Beseech The Devil

Chapter 32 – Who is sighing down lover aisle… …

Chapter 32 – Who is sighing down lover aisle… …

(TL By: PiggyBottle and 生豆)

“Look at your hair, it’s already all turned white.” Bai Ling tender speech and the shine in her eyes made the strange feeling Su Ming had in his heart grow increasingly intense.

“You are one to speak, your hair had also already turned all white, like an old grandma.” Su Ming laughingly said while pointing at Bai Ling.

As the two of them laughed together they seemed to have gotten more familiar with each other. On this winter’s night, Su Ming felt a really pleasant as time flew past them, soon, the skies too turned white without their notice.

Not because of snow, but rather because the sun had already risen.

One night had gone by just like this, as the morning sun spread its glow on the earth the snow continued to fall, Su Ming and Bai Ling got off the tree they were in and took a wash, all smiles on their face.

Su Ming did not speak much more, and just squat down waiting for Bai Ling to slowly walk over and lean onto his back. A certain warm emotion bubbling in her chest.

This time, as Su Ming approached the WuLong Tribe, he felt a strange feeling grow stronger within him, a strange reluctance slowly growing within him. While thinking, his footsteps unconsciously slowed down and he seemed to be walking about in a circle.

While leaning on Su Ming’s back, just like yesterday, she had seen many recurring scenes, knowing that Su Ming was walking about in circles. However, this time she did not open her mouth to complain, rather she rested her head on Su Ming’s back, listening to his heartbeat.

Every joyous event also has to end… … when the sun pa.s.sed the horizon and dusk was once again reached, snow still continued to fall but, this time the WuLong tribe grounds had appeared in Su Ming’s sights.

Seeing the tribe, Su Ming let Bai Ling down, a light smile appearing on his face.

“You are home.”

Bai Ling took a glance at the tribe before looking back at Su Ming, he beautiful face obscuring her inner thoughts. Silently, she nodded and walked up to Su Ming. With her delicate white hands, she helped to gently sweep the snow off Su Ming’s body.

“Thank you…… you should be on your way back to your tribe……” Bai Ling’s mouth remained open as if wanting to speak more, but no words came out. Revealing her beautiful smile once more, she took a few steps back before turning to head back to her tribe.

Su Ming stood there gazing at Bai Ling’s shrinking figure, gazing at that silhouette turning back to wave at him, while he stood there blankly.

As the distance between the two of them increased, the snow gently falling from the skies seemed to transform into a shapeless barrier scattering his gaze, slowly obscuring that silhouette. It was as though if one did not return to this frozen land, one will never see it melt again. If one did not reminisce in the pa.s.sage of time, one will not realise their loss.

Only after a long time did Su Ming shake his head, take one last look at the WuLong tribe in the distance before turning around. When he arrived, he was accompanied by snow, and as he left, it was the same.

Those snowflakes landing on his body, on his hair, but somehow gave Su Ming the feeling that something was missing.

“Is this love……” Su Ming’s body running through the jungle towards the WuShan tribe, his forehead wrinkled as he ran, the image of Bai Ling surfacing constantly in his mind.

“The feeling is different to when I am together with Chen Xin……” Su Ming took a deep breath before shaking his head, as if wanting to shake off this new unfamiliar feeling of his. After calming his mind, his eyes flashed as he picked up the pace once more.

When the skies were dark and the stars were bright, accompanied by the moonlight and the snow which had been falling for a whole day, endlessly falling, Su Ming had finally reached his home, the WuShan Tribe grounds.

Yesterday he had taken a look from a distance, roughly determining that the tribe was mostly fine. When he came back he saw the tribesman standing guard by the tribe entrance.

The tribe was quiet, the campfire still burning in the middle making crackling sounds. Su Ming walked about the tribe looking all about before finally coming to the entrance of Grandpa’s house.

Grandpa’s house still had the glow of torches coming from inside, showing that he was apparently still awake.

“Su Ming, come on in.” Grandpa’s voice spread out, accompanied with a hint of fatigue.

Lifting up the hide entrance, Su Ming walked in, seeing Grandpa sitting cross-legged inside, his grey hair messy.

“Grandpa.” Su Ming said softly while sitting by the side.

“The tribe is fine, you don’t have to worry.” Grandpa gazed at Su Ming, a light smile appearing on his face. Seeing Su Ming sit beside him, he lifted his right arm and patted Su Ming on the head a few times, his smile growing wider.

“You actually managed to already reach the third level, not bad!”

Su Ming gazed at Grandpa, slowly speaking of everything that happened in the cave, especially as he talked about the skeleton, he could see Grandpa’s eyes focus.

“Oh heavens, why do you weep alone… Grandpa, what does this mean? Su Ming’s brows furrowed.

“The legend is indeed true…” Grandpa looked at the tent as though his gaze could penetrate it to see WuShan outside.

“This should be a rhetorical question. Compared to the heavens, what are my sorrows… Or, it could have other meanings… Grandpa spoke slowly and gravely. With a sigh, he seemed to recall something.

“As for the bows to the fire, Grandpa does not understand it too. Perhaps it is your fate, as you discovered it.” Grandpa retracted his gaze, and looked at Su Ming kindly.

“A month later, Grandpa will be going to FengZhen Tribe. Remember to come back by then if you venture out.”

“Also, Grandpa, at the Nightwing’s nest, I rescued a WuLong tribesmen. Her name is Bai Ling, she is the granddaughter of the WuLong Tribe Man-patriarch.” Su Ming spoke again.

“Bai Ling?” Grandpa was surprised. Pondering for a moment, he let Su Ming return home to rest. When Su Ming left, Grandpa’s revealed a trace of reminisce.

“Le Su… Your granddaughter was unknowingly saved by my La Su… Perhaps, you will hate me a little less because of this…” Grandpa sighed lightly, his reminiscence even stronger.

“The blood moon brought forth… and a powerful blood qi from Black Mountain Tribe… Trouble is brewing…” Grandpa shut his eyes as he muttered, his worry evident.

After leaving Grandpa’s place, walking in the tribe, Su Ming did not return home immediately, but paid Lei Chen a visit. Seeing that Lei Chen only sustained some cuts and was as lively as usual, Su Ming gave him some medicine, relieved.

Lei Chen was delighted to see Su Ming. Slapping his chest, he boasted about his battle with the Nightwings, his saliva flying all around. He kept going for some time until Su Ming departed with a smile.

The night was already deep. Su Ming’s gaze fell on a beast skin hut that was lit, his face showing hesitation.

That was the Marksman’s home, and also Bei Ling’s home.