Because Janitor-san Is Not a Hero

Chapter 47

Chapter 47
Chapter 47 – Rampage ③

MTL: uniquegasuki
Editor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)

「Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh」 (Hayato)

Having nowhere to vent out his emotions, Hayato shout out, his voice resonates in the forest shrouded by night.
At that moment, his vast maryoku spilled out, causing the spirit density to raise.

Hayato temper rose.
He struggles with internal conflict and contradictions. Hayato couldn’t accept the idea that a person is given allies while the other person wasn’t handed anything.
Hayato lost his mind and fell under the spirit’s temptation.
Spirit are neither good nor evil.
In exchange for maryoku (vitality), they will lend their power regardless of a person’s desire.
They have no consideration for people nor other living creatures.

「Hayato, calm down!」 (Arisu)

Arisu rushes over to Hayato while Kaeda embraced him from behind.
This is the 2nd time Hayato has gone berserk.
Currently, what approaches is a disaster worst than merely Arisu dying.
It was necessary to stop.

Kurando looked at Hayato’s party who seemed to be fl.u.s.tered as Hayato doesn’t appear to be in his usual state of mind. Kurando then turns to look at his surrounding for an answer.
Naturally, Hayato’s party told him nothing. Akari and Aoi merely shook their head from side to side. And of course, being someone who couldn’t read the mood, Makushiimu wasn’t aware of anything either.
Lastly, Kurando moves his line-of-sight to Oofuia. Her mouth was wide open.
「I don’t know for sure; however, major spirits that usually gather when high-grade magic is being used are present. This defies common sense. Except for darkness, all of the spirits are usable for high grade magic.」 (Oofuia)
Of course, the use of high-grade magic has a few requires.
First, there is affinity.
Second, the user must have enough maryoku.
And, there need to be several spirits.
Spirits are not something one can natural sense. No clear numerical value can be estimated and there is no fixed amount of spirits in any given area of s.p.a.ce. For high-grade magic to be available for use, the spirit ratio within the user’s range must be at least 60%.
That being said, the current phenomenon went against everything Oofuia commonly knew about spirits.
Naturally, the spirit ratio should cap at 100%, but what she felt was closer to nearly 1,000%.
Kurando a.s.sumed that chances are, this was the result of another divine blessing, 『Bond (the spirit’s beloved)』.
And thus, after understanding the circ.u.mstance, for some reason he called out to that person.

「Hey, pointy-hat…… child.」 (Kurando)
Hearing Kurando’s voice, Arisu glared at him with eyes filled with hate.
「Is this because of the blessing 『Bond』? Has this happened before? What is the cause? What is going to happen? Is there a method to stop this?」 (Kurando)
Upon catching her line-of-sight, Kurando asked her a series of questions.
「Why must I――」 (Arisu)
「――shut it. There is no time for bickering.」 (Kurando)
She didn’t have the option to refuse Kurando’s inquiry.
Except for those of Hayato’s party, everyone else had their eyes on Arisu.
Because their gaze felt unpleasant, although reluctant, she replied to Kurando’s questions.
In her current state, she had the appearance of a sulking child.
「……yes, you are correct, the cause is due to the blessing 『Bond』. The first time this happened was when we fought against the dragon type monster. When we were trying to protect the other heroes, the blessing went on a rampage. Although the monster was defeated, the rampage lasted all day and all night. As a result, the mountain behind the school campus was blown away.
The source seems to be psychological. It probably stems from Hayato’s feeling of helplessness and hatred.
If this continues, the destruction caused by the spirits will end up altering the geography of this mountain region.」 (Arisu)
「The geography?」 (Kurando)
「The dragon type monster had an abnormal regenerative ability; for that reason, he had used all of his power to fight that monster. As a result, the academy was almost dragged into the disaster. If the same thing were to occur here; mountains would repeatedly raise and sink from the ground, icicles will form, a sea of flames would appear, violent winds like that from a tornado would blow, lightning would rain down from above, a flood of water would spurt from the ground, and a light 3 times more radiant than daylight would shine.」 (Arisu)
Naturally, regardless of whether they are human or hero, those caught up in something like that would die. Arisu continues.

「Then, can anything be done?」 (Kurando)
Upon Kurando’s inquiry, Arisu frowned.
「……nothing can be done. Last time, the rampage didn’t end until his maryoku was exhasted――」 (Arisu)
Arisu showed a gesture that implied she was thinking about something.
「Supposely, Erica & Kaede or another heroes’ voice might be able to reach through his consciousness. However, there is no guarantee it would work. At best, the possibility does exist,」 (Arisu)
Kurando is astonished by what a piece of work this hero is.
However, despite being disgusted by him, Kurando turns to look at Hayato.
He didn’t look away.

「My explosion (self-destruct) would be a gust of wind compared to this.」 (Kurando)
While finding it troublesome, Kurando to stood up to take action.
Yukishiro looked up to Kurando with a concerned expression.
Kurando places his hand on its head. He then roughly and gently caressed Yukishiro.
Yukishiro looks to Kurando in protest; however, Kurando walks away from the two (Kuu & Erica) and made his way to Hayato.
「What are you doing?」 (Arisu)
Arisu shouts at Kurando who is approaching Hayato.
「Well, either way will lead to death, so I may as well get it over with. Anyhow, was I not the original target? Well, a little bit, when I think about protecting this hero-sama, I,」 (Kurando)

Muttering this, Kurando got closer to Hayato.
Inside, he felt a faint unpleasant sensation.
Since the start of Hayato rampage, Kurando felt as if something was calling out to him.
It was not Hayato, but something else.
It was vexing having to help Hayato, but at this rate, they will all die together. In the case of Kurando self-destructing, that was something that couldn’t be helped but this is another matter.

Hayato grunted when Kurando came into his line-of-sight.
However, his eyes reflect nothing and did not focus.
「This is not the 『spirit’s beloved』, it more like the spirit’s yandere. So, this is the ability you stolen from me, huh?」 (Kurando)
Upon that mutter, Hayato showed a slight reaction.

Immediately after, Kurando was. .h.i.t with a ball of wind.
It broke 2 of Kurando’s barriers.
The power exceeded Kuu’s attack strength.
“A hero’s power shouldn’t work on another fellow hero, right?”, as Kurando thought this he felt a stream of cold sweat.
At very the least, he doesn’t think it will be effective.
In the case of the blessing 『Bond』, is it even able to tell heroes apart for fellow heroes?
Or is it, the attack was without the influence of the blessing『Bond』. Let us say that is the case, then that would mean that that was Hayato’s original spirit magic without any buffs to his maryoku performace・magic strength.
If so, then that would mean Hayato’s maryoku capacity and skill is above Kurando’s.
“Give me a break”, Kurando thought.
He couldn’t help but think so.

Nevertheless, this person definitely had stolen Kurando’s ability.
Otherwise, there would not have been this much of a reaction.
「Hey now, I’m not going to bite, calm down.」 (Kurando)
Kurando turns to speak to Hayato.
The power (ability) appears to have stabilized and is not lingering.
Even if he were to try and return the ability, it is impossible to give back.
There is no method to return it.
However, Kurando was unsure about this uncomfortable feeling that he presently felt.

He quietly stares at Hayato.
From somewhere, Kurando is sensing something.
Kurando takes one step forward.
This time, lightning had formed and pa.s.sed through Kurando before he even realized it.
The attack broke penetrated his 2 barriers, leaving him with a faint sting of static electricity.
With his low maryoku reserves, Kurando reapplies the barriers. Questioning himself why he is doing this, Kurando continues forward.
While putting his life-on-the-line, with what little maryoku he has left, Kurando must subdue Hayato.

Because Kurando didn’t want to die.
That would be his obvious answer.
Then, what was the cause of all of this?
It was the result of those two who had a.s.saulted him.
And thus, Kurando ended

up 『a move away from being in checkmate』.
Why didn’t Kurando kill those two who had attacked him?
On the other hand, if he had killed them, Hayato would definitely seek revenge.
Because he couldn’t kill them, they had to be captured. However, Hayato could not be reasoned with as the person is irrational. In the first place, Kurando never trusted Hayato.
If Kurando were to release them as Hayato had requested, who knows when they would come to attack him again.
By all means, he would end up living in constant worry.
Ah, it is a splendid 『checkmate』.
When Kurando thought about this, he felt like hitting Hayato.
Therefore, he does what needs to be done.

「There is no mistake, Hayato, you are the cause of this situation. If you never stole my ability, this would have never happened.」 (Kurando)

Upon Kurando’s words, Hayato twitched.
This time, no magic was shot.
Kurando advances toward Hayato, one step at a time.

「I wanted to settle the matter, but unfortunately, I don’t have the power to do so. Although for you to have stolen from someone weaker than yourself, the chance for you to end the matter has already vanished.」 (Kurando)

With each step Kurando takes, as he approaches closer to Hayato, the uncomfortable feeling inside Kurando begins to grow bigger.

「I had given up on various things. Well, I was near the bottom of society’s social ladder. I was an average person and that was just how it was. Nevertheless, there are times when even an ordinary person would get angry.」 (Kurando)

As he reached Hayato, Kurando felt that uncomfortable pulling him in.
No more attacks came from Hayato.

「I always wanted to hit you; therefore, consider it a punishment and receive it.」 (Kurando)

Hayato didn’t move.
He could not move.
That uncomfortable feeling was drawing in Hayato towards Kurando.
Like how north and south poles in magnets attract, they couldn’t go against one another.
Due to the dim haziness of his consciousness, Hayato found himself unable to resist.
This naive yet destructive urge left him feeling uneasy.
In a sense, Hayato’s and Kurando’s differences made them similar.

And thus, Kurando clinches his fist.
Although he is wearing the giant’s glove, Kurando doesn’t reinforce it.

Hayato shows not signs of movement.
He stands there defenseless.
And, without any barriers.

Kurando mercilessly swings his fist.

His fist collides with Hayato’s face.

In that instant, the intense and uncomfortable feeling Kurando felt vanished.
With that, a portion of his maryoku was siphoned.
Kurando then felt slight refreshed.
However, that was all.
As expected, his ability showed no signs of returning.

The spirits that were gathering around Hayato stopped increasing.
However, that was all.
Hayato is still maintaining the vast number of spirits.
Kurando turns around.
Needless to say; Arisu, Fon, and Kaede came into view.
They are showing a frantic expression.
There was no longer any need for Kurando to look at Hayato. And just like that, those three looked pa.s.s one another.

The divine blessing 『Bond』 has no personality.
And, this was the first time a divine blessing was stolen.
However, because Kurando was the original owner of 『Bond』, it wasn’t too strange that the spirits took noticed of him and stopped their rampage.
For a moment, like that of a girl who had met a bad man and she stopped to see her beloved uncle.
The girl had calmed down.
Although she loved Hayato, deep down, she was asking for help.
That unpleasant feel was what had drawn Kurando in.
However, no matter what, the person she loved the most was Hayato. No matter how many times the girl is warned, she doesn’t choose to return. To the girl, Kurando is no more than her beloved uncle.
Therefore, Kurando’s ability does not return.
In his own way, this is how Kurando chooses to interpret it.

In a daze, Hayato rubbed his cheek that was. .h.i.t.
However, his eyes were clearly not focused.
「Hayato, are you alright?」 (Kaeda)
「Hayato are you hurt anywhere?」 (Arisu)
「Hayato come back, I haven’t returned the favor yet.」 (Fon)
The voices belong to the 3 girls.
Hayato’s eyes come into focus as he followed to where the voices came from.
“Ah, it’s Kaeda, Arisu, and Fon”, he thought.
They are my important companions.
These women have accepted me.
Hayato awakens and his awareness returns.
It felt as if a fog had been instantly cleared away.

Having regained consciousness, the spirits which Hayato had gathered dispersed.
The reason why this happened is not certain. Perhaps, another existence had guided the spirits away or was it that the person himself had subconsciously liberated them?

Strength then returns to Hayato’s eyes.
And thus, with his three companions standing by a good distant away from behind him, while fuming with hatred, he homed in on the two hostages being held by Kurando.

When Kurando saw Hayato looking this way, Kurando mutters something while showing a fed-up expression.
「Jeeze, you have returned yet now you’re back to acting like this again.」 (Kurando)
「Whatever, release those two already.」 (Hayato)
The former Hayato has returned.
He doesn’t appear to have any memories from during the rampage.

Having returned to his spot, Kurando rubs the head of Yukishiro who is by his knee.
Atop its head, Kurando lightly scratched the back of Yukishiro’s ears.
The humored Yukishiro beings to purr.
「Bb.a.s.t.a.r.d, stop playing around.」 (Hayato)
Being ignored, Hayato anger rises.
No matter how one looks at it, this is no time to escape from reality.
With an annoyed expression on his face, Kurando turns to looks at Hayato.

「Well, what do you want?」 (Kurando)
「Let us duel!」 (Hayato)

Having once been restarted, “has this person become a simpleton”, Kurando thought.
For a moment, Kurando was rendered speechless as such a thing is not going to happen.
「Are you an idiot? There is no way I would accept. In no such world is there a person who would willingly challenge a battle in the nude. What, did you think such a barbaric practice is acceptable now that we are in another world? Seriously, in a duel the stronger person is correct. Needless to say, you’re suggesting to have a duel with an opponent weak than yourself, is that not highway robbery?」 (Kurando)

As Kurando outlines the demerits of the duel, Hayato shows a faint frown.
Perhaps, the person was ashamed of their remark.

「That is not a bad proposal?」 (Aoi)
「How pointless.」 (Kurando)
However, Aoi saw things differently.
Previously, when all those spirits had been gathered, there was a possibility that they could have died. But, she showed her courage and did not tremble a bit.
Kurando doubted Aoi and looked at her with an annoyed expression.
「However, it will be an unarmed fight; no divine blessing(s), no magic, no weapons, and no armor.
If Kurando-san wins, those two will go to prison, and from here onwards, neither Hayato’s acquaintances nor Kurando’s acquaintances are to cause harm. Also, no information is to be leaked. I shall vow to the 『Scythe of Fact』 that there will be no changing one’s mind afterward.」 (Aoi)
「There is no way you can guarantee that no one would change their mind.」 (Kurando)
Kurando has no interest in the matter.
Even if he did fight, there is no clear chance of victory.
「If I am not mistaken, the 『Scythe of Fact’s』 ability has already been proven to be trustworthy. Nevertheless, there are witnesses present thus I believe that Ichihara and his companions will not break the agreement.」 (Aoi)
Aoi looks towards Oofuia, Makushiimu, and Akari.
The three of them nod.

「But even so, there were still people foolish enough to attack me.」 (Kurando)
Kurando looks to the 2 people at his feet.
「That was before, are the circ.u.mstances not a bit different this time around? The members here, they are worried about Kurando-san’s well-being. And if the agreement is broken, the truth would be disclosed.」 (Aoi)
「――Aoi.」 (Arisu)
Arisu tries to question Aoi.
Aoi glared at Arisu with a menacing expression.
Upon seeing her gaze, Arisu faltered.
「In those days, after you jokingly summoned us, we didn’t have a clue as to what was going on; however, that is no longer the case and it is not necessary to have a person be the scapegoat.
I have not pardoned you, and I will not allow you to forget it.」 (Aoi)
Aoi was the one who criticized her instead, causing Arisu to lose her vigor.
Suddenly, the root of the summoning was revealed to Kurando.

/>“If it was not for your foolishness, this would have never happened”, Kurando thought this as murderous intent reflected in his eyes.
His glare seems to give off 1,000 curses.
Kurando will show no mercy to his opponent, whether that person is a child or a woman.
Upon receiving Kurando hatred fullied gaze, Arisu further withered.
Having met Hayato, she had acknowledged her crime; however, Kurando’s overbearing gaze was still frightening.

Abruptly, Hayato moves to protect Arisu.
Kurando clicks his tongue.
Aoi continues.
「Of course, for the safety of all those who were summoned and Kurando-san included, I will do my best for their sake. As I have said, that is my intention.」 (Aoi)
「What are you saying, are you and Hayato, not both heroes!」 (Arisu)
Arisu clings to Hayato’s back.
She hides behind Hayato as he stands to defend her.
「That is right. Kurando-san is also a fellow summoned person, our countryman……. and, I have never been pleased with your ideology of us heroes as being the chosen ones. Would you not shut it with your irresponsible blabber?」 (Aoi)
Hearing the scorn behind Aoi’s words, Arisu falls silent.

If Aoi were to break her end of the agreement and attack Kurando today, there is always the threat of the concealed information being disclosed to a『3rd party』.

And thus, Aoi must keep that『3rd party』 in mind.
「We will cooperate. In the first place, there was already an agreement in place with Kurando-san.」 (Ooofuia)
「I will do what is within my ability to cooperate with Kurando-san.」 (Akari)
「I had also made a promise. Well, it was somewhat broken but no more as it is not good to break promises. Otherwise, I may as well be struck down by my ancestors.」 (Makushiimu)
Aoi, Oofuia, Akari, and Makushiimu rea.s.sured Kurando.
If something were to happen to Kurando, they will be sure to not stay silent.

Realizing the significances behind Aoi’s words, Kurando looks up at the sky while showing a tired expression.
As Aoi had said, the heroes cannot be rid of Kurando existence, that is just how things are. Rather to them, it is a secret that needs to stay hidden.
If Kurando’s existence were to be exposed, it would effect Hayato the most. It could be said, that this is the equivalent of equipment oneself with an exploding shield.
Judging by appearance, in the face of hardship, Kurando appears to have lost his nerve.
He is twirling his finger around Yukishiro’s whiskers as it purrs.
――C-chu, guhh
While he was fiddling with Yukishiro’s whiskers, it suddenly sneezed.

No matter what is said, as Kurando affectionally stared at Yukishiro’s face, he thought himself to be nothing special.
He desperately did not want to yield.
Kurando didn’t want to go down without struggling.
Nevertheless, he saw no exit in sight.

To trust others.
To confine in and cooperate together.

However, simply put, the problem was close to being resolved.
Although, when all is said and done, Kurando couldn’t bring himself to trust Aoi. He also couldn’t trust Oofuia, Akari, and Makushiimu. The situation is something that can easily change and become hostile.
But, it wasn’t that he thought it was suspicious.
Because they made a promise, he wanted to trust them.
Kurando made a strained smile as something felt off.

Aoi saw the dishearted expression that Kurando showed on his face.
「Kurando-san, that isn’t quite right. This is the result of the trust you yourself have built up. Certainly, it may be too soon to ask this of you and it is possible to draw out this situation but perhaps, the situation could further worsen.
In this world, for us heroes, it is very difficult to find people we can trust. If I were in your situation, I probably would be thinking the same thing you are.」 (Aoi)
A woman 7 years his junior had read this facial expression and is trying to comfort him.
This made Kurando somewhat want to cry.

「……uh? Is it really necessary that we have to fight each other?」 (Kurando)
Kurando shows an expression that implied he thought up a good idea.
Aoi shakes her head no.
「He won’t agree with that.」 (Aoi)
Aoi’s line-of-sight moves over to the other consenting party, towards that guy.

「Then, what happens if I win?」 (Hayato)
Hayato has an unusually lively expression as he listened to Aoi.
「With Kurando-san’s acknowledgment, Erika’s and Kuu’s actions will not be questioned any further. However, from henceforth, your’s and his acquaintances are to not leak any information nor cause harm to one another. I will have you all pledge this on『Scythe of Fact』. If anyone is to break this vow, regardless if whether they are a fellow summoned person, I will not pardon them.」 (Aoi)
Aoi looks over to Kurando to confirm the details.

Kurando thought about it.
He is more or less in fighting condition.
From here on out, there is no need for anything complicated.
Perhaps, this is the only way for them to find common ground.
There was no need to turn to madness.

Despite the one-sided conditions, Hayato seemed unconcerned.
「Whatever. It won’t happen a second time.」 (Hayato)
Hayato declared.
After the previous rampage, he had lost most of his maryoku.
Therefore, Hayato had determined that a brawl would be the best course of action.

Seeing Hayato cheerfully unfastening his own equipment, Kurando was overcome with an unusual urge to hit Hayato.
Apparently, that first hit wasn’t enough.
Whether or not Kurando had a chance of winning, he at least wanted to return the grudge several folds.
「……I am also ready.」 (Kurando)
At last, Kurando says it.

「Then, is it alright to give those two medical treatment?」 (Aoi)
Aoi confirmed that Kurando gave consent.
He thought it was no longer necessary to hold them hostage.
Kurando looks to Yukishiro and then cancels the magic.
Aoi exchanged a glance with Hayato’s party.
The 3 of them rush over to give Erika and Kuu medical treatment.

The two of them removed all of their equipment, leaving their upper body bare.
To describe the two.
Kurando has a medium build with st.u.r.dy muscles.
Hayato is tall & thin with flexible muscles that cover his whole body. He has what one would call an athletic build.

「Now then, the use of divine blessing(s), magic, weapons, and armor of any kind is prohibited. Please, all members stand witness. If any violation occurs, the person who commits a foul play automatically loses.」 (Aoi)
Aoi gave a warning to the two.
She will be the referee of the duel.
Hayato’s party and Oofuia & company stared at the two from behind.
Erika and Kuu have their body raised, but they are in no condition to be moving around.

From the front, Kurando listens to what Hayato has to say.
「I had a feeling we would end up fighting like this.」 (Hayato)
Hayato turns his nose. It seems his mood is completely back to normal.
「My mind feels refreshed and clear. It is simple now that I think about it. If by some chance I lose, I don’t mind going to prison, it is that simple. You see, it’s similar to Kuu’s case. In this world, there is always a loophole.」 (Hayato)
「You know what…… you’re truly a protagonist.」 (Kurando)
(T/N: sarcasm)
Kurando is genuinely amazed and gives up on the topic.
「I don’t know what you are trying to saying―― but, I won’t lose.」 (Hayato)

「Now then, you may begin.」 (Aoi)

Suddenly, Hayato makes his move.
He dashes forward and closes the distance between them, throwing a left straight punch from the front.
There was no form to his movement as he was free-styling it by using his natural flexibility.
Kurando was unable to react to the speed of Hayato’s punch.
But, he was still able to put up his guard.
「Guh」 (Kurando)
However, Hayato delivered a round-house-kick to Kurando’s side.
The first move was a simple feint.
However, for some reason, Hayato pulled back after giving that kick.
「……tired?」 (Kurando)
He muttered.
Kurando gave a hearty laugh.
In the first place, Kurando didn’t focus on dodging.
Except for his head, his hardened body can withstand quite a few strikes.
When training with Yukishiro, it wasn’t like Yukishiro threw cat punches.
「Then, I just need to get a clean hit in.」 (Hayato)
Saying so, Hayato casual steps in.
He closes the gap between himself and Kurando and instantly fires off another attack.
Kurando was able to avoid Hayato’s thrust by a paper thin margin.
However, the wind pressure

wind pressure from the attack was quite bone-chilling.
「If heavy attacks don’t work, then…… how about this,」 (Hayato)
Hayato follows up with a counter like hook swing.
The hook punch splendidly landed on Kurando’s temple.
It sent Kurando wobbling backward.
The blow briefly knocked Kurando unconscious.
However, he didn’t allow himself go down.
Like that of turtle guarding itself, Kurando tightly covers his head with his arms.
「Hmph, I will just kick you until you fall.」 (Hayato)
Hayato takes a step back. Using that momentum, he does a horizontal kick; then, he turns back and does a reverse kick.
He rains down a shower of blows onto Kurando.
However, no matter how many times he was kicked, Kurando’s face-guard did not go down.
On the contrary, the time in between attacks gradually started to grow.
「Tsk, how about his,」 (Hayato)
Hayato clicks his tongue. He stopped his kicks and then chooses to close the distances between himself and Kurando.
Kurando wasn’t going to fall for the same trick twice.
However, that was Hayato’s aim.
He Kurando guard and then grabs Kurando’s head with both hands.
And just like that, Hayato jumps upwards.
His knee moves through the guard and smashes into Kurando’s chin.
Kurando is blown backward.
However, Hayato wasn’t finished.
Utilizing his flexible hip, Hayato does an 180-degree front kick targeted at Kurando’s chin.
In addition, he followed up with a return heel drop onto Kurando.
「You are quite st.u.r.dy for an old man.」 (Hayato)
Even so, Kurando did not fall. Although his consciousness was hazy, Kurando heard Hayato’s taunting. Hayato placed his hand on Kurando’s shoulder and then leaps into the air.
While standing on Kurando’s shoulders, Hayato then drops his knee onto the top of Kurando’s head.
Furthermore, Hayato descends down Kurando’s back and then slams a heel kick into Kurando’s upper back.
And still, Kurando does not fall.
Now that Hayato is finally staying in one place, Kurando could quickly turn around and catch Hayato.
But, he was unable to do anything.
Kurando had lost consciousness.
In an instant, Hayato embraces Kurando’s back and just like that, he slammed Kurando against the surface of the ground.
And then, Hayato trampled on Kurando’s elbow 10 or so times.
「Phew, it’s over.」 (Hayato)
Hayato looked at the worn out Kurando and then he looks over to Aoi.
However, Aoi says nothing.
「Tsk, says who.」 (Kurando)
Although Kurando is hurt, his voice shows that he is clearly conscious.
Hayato leg was in front of Kurando’s face. This was the perfect opportunity.
「Hmph」 (Kurando)
Therefore, Kurando gave a hearty laugh.
「Tsk」 (Hayato)
Hayato puts strength into his arm.

However, Hayato falls to the ground screaming, preventing any possible counters.
Kurando discarded something from his hand.
He had used his fingernails.
「This isn’t a sport.」 (Kurando)
Kurando had put power into his fingers, forcing his nails to tear into Hayato’s leg.
In a flash, Kurando kicks Hayato in the head.
As it was like kicking a soccer ball, the kick was fairly effective.
Having received a powerful kick, Hayato tries to escape by crawling away.
However, Kurando didn’t permit it.
Kurando grips Hayato firmly by the head and then proceeds to bash Hayato’s head with his other hand.
He strikes Hayato without mercy.
Kurando hits him.
He earnestly hits Hayato.

Aoi was tempted to stop the duel.
A duel is basically a fight to the death.
But as expected, in this case, one of them dying is not likely to happen as there is healing magic that can recover injuries to a certain degree. As such, it was best not to stop them for something minor.

Pew, pew, pew

Aoi noticed an unusual sound.
From the distance she was standing, the sound was barely audible.

However, Kurando’s body slightly bent forward.
Although his consciousness was hazy, Hayato didn’t miss this chance and musters all of his strength.

Perhaps, Hayato had turned the tables on Kurando, allowing 『himself (Hayato)』 to make a comeback.
Kurando was relentless. He didn’t hesitate and showed no signs of wavering.

Hayato was desperately trying to shake free from Kurando’s hand, kicking at Kurando, each kick causing Kurando to slightly hover into the air.
However, for only a second did a gap appeared in Kurando’s a.s.sault.
At that moment, Kurando was off balance. Perhaps while beneath Kurando, Hayato had hit Kurando with a counter.
However, Kurando’s body did not collapse unconscious onto Hayato’s body.

Hayato kicks but misses.
Kurando’s eye sparkles.
A hint of danger reflects in Kurando eyes.
It is no exaggeration to say that Kurando was waiting for this moment to deliver a finishing blow.
Kurando pulled back his knee and placed his leg firmly on the ground.
He puts his entire body into it.
In an instant, he brings down his full body weight aimed at a guy’s part that anyone would cringe if they saw being hit. With all his might, Kurando swings his fist downwards.

Onto that person’s crotch.

It was a combination of Kurando bodyweight + rotation energy + the strength of Kurando’s muscles.
The result was the quiet sound of something small being crushed.

「Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh」 (Hayato)

“Tsk, did I only smashed one?”, Kurando thought.
Kurando’s quiet mutter was drowned out by Hayato’s groan.
By the way, in this world, a lost body part can be restored.
As long as a small part of it remains, with a considerable amount of money and one~two years of excruciating pain, a body part can be restored.
In Hayato’s case, a full recovery might not be possible.
「Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh」 (Hayato)
While Hayato is groaning, Kurando turns to look at Aoi.

Upon seeing Kurando’s cheerful expression, Aoi announced this with a wry smile.
「The winner is, Kuran――」 (Aoi)

「――that is a foul.」 (hayato’s companions)
Along with Erika, who had received medical treatment, Hayato’s party together quickly raised an objection.
When Erika’s line-of-sight fell onto Kurando, her body trembled.
「B-b-b.a.l.l.s, low blows in a duel is a shameful act. Th-that should not be permitted.」 (Erika)
As Erika conveys this to Aoi, Erika avoids eye contact with Kurando.
She has developed a perfect trauma towards Kurando.
That couldn’t be helped due to how he threatened her and gouged her with a knife.

「Arubaumu (アルバウム) traditional rules pertaining to duels does not allow foul play. The United Kingdom of Erurodriana’s rules involving duels should also be the same.」 (Arisu)
Arisu follows up on Erika’s statement, causing Aoi to frown.
It was no law, merely a free rule.
As expected, Aoi was unaware of it.
It is not a law.
Oofuia and Makushiimu didn’t know either.
In the first place, a duel is something n.o.bles did. As such, in an ordinary man’s duel, the rules are not clear.
Above all, Oofuia and Makushiimu have no experience with duels. As of the few duels, most are to the death and there is no way of finding out the traditional rules.
Naturally, Akari wouldn’t know.

「Is this not a personal matter? It is not something boorish?」 (Makushiimu)
「Hayato is Arubaumu’s hero and I, the 3rd princess, am Hayato’s guardian. This is not a personal matter. It would be troublesome to write this off as a simple tavern brawl.」 (Arisu)
Arisu cuts down Makushiimu objection with a single stroke.
Makushiimu groans and then falls silent.
「This is a simple brawl.」 (Oofuia)
However, Oofuia followed up.
Arisu’s cheek then cramps up.
「『Maruuna・Niyuumu』 chief lady, you should watch what you say.」 (Arisu)
「How could this be anything but a brawl? A kingdom’s authority has no place in this matter.」 (Oofuia)
「What, are you really okay with making an enemy out of Arubaumu?」 (Arisu)
「You’re merely the 3rd princess and besides, the royal family does not have any real political power.」 (Oofuia)
Arisu frowns.
「But still, my people have great faith in the royal family and Hayato is the national hero of Arubaumu. If that man’s foul play is brought to light, the nation will surely support us and the parliament will then rule in our favor. When that happens, no matter how much that refugee shouts, no one will believe him.」 (Arisu)
This is what happened when a child wields political power.
Oofuia saw this matter no other way.
「Oh I see, certainly that is possible. Well, if that time comes, I won’t stay silent.
However, Kurando-san’s foul play, awhile ago, is rather insignificant compared to your royal highness’s methods. You were the one who knocked Kurando off balance. You intended to prevent Kurando-san from being declared the victory bythe victory by using any means, correct?」 (Oofuia)
The surrounding became noisy.
Hayato, Kurando, and all members present, look over to Arisu.
Oofuia directs a gaze filled with pity towards Arisu
「……I don’t know what you are talking about? Where is your evidence?」 (Arisu)
「They don’t call me a『magic guide』 for nothing now. I am sure if we give you a physical examination, we are bound to discover something.」 (Oofuia)
「You do not have the authority to do so and I will not permit you to give royalty a physical examination (frisking).」 (Arisu)
Sweat ran down Arisu’s face.
At that moment.


Suddenly, like a puppet that had its strings cut, Kurando crumbles to the floor.
Kurando was desperately trying to not fall down until he was declared the winner of the duel.
If he were to collapse now, the match would be left unsettled.
Kurando tries to speak up and using all his power to stand up.
His efforts, however, had the opposite effect.

Oofuia didn’t think Kurando’s wounds would be serious enough that he couldn’t stand up because she did not sense that strong wind spirit power was used.
Aoi immediately rushed over, followed by Oofuia and the others.

Having rushed over, Aoi discovered blood overflowing from Kurando’s back.
There was a pool of blood in the spot where Kurando was standing.
Because Kurando was bleeding from his back, Aoi had not noticed it beforehand.
「……someone hurry!」 (Aoi)
She shouts out for someone to give Kurando emergency medical treatment.
There are 3 holes in Kurando’s back.
Kurando didn’t seem to have enough maryoku to restore his wounds.
Obviously, this was not from any of Hayato’s attacks.

Oofuia and the others rush over to treat Kurando’s wounds.
「Kurando-san, are you conscious?」 (Akari)
Akari goes to confirm if Kurando’s is still conscious.
She confirms that he has not lost consciousness.
However, Kurando has lost too much maryoku and blood.

「Arisu……」 (Oofuia)
「It wasn’t m――」 (Arisu)
Upon Oofuia’s words, Hayato saw the 3 wounds on Kurando’s back and had guessed the cause.
Hayato looks towards the small burst fire (3 rounds) magic gun hidden behind Arisu’s waist.
And thus, Arisu shows a sad expression.
The two of them stared at one another.
Finally unable to bear Hayato’s gaze, Arisu bursted into tears.
She couldn’t stand to watch as that man hit Hayato.
“Hayato is going to die”, she thought.
Therefore, Arisu fired her gun.
She was more concerned with Hayato than her country.
Hayato’s past did not matter. She reported nothing to her country.
She had no interest in anything that was not in Hayato favor.
Therefore, she fired her gun.
With Hayato’s help, they developed this burst fire magic gun.
It was enjoyable creating this magic weapon with Hayato.
She belonged nowhere else but at his side.
That is why Arisu fired her gun.

The magic gun that she and Hayato had developed required little maryoku. It was intended to be used to break an opponent’s barriers. The magic gun’s 3 shot rapid fire had mercilessly torn into Kurando, who did not have any barriers up.
Although the three wound were not fatal, it was deep.
「……uh, uuuh」 (Kurando)
Kurando responds to Akari’s voice.
「Kurando-san, please accept the magic.」 (Akari)
Kurando faintly nods; his mouth moves, but his voice doesn’t come out.
Oofuia begins the healing process right away.
「What is this small object……」 (Oofuia)
Oofuia had closed her eyes and placed her hand over Kurando’s wounds.
Oofuia mutters to herself as she does her work.
And thus, she opens her eyes. Oofuia was holding something in her hand.

It was 3 small stones. These hardened stones are placed on her palm.
「The foreign objects have been removed, I suggest you hurry with the life spirit healing magic……」 (Oofuia)
There isn’t enough blood.
Although the wound is closed, it is unsure of whether Kurando’s condition will stabilize.
In this world, there is no blood transfusion.
The idea of doing a blood transfusion is taboo.
Furthermore, there the idea is impractical. It would be very difficult to develop a system to manage all of the different races and tribes. It might even be an impossible task for modern day j.a.pan.
Perhaps, blood transfusion itself is impossible in this world.

「How, it is? Is it, my loss?」 (Kurando)
Aoi responses to Kurando broken speech by shaking her head from side to side.
Aoi stands up.
「With Oofuidono’s testimony, these three wounds are proof of Hayato Ichihara’s party’s interference. Due to foul play, Hayato Ichihara is――」 (Aoi)
「――Ahem, in the kingdom, the traditional rules state that the act of foul play does not apply to an outside disturbance, only the partic.i.p.ants. As such, it is not possible to prove who had interfered.」 (Arisu)
Before anyone noticed, Arisu had raised her tear stained face.
Despite being in tear, this is Arisu, the Academy’s prodigy.
If Hayato is condemned in any way, his companions with defending him regardless of the matter.
「Did you not moments ago bring up the traditional rules of a duel. Stop with your irresponsibleness.」 (Aoi)
「Shut up. Do you really want to deal with Arubaumu!」 (Arisu)
At that time, Kurando coughs up blood and Oofuia moves to heal him.

Arisu abuses every rule she could and threatening Aoi.
「Oh, then, how about the person who obstructed the duel be tested by my divine blessing?」 (Aoi)
「I refuse. Are those rules not something you yourself had decided on? Besides, can a mere priestess of Sandora even force an Arubaumu kingdom royalty to stay trial?」 (Arisu)
Aoi is surprised by the girl’s quick thinking.
If this was j.a.pan, a grade schooler cannot be forced to stand trial.
In addition, Sandora main temple in the western province is nearby Arubauma and they have a complicated relationship.
The state religion of Arubauma is Sandora and the main temple is geography surrounded and protected by the Arubauma kingdom. While they are not subordinated, if a priest of Sandora were to put an Arubauma royalty on trial, it would cause an uproar.

Aoi reached the point to where she thought the proud girl to be rather pitiful.
However, it was for a different reason.
「Then, tell me, what sort of punishment does a person who intervenes in a traditional duel receive?」 (Aoi)
「Umm, as long as the king allows it there is no punishment. And, as long as the king does not object the duel cannot be overturned.
To interfere in a duel is foul play you may say, but that is no concern to me as I merely intervened to protect Hayato.」 (Arisu)
In other words, the rules itself were twisted.
Perhaps, in the first place, the rules were made up and controlled by the royals and aristocrats. As such, this tradition just happened to be inherited.

Hayato suddenly approaches Arisu.
Arisu nervously looked up at Hayato.


He slaps Arisu’s cheek.
「I’m glad that you are doing this for my sake, but don’t do anything needless. The same goes for Erika and Kuu.」 (Hayato)
Hayato turns his attention towards the other two.
The two trembled.
「More than anything, I want you to believe in me.」 (Hayato)
Hayato says something quite sad.
And thus, three girls began to weep.
「I’m sorry.」 (Erica)
「……sorry.」 (Kuu)
「Hayato onii-chan, I’m sorry.」 (Arisu)
The way Arisu acting is befitting of her age.

Hayato approaches the collapsed Kurando to say something.
「My companions have apologized. As for the result of this duel――」 (Hayato)
「――what a joke.」 (Kurando)
Kurando interrupts Hayato’s speech.
He staggers to get up, pushing Akari and Oofuia aside.
「Deciding things at your own convenience. What bull c.r.a.p.」 (Kurando)
As Kurando stood there, he glared at Hayato.
Although he was glaring at Hayato, what Kurando saw was not a person, it was a pebble, no, it was horse c.r.a.p laying by the roadside.
「That is why I’m apologizing――」 (Hayato)

「――you can apologize as much as you want over my grave. Surely, you will be forgiven.」 (Kurando)
(T/N: sarcasm)

Kurando pushes Hayato aside and continued to walk by.
「Kurando-san, you shouldn’t be moving.」 (Akari)
Kurando disregards Akari’s warning.
He accidently falls.
“Ah“, leaked from Akari’s mouth.

However, Kurando doesn’t fall as Yukishiro is there to support him.
Yukishiro’s long tail can be seen carrying all of Kurando’s luggage.
「……」 (Kurando)
He silently pats Yukishiro.


Kurando entrusted the rest to Yukishiro. However, as if it wanted to say something, Yukishiro’s voice echoed in the darkness as it roared out.

In the end, Kurando and Yukishiro disappeared into the shadows behind the trees.