Because Janitor-san Is Not a Hero

Chapter 17

Chapter 17
Because, Janitor-san Is Not A Hero17-アカリ⑤
Chapter 17 – Akari ⑤

MTL: uniquegasuki
Editor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)

A man emerges from the corner of the dark room.
The man takes only one step forward, and the blue moonlight reveals his figure.

The man has messy black hair and brown eyes with a vigilant gaze. He is wearing unknown worn out clothes and shoes that had been mend numerous times.
His physique could be considered medium in size or slightly pet.i.te; although, his robust torse compensates for his small stature. The man’s forearms are especially well developed.
Despite his vagrant like appears, the man doesn’t smell and he is neatly trimmed.

Makushiimu doesn’t recognize the man’s complexion.
Makushiimu (マクシーム) isn’t aware of which tribe, or ethnic group the man is from; nor does he know the man’s home country and nationality.
The person’s 『ethnicity』 is different from the people who live in the area southeast of the continent. And, the man doesn’t appear to one of the mountain folks.
On the other hand, the man doesn’t seem like a town dweller or a vagrant. The man’s presence is different than that of a refugee.
It could be said that the man was a criminal but he doesn’t seem to be one.
Makushiimu stares at Kurando.
Kurando merely shrugs his shoulders.
「Will this do? I don’t have much time, you see?」 (Kurando)
「Is Akari safe?」 (Makushiimu)
「Quiet safe. She is ready to leave anytime.」 (Kurando)
「Phew, I see……」 (Makushiimu)
Makushiimu had perceived that Akari’s ability had labeled the villagers as her enemy. It seems that Makushiimu is aware of Akari’s ability.
「So, who are you?」 (Kurando)
「……tsk, you’re quite impudent. What’s your name?」 (Makushiimu)
「John (ジョン).」 (Kurando)
「I hate fake names. Nevermind, my name is Makushiimu. As you can see, I am a descendant from the giant race. In the worst case scenario if you betray me, ――I will kill you.」 (Makushiimu)
The man from the giant race directs overwhelming blood thirst towards Kurando.

Makushiimu stays seated on the bed. In perspective

Makushiimu is twice the size of Kurando; he is wearing a dull colored shirt and baggy trousers; he has a mustache and combed down red hair. With his blue eyes Makushiimu stares at Kurando.
Although it is not that era, Makushiimu would most likely be the splitting image of Hercules (ヘラクレス).

This was the first time that Kurando felt blood thirst from a person; he couldn’t stop his own body from breaking out into a cold sweat.
However, Kurando wasn’t allow to express his anxiety on his face; if he did, Kurando would’ve loss his composer. At the very least Kurando thought this to be truth.
「……haha, scary, scary.」 (Kurando)
Kurando felt a little relief after saying something; although, with having said such words he didn’t feel all that comfortable.
The agitated Makushiimu clicks his tongue.
「Well, b.a.s.t.a.r.d, you understand what will happen to you right.」 (Makushiimu)
After Makushiimu grumbles while making a sour expression, he starts to explain the situation. The story was very unpleasant.
As Kurando listens to Makushiimu, Kurando started to feel relieved. There seems to have been a misunderstanding.

Makushiimu speaks with pa.s.sion and angry as he talks about the events surrounding the situation.
Aside from Zaura, only four other old-n.o.ble hunters (ザウル) had returned from the white phantom subjugation.
Zaura falsely reported that Akari had intentionally lead the group of hunter into the nest of a giant th.o.r.n.y spider (Atorabashiku), and that had resulted in the groups annihilation.
Neither the hunter a.s.sociation nor the government launched a proper investigation. Akari was immediately put on the most wanted list. She is currently wanted dead or alive.
In the frontier regions of Dorugan respect is very important to hunters; those who betray a fellow hunter will be severely punished.
Of course they didn’t accept Makushiimu’s appeal.
Contrary to his expectation, Roorana’s (ローラナ) parliament strongly objected Makushiimu’s investigation. Normally when a just sentencing is demanded a number of investigators are sent out. But, in this matter none were.
The Roorana parliament had cut ties with the hero, Akari.

Akari. They had decided to give up on the lesser hero Akari since they already have the other hero that is far superior. If they did choose to save Akari then that would crush Dorugan’s honor. And if that would had happened, then the relationship with Dorugan would be even worse.

「I understand that the b.a.s.t.a.r.d, Zauru, is lying but I need evidence.」 (Makushiimu)
「What about the other hunters?」 (Kurando)
「The hunters that had returned are all that b.a.s.t.a.r.d Zauru’s protege. They all gave the same story.」 (Makushiimu)
「Can you search for evidence yourself…… or are you unable to?」 (Kurando)
「Stop talking so coldly. Haha, if I could I would’ve already done so.」 (Makushiimu)
「I have a habit of speaking this way.」 (Kurando)
「Tsk…… if by chance I come across Akari, then the people who are watching me will be lead to her. If that were to happen then the country will also be after me. And, then I would also be on the run.」 (Makushiimu)
Upon saying so, Makushiimu had a mortified expression.
「I see, then what do you plan to do?」 (Kurando)
As Kurando listen to the affairs of another person, Makushiimu’s eye’s were shifting around.
「First, I need to talk with Akari and hear her side of the story. But, before that what is your objective?」 (Makushiimu)
For some reason Kurando has a troubled expression.
「My purpose, huh?」 (Kurando)

Kurando is truthfully troubled.
He didn’t have a goal. Kurando had descended to this village on a whim.
It has been about 580 day since he was summoned onto this mountain. He had thought that perhaps by going here it would cause a shift in his daily life.
A change in pace would be nice, but he didn’t want to be caught up in anything complicated.
In the first place Kurando doesn’t have any real relationship to the hero, Akari. They don’t know one another well enough. Kurando doesn’t want any trouble.
He doesn’t want to be found out by the residence of this world nor by the

by the people who were summoned along side him. This situation is only a big ha.s.sle.
Kurando’s best bet is to say he is a native of this world who happens to be a mountain hermit that is currently visiting the village.
And so, as a mountain hermit Kurando had rescued Akari.
No that won’t work. It is perhaps only a matter of time before Makushiimu learns of the connection between Akari and Kurando.
Can Kurando trust Makushiimu?
It isn’t like he can read another person’s mind or their intentions.

「First, swear that no information I tell you will leave this room.」 (Kurando)
「Huh?」 (Makushiimu)
「Akari had also swore it. I just want to live quietly.」 (Kurando)
「I don’t who you are nor do I know if you’re a foreign soldier from somewhere, but why should I make a promise to you?」 (Makushiimu)
「A person who can’t keep a promise is sc.u.m. Well, I won’t put my live in your hands.」 (Kurando)
「……something like a hunter’s code.」 (Makushiimu)
「Good. For now, please think of me as a mountain hermit who had been hiding in the mountains.」 (Kurando)
「Have you been hiding there all this time?」 (Makushiimu)
「Somehow you must have figured out a bit. Be careful not to leak anything.」 (Kurando)
Makushiimu makes a troubled expression.
Kurando ignores Makushiimu and continues to speak.
「This time around my purpose is to be the mediator between you and Akari. No reward is necessary; please, think of me as a third party.」 (Kurando)
「Just call me Makushiimu. Good intentions, huh? You’re not trying to trick me, right?」 (Makushiimu)
「Is Akari currently on Arerudouria (アレルドゥリア) mountain? How is her condition?」 (Makushiimu)
「Does the white phantom exist?」 (Makushiimu)
「Let’s see, I didn’t leave the mountain; so, I don’t know its name. But, last year people from a neighboring area hunted a big magical beast.」 (Kurando)
「Haha, that was me. It was beyond human capabilities.」 (Makushiimu)
「You won’t be able to go there now. Around this time of year the winds will be too strong.」 (Kurando)
center style="margin-top:25px">too strong.」 (Kurando)
「I see. So that was how it was. Did you see me up there? If that is the case, we were being observed then, were you the one watching us?」 (Makushiimu)
Kurando needs to tread carefully, because Makushiimu and Akari will eventually meet up.
「……may I inquire as to what one would do to survive?」 (Kurando)
「Did you enter the mountain with…… the intent to kill?」 (Kurando)
「Never mind, I was the one who instigated the spider attack.」 (Kurando)
Makushiimu frowns.
「You were…… the one who set this up?」 (Makushiimu)
In the middle of the conversation blood l.u.s.t lingers in the air.
「Don’t worry you’ll understand after listening to what I have to say. Coincidently, the beast they came to hunt is the one I’m currently living with and it is also the child of the magical beast you had hunted. Because of that I didn’t have a choice.」 (Kurando)
「……for the live of Iruniiku? You’re joking right, was there a need to instigate a spider attack for that reason?」 (Makushiimu)
「Well, forgive my ignorance.」 (Kurando)
「……now remember your promise. Will you inform your superior?」 (Kurando)
「Running away! ――are you going to use Akari as a shield.」 (Makushiimu)
「……have you no compa.s.sion; why use a woman as a shield!」 (Makushiimu)
「Someone who breaks their promise is a pathetic person!」
After threatening one another it became silent.

「Okay then, tomorrow wait at the campsite near the spider’s territory. I will get in contact with you there. I will say this just in cause, “please, come alone”.」 (Kurando)
Kurando waited in the darkness for Makushiimu’s reply before exiting the room.

No traces were left in the inn; only Makushiimu was left in the room.
「Doesn’t want to yield and doesn’t want to take responsibility.」 (Makushiimu)
Makushiimu thought of Kurando as a benign poison that isn’t harmful in everyday life, but when it wants to survive it self-destructs and begins to spread.
However, if Kurando sacrifices Akari then…… Makushiimu looks toward his axe that is leaning against the wall.