Beseech The Devil

Chapter 108 – Grandpa’s Secret

Chapter 108 – Grandpa’s Secret

The heavens and earth froze in place, even the midair gales halted as the area fell into silence.

Bi Tu’s body shook as he remained kneeling there towards the northern skies.

“It is I, your servant Bi Tu who beseeches for your presence, I have prepared sufficient vitality and these two people as sacrifices for your arrival.”

Practically at the same time Bi Tu spoke, a vague qi coalesced into a faint outline in front of him.

It was a person without any discernible facial features as he appeared instantly, indistinct and translucent.

Grandpa’s body shook as his breathing became haggard.

Su Ming who was inside the t.i.tan’s body felt the same thing as his body seemed frozen in place, he could clearly feel a power far greater than Bi Tu coming from the translucent man.

He still had his last Blood scattering pill, this Blood Scattering Pill was a double sided blade, if the pill were to come into contact with his own wounds, it would be the same as committing suicide, as such each time he uses it he has to do so with utmost care.

This was his ace in the hole, yet he did not know if it worked on an awakened realm cultivator, but he still wanted to try, only it was just too hard to approach one, the last time he had the chance to his heavily injured grandpa was also beside. Currently his opponent no longer had any wounds left and if he was countered grandpa and himself would be the one suffering from it instead.

The translucent figure standing in front of the kneeling Bi Tu raised his right hand and tapped Bi Tu’s forehead and Bi Tu’s body immediately trembled as his expression was filled with pain, yet even so he still silently knelt there. A hole appeared in his forehead as a large amount of fresh blood poured out the hole and then absorbed by the translucent figure.

Quickly the translucent figure no longer appeared as translucent, rather he started to turn slightly red, and within you could see strands of blood circulating, slowly circulating within half a finger on his right arm.

Bi Tu’s body visibly withered as if in a few more moments he would have transformed into a bag of bones.

“Not enough……” Only a part of that finger turned b.l.o.o.d.y red, the rest of his figure remained translucent as the voice of this figure transferred itself into these three people’s minds

Bi Tu had already known that the amount of blood he had was insufficient, as such he quickly clawed towards the earth, causing the grounds to tremble as the Wu Mountains seemed to instantly dimmed the snow on it instantly turned black as the trees in the jungle quickly withered into ash, a white qi was being released from the whole jungle and flew towards Bi Tu.

In the jungle at the base of the mountain, a darkness spread as all the creatures caught within instantly died and transformed into a white qi that filled the air.

A certain small monkey on the tree quickly scampered away as it tried to avoid the darkness.

This white wi continued to rise and enter Bi Tu’s body, his withered figure suddenly revitalising itself as at the same time even more blood flowed out from the hole in the forehead and entered the translucent figure.

This terrifying sight was witnessed by Su Ming and Grandpa yet they had no way of stopping it or even moving at all.

“Still not enough……” spoke the translucent figure as a single finger turned completely red

“This is all that I have…… I beseech the Mán-G.o.d of the North to descend……” Bi Tu’s body trembled as he was no longer able to move, the wounds that were recently recovered started to appear once more and tear themselves open.

“This time’s offering is insufficient…… only a single finger can appear.” The figure slowly spoke as he pointed his blood red finger towards the skies.

Instantly the clouds in the skies stirred as large amounts of black clouds rolled forth filling half the horizon, a frightening amount of thunder rumbled as some black thunder bolts could be occasionally seen from within.

These black thunderbolts emanated a evil and vile aura of death as it approached.

As it approached, Su Ming who could originally not move his body suddenly noticed that black shard hidden near his chest started releasing warm strands into his body causing cracking sounds appeared within as he regained his ability to move.

He did not have time to think much, as at the same time the thunderclouds arrived, he quickly rushed forwards as he tried to make use of the time Bi Tu is unable to move and had a large number of open wounds on his body. Hurriedly pulling out his Blood Scattering Pill, he closed the distance between Bi Tu and himself, his left hand shooting out the t.i.tan’s body towards Bi Tu.

After this Blood Scattering Pill was thrown out, the black thunderbolt arrived, without any opportunity left to dodge, he clenched his right fist and threw a punch towards the thunderbolt!

This scene looked like an enraged t.i.tan fighting in frustration against the thunderbolts thrown by the heavens itself.

The translucent figure with a single red figure seemed to softly cry out as he looked at Su Ming, however his body could not remain much longer and slowly faded away.

As he faded away, Grandpa regained his freedom of movement as anxiety filled his eyes, he could see the t.i.tan Su Ming was in and the black thunderbolt about to collide midair.

At the same time, the Blood Scattering Pill quickly neared Bi Tu.

Bi Tu was unsure of what that thing was as he coldly waved his hands with a smile, a gust of wind instantly appearing to blow it away. However the moment it came into contact with the pill, the blood qi hidden within activated itself and smashed the pill into a red powder and blew itself towards Bi Tu. Although it was partially scattered, a large amount still found itself onto his body, and the moment it came into contact with his blood, the blood seemed to start to boil.

“Petty tricks!” Bi Tu’s expression transformed as his blood qi circulated, with an unknown technique he manage to extinguish the blazing blood, but even so his face visibly paled.

The moment the evil and vile thunderbolt appeared, the skies seemed to be filled with the light of death as it approached Su Ming and collided with his fist.

There was no loud explosion as the two silently collided, in Bi Tu and Grandpa’s eyes, they saw the t.i.tan’s arm which collided with the fist instantly disintegrate into a red mist. At the same time, the t.i.tan’s body trembled as it started to break apart starting from its shoulder, and in just a moment eighty percent of the t.i.tan had turned back into the red mist.

The thunderbolt directly pierced through this t.i.tan.

“Su Ming!!” Grandpa’s eyes were both bloodshot, initially wanting to rush forwards only to see just a small portion of the t.i.tan remaining, the red mist surrounding it slowly condensing once more.  Grandpa could also the through the mist that Su Ming had managed to shift his position within the t.i.tan as it threw its punch.

But even so, Su Ming’s entire body was covered in fresh blood as he appeared to be nearing his end.

The thunderbolt which destroyed most of the t.i.tan actually stopped in midair after losing a lot of its l.u.s.ter, before slowly changing directions, not towards grandpa but rather back towards the t.i.tan which had just slowly started to reform.

Bi Tu who was in the distance was bleeding from all seven orifices, his breathing a mess. Calling the Heretical-Mán-G.o.d required the sacrifice of his vitality and even the controlling of this black thunderbolt required the continued exhaustion of  his lifespan, the expulsion of the substance burning his blood too required him to burn more energy.

The power of the attack was directly correlated to his cultivation, as he was the one directing the thunderbolt, the strength of the thunderbolt was his entire strength, only it was slightly transformed by the Heretic-Mán-G.o.d.

“Why are you not dead yet, just die already!” spoke Bi Tu as green veins bulged on his face, his skinny and veiny body appearing terrifying.

The black thunderbolt continued to dim as it turned towards Su Ming.

Grandpa Mo Sang turned around and looked at the Black Python formed by his Mán-Tattoo, it had accompanied him by his side for almost his entire life, as he gazed at it, it too gazed at Grandpa.

Grandpa did not hesitate anymore as he shut his eyes, the clothes on his upper body burst open, revealing his aged body. On his body was a large number of Mán-Tattoos in the shape of the Black Python, but at this moment the tattoos all started to fade away.

As the Black Python disappeared from his body, an extremely lifelike red tooth mark started to appear on Grandpa’s chest, covering his entire upper body, the tip of the tooth reaching Grandpa’s forehead.

The moment that tooth appeared, Bi Tu who was controlling the thunderbolt to attack Su Ming was suddenly greatly shocked as disbelief filled his face.

Tonight, just too many shocking things had happened, first the Blood Moon appeared, then the NightWings appeared followed by the appearance of an authentic Fire-Mán-Technique and now he could see Grandpa Mo Sang’s Mán-Tattoos transform into teeth which greatly shocked him.

“This is impossible!! How can you actually have two Mán-Tattoos!! That is just impossible, we the Mán can only have one type of Mán-Tattoo per life! How…… can you have two!!” Bi Tu’s expression was filled with shock, this sight actually even made him forget to continue controlling the thunderbolt.

He just could not believe what was happening in his eyes, he knew that if this matter were to be spread, it would shock the continent, since the ancient times, he had never even heard of anyone with two Mán-Tattoos, it was just impossible, even the ancient Mán-G.o.ds could only have one!

As Grandpa Mo Sang opened his eyes, his expression remained calm, after his second Mán-Tattoo appeared, he raised his right arm and pressed it against his chest before making a throwing action outwards. Instantly in his hands a human height tooth appeared!

The tooth emanated a white glow, as Grandpa held it in his hands. Taking a step backwards, onto the head of the Black Python which did not disappear.

“This is the last ace in the hand I have……” Grandpa’s face was filled with sorrow as he held the gigantic tooth and pierced it into the head of his Black Python, the Black Python’s expression was pained but it did not struggle even as it pierced deeply into its skull.

The moment the tooth completely pierced into it, the Black Python’s eyes dimmed as if it had died. But as it died and withered, a thick black qi was being released from the hole in its head.

As the Black Python disappeared, from within the large amount of black qi replaced it, even the tooth disappeared with the python. In front of Grandpa, the thick black qi constantly stirred, transforming into the hideous single horned animal head.

This beast head was like a demon with a black nose ring, as it rushed forward towards the terrified Bi Tu with a terrifying pressure at least equivalent to an awakened cultivator.