Because Janitor-san Is Not a Hero

Chapter 5

Chapter 5
Because, Janitor-san Is Not a Hero魔獣③
Chapter 5 – The Magical Beast ③

MTL: uniquegasuki
Editor/ Proofreader: desmerit

The large figure in the entrance of the cave is dyed red by the evening sun. Nothing else can be seen.
Ash golden pupils gaze upon the eyes of the motionless Kurando.
Kurando couldn’t avert his line of sight even if he wanted to.
Overwhelming fear dominates him.
He had become unreasonably frightened due to the ominous horror before him.
Kurando’s imagination had far exceeded his perception of reality. His mind naturally gave in.
He feels that his inner strength is distant.
Furthermore, Kurando continues to stare into those eyes. He tries to muster strength into his body.
The magical beast is laughing.
Or, at least that is what he felt.
Kurando is helplessly pushed towards the wall near the cave’s entrance.
Beyond its ‘large build’, Kurando found a spot that is unexpectedly soft. In all due respect, it felt like a cat purring.
Kurando pa.s.sed through the entrance. The magical beast turns to the opposite direction and escapes into the innermost room of the cave.
He is unable to follow the retreating figure with his eyes.
Kurando felt that somehow his life was


Before he noticed it the evening sun had already fallen. The dark spirits are wandering the world.
Kurando expels the dark spirits and converts them into light spirits; the cave’s pa.s.sageway is illuminated.
In the middle of the pa.s.sageway he arrives at the section where there are 2 holes that are opposite of one another.
One of the holes was his toilet. For 180 days, Kurando had used that hole and a cover which he made with earth spirit magic. The other hole which resembles a small room is something a magical beast had created inside the interior of the room.
Kurando couldn’t even wryly smile when he saw the overwhelming difference between their magic craft.
It had only been 180 days since he had arrived as a human in this world. Or, at least that is what he wants to believe to comfort himself.
Likewise, it is ridiculous to make a comparison.
A magical beast leaves the small room that was made in the cave and quietly flew into the darkness on the opposite side.
The lamp made from the light spirits slightly exposes the creature figure; it is a giant flying squirrel.
It spreads the membrane in

in between its forearms and hind legs. The squirrel glides to the mountain overlooking this area; it blends in and then disappears.
Kuroudo is mesmerized by the fantasy scene and he felt dizzy.
He was frightened by the animal’s long tail that he thought was the snow leopard’s tail.
The magical beast quietly went down the cave.
It wrapped a lump of ice with its tail, and then threw it into the new room it had created.
Once more, it tries to glided in the air.
It repeats that process several times.
By observation, its concentration can be seen. It had gathered a few low level wind spirits. And yet, its large build is able floating in the air; perhaps, it was unexpectedly desperate? Why jump, and glide? Such things Kurando does not know.
People can’t fly.
It seems in this world that hasn’t changed.
This is definitely a fact. With so few wind spirits it is more or less impossible to reach a high att.i.tude.
With this particular tool the magical beast is possibly trying to fly in the air.

Kurando made his way to his room to read the magic textbook.
He subconsciously did so.
When Kurando had returned

had returned to his room, he peeked into the small room. A great amount of ice is stored inside. The small room is white and feels chilly. Animals resembling a deer and a boar can be seen. The animals seem to be cryopreserved there.
After viewing it, Kurando didn’t have anything else to say; so, he returns to his room.
He returns to the innermost part of the room where his rucksack is located. From there, he thought about how to go about making a big change. Kurando already knew it was pointless to think about. He moves the rucksack to the corner of the room and open the book from the rear side.

―Meow, meow-meow,
To block out the cries, Kurando raised the book closer to his face.
The antagonistic ‘large build’ elegantly and seriously jumped on top of Kurando. The magical beast had appeared. That face, the tail and a playful purring; it is a kitten.
The tail is bizarrely long; it is likely that the kitten is the child of that magical beast. Kurando immediately understood.
Perhaps, it is suicidal to approach the child of a beast of prey.
Of course Kurando knew this; more or less, he had decidedhe had decided not to approach it. It was the one who approached him.
Today various things had happened. The only one exhausted is Kurando. Once again, he casts his gaze onto the book.

He glanced at his wrist.w.a.tch; tomorrow had already arrived.
Kurando took out his knife and etched one mark to clearly represent the next day. He cautiously put away the knife. Kurando bites into a fruit. While thinking it wasn’t enough, he laid onto the ground.
Something fluffy rustles against him.
Kurando couldn’t move; by chance something soft binds him.
He turns over. The light spirits were gone and the fire of the candle had extinguished.
The parent magical beast seem to stare at Kuroudo neck as if it wanted to bite into it. For a moment, the glint from it’s eyes could be seen through the darkness. But, then they immediately disappear.
As the way things were, a tail is entwined around his limbs. Despite that, it wasn’t uncomfortable.
What is its gender? Kurando is too tempted by drowsiness; he shuts his eyes and ignores the thought.
Kurando for the first time in a while, he falls asleep in a tender warmth of a bed.