Beseech The Devil

Chapter 45 – This year I am sixteen

Chapter 45 – This year I am sixteen

Su Ming felt nervous, this reason for this nervousness was not just due to the fact that the person he was facing was the Man-Elder of the Wu Long Tribe, but also because that person was Bai Ling’s senior.

At the same time, it was also due to the guesswork and discussion he had with Grandpa on the way to the Feng Zhen Tribe.

“Junior Su Ming pays his respect to the Man-Elder of the Wu Long tribe.” Su Ming took a deep breath as he respectfully bowed towards that old woman.

That old woman’s expression was gloomy as he stared at Su Ming, unsure of what she was thinking about. The people surrounding them all quietened down, including the people of the Feng Zhen Tribe all started to look at Su Ming. Shi Hai who was intending to leave also stopped as he turned to look over surprised.

To him, Su Ming seemed to be a normal child, on his body was not the slightest shred of blood qi, only taking a quick glance at him before looking away and not bothering himself with these two tribe’s private matters. In his heart, he had been thinking about the evil man pract.i.tioner who managed to refine the strange medicinal pills for a very long time. However, he has been unable to find any clues on him, recently the Man-Elder even asked him about it, only Shi Hai had no idea where to find him.

“Don’t tell me that Evil-Man Pract.i.tioner had already left…… Sigh, if that is so where on earth will I be able to find him.

Lei Chen who was standing by Su Ming’s side stared at that old woman looking at Su Ming, although he respected the Feng Zhen Tribe Man-Elder, towards this old lady he did not feel any sense of respect for.

Bei Ling frowned as his gaze landed on Su Ming, a hint of displeasure flashing in his eyes, he could not imagine how Su Ming managed to offend this Wu Long Tribe.

“It has been so many years, you have already grown so big……” That old woman stared at Su Ming for sometime before she slowly spoke those words which sounded neither joyous nor sad.

Su Ming got even more nervous, standing there at a loss of words. He could currently feel the gazes of all the surrounding people fall on him, which was an uncomfortable new feeling.

Bai Ling stood pale-faced behind the old woman, her hands subconsciously tightly clutching onto the hem of her clothes, while Si Kong stood proud as he continued to furiously stare at Su Ming.

“It’s a pity……” That old lady staring at Su Ming continued to slowly speak: “Your Grandpa only brought you up and he failed to teach you common sense, resulting in you not having a sense of propriety, and understand just what little ident.i.ty you have!” This woman did not speak much, but her sarcastic words seemed very unbefitting of her ident.i.ty as a Man-Elder.

Su Ming’s face was pale, his weakest spot in his heart was this, in front of so many people, SU Ming could only silently bite his lips.

“Grandma!!” Bai Ling seeing Su Ming’s pale expression instantly felt her heart hurt, immediately angrily staring at that old lady as she spoke.

(TLN: Actually she called her Grandpa as in the term they use to refer to their Man-Elder, but since she was a lady i used Grandma instead, not to be confused with grandma/grandmother (No uppercase).)

Lei Chen’s eyes immediately flared, regardless of whoever the other person was, seeing Su Ming being humiliated made his blood boil and resulted in him stepping forward.

Just as he made his move, that old lady shot him a strange gaze and Lei Chen’s body instantly shuddered. At this time, the Wu Shan Tribe Marksman stepped forward with a frown.

With this single step, the Marksman’s aura seemed completely different, on his body a thick qi emerged, spreading to his surroundings. From Lei Chen’s body, m.u.f.fled bangs could be heard as the pale-faced Lei Chen staggered backwards.

“Great Man-Elder, towards the children of my Wu Shan Tribe, is there a need for you to act as such.” The Marksman slowly said as his expression sunk.

Practically at the same time he stepped forward, the brute standing behind the old woman raised his head and similarly took a step forward. As a qi even stronger than the Marksman exploded forth.

Closely following, that silent Shan Hen eyes flashed like a poisonous cobra as he stared at the Wu Long Tribe brute.

Swords drawn and bows flexed.

Standing not far away, Shi Hai mockingly smiled at this sight. To him, these two tribes were initially like family a few hundred years back, however currently…… silently pondering he did not stop them, only excitedly watching.  

Su Ming lowered his head, while Lei Chen’s rage still did not subside, although he was afraid he still wanted to speak, only to see Su Ming’s right arm to hold onto his wrist.

Startling Lei Chen as Su Ming raised his head, his pale expression and frail-looking body seemed to be like a La Su who could never grow up. His immature face, one which had not experienced the vicissitudes of life, one who had never experienced the storms of desolation, he was still just a child.

(TLN: La Su is like a term for the non-man cultivators which was introduced early on, (incase you all forgot) )

His eyes were still so very clear, so very pure, so very transparent, so uncontaminated. Biting his lips, he let go of Lei Chen’s hands as he walked forward towards the old woman of the Wu Long Tribe.

The current him was still being stared at by the many surrounding people, but he paid them no heed. He just walked forward step-by-step, walking past Lei Chen, walking past the Marksman, walking forwards until he was only a Zhang away from that old woman.

Standing there quietly watching the old woman staring at him.

“I don’t know this proprietary thing, I don’t have a father nor a mother, in your eyes I don’t have any ident.i.ty…… but, my Grandpa once told me this, of the rain which falls from the sky, you will only see a small portion of it, even after the rain stops, you will never know just how much there was……
For that muddy puddle of water on the ground, you can only see its surface, and not how deep it flows…… this year, I am sixteen years old……” Su Ming lowered his head as he softly spoke, after he was done, he had simply turned around and walked away.

Lei Chen followed behind Su Ming, after he turned to stare at that old lady with a humph

The Marksman and Shan Hen who saw that that old woman spoke no more, too slowly stepped back, bringing Bei Ling and Wu La into the distance, under the lead of the Feng Zhen Tribesman.

That old woman stared at Su Ming’s shrinking silhouette as she frowned. With some perturbed flashed in her eyes, she turned around.

“Bai ling, come with me.” Bai Ling stood here, watching Su MIng’s shrinking silhouette, her heart in utter chaos, hearing grandma’s words from her side, she silently followed her in deep thought.

Every time the tribes come to give their homage, they would be invited into the clay city and stay in allocated living residences until the event was over. The Wu Shan Tribe was allocated a residence in the southern district, which was made up of nine smaller houses linked to form a manor, surrounded by fences, making it seem like its own separate division in the city.

Currently, inside one of the houses, all of them who had come from the WU Shan tribe had gathered together to listen to the Markman’s words.

“The number of tribesman in the Feng Zhen Tribe greatly exceeds our Wu Shan Tribe, as a result the number of Man-Cultivators they had too greatly exceeds outs, in addition to the fact that the Fang Zhen Tribe  rules over the tribes in the area and receives many offerings every year, they Feng Zhen tribe practically controls all the herbs in this area.

The even have several Man-totems!” the Marksman’s gaze swept pa.s.sed the group as he spoke those words softly.

“A medium sized tribe is something that our Wu Shan Tribe cannot compare to, even though we do not know the exact number of Man-Cultivators they have, they must at least have several hundreds of them!

Amongst these Man-Cultivators, they have enough herbs to share and many different Man-totems to use, it really is something a small tribe cannot compare to, the speed of their cultivation is also definitely going to be faster than ours. Having better conditions, the chances of a genius appearing is much higher than our own Wu Shan Tribe.

During this period, Shan Hen and I will not restrict your movements, bringing you all here was to let you experience the strength of a medium sized tribe and let you test yourselves against other strong people your age anyway.

I hope that during your time here you all will be able to make some friends, regardless of whether they are from the Feng Zhen Tribe or the other tribes. Other than our enemy the Hei Shan Tribe, you should get to know the people of all the other tribes.” As the Marksman spoke these words, his gaze ended up on the completely silent Su Ming since the earlier incident.

“At the same time, I hope you all take note of the other prodigies of the generation and find a target for yourself…… but you all must remember, in the Feng Zhen Tribe, you must not engage in private conflicts!

Don’t worry, this point does not only apply to us, the other tribes all know this as well. Additionally, this time you all will be staying here at the Feng Zhen Tribe slightly longer. Every few years during this homage period, the Feng Zhen Tribe will have a test, if you are able to obtain a good tanking, it would benefit you as well.

Bei Ling, since you have already come a few times, you should be familiar with this place, why not you come and talk about this Feng Zhen Tribe and other strong people amongst your generation.”

Bei Ling who was sitting at the side wordlessly nodded.

“In this Feng Zhen Tribe there are many strong people, even in our generation, there are seven people we have to take note of…… Firstly is this person called Ye w.a.n.g, he is……”

As Bei Ling was making introductions, Su Ming continued to sit in the corner deep in thought, that old lady’s words made him feel terrible. Even though he is now sitting here, in his mind that scene was replaying itself, making him shut his eyes and clench his fists.

“Su Ming!” A cold voice came from beside Su Ming, turning around he saw the leader of the tribe’s hunting party Shan Hen sitting behind him.

“That Wu Long Tribe Man-Elder, why did she say those words to you?” Shan Hen calmly looked at Su Ming as he softly spoke.

“There was not much reason.” Su Ming thought for a moment before saying as he shook his head.

Shan Hen’s brows furrowed as a strange glint flashed in his eyes, just as he was about to speak, he suddenly raised his head to look outside. At the same time, the Marksman too looked outside curiously.

They saw a thirty or so year old Feng Zhen Tribe member hurry over.

“Who is Su Ming, Man-Elder calls for you, please come with me now!”

Su Ming was stunned briefly before he stood up, taking a glance at the Marksman who nodded towards him, he quickly left the house and stood before that Feng Zhen Tribesman.

“I am Su Ming.” said Su Ming calmly.

Taking a few glances at Su Ming, he quickly turned around and left. After slightly hesitating, Su Ming followed after him, as he left Bei Ling’s voice came behind him.

“This year’s test should have about a hundred partic.i.p.ants, but the first fifty partic.i.p.ants should be mostly the Feng Zhen Tribe’s own tribesman…… especially the top tep spots, to my understanding, in the past fifty years there had never been an outsider’s name appearing even once…… this year’s test will probably the same, you all must remember to work with me to enter the top fifty places!
As long as I can make it into the first fifty places, even if it was the fiftieth place, it would be great merit for our tribe!”