Because Janitor-san Is Not a Hero

Chapter 40

Chapter 40
Chapter 40 – Ice Raid ②

MTL: uniquegasuki
Editor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)

The sky appeared to have reddened.
Oofuia (オーフィア) and the others managed to defeat the monsters that were headed for the village. She then made her way to the mountain.
In several places, she saw frozen trees and noticed an ominous silence.
They quickly made their way through the area.
Any remnant of the monster group that they happened to come across was swiftly dealt with.
By using the power, they quickly rushed through the mountain as there was no time to waste.
The effect of the 『Purovidensu (神の加護, プロヴィデンス, divine blessing)』 had become an unexpected blessing for her.
Oofuia sends a fleeting glance to her rear.
The hero, Hayato and his party are following behind her.
His group was mostly uninjured; and thus, they volunteered to accompany her.
It is unknown as to how many monsters still remain on the mountain; although, with their few numbers, the women of 『Maruuna・Niyuumu』 that were left on mountain had been caught up in a hopeless situation.
With his knowledge about 『Ekusupuroodo (エクスプロード, monster raids)』, Hayato warned her it is not something to be underestimated.
Certainly, Hayato’s opinion about a 『Ekusupuroodo (monster raids)』 is correct.
She didn’t want to take them along with her to Kurando’s cave, but the situation is urgent. The situation is dangerous even if there were a few monsters remaining.
Above all, Oofuia wasn’t sure if she could defeat the remaining monsters alone.
She had given them permission to accompany her.

After leaving the village, they had traversed the mountain for several hours.
What awaited them was a difficult scene to believe.
Certainly, when they were ascending the mountain, they didn’t encounter many monsters.
However, when they sense the danger, they wanted to run――

The monsters that were swarming the cave were being swarmed and mowed down by Atorabashiku(s) (アトラバシク, giant th.o.r.n.y spider).

Around the area of the cave, there were many large Atorabashiku corpses and squashed remains of monster that had yet to dissipate. The scattered pieces of monsters can be seen wiggling around.
The Atorabashiku had left their territory to wage war with the group of monsters.
In all her years, this is the first time Oofuia had witness such a thing.

Prior to Oofuia’s return.
Kurando tries to question Yukishiro, but Yukishiro ran past him and went into the interior of the cave.
「Hey,」 (Kurando)
Kurando immediately stood up and then goes back to denying the monsters entree into the cave.
A loud sound comes from the interior of the cave.
「……things sound rather hectic. Hey, someone switch with me.」 (Kurando)
Saying this, Kurando moved to the room in the interior of the cave. At last, he got a moment to breath.
He pa.s.sed by Diantia (ディアンティア).

It seemed she wanted to say something, but she simply made her way to the entrance.

In the room inside the cave, Yukishiro was stuffing its mouth with meat.
Kurando noticed, in bits of places, the dyed spots of red on Yukishiro’s white coat.
「You saved us, Yukishiro.」 (Kurando)
Upon hearing Kurando’s voice, Yukishiro merely glanced at him before it wholeheartedly when back to enjoy its meal.
「Wh, what happened?」 (Akari)
Akari asked Kurando a question.
After taking a looked around, he noticed that everyone had gathered and is looking at him.
「Yukishiro went to pull the threads of the Atorabashiku(s) and has led them here to the cave.」 (Kurando)
Akari realized what he meant; although, the women from 『Maruuna・Niyuumu』 jaws dropped as they tried to comprehend what had happened.
She herself had experienced it first-hand; the other women have not, so they do not understand what it meant for Yukishiro to have incited the Atorabashiku.
「Is that way Diantineesan is staying silent?」 (woman A)
「I see no thread, nya, where is it, nya?」 (Maanya)
「I cannot see it either, but――」 (Kurando)
After finishing its meat, Yukishiro begins to groom itself. Kurando treated its wounds and then once more, Yukishiro groomed its fur until there were no blood stains left.
It lightly growled and then stares at the corner of the room.
Of course, there was nothing there.
Maanya runs over there and searched the area.
「There, nya, I want, nya! Why does it feel so strange?」 (Maanya)
Maanya, with both her hands, pulled the invisible thread.
「Uhh」 (woman A)
「Kyaa」 (woman B)
「Yaa」 (woman C)
As the thread that was placed along the ground is pulled up, in surprise, the women raised their voice.
Their legs and arms were caught in the thread. The thread wedged into various parts of their thighs and waist.
「Don’t look.」 (Akari)
Akari, who was unaffected, glared at Kurando.
Kurando chuckled as he made his way over to Yukishiro and then took out a brush.
Yukishiro relaxed its posture as it showed a expression.
As if it was saying, “I will let you brush me,” was the expression it gave off.
While chuckling, Kurando began to brush Yukishiro.
At that moment, Yukishiro squinted its eyes and stretched out its tail.
「H, how envious. I want to fluff-fluff……」 (woman A)
「A~ah, nya, I will too, nya!」 (Maanya)
Maanya lets go of the thread and approached Yukishiro.
However, Yukishiro heartless lifts its tail and restrained Maanya.
「Nyaa!」 (Maanya)
Maanya who is restrained by the tail is thrown.
「Unyaa」 (Maanya)
And thus, their playful act started.
From what he could see, Kurando was not going to have a moment to rest.

「Where is everyone! Switch with me!」 (Diantia)
When Maanya heard Diantia’s voice, she stopped playing with

with Yukishiro’s tail and ran away.
「Just wait, when the chief hears about this you will be severely punished.」 (Diantia)
Diantia whispered this as she walked by.
Maanya face turned blue as she hurried towards the entrance to where the monsters are, from her hand 3 nails that emitted fire spirit magic extended from her fingertips.
「No, nyaーーーーーーa!」 (Maanya)
Maanya cry echoed throughout the cave.
She rushed out to be the next vanguard on shift.

As Akari gave them an explanation, Diantia showed a shocked expression when she looked at Yukishiro and Kurando.
「Certainly, compared to before, the rate of the monster’s invasion has decreased. When I first saw the swarm of Atorabashiku(s) fighting against the horde of monsters, I thought the world was coming to an end.」 (Diantia)
Diantia stared at Kurando as he continued to brush Yukishiro.
「Well you see, I don’t really know how things will turn out.」 (Kurando)
Diantia, who had become used to Kurando’s att.i.tude, gave up and then sighed.
「Well, perhaps it will work out.」 (Diantia)
Diantia doesn’t mention that this incident had extended their time.
Currently, it is around mid-day, in 3 hours or so it will get dark.
For what Diantia had surmised, if Yukishiro had not returned, they would have only lasted until sunset.
That was how bad their situation was.
As she thought about things, Diantia is handed a meal.
Without eating, those of the crystal tribe would not be able to move. Their main source of food is something similar to a soup.
「Is it alright for me to receive this?」 (Diantia)
She directs the question to Kurando who is manning a pot on the fireplace.
Kurando nodded. The bowl filled with a white liquid had been placed beside her.
Diantia brought the soup to her mouth. Her body stopped.
「Is it not to your liking?」 (Kurando)
Diantia gradually began to tremble.
「Wh, what is this, may I ask?」 (Diantia)
「A curry-flavored stew. Ah, and there was also some Toramora (トラモラ) herbs added.」 (Kurando)
「How luxurious, but this white liquid? The moment my lips touched it, its nourishment quickly spread throughout my body.」 (Diantia)
「Ahh, well. The origin is unknown, but it is nothing strange, so no worries, okay.」 (Kurando)
Those of the earth tribe have an exceptional ability to extract nutrients from food. Diantia had absorbed the omnipotent nutrient from the french bread that he had received from the food supply which had sustained Kurando for half a year. The bread was something that a person could restore their energy with one bite.
「Is that so, well that is too bad. It was able to replenish my maryoku a little bit. I wonder just how much nutrient does it hold.」 (Diantia)
In his mind, Kurando compared Diantia to a plant

a plant taking in fertilizer, but he did not say it out loud and merely turned to look at Yukishiro.
A grumbling noise can be heard for its throat as a cat and one animal are laying down.
When he saw them huddled together, Kurando tried to get away.
However, Yukishiro didn’t permit this; it bounded Kurando with its tail.
Like a big fat and soft snake, the tail tightly wrapped around him.
Kurando chuckled and then as he sat there, he continued to brush Yukishiro.

The cave is dyed a maddening red.
How many rotations have occurred, no one knows?
The rear-guard and mid-guard have reached their maryoku limit. While, gradually, for the vanguard, the wait between each shift became shorter as each moment felt longer than the next.
A member of the vanguard broken their leg, shortened their shifts and further hastening their weariness.
In the room, no one said a word.

A spear is thrust and it cuts through the air.
Kurando clicked his tongue as a monster rushed at him with a spear, but he managed to block with his small shield.
He lets go of the spear in his hand, transfers maryoku into the glove and then seized the monster by its face.
With the monster head in his hand, Kurando imagines the 『giant’s glove』 hardening, using his grip strength; cracks appeared on the monster’s face.
And just like that, Kurando stopped the monster’s advance.
He refines the spirit magic in the glove and crushed its face.
As the monster dissipate, the face of another monster appears.
「Did I keep you waiting?」 (Kurando)
While say this, he prepared his spear.
The spear matched the monster’s charge and thrust――

――outside the cave is dyed red.

After exterminating the monster, Kurando carefully peeked outside.
Outside the cave, there is a surging fire.
Kurando hears the sound of something hitting the ground, the sound of slashing, and the sound of fighting.
He takes a deep breath and then another.
Reinforcements have arrived.
The proof, no more monster are trying to enter the cave.

Kurando conveys this to the people behind him.
Akari showed a relieved expression when she heard it and runs to the inner room.
Kurando decided to standby in the cave in case something went wrong.
He doesn’t want a repeat of how he broke his jaw and arm to happen once again.

A short while later, the noise outside calmed down.
「Is it over?」 (Diantia)
Diantia calls out to Kurando from behind.
「It seems so. Umm, should I go check?」 (Kurando)
「……please tread carefully.」 (Diantia)
「……hey now, don’t jinx it.」 (Kurando)
「For us of the earth race, your expression is difficult to read, you know.」 (Diantia)
「……yeah, it is a habit of mine.」 (Kurando)
To prevent himself from appearing weak andappearing weak and cowardly, it is a habit Kurando developed to give himself confidence.

The wind spirits reported that there were no enemies near the cave’s entrance.
With caution, Kurando peeked his head out of the cave.
「Alright, all clear.」 (Kurando)
His heart stopped; Kurando prepares his spear.
However, there were no monsters to speak of. He groans.
「Hey, hey, it’s me, Makushiimu.」 (Makushiimu)
In relief, Kurando lowered his spear.
「What is the muscle monster doing here?」 (Kurando)
Being surprised, Kurando retorted with name-calling.
「Tsk, if you’re resorting to verbal abuse, you must be quite lively. Jeeze, I have you know, I’m fairly popular with the night-time onee-chans.」 (Makushiimu)
「It was a compliment.」 (Kurando)
Makushiimu turns his back to Kurando’s cold gaze.
「Hey, is everyone alright.」 (Makushiimu)
Ignoring Kurando, Makushiimu called out to the women inside the cave.
「A compliment.」 (Diantia)
「Yep, flattery, it is then.」 (Kurando)
「Well, it is important to give a compliment or two every now and then.」 (Diantia)
Makushiimu lets the verbal attack slide.
And then, he dropped his shoulders and made a long sigh.
「It is good that you are safe.」 (Oofuia)
Oofuia’s voice comes from behind Makushiimu.
Both she and Makushiimu (who appears fine) are covered in wounds.
「Good job, you all did excellently.」 (Oofuia)
Oofuia turns to look at the face of Diantia and other women.
「You honor us; it was all part to Kurando-san’s Atorabashiku?」 (Diantia)
Lastly, Oofuia turned to ask Kurando.
「That was Yukishiro’s handy work.」 (Kurando)
「I see?」 (Oofuia)
Saying this, Oofuia silently bowed.
「……I have received various things from you. It is inexcusable, but still, sorry for everything. I have broken my promise and brought unrelated people here.」 (Oofuia)
Kurando shrugged his shoulders.
「There is no need to further this conversation. If you had not come, we would have been annihilated. Raising a fuss now, it would be shameful of me to think poorly of your n.o.ble deed.」 (Kurando)
Oofuia slowly raised her head.
「Okay. I had want to arrive sooner――」 (Oofuia)
At that moment.

「――well then, we will be returning to the village. Is it alright for us to collect the spoils belonging to the ones we defeated?」 (???)
From behind, Oofuia is greeted by a youthful looking man.
She is hesitant to turn around; while trying to shield Kurando from view, Oofuia turned around.
「You were a great help. I will be sure to tell that to the hunter a.s.sociation as well. Of course, feel free to take your spoils with you.」 (Oofuia)
「Understood. Well, then――」 (???)
The youthful man’s eyes are drawn to the man, Kurando, who is behind Oofuia.
And thus, he noticed it, that man is Kurando.

Hasebe Kurando and Ichihara Hayato.
Since that time, about 702 days had pa.s.sed before they encountered each other.