Because Janitor-san Is Not a Hero

Chapter 9

Chapter 9
Because, Janitor-san Is Not A Hero魔獣⑦
Chapter 9 – Magical Beast ⑦

MTL: uniquegasuki
Editor/ Proofreader: desmerit

He leans his back against a rocky surface. The dried branches crackle in the bonfire surrounded by fire spirits.
Tonight is chilly. He is wrapped in a small blanket, and his big chest is deliberately lightly dressed. In his mouth there is a 10 centimeter thin twig which he uses to puff smoke.
Those who had hunted the parent magical beast ‘Iruniiku’ had made camp.
「Makushiimu (マクシーム) -san, you don’t seem cold.」 (Akari)
「That is because the heat from the morning still remains.」 (Makushiimu)
「I’m envious.」 (Akari)
The giant-man called Makushiimu flexes his muscles.
「Ah-haha, that’s enough. Don’t you see, I’m only a youthful girl?」 (Akari)
The woman with short black hair looked dejected.
「Well, I do possess the Hero-sama’s 『spiritual gift』, ドゥフバダラ.」 (Akari)
「Doufu, badara?」 (Makushiimu)
「Yeah, a 『divine protection』, a G.o.d’s providence, one could say.」 (Akari)
「How is it different from a G.o.d’s blessing? Never mind, please pardon my rudeness Hero-sama.」 (Makushiimu)
Half a year had pa.s.sed since they had been summoned. Despite there being no Maou, all

the hero-hero flattery had gotten annoying. No, they simply had gave up too soon and the flattery had made them conceited. The other people who had been summoned might have also become fed up, perhaps.
The black-haired girl giggles scornfully at the muscular moustache ‘durama’ man.
「I see. Anyhow, leaving aside the criticism of your Hero, do you know the value of the game? Is there anyone among the Hunter that would desire it?」 (Akari)
The black-haired girl’s power is map marking.
She decided on the range. In her mind – a map manifested with her as the center point. The girl scans the area for anything with hostile intent. Her power allows her to view any red marks in real-time.
Anything suspicious in the map’s fixed range will be marked. However, at times its function is not accurate; in the plain it had marked a rabbit. Furthermore, there is no distinction between the level of hostility. Even a minor grudge is marked similar to murderous intent.
The girl appeared downcasted and muttered a complaint.
「…… it’s regrettable, but it can’t be helped. I have

have burdened you.」 (Akari)
She had no stamina, maryoku, or strength left to muster. Up until now, she had been carried on Makushiimu’s back.
「You understand, right? For Hunters, to help one another is the basic standard. We have successfully hunted the treasured Iruniiku without sustaining injuries. Now we can sleep in peace; there is no need to be anxious.」 (Makushiimu)
Makushiimumakes a serious expression.
「Akari, you may have needed a.s.sistance to make the journey back, but don’t worry. You’re still a child; therefore, whether it is you or another more, it won’t be a problem.」 (Makushiimu)
The reception from the country that had summoned them was colder than they had thought. It became a complex situation for the girl.
This is what Makushiimu had a.s.sumed.
Akari, the summoned girl with black hair in embarra.s.sment laughed sn.o.bbishly. She fuels the fire spirits by tossing in another branch.
「…… regarding the magical beast, why hunt it?」 (Akari)
Akari made a weak yawn. She is very sleepy.
「The White Phantom of Arerudouria (アレルドゥリア) Mountain, was it? There were no rumors of it attacking people. And, there were no reports of

reports of its sighting. It has been several hundred odd years since anyone had tried to hunt it. I think it was the exception that our single group was allowed to try. Today, the hunt was savagery; it wasn’t a laughing matter. I believe everyone else is also in agreement.」 (Makushiimu)
Makushiimu threw in more firewood along with some fires spirits.
「Do you understand?」 (Makushiimu)
He retrieves more firewood from behind him.
The fire spirits drift into the air as fire wood is ignited.
「Sorry.」 (Akari)
Akari uttered the words she had always practiced.
This might have been Makushiimu’s baseless a.s.sumption, talking.
「Is it possible you dislike waiting for death. You don’t seem to be the belligerent type.」 (Makushiimu)
「Are you, ill?」 (Makushiimu)
「Nope, it can’t be due to age. From what I have seen and heard, it may be something big. In intervals, during the battle you lost the strength in your legs.」 (Makushiimu)
In terms of age Akari is still young and inexperienced.
「If you look, you can see that am still young. Well, at least to the women in town-」 (Makushiimu)
「Ah-haha, enough already.」 (Akari)
center style="margin-top:25px">enough already.」 (Akari)
「…… you do realize that the kingdom’s ruling cla.s.s can challenge the Hunters at anytime, right.」 (Akari)
They drew the lottery.
This time, in the case of the Hero, the kingdom’s government had merely twisted the a.s.sociation’s arm.
「Hurry up, and go to sleep. Tomorrow we have to get up early.」 (Makushiimu)
It had been decided that they will leave at daybreak.
「What about watch duty? ……」 (Akari)
「I’m going to bed; I want to rub against some bare skin.」 (Makushiimu)
「Tsk, you s.e.xual harrasing oldman.」 (Akari)
Akari in anger wraps herself in a blanket and lays down.
Makushiimu’s vulgar laughter echoes in the cold night.

Makushiimu puts down the lamp and gives a brief reply.
From the beginning he had sensed the influence of the wind spirits.

Hey, are you listening?
It’s red, isn’t it?
Leave it be.

Akari ignored his voice and it brought her peace of mind.
At first, she thought the hard ground wasn’t so bad.
The next morning the Hunters departed without incident.
Kurando woke up in the middle of the night, but there was no one to see off.