Being Swayed by the Deluded Shacho

Chapter 4

  Have you all been waiting long? Probably not. LOL. I"ve been lazy, then fatigued with a cold, then lazy and fatigued. Hope you"ve all been well. It"s R18, so don"t blame me if your eyes melt out of their sockets, >.

7 and Sunday

I cried that night. I thought hewould call me, so I cried while holding my phone all night.

It was the first time I had criedover someone I liked. I don’t remember being this sad when I broke up with mylast boyfriend, or when I found out he was cheating. But when I thought aboutKana-san and Shacho - my tears justover flowed.

Before I knew it, morning came, andI realised it was We were usually closed over the weekends, so I hadtwo days to organise my feelings.

I turned off my phone.

When I opened the curtains, the sunwas bright and the sky was blue, ‘What nice weather,’ I said to myself. My headhurt from the lack of sleep and the crying, but I felt a little positivebecause the weather was nice.

I washed and cleaned my apartment.I thought I should go and see a tear-jerker movie. And then, look for a newjob.

My heart hurt when I thought aboutnot being able to see him, but if I stayed, I would not be able to moveforward.

I dressed and left my apartment. Onthe rocking train, I closed my eyes. Shacho’ssmiling face appeared, and the tears flowed without check.

Because it was the trainwas empty, so I left the tears to dry on their own. The lady at the cinemacounter looked pitifully at my teary face, but she didn’t say anything as shegave me my ticket.  (Zuben: Give me onefor the most tearful movie available!)

I do not remember much about themovie I watched. However, the actor in the movie resembled Shacho somehow and the tears came again.

‘It could not be true,’ (Zuben:Don’t ask me what this line is about, cos I do not know, desu)

I saw three more movies. I wasrather suspicious of the ticket lady. My eyes became pretty swollen because Icried through all three movies.

It was embarra.s.sing to get on thetrain like this, I thought. So I went to the bathroom to cool down my eyes witha cold wet towel. Then I decided to kill time at a manga café; reading comics.

I cried at the café, so much so Icould not leave. But the time I could, it was nearly time for the last train.

‘It’s good tomorrow is a day off.’I said to myself as I climbed up the stairs to my apartment. I yawned,

‘You’re slow…’

There was a shadow at the top ofthe stairs. Was I hallucinating? I thought as I blinked owlishly at the form.

Why? What was he doing here?

‘What were you doing out until solate?’


‘No matter how old you are, you’restill a girl. Shouldn’t there be a limit?


‘And why isn’t your phone charged?’

Because I switched it off.

‘But…how come you are at my house?’ I asked.

‘I looked on your resume, and usedthe sat-nav.’

Why are you at my house, not howcome! My head hurt looking at him.

He looked like his usual self. Iwonder if it worked out with Kana-san. So was he here to give me a report?

If that was the case, I was goingto be very annoyed. Did he have no delicacy? Well, this was Shacho we’re talkingabout here, so no.

His expression seemed to be back tonormal for the first this week, my suspicions could not be wrong.

‘So, did it go well?’ I asked.

‘Yes, thanks to you Maki.’

Tears welled up, ‘Ah, that is good,isn’t it?’

It was normal for Shacho to beun.o.bservant, unable to read the mood. Was it normal for an ex to come andreport the end of a relationship – albeit it was only a week, and the start ofa new one?

Was I allowed to be hurt, to cry,even a little bit? (Zuben: Melodrama-much?) I was getting irritated andfrustrated. I remembered all the things Shacho and I talked about in the past,but this Shacho; he really didn’t realise he was hurting me.

I could not help it because I cameto like such s person.

‘Please get along well in thefuture,’ I said through sobs.

‘Yeah, being able to meet her aftera long time really made things clear- Ma-Maki! Why are you crying?’ heexclaimed as rushed to her.

The tears flowed. I had alreadycried so much, but more tears still rushed out. The human body is so strange.

‘I’m happy for you. Shacho andKana-san could reconcile. I am very happy.’

I wanted to be home in my bed.

‘Thank you, Maki…’

‘Well then, I will go in. See youon Monday.’

 I wiped my tears and brushed past Shacho andopened my door. But as I moved to close it, Shacho slipped in.

‘What are you doing?’ I exclaimed.

‘Can’t I come into your apartment?’he asked innocently.


This guy is really stupid!

Why are you coming into yourex-girlfriend’s apartment?

‘Shacho, it’s kinda late…’

‘Don’t you want me in yourapartment?’

Ah…this is…

‘I bathe properly and change mysocks everyday…’

What do I care about that?

‘I’ve missed you. I wanted to touchyou…’

What was he talking about? I knewhe was stupid, I did not think he was a total buffoon!

Before I knew it, my hand moved andI slapped Shacho.

He blinked at me aghast.

‘How insensitive are you?! You loveKana-san and want to be with her, but want to make me your s.e.x friend? Such athing – I never thought you were this kind of a person!’

‘Maki, what?’

‘Because I still like you, Shacho?Because s.e.x was pleasant, you think I will agree to your proposal?’

‘What a moment-‘

‘How could I move on with my lifeif I do that? How can I get over you?’

‘Maki!’ he barked loudly.

I was crying and slumped down inthe entryway of my apartment.

Shacho closed the door behind himand hugged me.

‘Maki, I was wrong.’

Didn’t this guy know such akindness was cruel to me?

‘The way I said things was wrong.’He stepped away once I stopped crying.

‘What I you talking about?’ Iasked.

‘Well, when I said things workedout with Kana, I didn’t mean we were now a couple.’

It was my turn to blink.

‘Do you now understand?’

Tears welled up again. The bighands that wiped my tears were warms.

‘Ah, I am at fault for making youcry like this.’

I shook my head. It was my faultfor running into conclusions. (Zuben: Indeed)

And Shacho came back, and he put myheart back together (Zuben: Silly moo). I could hope for nothing more.


He held my face in his hands andlooked into my eyes, ‘Can’t you call me by my name already?’

‘Masaya-san…’ but before I couldsay more, he was kissing me. Even though my head was still a mess, and nothingwas settled yet, once he kissed me and his tongue entwined with mine, I couldthink of nothing.

‘Maki…Maki,’ he whispered againstmy lips. My chest tightened at sound of my name. I was still crying but it wasbecause I was happy.

Masaya licked my tears andcaressed me through my clothes; from my back to my stomach up to my b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

‘Do you want to continue?’ heasked. I wondered what kind of expression I had that made him worried andhesitant.

‘I want to.’ I kissed him andMasaya became fierce. His hand climbed up under my sweater and stroked myb.r.e.a.s.t.s and pinched my nipples. I cried out.

The tension, the tightness, thecrushing pain and the sweet numbness spreading from it. My womb ached withneed.

‘I wouldn’t be able to hold back,Maki,’ he said his voice thick with desire.

I wanted to answer but I couldn’t,I could only pant and moan as he teased my nipples and the pleasure expandedfilling my body.

I wanted him inside me, as soon aspossible. I wanted him to rub my insides with his hot thing. I knew what deeppleasure he gave me, teasing my nipples was not enough.

‘Quickly, put it in…n~’

‘We’re in the door way.’

‘It doesn’t matter, touch me here~put it in~’ I said indicating the place between my legs that was aching.

As though my words ignited him, hepractically ripped off my jeans. Taking off my underwear, he laid me down onthe floor. He rubbed the blunt head of his p.e.n.i.s against my sensitive c.l.i.t andalong the wet entrance; he gradually got wet and sunk into me. My wet cavernwas stimulated and suddenly swallowed him.

I moaned loudly.

His drew his deeply buried out inand out, going deeper with each thrust. (Zuben: How deep can you go? It’s not ablack hole, ya know) It seems that he was aiming for that place inside me thathe caught during our affair a week ago. The head of his p.e.n.i.s was. .h.i.tting it.

‘Oh~, not good, ah~ ah~ aan~’

‘You’re tightening around me, howcan you say it’s not good?’ he teased.

‘Well, ah~…n….annn~ annn~!’

Was it because it was the firsttime in a week? I thought, or because our hearts connected properly? It felt sogood; I thought I was going to lose consciousness.

‘You’re about to come, aren’t you?I can feel you squeezing me so deliciously.’ He said in my ear

‘Ah~ n~ ah~ ah~’ I could not replycoherently.

‘I’m sure everyone outside can hearyou moaning while I f.u.c.k you in your door way,’

Masaya’s naughty words pushed meover the edge. The evidence of my crowning, my love juice was overflowing fromwithin.

I could not describe the feelingwith words…

Despite being embarra.s.sed, I stillwanted more. Feeling my v.a.g.i.n.a tighten around him again, Masaya laughed,

‘Let’s go to the bed, we’ll get thefloor dirty.’

‘Oh gosh, yes. Sorry.’ I said andwe rose off the floor. Masaya kissed lightly me on my forehead and replied,

‘It’s alright, I am happy youwanted me that much.’

I guided him to my bed and wecontinued in earnest. He pushed me into the bed and his hot rod was insertedwithout ado.

My whole body trembled withpleasure. My head and body was full of Masaya.

He grasped my thighs and held themwide open, he was able to penetrate even further (Zuben: How much further?).The movement of his glans against my v.a.g.i.n.a walls caused a strong pleasure todevelop.

 ‘Ah~ it feels so good…’ I cried.

‘For me as well…’ he replied as histhrusts became faster. He suddenly pulled out,

‘Are you alright?’ I asked betweenpants. He was groaning in ecstasy while holding his c.o.c.k in his hand. The whitestuff shot out and he sighed and wiped himself with a tissue. (Zuben: Meh)

But he wasn’t soft despite justcoming himself, he was still rock hard as he grabbed by my waist and plungedinto me again. As he thrust into me, I could feel him touching the outer partsof my p.u.s.s.y. His finger traced where we were connected and moved upwards to thelittle projection that stood erect. With one hand he peeled back the hood andthe other touch it in a circular motion.

I did not know I could moan so loudor feel so good. My body bowed back from the intensity of the sensations,

‘You’re squeezing me tightly, doyou feel good?’

‘Ah~ yes. Stop ahn~ ah..aaahn~’ Ilost all coherence, I was getting pleasured from two different places at thesame time, my head could not keep up.

I was at the mercy of his fingerssqueezing my c.l.i.toris. I came violently; shaking and trembling as he stroked meto completion. Despite my flashy culmination, Masaya was still toying with meprolonging the afterglow. More love juice seeped out of me.

‘The second one is supposed to beamazing,’ he said to me as he moved his waist ever so slightly. I could hearthe slimy sound.

‘But…I already came so much…’

‘Are you saying that it is myfault?’ he asked as he began stroking my wet p.u.s.s.y, he had a devious smile onhis face, ‘Who was the one who asked me to rub her on the inside?’

‘It was me! It’s my fault!’

I was so embarra.s.sed; I pulled mypillow over my face. I heard Masaya’s happy laughter.

‘That’s not true, it’s because ofme, because I like to bully Maki like this.’ He said deviously as he began tostroke me with his hot manhood harder.

My reply was a moan, as hepenetrated deeply going for that spot that make me lose my mind.

‘Oh~ Oh~ yes…’

He quickened and even though I justcame, I could feel the sensation rising within me again.

I screamed my o.r.g.a.s.m.

‘Oh Maki…’ Masaya groaned and hepulled out of me and shot his turbid fluid over my tummy. It was hot.

We were both sweaty and sticky andI suddenly remembered I had not taken a shower. (Zuben: I think your mind wason more pressing matters)

‘I should go and take a shower,you?’ I asked as I rose from my bed, but Masaya grabbed my arm and pulled meback to him.

‘Later,’ he said.

I thought I heard wrong and Iblinked, but his eyes were heated.

‘Why don’t we continued after weshower?’

‘I’m fine, I will do you properlyeven after taking a bath.’

I don’t know what he means byproperly…

He turned me unto my front andraised my hips, and thrust in again.

Oh goodness, it felt so good.

Even though I thought it wasimpossible to go one more time, my body reacted. I was greedy for the pleasurehis c.o.c.k gave me hitting me so deep inside.

My mouth was saying no, but myhoney pot was trembling in pleasure.

‘Oh Masaya, ahn~’ I moaned. Hepicked up speed at the sound of his name,

‘Maki…Maki…Maki’ he called.

We came together, he pulled out andI felt his come over my back.

I collapsed into bed. I couldn’tmove a muscle. I needed to gather my wits and strength.

‘Are you okay?’ he asked.

‘I’m okay…’

Masaya-san had good physicalfitness. He is younger than me, isn’t he? I thought.

‘Maki…’ he called, I turned to him.He kissed me.

‘I love you,’ he said. My hearttwisted.

‘Let’s go again after we shower.’

This guy, you’re telling mesomething scary.

I saw the clock, it was midnight.If we kept this up, I would sleep till noon.

I held Masaya’s hand tightlyinstead of replying. He stroked my head like I was a cat.

8 Uniforms and Molestation

‘Absolutely not!’

‘Eh why not, Maki? It wouldabsolutely suit you.’

‘Whether it would suit me or not isnot the issue here. ‘

‘Then what is the problem?’

A sailor style uniform and a maiduniform had been laid out on one of the work desks.

I was beginning to feel likeMasaya-shacho just did what he likedduring work hours, and since it was only the two of us in the office most ofthe time; there was no one to censure him

It was now a month since we starteddating; there had been many peaceful days without his out of control delusions.Until now…

‘When I was in high school,Kana-san was a member of society, so I sometimes longed for a high-schoolgirlfriend in her uniform and so on,’

‘Well, then go out with a highschool girl.’

‘I don’t want to go out with a highschool girl. Don’t you see? I want to see what Maki looked like in her schooluniform,’ he replied pa.s.sionately.

If only he would apply that pa.s.sionto work. (Zuben: Who has the time to apply that kind of pa.s.sion to work? Play!Play! Play!)

‘Did it really hurt?’

Ah, we were treading on dangerousterritory here.

‘Did it not feel good? Is that whyyou wouldn’t wear it?’

Ah- It has been a long time since Icame out of school

‘I just wanna have uniform ecchiwith Maki!’ he said finally

That’s just cosplay. Is it notrelated to admiring people in uniform?

‘…Am I bad?’ he asked with dolefuleyes. My heart softened to mush, of course, I knew he was manipulating me. Thatlook ought to be criminalised. (Zuben: Sucker.)

The kind of person I was could notrefuse any request with that expression accompanying it. I knew myself verywell,

‘Just this once, okay?’

Masaya’s eyes twinkled at my words.

It was only a uniform, nothing bad.

But I really wish he’d use evenhalf this pa.s.sion for work.

I turned to the table and looked atthe uniform. The colour and style looked like the one I wore when I was in highschool.

‘Do you like it?’

‘I do not! My high school uniformlooked like this.’

‘Wow! Is that so? Well then…’

‘Eh? Right now?’

‘Wouldn’t you get used to it easiersince you wore something like it for a long time.’


Looking at the uniform I felt alittle nostalgic. But then I remembered my high school boyfriend and my facefell.

‘Did you just think about a man?’


‘I knew it.’ Masaya said whileshaking his head.

Wait a minute. What was he beingarrogant about?

‘I am okay. I am selfish.’ (Zuben:Say what now?)

I looked at him coldly, but I donot understand what he is on about.

‘Well, I will put this on for now.’I said, then I went to the resting room.

I took off my work clothes and puton the uniform.

After wearing jeans for so long itfelt nice to be wearing a skirt. But this skirt was really short. Was itbecause it was for cosplay? I could see my panties when I bent over.

Just then Masaya came in, ‘You lookvery cute.’ He said.

‘Is that so?’ I replied. I felt alittle shy but it was really nice being told I looked cute. I performed a slowtwirl so he could see what it looked like on me.

Masaya hugged me from behind, ‘Butthis body has been touched by another man.’


He was breathing on my neck as hishands crawled up the hem of my uniform.

‘Did it hurt…your first time?’

I knew that was what he was askingbut his fingers were caressing me around my stomach, and I was losing my head abit.

‘Ah…Well, it was as expected…’

He had been my high school senior.Although he claimed he hadn’t been a virgin himself, it did not seem like it.My first time with him had been painful.

‘I knew it could not be helped, butI couldn’t help but think I wanted to return that pain to him as well.’ (Zuben:I would be nice if we could)

I gripped Masaya arm as he lickedmy neck, ‘I am surprised at how jealous I am.’ He said. He pulled back andunhooked my bra.

His hands covered my b.r.e.a.s.t.s and mynipples began to harden,

‘Ah~’ I cried out.

His fingered fiddled with mynipples, and they got even more pointed.

‘It really does feel like I amdoing a bad thing,’ he whispered hotly in my ear.

He pinched my nipples and my bodyreacted. The pleasant sensations suffused my body.

I felt strange myself. It was likeI had gone into a time slip and went back seven years in time. There was astrange tension.

‘When Maki was 16, I was 26. Itwould be criminal.’ He said, but his hands kept at my erect nipples. Thissweetness was something that could not have tasted when I was sixteen.

‘Have you been this s.l.u.tty fromthen?’

‘No…ah – I was n - ah~’

‘Are you saying you were like thisfrom when you were sixteen?’ he asked as he crushed my nipples between hisfingers. There was pain for a moment, but it soon turned to pleasure.

‘Ah~ Ahn~, it wasn’t long ago.’

‘Is that so? I definitely wouldhave trained you if I had been your first.’ (Zuben: why are  you so obsessed with her first time,Masaya-san. You have her now)

Masaya-san, you’re the special one,I thought.

‘I would have trained your nippleslike this…’ he rolled the nipples between his thumb and forefinger, the forcewas still crushing but pleasure acc.u.mulated at the tips and there was an achingneed in my lower abdomen.

How would it have been ifMasaya-san had been my first lover? It would have been scary at first, but thenthe pleasure would have overridden that fear, like now.

‘I would have teased you c.l.i.tty andyour p.u.s.s.y…’

‘Ah, Masa-Masaya ahn~’

‘What’s wrong? Are you unsatisfiedbecause I am only touching your nipples?’ he asked with his evil smile. Eventhough he nodded, he kept at my nipples. It was getting unsatisfactory.

I wanted his fingers in me as well.

‘Unn~ Please…’

My womb was pulsating in tune withthe throbbing of my nipples. My hands grasped blindly behind me at Masaya’sclothes; such frustrating pleasure.

‘Is it not comfortable?’

‘Ah~  it feels good.’

‘Then I can keep doing this.’

‘No-yes, please touch me…pleasetouch me down there.’

I was becoming impatient, butMasaya’s devil mode got switch on whenever that happened. Even if I cried, hewould not touch me unless he was good and ready.

‘Ya~a ~ a~a nn, yada ~a~’

When would he touch me?

Was Masaya-san as aroused as I was?

I was on the verge of losing myreason. I rubbed my open palms along Masaya’s thigh. I began to feel him reactnicely.

‘Maki is a nympho high schoolstudent.’

Even though I should have feltshame at those words, I didn’t. My fingers did not stop stroking his thighs. Imoved upwards to the middle where there was a hot bulge.

I could not wait any longer. Therewas a deep ache in my v.a.g.i.n.a, my c.l.i.toris throbbed. I desperately wanted himinside me.

‘It can’t be helped. Bend over thetable and hold the table.’

I did as he commanded. My skirtfluttered with my movement.

‘Spread your legs wide.’

I could feel the air touch mysensitive skin. My underwear was cool and wet.

‘I feel like an old man molestingyou.’

My skirt was flipped over, and hepushed my panties to the side. My secret place was exposed to Masaya-san’s eyes(Zuben: Why are we calling it secret place, when you were okay with calling itp.u.s.s.y and v.a.g.i.n.a?)

He traced a finger along my slit,it was slick with love juices, I moaned.

‘You seem to enjoy being molested.You’re so wet.’ He growled in my ear.

Then a rough object traced the same pathand scooped up my emissions.

‘Ah don’t~ it’s dirty~ ahnn~’  (My dear, unless he is at the‘chrysanthemum’, it’s a bit late for it’s dirty or did you not shower?)

As he licked the crevice, I couldfeel my knees weaken.

Masaya’s tongue eventually pushedthrough and invaded my wet cavern. The softness and the sense of oppressionwere different from his finger yet equally pleasurable.

I moaned loudly.

He stuck his finger inside me, andhis finger stirred my insides. While he was finger-f.u.c.king me, he was alsolicking my c.l.i.toris.

‘`Ya a~an, mo stick…it….in~n~nnn.’I begged him. I could not stand it any longer. His finger and his tongue weremaking me feel good but they could not compare to the sensation I wanted. Myarms trembled.

‘It seems Maki likes beingmolested.’

‘Ahn, it’s different, it’sdifferent.’ I cried. He suddenly thrust his hot c.o.c.k into me and I lost it. Thewalls of my wet hole tightened around him.

‘You’re moaning very loudly,’ hesaid as he began to thrust violently inside me. It felt so good; too good. Eachtime the glans reached the deepest part, I tightened around him.

‘Oh~ oh~ ah~ ahn~’

‘Are you about to come?’ he askedin a teasing tone. Did he sense the changes inside me? The way I was rocking myhips?

Ah, I’m coming.

‘Ah~ Unn~…’ I could feel my senserise to the crescendo; I was nearly there…Oh no! He suddenly came out of me,

‘Why did you pull out?’ I cried.Love juice ran down my thighs.

My body smouldered, unable too.r.g.a.s.m, tears came unbidden. (Zuben: Girrl, why you dey cry?)

‘Hmmm? We are near a station now.The train is about to stop, do you think I can move it?’

‘Ah…quickly please.’

‘There is no rush. Can’t a molesterenjoy the thrill as well?’

It’s not fun when you are giving meextreme pleasure and then pull out just before I come. He’s too terrible!

‘The train is moving again…’

‘Oh~ Ooooh~’ I cried as he insertedhis thick manhood inside me again.

Because he was standing behind me,it really felt like it was a stranger touching me. His moans were low, but hesounded like a different person.

I got a bit nervous and called tohim. ‘Oh Masaya…say ahn~ something~’

There was no reply, instead hef.u.c.ked me harder. I was tightening harder around him and was close toculmination when he stopped again.

‘Ah no, no I was just about to…’

‘Would you like to make yourselfcome?’ he asked.

I shook my head, saying no.

It would be hard to make myselfo.r.g.a.s.m like he would. I knew my fingers would not satisfy me. Only the warpedone could reach the deepest part of me.

‘No, because I want Masaya’s…’

‘Am I not enough for you, Maki?’

‘You’re enou—ah~’ he startedf.u.c.king me again. The pleasure was even more than before. My wet hole was moresensitive to the feel of his c.o.c.k inside me. My juices were like an aphrodisiac.

I was incoherent. As if to diffusemy mutterings, he pulled out again. My v.a.g.i.n.a shed tears of love juice.

I was already at my limit.

I went at myself with my fingersbut Masaya grabbed my arm as I was about to reach my v.a.g.i.n.a.

‘I would love to watch you makeyourself come.’


‘Is it okay to show you how I touchmyself?’

He drew me to the bed and we faceeach other; was he sure about this?’

Masaya began to stroke himself withhis own hands. (Zuben: Which other hands would he use?)

I was transfixed at the sight. Asmall drop of transparent fluid emerged from the tip. He looked as me as hishand moved up and down his shaft.

‘Maki, do you want to?’ heasked huskily.

His words seemed to inspiresomething in me, for I reached down and pulled the skirt up and dip my fingersin.

It was moist and warm inside.

I penetrated deeply with my middleand ring fingers, looking for the place that make me feel good the most, andrubbed and rubbed.

‘Does Maki do it like that when you’realone?’

‘Ahn~ not all the time’

‘But it looks like you’reaccustomed to it.’ He said with a narrow eyed laugh.

I could not stop looking at hishands, stroking his c.o.c.k.

I cried out. I was coming. Thisfeeling that I had been impatient for was finally here. In this situation it felt much more pleasant than if I had been masturbating myself.

Masaya’s breathing became rough andhe began to moan. Watching his tense face as he came made more excited.



I came again. d.a.m.n, it was notstrong enough. I wanted to continue on, gently rubbing my v.a.g.i.n.a meat intosmall convulsions.

I watched Masaya release his l.u.s.tas well.

I smiled at him.

‘What’s the matter?" He asked, "Fingers are notenough?’

‘What are you talking about?!’ I bit back and looked away.

‘Am I wrong?’

Not really. I did not reply. Masayastroked my cheeks and turned my face to his. He kissed me, our tongues quickly entwined.

I closed my eyes enjoying thekisses as he pushed me onto my back on the bed and penetrated me.

‘Oh! So sudden…!’

‘It sounds more like you’re pleasedthan upset.’ He replied.

This feeling was so much differentfrom a finger. (Zuben: yeah yeah, you don’t have to repeat it over and over again)It was so nice.

‘It is evident you’re getting moreand more accustomed to me.’ He said with a self satisfied grin.

Perhaps, I really would only beable to enjoy s.e.x with this person. Even my fingers did not satisfy me anymore

‘Oh, oh~ it feels so good…’

It felt like he was going deeperwith every thrust. My abundant love juices mixed with Masaya’s fluids.

‘Oh, I forgot to tell you.’ (Zuben:How does he get to be coherent?)

I really wasn’t in a state to careabout what Masaya was saying. I was reaching my limit, and Masaya intensifiedhis thrusts accordingly.

I with a loud cry.

‘Kana-san is staying with me.’(Zuben: What a time to say something like that. Is this a good time or a badtime, you think?)

Wait, what now?! Was I going crazy?I felt like I just heard something ridiculous.

Masaya was smiling at me, while Iremained silent.

Perhaps I heard wrong. That was it;he was going to see an otolaryngologist on his way home. (Zuben: LOL, I a.s.sumethere is some j.a.panese word pun at play here)

I had to escape reality somehow.But a sense of foreboding settled over me.

Zuben: Apologies for any typos I have missed.

❋ Might go all the way to the end...