Beseech The Devil

Chapter 43 – Mo Sang

Chapter 43 – Mo Sang

“Oh? What did you get?” Grandpa opened his eyes and turned towards Su Ming

“I cannot kill that Si Kong! Given his ident.i.ty, even if it was the Wu Long Tribe Patriarch’s son, would not be able to activate the power of the spear, and most importantly, he could not possibly hide the fact that he had used it while he came out to kill me from his whole tribe!” The more Su Ming spoke the more worried he became as his back broke out in cold sweat.

“Although it may have seemed like he had come alone, but actually……” Su Ming’s pupils constricted as he spoke

“Actually, when he came out to chase after me, the Wu Long Tribe Man-Elder and Patriarch should have already known! Only, they did not stop him and let things developed on their own!”

“Also…… they could have even been following behind him, and personally observing the fight between Si Kong and I!” Su Ming let out a gasp, he was more worried that his moonlight powers have been seen than anything, and based on his guesses so far only served to unravel more fear.

But soon after, Su Ming started to frown while deep in thought.

“I just don’t understand, since the Wu Long Tribe Man-Elder or Patriarch was following you, why would they let you so easily take the spear away?” Grandpa calmly spoke, voicing out the greatest question in Su Ming’s heart.

Su Ming did not speak but consider to think, after some time, while looking at the vast skies around him, he slowly started to speak.

“The person following us should not have been the Wu Long Tribe Patriarch, otherwise, when he saw Si Kong get hurt, he would have stepped in.

I am guessing that, the person following should have been the Wu Long Tribe’s Man-Elder! But I still don’t understand, why would this Man-Elder would let me just take away the Man-Spear like that.”

“That’s right! The person following behind you was indeed the Wu Long Tribe Man-Elder Lei Su!” Grandpa’s eyes revealing a hint of praise.

“Your guess was correct, if it were the Wu Long Tribe Patriarch following, he wouldn’t just idly sit by as you bullied his son. As to your doubt, Grandpa will tell you why.

Although it looked like they were trying to kill you, the Wu Long Tribe would not have really killed you! After All you rescued Bai Ling for them,if they were to repay kindness with vengeance, they are worried that they would anger out Wu Shan tribe, especially during such a crucial time, this is something they would not do!” Grandpa’s eyes flashed with wisdom as he helped enlighten Su Ming.

“They were trying to scare me away?” Su Ming’s eyes flashed with understanding before quickly transforming into more confusion.

“Haha, precisely to scare you, since you are eyeing a lady from their tribe, they want to scare you away so that you will never go back near the Wu Long Tribe again!

Si Kong didn’t know this, him wanting to kill you was real, probably because he too has some intentions towards this Bai Ling person, after being instigated by the Man-Elder Lei Su, he probably saw you as an enemy, after hurting you a little, she would probably secretly make her move and let you feel like you had a narrow escape.

You are still too young and unable to fully discern the situation, if it was Grandpa in your place. I wouldn’t even run, I would openly walk up to the Wu Long tribe and directly go and find that girl you like, you are her savior and also my child, do you think they would so easily hurt you?” Grandpa laughingly said as he patted Su Ming’s head.

Su Ming was stunned as remorse filled his face.

“This could also be considered a test the Wu Long Tribe had for you, after all that girl that you like is Lei Su’s granddaughter.” said Grandpa as he smilingly gazed at Su Ming.

“Grandpa, that Wu Long Tribe’s Man-Elder is just too cunning!” Su Ming bitterly spoke, after hearing Grandpa’s words he finally understood the situation.

“Don’t lose heart, other than not seeing their motives, you did pretty well. I think that Lei Su probably did not expect that not only was Si Kong unable to defeat you, you even actually defeated Si Kong!

As for the reason why you were able to take away the Man-tool……” Grandpa’s eyes flashed

“Since she did not manage to scare you away, she intentionally let you take it away so she could use it as an excuse to tell Old Fu, about the incident where you saved Bai Ling and use the spear to settle it! The Wu Long tribe is different from us, especially that Lei Su, her skills with Man-Techniques is not that good, what she specialises at is making Man-Tools, not true Man-Tools but rather imitations.

For example the spear you obtained, is one of those Imitation Man-Tools, it was made in accordance to one of the three great Man-Tools of the Wu Shan Tribe, the Blood-Scale Spear.” Grandpa raised his right arm and tapped Su Ming’s wrist, making him feel a cold sensation enter him, quickly a black line started to form on his right arm.

“This spear, Grandpa has already personalised it for you, I made some modifications so that the black dragon it materialises is not a black eagle. You can now keep it in your body, and when you need to use it, just will for it to appear.” Grandpa retracted his arm as he smilingly spoke.

(TLN: The black dragon in chinese is 乌龙 (Wu Long) which also happens to be the name of the Wu Long Tribe which is why Grandpa changed it since it represents the other tribe.)

Su Ming looked at the black line on his arm, hesitating for a while, as he wanted to speak.

“Grandpa knows what you wanted to say, let me ask you, were you thinking that taking this Man-Tool from the Wu Long Tribe breaks-even with you saving Bai Ling?

That you can either take spear back to trade for the chance to see that la.s.s again, or to keep the spear and never see her again?” Grandpa spoke while laughing.

Su Ming pondered awhile before laughing as well.

“This spear was mortgaged by Si Kong for five thousand coins so I naturally can’t return it like that, as for Bai Ling…… well I am the person who saved her life.” Su Ming spoke while blinking his eyes.

Grandpa heartily laughed while patting Su Ming’s head, his eyes full of praise.

Bei Ling who was sat at the mid-section of the black python looked at Grandpa and Su Ming’s figure, although he could not hear what they were saying, seeing Grandpa’s laughing face as while as Su Ming’s smiles, he lowered his head.

In his eyes, jealousy flashed.

“Su Ming, if you were also a Man-Cultivator then it’s another matter, but since the Man-Awakening we all know you don’t have a Man-Body, you are just an ordinary person, yet why does Ah Xin like you, more importantly why does Grandpa treat you so well, you are just some kid he picked up!!

You are not even blood related, I am the only hope for the tribe’s future, but towards me, Grandpa has not even smiled at me…… father is the same, always lamenting about you having the potential to be the next Marksman!

Su Ming, if not for you, whether it’s Chen Xin, or whether its father or even Grandpa, they would not treat me like this, a.s.suming, you have always thought I was cold to you because of Chen Xin, always wanting to explain to me, but do you know? I don’t want your explanation!! A kid picked up from the streets, someone who is not a member of the Wu Shan Tribe, someone who cannot even become a Man-Cultivator, what qualifications do you have to come and try to explain things to me, what qualifications do you think you have to waste my time listening to your explaining!!” Bei Ling breathing became haggard, only after quite a while did it settle down, only then did he raise his head once more, everything returning to normal, as cold as ever, as lonely as ever.

(TLN: The Ah Xin referred to is Chen Xin, just a more affectionate way of addressing her)

Bei Ling’s father who was also the tribe’s Marksmen stood nearby, his brows furrowing as he looked at Bei Ling then towards Su Ming before sighing.

On the tail of the black python, Shan Hen who was standing by Lei Chen’s side had a strange light flash in his eyes, no one knew what he was thinking about, even back in the tribe he was silent, very few people could read what he was thinking.

Time quickly pa.s.sed, from the Wu Shan Tribe to the Feng Zhen Tribe, if Su Ming had to travel on foot, he would have taken about two days, but now on Grandpa’s black python, in less than two hours, they could already see the relatively majestic looking tribe in the distance.

In the center of the tribe was a large chlorite city, from the skies it did not seem extremely large, but as the black python descended, the city was clearly revealed to Su Ming.

This majestic looking chlorite city had many houses while still being very well organised, giving it a very clean and neat look. Although it was still incomparable to the ancient Fire Man Tribe, it was still much much bigger than the Wu Shan Tribe he was from.

Just this one city alone had things that could not be obtained in the Wu Shan Tribe.

The city walls were several feet high, standing below it and looking up at it gave off a daunting feel which even Su Ming who was in mid-air could feel. Together with him, Lei Chen too was lying on the black python as he looked downwards, his eyes filled with admiration and surprise.

That Wu La was the same, dazedly staring at that huge chlorite city, this was something she had never seen before. Only Lei Chen’s expression was somewhat calm.

(TLN: The name of the girl is really confusing, it had been written in the raws as Wu La and Wu Long changing constantly that it’s driving me insane.)

This huge chlorite city would be able to accommodate thousands of people and still have more vacant s.p.a.ce, in the center of the city was a completely black pentagonal tall altar. This altar was over ten feet high, with some bird carvings on it, giving off a primitive feel and was the most distinct thing about this city.

If it was just this chlorite city, it was not enough to become the overlord of the area commanding and receiving offerings from the numerous smaller tribes. As such a powerful tribe, surrounding this chlorite city were six other tribes as impressive as the Wu Shan Tribe.

These six tribes were all directly under the Feng Zhen Tribe, and could as be considered to be part of the Feng Zhen Tribe.

Su Ming stared at the huge tribe on the ground, the might of this Feng Zhen tribe far exceeded his imagination, to him, a tribe like this could be akin to the heavens themselves able to completely destroy any enemy.

As the black python approached, Su Ming could see many of the tribesmen of the Feng Zhen tribe raise their heads to look at them,perhaps he was wrong but Su Ming thought that he could feel a was a sense of pride from these people’s expressions.

“This is the Feng Zhen Tribe!” Grandpa voice echoed from the back of this black python,

“Originally an auxiliary tribe of our Wu Shan tribe, now…… they are the strongest tribe in the area!”

“Grandpa, our Wu Shan Tribe used to be as big as the Feng Zhen tribe?” The one who asked was the girl called Wu La.

Grandpa did not speak, a dimness appearing in his eyes.

At this time, suddenly from the Feng Zhen Tribe came a gentle laughter.

“Mo Sang, it must be hard for you to have come to my Feng Zhen Tribe!”