Beechcroft at Rockstone

Chapter 39

"Only Kalliope!"

"Cela va sans dire. The brother was walking the young ones on the cliffs whence she had been driven by the attentions of Master Frank Stebbing.

Poor thing, she is really beautiful enough to be a misfortune to her, and so is the youth--Maid of Athens, Irish eyes, plus intellect. Gill lent books, and by and by volunteered to help the lad with his Greek."


"Just as she would teach a night-school cla.s.s. She used to give him lessons at his sister"s office. I find that as soon as Kalliope found it was unknown to me she protested, and did all in her power to prevent it, but Gillian had written all to her mother, and thought that sufficient."

"And Lily--? Victoria would have gone crazy--supposing such a thing possible," he added, sotto voce.

"Lily was probably crazy already between her sick husband and her bridal daughters, for she answered nothing intelligible. However, absence gave time for reflection, and Gillian came home after her visits convinced by her own good sense and principle that she had not acted fairly towards us, so that, of her own accord, the first thing she did was to tell me the whole, and how much the sister had always objected. She was quite willing that I should talk it over with Kalliope before she went near them again, but I have never been able really to do so."

"Then it was all Greek and--"Lilyism!" Lily"s grammar over again, eh!"

"On her side, purely so--but I am afraid she did upset the boy"s mind.

He seems to have been bitterly disappointed at what must have appeared like neglect and offence--and oh! you know how silly youths can be--and he had Southern blood too, poor fellow, and he went mooning and moping about, I am afraid really not attending to his business; and instead of taking advantage of the opening young Stebbing"s absence gave him of showing his abilities, absolutely gave them the advantage against him, by letting them show him up as an idle fellow."

"Or worse. Stebbing talked of examining the accounts, to see if there were any deficiency."

"That can be only for the sake of prejudicing Mr. White--they cannot really suspect him."

"If not, it was very good acting, and Stebbing appears to me just the man to suspect a parson"s pet, and a lady"s--as he called this unlucky fellow."

"Ask any of the workmen--ask Mr. Flight."

"Well, I wish he had come to the front. It looks bad for him, and your plea, Jenny, is more like Lily than yourself."

"Thank you; I had rather be like Lily than myself."

"And you are equally sure that the sister is maligned?"

"Quite sure--on good evidence--the thing is how to lay it all before Mr.

White, for you see these Stebbings evidently want to prevent him from taking to his own kindred--you must help me, Rotherwood."

"When I am convinced," he said. "My dear Jenny, I beg your pardon--I have an infinite respect for your sagacity, but allow me to observe, though your theory holds together, still it has rather an ancient and fish-like smell."

"I only ask you to investigate, and make him do so. Listen to any one who knows, to any one but the Stebbings, and you will find what an admirable girl the sister is, and that the poor boy is perfectly blameless of anything but being forced into a position for which he was never intended, and of all his instincts rebelling."

They were interrupted by the arrival of the doctor, whom Lady Rotherwood had bound over to come and see whether her husband was the worse for his exertions. He came in apologising most unnecessarily for his tardiness.

And in the midst of Miss Mohun"s mingled greeting and farewell, she stood still to hear him say that he had been delayed by being called in to that poor woman, Mrs. White, who had had a fit on hearing the policeman inquiring for that young scamp, her son.

"The policeman!" e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed Jane in consternation.

"It was only to summon him to attend the inquest," explained Dr. Dagger, "but there was no one in the house with her but a little maid, and the shock was dreadful. If he has really absconded, it looks exceedingly ill for him."

"I believe he has only been inattentive," said Jane firmly, knowing that she ought to go, and yet feeling constrained to wait long enough to ask what was the state of the poor mother, and if her daughter were with her.

"The daughter was sent for, and seems to be an effective person--uncommonly handsome, by the bye. The attack was hysteria, but there is evidently serious disease about her, which may be accelerated."

"I thought so. I am afraid she has had no advice."

"No; I promised the daughter to come and examine her to-morrow when she is calmer, and if that son is good for anything, he may have returned."

And therewith Jane was forced to go away, to carry this wretched news to poor Gillian.

Aunt and niece went as soon as the mid-day meal was over to inquire for poor Mrs. White, and see what could be done. She was sleeping under an opiate, and Kalliope came down, pale as marble, but tearless. She knew nothing of her brother since she had given him his breakfast that morning. He had looked white and haggard, and had not slept, neither did he eat. She caught at the theory that had occurred to Miss Mohun, that he did not like to accuse Fergus, for even to her he had not mentioned who had removed the stone. In that case he might return at night. Yet it was possible that he did not know even now whence the stone had come, and it was certain that he had been at his office that morning, and opened the letter announcing his dismissal. Kalliope, going later, had found the like notice, but had had little time to dwell on it before she had been summoned home to her mother. Poor Mrs. White had been much shaken by the first reports of yesterday"s accident, which had been so told to her as to alarm her for both her children; and when her little maid rushed in to say that "the pelis was come after Mr. Alec," it was no wonder that her terror threw her into a most alarming state, which made good Mrs. Lee despatch her husband to bring home Kalliope; and as the attack would not yield to the soothing of the women or to their domestic remedies, but became more and more delirious and convulsive, the nearest doctor was sent for, and Dr. Dagger, otherwise a higher flight than would have been attempted, was caught on his way and brought in to discover how serious her condition already was.

This Kalliope told them with the desperate quietness of one who could not afford to give way. Her own affairs were entirely swallowed up in this far greater trouble, and for the present there were no means of helping her. Mr. and Mrs. Lee were thoroughly kind, and ready to give her efficient aid in her home cares and her nursing; and it could only be hoped that Alexis might come back in the evening, and set the poor patient"s mind at rest.

"We will try to make Mr. White come to a better understanding," said Miss Mohun kindly.

"Thank you" said Kalliope, pushing back her hair with a half-bewildered look. "I remember my poor mother was very anxious about that. But it seems a little thing now."

"May G.o.d bless and help you, my dear," said Miss Mohun, with a parting kiss.

Gillian had not spoken all the time; but outside she said--"Oh, aunt! is this my doing?"

"Not quite," said Aunt Jane kindly. "There were other causes."

"Oh, if I could do anything!"

"Alas! it is easier to do than to undo."

Aunt Jane was really kind, and Gillian was grateful, but oh, how she longed for her mother!

There was no better news the next morning. Nothing had been heard of Alexis, and nothing would persuade his mother in her half-delirious and wholly unreasonable state that he had not been sent to prison, and that they were not keeping it from her. She was exceedingly ill, and Kalliope had been up all night with her.

Such was the report in a note sent up by Mrs. Lee by one of the little boys early in the morning, and, as soon as she could reasonably do so, Miss Mohun carried the report to Lord Rotherwood, whom she found much better, and anxious to renew the tour of inspection which had been interrupted.

Before long, Mr. White was shown in, intending to resume the business discussion, and Miss Mohun was about to retreat with Lady Rotherwood, when her cousin, taking pity on her anxiety, said--

"If you will excuse me for speaking about your family matters, Mr.

White, my cousin knows these young people well, and I should like you to hear what she has been telling me."

"A gentleman has just been calling on me about them," said Mr. White, not over-graciously.

"Mr. Flight?" asked Jane anxiously.

"Yes; a young clergyman, just what we used to call Puseyite when I left England; but that name seems to be gone out now."

"Anyway," said Jane, "I am sure he had nothing but good to say of Miss White, or indeed of her brother; and I am afraid the poor mother is very ill."

"That"s true, Miss Mohun; but you see there may be one side to a lady or a parson, and another to a practical man like my partner. Not but that I should be willing enough to do anything in reason for poor d.i.c.k"s widow and children, but not to keep them in idleness, or letting them think themselves too good to work."

"That I am sure these two do not. Their earnings quite keep the family.

I know no one who works harder than Miss White, between her business, her lodgers, the children, and her helpless mother."

"I saw her mosaics--very fair, very clever, some of them; but I"m afraid she is a sad little flirt, Miss Mohun."