Because Janitor-san Is Not a Hero

Chapter 19

Chapter 19
Because, Janitor-san Is Not A Hero19-ハンター協会①
Chapter 19 – The Hunter a.s.sociation ①

MTL: uniquegasuki
Editor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)

Kurando wanted to voice his opinion but Makushiimu (マクシーム) continues to talk.
「I won’t take long. After I visit the temple in my country, I’ll come right back to fetch you, Akari.」 (Makushiimu)
「A temple?」 (Akari)
Akari inquiries about it before Kurando could ask.
「Until Akari is proven to be innocent, don’t reveal yourself because it will attract unnecessary attention.」 (Makushiimu)
Kurando would surely attract suspicion.
「That’s true.」 (Akari)
「It is safe to say there hasn’t being a genuine discover in magic for quite some time. It is drastic enough for you to be called a 『hero』.」 (Makushiimu)
「……that makes sense.」 (Kurando)
「Yes, 『a gift from the spirits』, Doufubadara (ドゥフバダラ), 『divine blessing』, providence; these are called the power/ ability of a hero. If I recall, that girl’s power is called 『the scythe of truth』 Fakutosaisu (ファクトサイス). If you lie to 『her』 you will die. Of course if you tell the truth you won’t be harmed.」 (Makushiimu)
「That sounds like a troublesome ability.」 (Akari)
Akari shows a bitter smile.
「Indeed. If I borrow her power, then perhaps the country will listen.」 (Makushiimu)

(First; the existing system needs to be replaced.)
(Second; I don’t approve of the current authority the system has.)
(Third; I don’t approve of the system accepting the testimony of a single person and enforcing the sentencing with extortion.
(Fourth; the submitting of evidence and testimony is too restricted.)
(Fifth; once a judgment is made no other proof is accepted.)
(Sixth; each nation can hand out judgment in favor of their own self interest.)
(Seventh; the current system is treating the most important judgment, the guilt or innocence of a person as a general sentencing.)
(T/N: this was utter nonsense, I tried to at least make some sense of this mess)

「Hmm, you’ve thought of everything.」 (Kurando)
「When I was a senior in highschool, I dreamt of being a police officer or a lawyer.」 (Akari)
「Umm, I hope it goes well and all, however.」 (Kurando)
「……wait, wait moment, don’t say anymore.」 (Akari)

bad habit. So then, what is this temple place? Does that place hold a special power?」 (Kurando)
While pondering about this potential power that could bring his life more difficult, Kurando pets Yukishiro’s back as it bites into its second piece of meat.
「……ah yes, the main religion is Eripusu (エリプス). The woman, Sandora (サンドラ), is the head of the temple at the western province in the country. Since the judgment has already been handed out, we can’t rely on the system.」 (Makushiimu)
「So, are you going to try to overturn the sentence by using the temple’s authority.」 (Kurando)
Makushiimu who is beside Akari, nods.
「Makushiimu-san is there no other option aside from something so troublesome?」 (Akari)
「Whatever, as long as nothing goes wrong.」 (Kurando)
Akari gives a tiresome sigh in response to Kurando’s statement.
「Makushiimu-san hold on a moment. I’m not sure this a good idea. It sounds like trouble.」 (Akari)
「Can the priest even do anything about the situation?」 (Kurando)
Kurando joking says.
「I don’t know for sure.」 (Makushiimu)
「However, sometimes in religion a child is pardon from their crimes. That sort of thing could be rather convenient.」 (Makushiimu)
「Thus, John for now will you look after Akari――」 (Makushiimu)
「「――John?」」 (Akari)
Akari displays a giant question mark? Kurando who realizes the alias laughs and smiles.
A vein raises from Makushiimu’s head.
「Sorry, sorry, I forgot Kurando.」 (Akari)
Makushiimu inhales to calm himself down.
「Kurando, huh? It sounds familiar, where’re you from?」 (Makushiimu)
「It’s top secret.」 (Kurando)
「……nevermind. Do you mind looking after Akari for a while?」 (Makushiimu)
Makushiimu and Akari simultaneously look at Kurando.

The next morning.
The sunlight streams in the dim cave, and the clear air of the mountain flows inside.
「Does it not feel nice?」 (Akari)
As they are stretching outside in the sun, Akari’s voice had come from behind Kurando and Yukishiro.
「Where is Makushiimu?」 (Kurando)
「He is still asleep and snoring rather loudly.」 (Akari)
「It must’ve been quite a nuisance.」 (Kurando)
「I’ve gotten use to it. But, is it really okay?」 (Akari)
「Akari you’re currently in a life and death situation. It should be alright

alright to shelter you; so, there isn’t a problem.」 (Kurando)
「But, if by chance it were to be founded out that,」 (Akari)
「Akari there is still the possibility that everything will be resolved.」 (Kurando)
「……and, what if it isn’t?」 (Akari)
Kurando gave a half-hearted reply before turning his heel and going back into the cave.
While Kurando was turning away his offstandish att.i.tude added with the profile view of his face gave Akari an unusual lingering impression of him.

「Kurando, you should also descend down the mountain.」 (Akari)
Kurando makes an expression that seems to wonder what Akari is implying.
「You already have your luggage, right? Anyways, carelessly moving around will only draw suspicion.」 (Kurando)
「What are you trying to say?」 (Kurando)
「Isn’t what you and I have on perfectly fine?」 (Kurando)
「……ah, so that’s what you meant.」 (Kurando)
Kurando has a very tense expression.
「That’s why I’m recommending you to join the hunter a.s.sociation.」 (Akari)
Kurando expression stiffens even more.
「Don’t misunderstand. It isn’t like I don’t trust you, Akari. I’m aware that if I become a hunter I could get identification papers. And, there doesn’t seem to be any demerits for you either.」 (Kurando)
「Don’t over do it, though.」 (Akari)
Although Akari is a modest highschool girl, Kurando doesn’t feel satisfaction from sheltering her.
「Fine.」 (Kurando)
Kurando breathed out a sigh of mixed emotions. (TN: the dialog is maddest)

Akari sees off Makushiimu and Kurando as those two descend down the mountain.
Yukishiro is attracted by the giant th.o.r.n.y spider, Atorabashiku (アトラバシク), and left Akari to watch the cave. Although for just a second, Yukishiro seemed dissatisfied with the idea.

「――hmm, have I gain a bit of favor with Iruniiku (イルニーク).」 (Akari)

Kurando watched in admiration as he saw Makushiimu agilely go down the mountain.
「He doesn’t seem human.」 (Kurando)
Makushiimu’s body easily descends the mountain like a roaring wildcat. In respects it is similar to how Yukishiro moves.

They are able to pa.s.s under the village’s gate before sun down.
There is a dispute at the entrance. Makushiimu forcely makes his way through the gate.
「You’re a surprisingly influential person.」 (Kurando)
「Hmph, something this

something this minor doesn’t require much authority.」 (Makushiimu)
The two of them walk through the village at dusk.
Along the straight path from the the gate to the village there are dense rows of small houses with smoke coming out of their stone chimneys; the villagers are cooking their dinner.
If one were to look around as they travel along the road, they would see that the shops and restaurants have already closed.
A villager is knocking on the door of a shop that happens to be closed. It seems rather inconvenient for a shop to accept work after business hours, but in a small villages such as this perhaps they need to help one another out.

As the two walk down the straight road they happen upon whispers and glances of their surroundings.
Kurando came to understand that this situation somehow involves the dispute with the gatekeeper.
「Your story will be that you were abandoned on the mountain as a child, alright.」 (Makushiimu)
Makushiimu whispers this to Kurando.
Kurando nods.

Upon entering the gate, the hunters a.s.sociation’s, Sarewado (サレハド) branch is a short distances away. It is a building that surely looks like a fantasy themed tavern.
After pa.s.sing through the old wooden swing style door, on the right-hand-side there is a bartender and a counter; and, on the left-hand-side there is a wooden staircase that leads to the floor above.
At the counter there are several men drinking alcohol. There is person that looks like a hooligan, a person with dog ears, and a short dwarf. They seems to all have the build of a hunter.
Being on his home turf, Makushiimu instantly and indirectly a.n.a.lyzed the place for any information.
Kurando is restless as his eyes wander around the room.
In silence Makushiimu casually walks up to the counter.
Kurando wasn’t in a rush, he takes in the surrounding before going over to where Makushiimu is.

「Hey, I want to recommend a person to be a hunter.」 (Makushiimu)
The staff member at the counter is surprised to see Makushiimu. Makushiimu removes something that resembles a dog tag and it to the staffto the staff member.
「You left without saying anything, what’s going on?」 (staff member)
「Please.」 (Makushiimu)
「……do you miss her?」 (staff member)
The staff member observes Makushiimu.
「Did you find anything?」 (staff member)
Makushiimu frowns.
「……umm, is the recommendation for the young man behind you…… I’ve never seen someone of his race before.」 (staff member)
「I can vouch for his skill; a temporary application for first position or lower will be good.」 (Makushiimu)
「A recommendation from, the 『white spear (白槍)』, a commanding officer of the united kingdom’s hunter detachment corp, correct. Please, confirm the ident.i.ty of the examinee. If this portion is omitted, then the examinee will be a.s.sign a temporary advisor. Will this be okay.」 (staff member)
They doubt that this situation has nothing to do with Akari. To prevent Makushiimu from taking any action they are using their authority to restrict him.
The indifferent staff member proceeds with the request.
「I don’t mind.」 (Makushiimu)
「Okay then, this way.」 (staff member)
Kurando approaches the counter.
「Write your name and birthplace here.」 (staff member)
「I can’t write.」 (Kurando)
Kurando bluntly says this to the staff member. The staff member looks at Kurando’s face before putting the application paper away.
「Then we can do an oral interview.」 (staff member)
「Kurando. Origin…… Arerudouria (アレルドゥリア) mountain.」 (Kurando)
The staff member once again looks at Kurando’s face before looking at Makushiimu.
「I found him when I was searching for Akari. It seems that he was abandon by his parents, and somehow he was able to survive.」 (Makushiimu)
「……understood. Makushiimu-san, please verify this.」 (staff member)
「That’s fine.」 (Makushiimu)
「Understood. Makushiimu-san will you please carefully inform him of the a.s.sociation’s rules. Now then, has his apt.i.tude been evaluated?」 (staff member)
「Please, have him evaluated.」 (Makushiimu)
「I see, this will be his first evaluation in a decade or so.」 (staff member)
「Normally one would have their apt.i.tude evaluated during their schooling years, but this guy was strained on the mountain.」 (Makushiimu)
Everything was decided on without Kurando’s acknowledgement.
Makushiimu gives an explanation when he noticed that Kurando was annoyed.

「You see, each person already has a predetermined spirit affinity.」 (Makushiimu)