Because Janitor-san Is Not a Hero

Chapter 42

Chapter 42

Chapter 42 – Descending the Mountain


Yakofu・Serugerii・Maizeeru (ヤコフ・セルゲリー・マイゼール).
The branch chief of the hunter a.s.sociation branch in Sarewado, Yakofu, had abused his authority and was then detained by Oofuia. During the middle of the monster raid (ekusupuroodo), when he had attempted to escape, he was eaten by a monster. His scattered remains were then later discovered by a staff member.

Zauru・Domitooru・Buragoi (ザウル・ドミトール・ブラゴイ).
Moments before the monster raid (ekusupuroodo), Zauru was together with the Sarewado’s branch chief, Yakofu. After receiving the obligatory request to dispatch, he disappeared. Presently, Zauru actions after the obligatory request was issued is being investigated.

Ivan・Minaefu (イヴァン・ミナエフ).
Yakofu・Serugerii・Maizeeru illegitimate child. From the perspective of the other staff member, as a blood relative, he has taken an active role in the Yakofu family’s investigation. For the time being, the Yakofu family is under Oofuia’s custody. Currently, he is serving as a temporary staff member a.s.sign to oversee the aftermath of the monster raid (ekusupuroodo).

The Sarewado staff members are presently managing the chief’s duties.
From the view point of the branch chief, the most influence man in the village, Yakofu did not allow for any objections. After this, in regards to the a.s.sociation’s administration, the staff members will have more of an opinion.

As Oofuia reads the report, she draws up official doc.u.ments to sent to the office in headquarters.
She applied her hand to her forehead; with blurry eyes, she looked to the ceiling.
Two days have pa.s.sed since the monsters were annihilated. Currently, the situation is how it would normally be in the aftermath of a monster raid (ekusupuroodo).
The damaged outer earth wall & moat, and houses are being restored.
The forest areas where the monsters destroyed are being surveyed.
For those who have died, their relatives are being contacted and funerals are being held.
The village that had survived the monster raid is busy as there was no time to waste.
Although, when night falls, here and there, the cries of children sobbing can be heard.
“Where is papa? He promised to return.”
The voice of small children can be heard if one were to walk through the village.

When she heard the young child’s voice, she recalled her broken promise.
Those bitter feelings re-surface.
Because of the emergency, the promise couldn’t be kept.
And thus, the truth behind the other party.

The following morning after the monster ekusupuroodo.
In the morning mist, Kurando figure can be seen. She called out to him.
「Good morning.」 (Oofuia)
「Morning.」 (Kurando)
Side by side, the two of them walked on the mountain’s slope.
「Ah, here.」 (Kurando)
Kurando handed Oofuia the dark green rings.
「This is……?」 (Oofuia)
「I was expecting too much, right? To be able to hide my ident.i.ty from him, in reality, it was never a guarantee.」 (Kurando)

The hero, Hayato・Ichihara is the antagonist.
At first glance, it merely seemed like they had simply gone into the cave together.
From what she surmised, Oofuia dare not ask Kurando. Chances are, he has been secluding himself on the mountain since 2 years ago. That would best match up with the time period in which Hayato and the others were summoned. But, the question is, what is their relationship?
One year ago, Hayato・Ichihara subjugated a dragon type monster; before that time, none of the other summoned people left. If something were to have happened between Hayato and Kurando, it must have occurred during the year following that monster subjugation.
However, Akari and Makushiimu had come into contact with Kurando 100 days prior to then. If one were to account for Hayato・Ichihara’s activities, during that time, Kurando was on the Arerudouia mountain range. In that case, timewise, it would have been impossible.
Although, there is a possibility that on the school campus there is a secret communication method. But, that might not be the case as Hayato, for better or worse, is always thinking about the people around himself.
Then, when did they meet?
Kurando had secluded himself on the mountain. While he does insist on living as a hermit, he seemed to have known the hero Akari, who he sheltered. If one were to compare Akari, Kurando, and Hayato; they seem to share similar features.
In other words, it is best to a.s.sume he and Akari knew each other

from before, that would make the most sense.
If so, that would means, since before the heroes were summoned, they 『previously』 were acquainted.
And thus, it is possible, Kurando and Hayato were enemies since before then. A story like this wouldn’t be complete bulls.h.i.t.

At best, it is a guess.
However, in the end, it is merely an a.s.sumption. There is no evidence, no concrete proof, and no way to verify it.
「It is alright, please keep it. It is true that I have broken my vow. There is no need for you to return it.」 (Oofuia)
「Is it, are you alright with trusting a person with an unknown background?」 (Kurando)
「When it was possible to runaway, with few numbers, you along with the other women bought time by fighting off the monster ekusupuroodo. You didn’t try to runway.」 (Oofuia)
「I might take advantage of the women.」 (Kurando)
「Fufu, well, as long as you protect them.」 (Oofuia)
「Yukishiro might attack them.」 (Kurando)
「Yukishiro-san wouldn’t do something so pointless.」 (Oofuia)
Kurando shows an expression that couldn’t be described.
「Although, I haven’t known you for long, you don’t seem to be the type to initiate a crime. I have decided to believe in you.」 (Oofuia)
「You trust me, but why?」 (Kurando)
「……you are similar to the moon G.o.ddess; therefore, I will believe in you.」 (Oofuia)
「……what, that was random.」 (Kurando)
「You being accompanied by a large leopard…… but not only that.」 (Oofuia)
「I don’t know what you’re talking about.」 (Kurando)
「Fufu, beside the moon G.o.ddess was a bow, followed by a dagger, a grimoire, a large wolf, a large leopard, a large owl, a mantle, leather boots, a sliver spoon, and an arrow. In the night sky that was in the image of the G.o.ddess, from the nearest to the farthest, the stars received their names. You see, the hunter star ranks are named after the constellation.」 (Oofuia)
Like a day-dreaming girl, while enjoying the conversation, Oofuia continued to talk.
「While she was a beautiful G.o.ddess; she was stubborn, eccentric, narrow-minded, and whimsical; she would only let her guard down around the magical beast in her care and women. She rejected the marriage proposals of the male G.o.ds, and she rejected the invitations of the female G.o.ddesses. And like that, she simply isolated herself. However she wasn’t heartless, she would unconditionally help those she took notice of. Naturally, she would sever ties with those she deemed wicked and bring down judgment onto them.」 (Oofuia)
「A G.o.ddess that governs human relationships, huh…… is this nothing more than a myth?」 (Kurando)
「Far in the distant past, G.o.d-like beings did exist. There have been ancient unknown relics such as building and powers that have been uncovered. Even to this day, although is it very rare, some people have been gifted with the power of an oracle. But still, while it can’t be proven that the G.o.ds really did exist; nevertheless, I believe they did in fact existed.」 (Oofuia)
「I don’t have such great qualities.」 (Kurando)
「That is fine. I’m placing my faith in you at my own convenience. Out of nowhere, a young man, who has secluded himself on a mountain, appeared being accompanied by a large leopard. For someone of my age, it made my heart pound. And then, after we met, you showed that you were not the type of person who would abandon women. Stubborn, eccentric, narrow-minded; it is difficult to say whether you are right or wrong.」 (Oofuia)
「It is nothing like that.」 (Kurando)
Oofuia shows a wry smile.
「Perhaps so. But, the way you didn’t abandon them felt similar the actions of the moon G.o.ddess. Well, when it comes down to it, it is my delusion, an elderly person’s dream. Let us leave it at that.」 (Oofuia)
Kurando felt a bit lost as he drew back the dark green rings.
「However, please don’t choose to end your life in the same way as the G.o.ddess. That would be too sad.」 (Oofuia)
Before she knew it time pa.s.sed, all the stars went out and in the end, alone, she vanished. Oofuia did not wish that the young man’s last moments would be the same.
「We will see――」 (Kurando)

――Knock, knock

Oofuia awoke from her dream by the sound of

of someone knocking on the door.
At some point, she had drifted off to sleep while sitting down.
Until the staff member from headquarters arrives, Oofuia is borrowing one room in the a.s.sociation’s building and is acting as a mediator. This isn’t permitted in bigger towns; however, for better or worst, this place is a rural area on the frontier.
Oofuia gives them permission to enter the room.
Arii excused herself, and then entered the room.
「The re-trial party has arrived.」 (Arii)
Acknowledging the information, Oofuia got up.
「Then, let us go met them.」 (Oofuia)

The sun is above them.
As the temperature quickly raises, the day becomes warmer.
「Welcome, you have traveled a great distances. It may be noise and unsightly, thus, I ask for your forgiveness.」 (village chief)
As sweat flows from his brow, the village chief silently bows.
It is the same bearded old man for before that was together with the branch chief when Kurando had exterminated the Toukorusuka (mist starling).
「It is nothing, you are the ones’ who had it rough. I send my condolences.」 (priest)
The middle age man, who is wearing a white colored priest attire, saw the village before him.
Behind the priest are 2 magical beast carts surrounded by battle-harden priest-cavalry mounted on war horses. The 2 magical beast carts are being towed by giant armored lizards.
This magical beast is able to travel long distances in arid regions and the hard armor on its back is tough enough to withstand the fangs of a wolf. While its downside is its soft abdomen, the magical beast is indispensable for long distance travels.
「Oh, if it is not Oofuidono. Did you arrive before us?」 (priest)
The middle-age priest who saw Oofuia standing behind the village chief called out to her.
「About that, having arrived early, I lead the fight against the monster ekusupuroodo. As I thought, these old bones had to endure it.」 (Oofuia)
「Wahaha, my lady, what are you saying, you’re the 『crimson elf』. As expected, you drove away the foolish ones from this village. So, how is the tyrannical branch chief fairing?」 (priest)
As the cavalry was the first to arrive, the information had already reached them.
「About that matter.」 (Oofuia)
「――I understand. It is best to hurry with the re-trial; the village has already suffered enough damage. Nothing more bad should happen.」 (priest)
The middle-age priest erased his smile and whispered this in a low voice.
「Where is the girl, now?」 (priest)
「She is in a safe place. She is in a day’s reach from this village.」 (Oofuia)
「I see, if Oofuidono says so then there must be no mistake. Anyhow, this special trial will be the first of its kind; this test case will be a『trial of truth』.」 (priest)
The priest looked towards the magical beast cart.
Although no one else can see, inside the cart is the person who wields the 『sythe of fact』, Aoi・Goutokuji (アオイ・ゴウトクジ).
「We have preparations to complete; therefore, is 3 days from now at 15:00, alright?」 (priest)
「I see. All of the messengers for each country arrived this morning. I only need to contact them. I’m fine with the schedule, so is that alright with you village chief?」 (Oofuia)
「Y-yes.」 (village chief)
The village chief was wiping away his sweat with his bread and thus he was unable to nod.
It is a once-in-lifetime encounter; a high-ranking priest & the chief lady, and a messenger from each country had come to this village. He was exhausted and couldn’t think of anything to say. The village chief, who was constantly oppressed by the branch chief, was in distress with merely having each countries’ messengers here.
By the way, the group of priests only had the small church in the village to lodge at, while the messenger of each country had to borrow the houses of the villagers. The messengers’ role here was nothing exaggerated; they were here to observe the hero’s re-trial with their own eyes and then merely report the events to their respective country. They were not high-ranking officials.
And thus, the villagers and their family and their relatives lent their homes. The village chief received plenty of lodging fees. The families that endured the monster ekusupuroodo were expelled

were expelled from there homes; however, it wasn’t troubling as the money gained will be used to restore the village. It was a delicate matter for the villagers.

Makushiimu had dashed there and learned that the re-trial party was half a day away.
The sky had already grown dark.
「I see. Understood.」 (Akari)
Kurando happened to be nearby when Akari confirmed Makushiimu’s report.
「Please make any prepares you might need before tomorrow morning. As there won’t be any magical beast in the forest, we will be quickly making our way through.」 (Makushiimu)
After saying this, while dragging his heavy feet, Makushiimu left.
「Well, you heard how it is. Thank you for letting me stay for so long.」 (Akari)
Akari corrected her posture and then silently bowed.
「Well, various things happened, a bunch of it couldn’t be helped. With this and that, not much changed anyways.」 (Kurando)
Akari raised her head.
Her eyes are watery.
「Ah, do you mind drawing me a picture?」 (Akari)
She made a sudden request.
「Ah, I don’t draw guys.」 (Kurando)
「Y-you’re misunderstanding. I, I want you to draw me.」 (Akari)
「……a nude portrait?」 (Kurando)
Akari’s face turned red.
「W-who would want such a thing? I’m asking you to draw a normal portrait.」 (Akari)
「……I’m not particularly skilled, you know.」 (Kurando)
「I’m not asking for a good drawing; I want a picture that Kurando-san has drawn.」 (Akari)
Kurando thought about it for a little while before nodding. He took out his usual small brush & notebook and then brought out the ink.
By the fireplace, Kurando and Akari, the two quietly sat facing each other.
As he moved his brush, a faint sound can be heard.
While sitting still, Akari began to speak her feelings.
「……Kurando-san, do you not want to return?」 (Akari)
Without stopping his brush, Kurando looked within himself for an answer.
「……perhaps, I’m cold-hearted. I don’t think about returning much.」 (Kurando)
「Not even a little bit?」 (Akari)
「……I’m human too, sometimes I feeling like returning to my hometown. When that happens, I would either play the flute or draw. And then, the next day the sun would be shinning.」 (Kurando)
「……is that so? I didn’t. Unlike everyone else, I did not yearn to return home. But, it is not like I don’t miss my family and friends. But, I don’t think I would give anything up to be able to return, though.」 (Akari)
「Is that not human enough. Just become you’re cold-hearted it doesn’t mean you have no sympathy.」 (Kurando)
As Akari cried, she showed a smile on her face.
「How unlike you to be comforting.」 (Akari)
「I’m not particularly trying to comfort you.」 (Kurando)
「Hmph. Right. But, I’m the same as you Kurando-san; sometimes, I do think about returning. Immediately after being summoned, we were lead around by people we didn’t know and we sometimes got hurt. During those times, I especially thought about it. However, after I was invited by Makushiimu-san, during that one year I spent as a hunter, I didn’t think about as much.」 (Akari)
「You have a hunter’s spirit.」 (Kurando)
「I also think so. But of course, even now, I think magical beasts and monsters are frightening. Although, during those moments that is when I feel the most alive. While there is no certainty, people make requests to hunt magical beast. For that, I express my grat.i.tude. These things bring me happiness.」 (Akari)
「It doesn’t matter where you live as long as you can eat. There is nothing to feel ashamed about. To love one’s country is another matter, though. Anyhow, a person only needs food and shelter, right? Well, something like that.」 (Kurando)
Akari continued the conversation; Kurando nods in response as he moves his brush.
She rambles on.
「Kurando is your family not worried about you?」 (Akari)
「Worried, hmm? I am a bachelor; I was never married. As for my parents…… well, it was an ordinary family. It was probably the only normal thing that happened for me.」 (Kurando)
「How unfortunate.」 (Akari)
「I’m not trying to belittle myself, but I couldn’t find permanent employment. I worked as a contracted dispatch security guard, a garbage collected, and then as a janitor. I spent three years working back-to-back as a contracted employee. If I wasn’t summoned here,wasn’t summoned here, I wonder what would I be doing now. It is not like I could make a living playing the flute or drawing pictures. First of all, I don’t have the skill. Pretty much, all the door were closed around me.」 (Kurando)
Akari never had the chance to experience society, for she was summoned.
Although, on T.V. and in the newspaper the gloomy side of society couldn’t be seen, she still felt uneasy about the future.
For here onwards, what will happen to us, she though.
「Well, that doesn’t mean things here will be any different. However, it isn’t as narrow compared to there. Even so, I am glad to have come here. While I do feel regretful for the parents, although without us, they can retire without worry; therefore, I’m not too concerned.」 (Kurando)
「Are we not similar, both our circ.u.mstance and our way of thinking.」 (Akari)
「What are you saying. I’m 27 years old. I’m different from you.」 (Kurando)
While Kurando dismissed it, Akari showed a slightly disappointed expression.
「Your preferences are still changing, that is natural. Your stop isn’t here, surely, you will become a good women…… so don’t be fooled by a bad man.」 (Kurando)
「Ah, hmph, I’m I suppose to take that as a compliment?」 (Akari)
「……is it not trivial, how would I know.」 (Kurando)
Being told it’s trivial, Akari caused a ruckus.
Kurando chuckled.
And just like that, their usual routine continued until the end.

「Well now, this is the Akari I know.」 (Kurando)
「Why, why, why are you being difficult?」 (Akari)
After she said this, Kurando detached a single sheet of paper with a knife and then handed the paper to Akari.
Having received the paper, Akari showed a tense expression.
「This, is a blank sheet of paper.」 (Akari)
「Yep, it is blank, just like Akari’s potential…… right, right.」 (Kurando)
「D-do it properly.」 (Akari)
As he laughed, this time, Kurando handed over the real picture.
Akari, while being doubtful, as she received the picture, she glanced at it.
She sees a proper picture drawn with ink.
「Do you doubt me.」 (Kurando)
「Who’s fault do you think that is.」 Akari
Saying so, Akari looked at the picture.

It is a black and white picture.
While the picture is detailed, at the same times, it is abstract.

A long stretching road can be seen as if it was an extending wilderness.
The road begins from a school’s gate and ends with no destination as if the path continued on forever.
Her uniform had been cast aside and dumped by the roadside.
In the middle of the long road, from a profile view, a girl can be seen walking. With a mature expression on her face, to where was she headed?

「Eh, why is it a nude drawing!」 (Akari)
「It is my preference.」 (Kurando)
Kurando puffs up his chest.
「Th, th, th, this part is too small!」 (Akari)
「……I put a lot of consideration into it.」 (Kurando)
「How rude…… you didn’t, I was watching you!」 (Akari)
Kurando folds his hand under his arms and then made a broad grin.
「Fi, fine fine, whatever.」 (Akari)
After saying this―― Akari puts away the picture―― and she stands up.
「Kukukuku, now go, go. At this late hour, a young girl shouldn’t be in a man’s room.」 (Kurando)
「Uck, you sound like an old man…… ah, that’s right, I should tell you this Kurando-san.」 (Akari)
Akari goes over to Kurando, who is sating down; she whispers something in his ear.
Kurando’s eyes poped.
「Fufu, Kurando-san, I think this is the first time I seen you show that expression.」 (Akari)
Saying this, Akari gave a single kiss onto Kurando’s cheek.
It was a light kiss which one would wonder if there was physical contact or not.
And just like that, she exited the cave.
Kurando was left behind with a bitter smile on his face. He clicked his tongue and laid down.

From beginning to end, Yukishiro watched their ridiculousness play out before it loudly yawned and then closed its eyes.

And thus, the next morning, Akari descended down the mountain.
Not even once did she turn around.
While viewing her face from the side, it was almost like a picture. It seems she appeared to have grown a little.