Beechcroft at Rockstone

Chapter 20

With which argument she appeased or rather silenced Kalliope, who could not but feel the task of objecting alike ungracious and ungrateful towards the instructor, and absolutely cruel and unkind towards her brother, and who spoke only from a sense of the treachery of allowing a younger girl to transgress in ignorance. Still she was conscious of not understanding on what terms the niece and aunts might be, and the St. Kenelm"s estimate of the Beechcroft ladies was naturally somewhat different from that of the St. Andrew"s congregation. Miss Mohun was popularly regarded in those quarters as an intolerable busybody, and Miss Adeline as a hypochondriacal fine lady, so that Gillian might perhaps reasonably object to put herself into absolute subjection; so, though Kalliope might have a presentiment of breakers ahead, she could say no more, and Gillian, feeling that she had been cross, changed the subject by admiring the pretty short curly hair that was being tied back at the gla.s.s.

"I wish it would grow long," said Kalliope. "But it always was rather short and troublesome, and ever since it was cut short in the fever, I have been obliged to keep it like this."

"But it suits you," said Gillian. "And it is exactly the thing now."

"That is the worst of it. It looks as if I wore it so on purpose.

However, all our hands know that I cannot help it, and so does Lady Flight."

The girl looked exceedingly well, though little Alice, the maid, would not have gone out to tea in such an ancient black dress, with no relief save a rim of white at neck and hands, and a tiny silver Maltese cross at the throat. Maura had a comparatively new gray dress, picked out with black. She was a pretty creature, the Irish beauty predominating over the Greek, in her great long-lashed brown eyes, which looked radiant with shy happiness. Miss Adeline was perfectly taken by surprise at the entrance of two such uncommon forms and faces, and the quiet dignity of the elder made her for a moment suppose that her sister must have invited some additional guest of undoubted station.

Valetta, who had grown fond of Maura in their school life, and who dearly loved patronising, pounced upon her guest to show her all manner of treasures and curiosities, at which she looked in great delight; and Fergus was so well satisfied with her comprehension of the principles of the letter balance, that he would have taken her upstairs to be introduced to all his mechanical inventions, if the total darkness and cold of his den had not been prohibitory.

Kalliope looked to perfection, but was more silent than her sister, though, as Miss Mohun"s keen eye noted, it was not the shyness of a conscious inferior in an unaccustomed world, but rather that of a grave, reserved nature, not chattering for the sake of mere talk.

Gillian"s photograph-book was well looked over, with all the brothers and sisters at different stages, and the group of officers. Miss Mohun noted the talk that pa.s.sed over these, as they were identified one by one, sometimes with little reminiscences, childishly full on Gillian"s part, betraying on Kalliope"s side friendly acquaintance, but all in as entirely ladylike terms as would have befitted Phyllis or Alethea. She could well believe in the words with which Miss White rather hastened the turning of the page, "Those were happy days--I dare not dwell on them too much!"

"Oh, I like to do so!" cried Gillian. "I don"t want the little ones ever to forget them."

"Yes--you! But with you it would not be repining."

This was for Gillian"s ear alone, as at that moment both the aunts were, at the children"s solicitation, engaged on the exhibition of a wonderful musical-box--Aunt Adeline"s share of her mother"s wedding presents--containing a bird that hovered and sung, the mechanical contrivance of which was the chief merit in Fergus"s eyes, and which had fascinated generations of young people for the last sixty years. Aunt Jane, however, could hear through anything--even through the winding-up of what the family called "Aunt Ada"s Jackdaw," and she drew her conclusions, with increasing respect and pity for the young girl over whose life such a change had come.

But it was not this, but what she called common humanity, which prompted her, on hearing a heavy gust of rain against the windows, to go into the lower regions in quest of a messenger boy to order a brougham to take the guests home at the end of the evening.

The meal went off pleasantly on the whole, though there loomed a storm as to the ritual of St. Kenelm"s; but this chiefly was owing to the younger division of the company, when Valetta broke into an unnecessary inquiry why they did not have as many lights on the altar at St. Andrew"s as at St. Kenelm"s, and Fergus put her down with unceremoniously declaring that Stebbing said Flight was a donkey.

Gillian came down with what she meant for a crushing rebuke, and the indignant colour rose in the cheeks of the guests; but Fergus persisted, "But he makes a guy of himself and a mountebank."

Aunt Jane thought it time to interfere. "Fergus," she said, "you had better not repeat improper sayings, especially about a clergyman."

Fergus wriggled.

"And," added Aunt Ada, with equal severity, "you know Mr. Flight is a very kind friend to little Maura and her sister."

"Indeed he is," said Kalliope earnestly; and Maura, feeling herself addressed, added, "n.o.body but he ever called on poor mamma, till Miss Mohun did; no, not Lady Flight."

"We are very grateful for his kindness," put in Kalliope, in a repressive tone.

"But," said Gillian, "I thought you said he had seemed to care less of late."

"I do not know," said Miss White, blushing; "music seems to be his chief interest, and there has not been anything fresh to get up since the concert."

"I suppose there will be for the winter," said Miss Mohun, and therewith the conversation was safely conducted away to musical subjects, in which some of the sisters" pride and affection for their brothers peeped out; but Gillian was conscious all the time that Kalliope was speaking with some constraint when she mentioned Alexis, and that she was glad rather to dwell on little Theodore, who had good hopes of the drawing prize, and she seriously consulted Miss Mohun on the pupil-teachership for him, as after he had pa.s.sed the seventh standard he could not otherwise go on with his education, though she did not think he had much time for teaching.

"Would not Mr. White help him further?" asked Miss Mohun.

"I do not know. I had much rather not ask," said Kalliope. "We are too many to throw ourselves on a person who is no near relation, and he has not seemed greatly disposed to help."

"Your elder brother?"

"Oh, poor Richard, he is not earning anything yet. I can"t ask him. If I only knew of some school I could be sure was safe and good and not too costly, Alexis and I would try to manage for Theodore after the examination in the spring."

The Woodward schools were a new light to her, and she was eagerly interested in Miss Mohun"s explanations and in the scale of terms.

Meantime Miss Adeline got on excellently with the younger ones, and when the others were free, proposed for their benefit a spelling game. All sat round the table, made words, and abstracted one another"s with increasing animation, scarcely heeding the roaring of the wind outside, till there was a ring at the bell.

"My brother has come for us," said Kalliope.

"Oh, but it is not fit for you to walk home," said Miss Mohun. "The brougham is coming by and by; ask Mr. White to come in," she added, as the maid appeared with the message that he was come for his sisters.

There was a confusion of acknowledgments and disclaimers, and word was brought back that Mr. White was too wet to come in. Miss Mohun, who was not playing, but prompting Fergus, jumped up and went out to investigate, when she found a form in an ancient military cloak, trying to keep himself from dripping where wet could do mischief. She had to explain her regret at his having had such a walk in vain; but she had taken alarm on finding that rain was setting in for the night, and had sent word by the m.u.f.fin-boy that the brougham would be wanted, contriving to convey that it was not to be paid for.

Nothing remained to be said except thanks, and Alexis emerged from the cloak, which looked as if it had gone through all his father"s campaigns, took off his gaiters, did his best for his boots, and, though not in evening costume, looked very gentleman-like and remarkably handsome in the drawing-room, with no token of awkward embarra.s.sment save a becoming blush.

Gillian began to tremble inwardly again, but the game had just ended in her favour, owing to Fergus having lost all his advantages in Aunt Jane"s absence, besides signalising himself by capturing Maura"s "bury,"

under the impression that an additional R would combine that and straw into a fruit.

So the coast being cleared, Miss Adeline greatly relieved her niece"s mind by begging, as a personal favour, to hear the song whose renown at the concert had reached her; and thus the time was safely spent in singing till the carriage was announced, and good-nights exchanged.

Maura"s eyes grew round with delight, and she jumped for joy at the preferment.

"Oh!" she said, as she fervently kissed Valetta, "it is the most delightful evening I ever spent in the whole course of my life, except at Lady Merrifield"s Christmas-tree! And now to go home in a carriage! I never went in one since I can remember!"

And Kalliope"s "Thank you, we have enjoyed ourselves very much," was very fervent.

"Those young people are very superior to what I expected," said Aunt Adeline. "What fine creatures, all so handsome; and that little Maura is a perfect darling."

"The Muse herself is very superior," said Miss Mohun. "One of those home heroines who do the work of Atlas without knowing it. I do not wonder that the marble girls speak of her so enthusiastically."

How Gillian might have enjoyed all this, and yet she could not, except so far that she told herself that thus there could be no reasonable objection made by her aunts to intercourse with those whom they so much admired.

Yet perhaps even then she would have told all, but that, after having bound over Kalliope to secrecy, it would be awkward to confess that she had told all. It would be like owning herself in the wrong, and for that she was not prepared. Besides, where would be the secrecy of her "great thing"?


Without exactly practising to deceive, Gillian began to find that concealment involved her in a tangled web; all the more since Aunt Jane had become thoroughly interested in the Whites, and was inquiring right and left about schools and scholarships for the little boys.

She asked their master about them, and heard that they were among his best scholars, and that their home lessons had always been carefully attended to by their elder brother and sister. In fact, he was most anxious to retain Theodore, to be trained for a pupil-teacher, the best testimony to his value! Aunt Jane came home full of the subject, relating what the master said of Alexis White, and that he had begun by working with him at Latin and mathematics; but that they had not had time to go on with what needed so much study and preparation.

"In fact, said Miss Mohun, "I have a suspicion that if a certificated schoolmaster could own any such thing, the pupil knew more than the teacher. When your father comes home, I hope he will find some way of helping that lad."

Gillian began to crimson, but bethought herself of the grandeur of its being found that she was the youth"s helper. "I am glad you have been lending him books," added Aunt Jane.

What business had she to know what had not been told her? The sense of offence drove back any disposition to consult her. Yet to teach Alexis was no slight task, for, though he had not gone far in Greek, his inquiries were searching, and explaining to him was a different thing from satisfying even Mr. Pollock. Besides, Gillian had her own studies on hand. The Cambridge examinations were beginning to a.s.sume larger proportions in the Rockquay mind, and "the General Screw Company," as Mr. Grant observed, was prevailing.