his hand inside.
「N-noooooo」 (Akari)

「――h-how about now.」 (Kurando)
He stopped before it got dangerous and goes back to being his stupid & easygoing self. Kurando plays it off as he had no intentions of going any further. At long last, his voice reached the ears of the frantic Akari.
「Is it red?」 (Kurando)
Akari calms down; she checks her 『radar map (不安定な地図と索敵, レーダーマップ)』.
Aside from the black dot that represents herself, there was nothing else.
In other words, the hero’s blessing isn’t effective.
Although this theory cannot be verified, Akari’s ability has nothing to do with her accepting or not doubting a fellow hero. This means if by some chance a fellow hero becomes Akari’s opponent, her ability might not react to them. It is better for Kurando to come up with an alternate course of action.
「Nothing.」 (Akari)
And just like that, Kurando casually walked back to his spot by the fireplace.

「There were other methods, it didn’t have to be the old-fashion way.」 (Akari)
Akari looks at Kurando with a sharp, cold and piercing

piercing gaze as if she was looking at filth.
「Really? But with this method, even if I’m not seen as an enemy, you will be alerted by your female instinct…….」 (Kurando)
Kurando stares at Akari’s abdomen.
「Wh, wh, wh, where are you staring at,」 (Akari)
「Well, as you can see. Please forgive me.」 (Kurando)
「Ah, that was a crime. This isn’t a manga, that was totally s.e.xual hara.s.sment. Not forgiven; nope, I won’t forgive.」 (Akari)
Kurando made a puzzled expression.
「Wh, what is with that expression. I am not the one who was wrong.」 (Akari)
「Well, for me it was a life or death situation, so please forgive me.」 (Kurando)
Kurando suddenly bows down.
He really needed to know how a 『hero’s』 『divine blessings』 would effect 『a fellow summoned person』 as it would greatly influence his next course of act.
Anyhow, she understood his reason and couldn’t continue to blame him.
「……it fine. You have sheltered me up until now, so I’ll pardon you this time.」 (Akari)
「Sorry.」 (Kurando)
「Enough already. But, we still don’t know for sure that there isn’t a perfect divine blessing. Remember, there was a loophole, Hayato-san had confirmed that. We don’t know who will make the first move; therefore stay vigilant. However, fight back only when it is necessary.」 (Akari)

「Umm, since I don’t want to end up killing that guy, I’ll stay up here in the mountain.」 (Kurando)
Yukishiro who was behind them yawned. Although when it heard that Kurando will be staying on the mountain its ear twitched.
「Kill him, that is a bit,」 (Akari)
Akari somehow calmed down after changing her clothes. She silently protests from a safe distance away from the questionable Kurando.
「He is a Riguserupu (リグセルプ, 1st-star) now, and something of a hero among the heroes, right?」 (Kurando)
「Eh, already…… it must have been a special exception.」 (Akari)
Akari sees Kurando show an unfamiliar expression.
「……Didn’t someone give you a rough explanation when you registered as a hunter?」 (Akari)
「Umm, Makushiimu didn’t mention anything about it.」 (Kurando)
「Ahaha, Makushiimu-san, huh. Then it couldn’t be helped. A special case is, well, a special a.s.signment. In simpler terms, it is something like a merit system. You see, the hunter a.s.sociation will mark magical beasts or monsters that could possibly cause a significant amount of damage to people; if a hunter subjugates, let us say, a dragon type monster that happens to be attacking a town, the a.s.sociation will raise their rank by giving them a special promotion. For Hayato to reach his current rank in merely two years, chances are, he had to at least defeat a dragon level monster. Well, I did hear a rumor a while back,」 (Akari)
「……a dragon, they exist,」 (Kurando)
「They do. Although, disaster level request such as that hardly ever occurs. At best, a wyvern would appear.」 (Akari)
「I see. That b.a.s.t.a.r.d, Hayato is a hero among the heroes and a hero to the country. If it were to become know that he had stolen the ability of a fellow hero, it would cause a scandal. I could be killed. Well, it is not like they will believe the words of a refugee such as myself.」 (Kurando)
「……I wish it wouldn’t come down to that, though. But, it is an undeniable truth.」 (Akari)
After Akari had gained her ability, she had gained the malice of other people. Having been in a similar position herself, Akari

herself, Akari knew how easy people betray one another. Besides, Kurando isn’t a hero; he is just a person, for that reason they mostly likely would not negotiate with him.
「Well, that’s how things stand. For now, I’ll keep Yukishiro company.」 (Kurando)
「Really? Now that Hayato has come, perhaps, Makushiimu will return shortly.」 (Akari)
Kurando leans against Yukishiro’s back.
In protest, Yukishiro made a displeased expression while swaying its tail back and forth.

5 days later, in the early morning, Makushiimu returned.
He had brought along with him several female hunters.

Kurando glared at Makushiimu with a cold heart and hostile gaze.
Yukishiro who is behind Kurando gave a threatening growl.
「……sc.u.m.」 (Kurando)
Makushiimu had broken his promise and informed another party. Kurando was too naive; although he knew it was wishful thinking on his part, he couldn’t help but become angry after having been betrayed.
「Well, hear me out, it is all for Akari’s sake.」 (Makushiimu)
「……there should have been another way. This method is risky for both me…… and Yukishiro.」 (Kurando)
Anyone could plainly see that Kurando had lost interest in dealing with Makushiimu. Kurando showed an apathetic expression toward him.
Kurando’s angry expression doesn’t resemble that of a fierce animal nor a poisonous insect and neither does it compare to the face of a vengeful ghost.

「You are still young, there is no need to make that sort of expression.」 (???)

A voice soothes the rising tension.
From behind Makushiimu, a person steps forward.
The owner of the voice is a slender and elegant elderly woman. Her back is upright and she is wearing a single piece of leather armor don with a green robe.
Above all, her ears are long and tapered. In other words, she is an elf.
She has the appear of a human woman in her 50s. The expressionless Kurando thinks she is a beautiful person.
「I had asked Makushiimu to bring me here. I will not intrude on your lively hood.」 (???)
「It is a fact that you have come here, that in itself is a threat. In the first place, who are you?」 (Kurando)
「My apologize for not introducing myself sooner. I manage those under the 『moon G.o.ddess’s attendant, Maruuna・Niyuumu (月の女神の付き人, マルゥナ・ニュゥム)』, they call me Oofuia (オーフィア). In truth, my name is much longer, but Oofuia is good enough.」 (Oofuia)
「……it’s Kurando. So, Oofuia, san, what is your business here?」 (Kurando)
Kurando regains his composer and the tension in his tone of voice returns.
It was difficult for him to not properly address a senior; as a result, Kurando lost track of his anger.
He had made a mistake; Kurando should not have been polite as the other party had picked up on his hesitation. And thus, Oofuia stands her ground against the tense atmosphere.
「First off, I am here to serve as the young lady, Akari-san, guard until the day of the 『retrial』. My other reason…… I came here to see you, a person who is living together with the white phantom, an Iruniiku. When I heard about it from Makushiimu, I just had to see if the legend was true.」 (Oofuia)
Kurando glares and scowls at Makushiimu.
Being glared at, Makuhiimu turns the other way.
「Ah, it does exist. I have longed to see it with my own eyes.」 (Oofuia)
With gentle eyes, Oofuia approaches the hostile Kurando and Yukishiro.
She looked upon Yukishiro with an expression that it wasthat it was unaccustomed to; feeling uneasy against this unknown threat, Yukishiro hid behind Kurando.
Upon seeing the scene, Oofuia made a delighted smile.
Kurando looks at Makushiimu.
「Well, 『moon G.o.ddess’s attendant (Maruuna・Niyuumu)』, something-san, does this mean my role here is done?」 (Kurando)
「No, you see……」 (Makushiimu)
Makushiimu felt uncomfortable and scratched his head.

「It may be impudent of me, but may we set up camp around here?」 (Oofuia)
She asks Kurando in place of Makushiimu who being indecisive.
Once again, Kurando glare intensify.
「The 『partic.i.p.ants for the trial rehearing』 have yet to arrive. You see, the retrial for the hero case will be conducted in Sarewado (サレハド) village. The thing is, we are a separate party; we are a group, priestesses. As such, we had to arrive ahead of time to attend the rehearing. In the meantime, we wanted to a.s.sess that Akari-san was not in the wrong. Therefore, if I may, for safety reasons, please do not be unreasonable. And well――」 (Oofuia)
She stops in mid-sentence. After awhile several female hunters can be seen standing beside Oofuia.
「The women behind me are most definitely hunters; although, they may be skilled they possess a low star rank. But nevertheless, they are women who have escaped and are receiving the G.o.ddess’s protection.」 (Oofuia)
「The G.o.ddess’s protection? Sorry to say but, I don’t know anything about 『Maruuna・Niyuumu (moon G.o.ddess’s attendant)』.」 (Kurando)
Oofuia wasn’t offended that Kurando didn’t know about the G.o.ddess.
「There is no need to show such an expression. 『Maruuna・Niyuumu (moon G.o.ddess’s attendant)』 was a female deity of the hunt, who lived with the moon G.o.ddess. The women under the G.o.ddess’s protection live a secular lifestyle; they travel the land and live as hunters. Since the moon G.o.ddess was said to be a virgin, she was known to dislike men. As such, by the G.o.ddess’s grace, it became a place for women to run away to.」 (Oofuia)
「Ah~ in other words, it is a special place for women to take refugee, correct?」 (Kurando)
Kurando’s line-of-sight fell upon one of the women and that woman froze with fear.
「For that reason, it would be more convenient for us to stay here than at the village. Of course, we won’t leak anything.」 (Oofuia)
Kurando resigns. It is useless now as the information had already been leaked.
The only method left for Kurando to conceal his whereabouts would be to annihilate them all. His situation has become hopeless.
「……Makushiimu is a beast and I am a man, will it be alright?」 (Kurando)
「Hey now, it isn’t like that. I only play around with beautiful older women who are not troubled.」 (Makushiimu)
Akari looks at Makushiimu with an icy cold glare.
Oofuia seems puzzled by their exchange.
「Makushiimu isn’t a problem; however, you are indeed a grown man. Why didn’t I ever considered that you would be an adult.」 (Oofuia)
「……whatever.」 (Kurando)
For some unknown reason, Oofuia tilts her head.
「……is this everyone?」 (Kurando)
Oofuia shook her head no and then turns around.
Behind her, they see 10 or so women ascending the slope.
Kurando looks up towards the sky.
He wanted to become free like the blue sky.

「Chief~, please don’t ask for the unreasonable, nyaー」 (girl A)
「That’s right. Why can’t we just exterminate all the nightmares~」 (girl B)
Oofuia made a frank smile.

「This shouldn’t be a problem for you girls, right? Or, should I raise your punishment another level.」 (Oofuia)