Because Janitor-san Is Not a Hero

Chapter 15

Chapter 15
Because, Janitor-san Is Not A Hero15-アカリ③
Chapter 15 – Akari ③

MTL: uniquegasuki
Editor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)

Akari (アカリ) awakens to a chilly breeze against her cheek.
She lifts her body up and wraps her arms around her chest.
Last night she slept on the bare ground; her body feels stiff.
She looks around. Neither Kurando, the Iruniiku (イルニーク) called Yukijiro, nor the spider is around.
The entrance way is open.
From the entrance the morning rays are streaming inside.

Afterwards, Akari giggled. Kurando shrugged his shoulders and then said,
「I won’t have you killed. Just be silent, it’s already getting dark. It would be better off if you go back tomorrow.」 (Kurando)
「……I might not be able to lie.」 (Akari)
「If the time ever comes, I will give myself up. I know the reality; I won’t do anything foolish. Although, when that time comes I would rather runway.」 (Kurando)
The manner in which Kurando spoke sounded as if he had given up.
「It’s late; so, I’m going to sleep now. It is rather regretful that there is no bedding. You’ll have to sleep on the ground.」 (Kurando)
After saying so, the sounds of sleeping can be heard.
Akari was unsatisfied with not being able to loosen the strap around her chest.
She thought about various things and eventually the fatigue got to her. Akari closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Akari fastens her armor as she prepares to depart. Kurando sits cross-legged facing towards the mountain. Yukishiro is nowhere to be seen.
「You’re up. Sorry, there is nothing I can do for you.」 (Kurando)
Kurando sat there cross-leg and didn’t turn around.
「It’s no problem, I’m use to camping outside.」 (Akari)
「Hmm, camping? More or less, you’ve got a bit of experience.」 (Kurando)
「Ah, ya, yeah, umm.」 (Akari)
Akari became fl.u.s.tered; Kurando clears his throat.
「……on occasion you like to tease others, huh.」 (Akari)
Akari has an unamused expression. Kurando stands up. He gives Akari back her bow and knife.
「There aren’t any other people around these parts. Well, there was…… at least there will be one animal around.」 (Kurando)
Akari is given back her bow and knife.
/>「When will you descend down the mountain?」 (Akari)
「I might never descend from the mountain, but maybe when or if I have a craving for salt or soy sauce?」 (Kurando)
「Well, there is salt. But, as for soy sauce, unfortunately, there is none around these parts.」 (Akari)
Kurando receives a great shock of disappointment.
「There is the metropolis of Dourgan (ドルガン), and the major city of Roorana (ローラナ). Afterall, around here is the frontier region. By the way rice in this world is similar to a rooted vegetable. However, it is long and slender; and it has a strong taste.」 (Akari)
There is also pilaf and paella but likewise they are long and narrow. Kurando and Akari wryly similes at the thought of these ingredients.
Even after half a year had pa.s.sed they couldn’t forget the taste of eating rice.
「Do you have any money?」 (Akari)
Upon hear those words Kurando once again felt pathetic. (T/N: r.o.f.l.o.l.)
「Do you mean things such as gold and silver coins? Is magic used to craft legitimate paper and coin currency?」 (Kurando)
Each autonomous nation uses magic to manufacture their own currency. Although in the remote frontier there is also bartering; Akari felt she was being mocked so she stayed silent about this fact.
She informs Kurando about this world’s currency.
「……may I come back to visit you? Although, I do not know when I will be able to.」 (Akari)
Her low voice didn’t match up with her intention.
「Why would you willing want to comeback to this desolate place?」 (Kurando)
「Well, there is the thing about magic and……」 (Akari)
「……it’s not as if you will be able to come here whenever you want to.」 (Kurando)
Akari has a disappointed expression.
「You won’t be able to come here during the blizzard season. Because, it last for 3 days.」 (Kurando)
「The blizzard will alway come. Is that your 『special ability』?」 (Akari)
「……huh, is it alright for me to expose this?」 (Kurando)
Akari expression changes.
It is reasonable enough. She is also concealing her ability. They both became silent.
「No, it’s fine. I’ll explain.」 (Kurando)
「Wait a moment――」 (Akari)
Contrary to Kurando efforts to

to get the conversation over with, Akari herself informs him of her 『imperfect mapping and radar ability』.
After the explanation, Akari suddenly realized it.
Kurando knew of her ability; although he wasn’t fully aware of the details.
Akari recalls the conversation they had.

『「……huh? Then how is it you know that we came to hunt a big Iruniiku??」 (Akari)
「I’d watched your group, and I had been listening to your conversations.」 (Kurando)
Kurando cheerfully laughs and smiles.
「Eh, then, even from last year――」 (Akari)
「――I knew that in the following year someone would come here again.」 (Kurando)』

-Akari’s perspective-
That night after we had hunted Iruniiku during our conversation there surely was the presence of wind spirits. Although the circ.u.mstances around the matter was unknown, I felt as if someone was spying on us.
In other words.
If I wasn’t there, Kurando wouldn’t have to have killed anyone. And, him and Iruniiku might have just stayed hidden on the mountain. Because, the attack by the giant th.o.r.n.y spider (atorabashiku) was instigated because of me.
I have a search ability; therefore, I have the ability to pin-point Iruniiku’s location.
But, the question is “why did Kurando come into contact with me”?
The most reasonable explanation is that we were summoned alongside one another.
It would’ve been better for them if we didn’t meet. Was it because Kurando was longing to have contact with another person?
Kurando doesn’t seem to be the type of person who enjoys murdering other people, because he seems indifferent towards others.
Besides, I’m glossing over the inhuman thing I have done.
Perhaps, I don’t want to admit it to myself.
After being summoned to this world I became a hunter. I have killed magical beast with my own hands. It is possible I would also kill humans.
Have I become a different person without realizing it?
If I was never attacked by the giant th.o.r.n.y spider, I might have never thought about it.
Before my eyes, I have seen hunters that are like myself die.
I know I’m carrying the burden of their death, but I don’t feel depress.
However, I can only think that I’m glad to

glad to be alive, and that I want to live.
He is also alive, because he also wants to live.
That’s right. If I think of it as Kurando killing them for the sake of his survival it doesn’t seem as unpleasant.

From the expression on her face it seems Akari had come to an understanding.
「And now we’re even, okay. Please keep my 『divine power’s』 effect a secret, aright?」 (Akari)
Seeing Kurando’s flabbergasted made Akari feel a bit of accomplishment.
「That sure is a triumphant expression…… well, do as you please as long as no one troublesome comes here.」 (Kurando)
「Will do, but I do have one request……」 (Akari)
「What is it……」 (Kurando)
Akari continues to speak while disregarding Kurando who has a feed-up expression.
「Yukishiro-san? Umm, you see, will it show me the way to the bottom?」 (Akari)
The next instant is followed by chilly silence.
Kurando thought she is an idiot and stared at her coldly. Akari doesn’t falter.
「……ask Yukishiro.」 (Kurando)
「But, magical beast can’t talk.」 (Akari)
「It’s intelligent so it will understand you. When it disagrees it will slap you with its tail.」 (Kurando)
Will it slap Akari with its tail? ……probably so. Kurando quietly mutters to himself.

「Here goes. Has the giant th.o.r.n.y spider, Atorabashiku, left this area?」 (Akari)
Before Kurando was aware of it they had descend down the slope to where Akari’s moss green rucksack and other equipment is located.
「Ah, please wait a moment」 (Akari)
In this fictional like setting a fl.u.s.tered Akari follows after them.

On Akari’s request Yukishiro takes her to where the route merge. As if it was natural Yukishiro slaps her in the face with its tail multiple times.

After having seen Akari laughing, Kurando had already decided.
Because, he had decided on it from the beginning.
There is no way he could kill her.
Should he had let her return, or should he had confine her?
However, he was unable to confine her. A search party will come. There is no mistaken that a uninvited 『hero』 might come; therefore, it is a possibility that the fellow, Hayato (ハヤト), might come here.
Based on the story from Akari, that person soundsthat person sounds like a cheat user. Having a guy like that come to this mountain gives Kurando an unpleasant feeling.
When will this nightmare end, and when will the good times begin. Kurando thought about what he would do if that person ever appears; should he greet them or kick them off a cliff?
Kurando and Yukishiro decide to wait patiently for Akari’s return before descending down the mountain. At last Kurando was able to see the expression of a high school student.
However, it doesn’t change the fact that she had hunted the child magical beast’s parent.
And thus, Yukishiro looks irritated. It swings its tail about even without anything being around it. How many days now had Kurando been thinking about things?
Although it isn’t noticeable, only Kurando was able to understand Yukishiro’s concern.

And just like that the giant spider, Atorabashiku, left the domain.
The trackless trail veers off into both the right and the left; it was a course not known even to the local hunters. The sun was still in the sky when Akari made her descent.
Akari calculated that if she hurried she would be able to return to the village by the end of today.
「If you do return here, do not use this route. Well, if you use your radar you will understand why. It will be spider territory. The routes alters based on the change of the vegetation. Because, I have Yukishiro I’m somehow able to manage.」 (Kurando)
「It is regretful to say, but my map can’t keep records. It will be difficult to use the same path again.」 (Akari)
It seems that Yukishiro is reluctant to reply.
「……we’ll see, umm, you see. It’s getting dark.」 (Kurando)
Kurando abruptly laughed, and Akari who is watching him, bows.
「Thank you very much.」 (Akari)
「Those were the circ.u.mstances.」 (Kurando)
「Well, that is all I wanted to say.」 (Akari)
After saying what she needed to Akari turns around and descends down the mountain.

By the time Akari had descended down the mountain the day was near its end.
As she neared the village it became red.

In her head the village is bright red.